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The Northern Wyoming Herald A ito THE 6AEL AM D /EM G A TI O M REA OFFICIAL PAPER OF PARK COUNTY m The Paper That In Making Cody Famous” G. C . M o r ti % , Managing Editor ICatered an second class matter October 97, 1910, at tbe postoffice at Cody, Wyoming, under tbe Act of Congress of Marcb 3, 1879. CODY, WYOMING. JUNE 23, 1911 “ There ’i a chiel among ye talkin' notea, an’ faith, he’ll prant ’em”—-Robert Burnt. WK HOPE FOB BETTER THINGS—WE BELIEVE THEBE’S A BETTER TIME COMING. With this issue the Progress enters upon its sixth year. During the five years of its existence it has weathered all kinds of shoals. Id financial matters it has had very mafly rude shocks, some of which Khas barely survived, yet in all of the five years it has never changed publisher. The Progress is the only paper in the entire Big Horn Basin country that has never changed in that length of time, possibly for the reason that no other newspaper man could have existed upon the earning of this paper. Home have an idea that we are making money—let them come and try it for a time if they still think so—we are willing, yea anxious, to step down and out while some of these optimists try their hand. The cash support of The Progress has rome absolutely and entirely from outside of Cowley, from such men as Attorney John P Arnott, Attorney H. 8. Ridgely, Attorney Zaring, Big Horn County Rank, Basin Htate Rank, all of Basin, and the Lovell Htate bank. The United States Land Offices at Buffalo and Lander, through U. 8. Commissioners Jos. H. Neville of Byron, M. David Harris of Lovell, J. K. Calkins and V. G. Langtry of Cody, have been the cash support of the paper to all of whom we tender oar sincere thanks and hope to merit their aid in the future. But for the loyal support of those named. The Progress must long since have succumbed. The best advertising patronage has come from the Big Store of Hon. J. W. Crosby and the Lovell Coop., through Ira U. Waters. Albo from Albert Olson, the Lovell Furniture Htore. We most admit, though, that in the matter of job printing our local merchants have proved most loyal. In conclusion let us say that noae of the members of The Progress Company, with the possible exception of one, has ever asked anything, thus showing their loyalty to the struggling paper through all its trying vicissitudes. But we hope for better things and believe there is a good time coming. We have turned our bark to the gloom and see a bright light just ahead, to which we are pushing forward. Cowley Progress. In the last sentences of the above editorial taken from the Cowley Progress. Emil Vauterlaus has enunciated a beautiful phi! oaophy for life. Listen to it—he says: “But we hope for better things and be lieves there is a good time coming. We have turned our back to the gloom and see a bright light just ahead, to which we are pushing forward.” Could any similar thought be more beautifully expressed than tbe Cowley quill pusher has written? “We hope and believe,” he says. That's the thing. The men who tave done things, HOPE and BELIEVE ever. Thev like Vautlerlaus torn their backs on the gloom and see only the rising sun of hope. They falter not, no matter how great the discouragement. Thev push forward no matter how tremenduous the odds opposing. They do things. That’s the thing which counts. Home men cannot be like the dumb driven cattle, the poet sang of in the Psalm of Life. They entered the world with so much initiative to their credit and they use and exercise it. Such men do the things in life that are big and necessary for mankind. Only this spring a world noted man who recognizes men of action wrote this about a Cody citizen as an autograph : “To the man that does things.” A fine tribute this. The world has ever looked for the men who do things. It is still looking to-day. It cannot find men enough to do all of the things to be done. The parent that teaches the child to do things, to do them in telligently and rightly is doing more for that child than if thev gave that child the wealth of a Croesus. ~ ket us therefore try to do things. Not necessarily- the things 5J* 7*® wo l ld e P lt omizes as success. It mav be onlv doing just a little better for our employers to-morrow than we did to dav Hut let us all accept and follow the beautiful philosophy of the editqr of the Cowley Progress and hope for better things—turn our tacks on the gloom, for there IS a BRIGHT light just ahead, and w« %v ILL push forward to it. t i y ■ ■* * •• v *»•■*-* 'JET READY NOW FOR THE BIG LAND SHOWS. i,«Z he 7- wi lL!" a nurnber of land shows held in several of the ' '/'l'? °. f the ,ountrv during the next six months. Perhaps the roost notable in many ways will la- that one given in New York Citv Early in April, 8 C. Parks, president of the Shoshone National “ " 2 ‘fomew ,ni The Herald directed attention to the import thiT \ew b Ynrt 'r hera i ° f , I r , k COHnt - v represented not onlv at UIIH .Npw \ork Land show hut at all of them. Mr. Parks at that SicJlturafexTl t t he r n,ani !’^ t , ’“ npfttß to derived from having Dgricultural exhibits from this section of the Big Horn Basin. •f the B ?rd nfT 00dv nub tbe other ni «ht the secretary foaV if nl l f a I t,on ," tat fd that there was scarcely anv doubt tald last ve.-ir ttfi.t .K P exhibits at several of the fruit shows Mr SchL l * he hav ® rarried off the ribbons. ,' k ’ too. like Mr. Parks declared that the people of beet ineuniwrf ,n , not , availin J? themselves of one of the very The i •?/'“* interested in Wyoming. 7 _, ‘ V° d - v c| ub however has not been idle. A few weeks since -fiJumr m sin^,^ a , S >f a t P , P ° inted ’ *' ith / ; oorge S. Russell, at its head to -Kroner samples of the products of the ranchers of Park countv and SLStaftS* ° r ,h ° Car f, “ at th ® Hur| ington road is to all fruits 'ldes '"‘"’•'hers get together some of their grains, grasses, r. I l vvto nnd H ® nd ,hPm into Oodv to Mr Bussell. is for men nf -a ma K n,flre ? t P< a <-e Park county is and how to win wealth and independence there. SJKES THE NEW PLAN. "That's the best stunt you've pulled <•* yet." said a prominent local car penter and contractor as the cleric at Newtons counted out fifty coupons for m net of beautiful silver tea spoons -Beery ticket wins, Is what I,like atom <t. and I've taken part In every oonU-ei In Cody for the last six years. " TV wentt email had some coupons left from his pile and imedlately left an onlsr for a nice bill of goods getting non- coupons to furnish bis home. NOTICE TO PUBLIC. r»o not extend credit to anyone <n our names without a written order from J. A or A. CAVENDER. Roger McGinnis and W. B. Raymond are doing some plumbing at Pahaaka this week There was a successful social dance given at the home of Mr Hawkins on Upper Sago Creek last Friday night at which a good crowd gathered from both Upper and Lower Sage Creels. F. J. Hiceock played. The entertain ment was gotten up by Earl Peery. The Misses Mildred Eastman and Ann Mctndou, of St. Paul and New York respectively, have arrlvod in Cody to pass the summer here They will be guests at the Ailison ranch. The young women had the pleasure of meeting Governor Carey and his party while they were here. WINNKRD THIS WIIK. Continued from me 1. Saturday. She la a performer of (I ore than usual merit. Come out thei( on Saturday afternoon at S o’clock land receive some beautiful carnations free. Bring the children. Dave Jones wishes you aa hie guest*. Mr*. H. E Miller, Wapiti I.SOD Berth.- Lambert, Cody 1,410 Fisher, Cody ........ *6.345 Mildred Biggins, Co ..69,995 Mrs. Curtl* Howell, Cody 1,435 Camille Barnett. Cody ..........1.740 P_inna Brown. South Fork 1.500 Mabel Jone*. labewooa 51.798 Anna Jonee. Ishawooa 1.500 Ocrtle Spaulding. Co. 8.005 Tholma Benedict, Cody 5,995 Mrs. H. H Schwoob, Cody 3.640 Olive Fell, Cody 33,347 Wanneta McClure. Co 30.985 Ella Rose, Cody 71.315 Gladys Erickson. Cody 46.784 Alice Newton. Cody 8.385 Mary McCleary. Co. 16.190 Margaret Painter. Co 13.513 E’va Zimmerman. Oody 7.190 Mr*. Arthur Even*. Cody 1.500 Doretha Waplea. Cody 5,340 Derthea Newton. Oo 1.685 Mary Prante. Cody 5.330 France* West, Co. 1,67$ Margaret Lambert. C0dy,........1.810 Grace Pepper. Co. 1.500 Jessie Lambert, Cody 1.676 Bcsale Nuckols. Cody 9,090 Ella Simpson. Co. 1,635 Nannie Stmpaon. Co .1.500 Jeeale Bough ton. Painter 1.500 Maggie Buckles, Meoteetae 1,740 Jeanette Cheeaeman. Meotoetae. .1.500 Gladys Oebhart. Meetectse' 1.506 Mrs. Clyde Popper. Co. 8.765 Margaret Still. Cody 5.965 Mlldrel Steele. Mecteetse 3.365 Mrs. Hilton. Garland 9.000 Martha Marston, Cody 1.565 Lillian W'lder, Co 7.835 Ethel Reece, Co. 3.635 Anna Pearson, Co 1.860 Miss Spencer, Cody 3.030 Elsie Evert. Co 3.895 Ethel Houston, Co ....10.075 El3*e Lindstrom. Co. .....3.080 E-tar Freebors. Co . 3.080 Genevieve Nau. Cody 1.510 Charlotta Parker. Cody 4.945 EthelWd Watkins. Oody 32.430 M nnle Schults, Co 2.755 G-orsia Hill. Co 2.110 Margarine Moore. Cody 95.342 Eloeta Howe. Cody 1,595 Zora Jones. Ishawooa 1.50 P Vella Fauat. Co 2.405 Beatrice Lambert, Cody 1.955 Elsie Nation. Cody 6.640 Edith Holm. Co .. ~‘A. .3.835 Dorthea Dayton. Cody yi . 1.660 Hasel Parker. Cody JL .11.149 Eva Larson. Cody 11.350 Alma Nicholson. Fourbear 1.526 Bessie Fulkerson, Cody ....... .1.576 Coral Mead. Co 2.930 Anna Blood. Ishawooa 3.065 Ethel Tones. Cody 1.500 Grace Stewardson. Co 1.705 Mr*. Grayce Eldred. Cody 2.275 Francis Hill. Cody 14.560 Mrs. N. E. Wright ...1.560 Mildred McEachron, Co 3.350 Winnie Wallace. Co 1.675 Malta Pulley, Co 1,560 Luclla Howell. Cody 14.765 Mrs. W. R Bandy. Co .■..1.500 Bernice Guy. Cody 2.330 Evelyn O'Shea. Cody .1,800 ORCGON BASIN PROJECT. Continued from page 1. end. If any local interests are willing to undertake to finance It and I oen be of any assistance my services will be given willingly and without charge. If. on the other hand, it Is necessary to seek assistance elsewhere I will be as willing to soliciti financial aid again \a I have been In (he past.” accident to tourists. On Wednesday afternoon about four o’clock while driving a party of tour ists through the Park, "Colonel" Hilton of Powell m jumping from the wagon hauled bv a four horse team caught his foot In the brake and sustained a broken arm by reason of the vehicle passing over It. The member was fractured just above the elbow. Dr. Waples was called and made the trip quickly as poslble and set the Injured arm. On Thursday, Mr. Hilton was brought to the Waples hospital and there further attention Is being given the injurued boy. The following persons made up the party that were with Mr. Hilton: Car roll Hilton. Edith Hilton. Ethel Reif of Garland and Mrs Pugh of Ralston. The accident took place near Juno Creek. Hr. Hilton, who is a contractor of Powell, has been engaged In ditch work in the vicinity of Wspltt Inn near wbich place the accident occurred, la In Cody also. Dr. Waplea remained all night with his patient returning to Cody on Thursday morning. MILLER CASE DISMISSED. In the matter of the Miller case of a'leged threats to use deadly weapons and which was taken to Powell on a change of venuo from Judge Bitvene court, the matter was dismissed. i No Lottery No Guessing No Voting Just save N. Co. Cash Coupons and exchange them for valuable gifts See- our west window Everybody Wins Nobody Loses (Coupons Good Until July l, 1912) The Newton Company BUICK SPECIAL A NNO UN CEMENT t|We have made Special arrangements with the Buick Factory whereby we can make This Exceptional Offer offe the Model Twenty-one, five-passenger Touring Car with the I ytTV) Full Fore Door*, the Fore Doors are detachable and may be taken 5 jflTy out in warm weather if to desired, the regular factory price of which is $1,550, and we will equip the same with four and a half inch tires, which means an additional cost of SSO; we also include top, wind shield and spedometer-all worth over $ 100; we also pay the freight—another item of about $100; making a total valuation of over $1,850 we give for $1,750. will sell this car laid down in Cody, with all 6f the foregoing equipment, together with the freight paid, for only )l ,750, *JIf this type of car does not suit we have a variety of models for sale. Let as Demonstrate what Buick Auto Construction Represents in Quality, Service and Price Buick Automobiles D. E. HOLLISTER Agent Prospective purchasers may inspect Cars by calling for Gleam Borron, Brundage Hardware Building, oppoeite Irma Hotel CODY PLAYS POWELL FOURTH. “Cody has signed up,” said Jack Murray, “to play Powell on July Fourth for a pureo of 1200 winner to take the money . We look for a rattling good game.” t MRS. YATES' DINNER GUESTS. The following were delightfully en tertained as dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Yates last Sunday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Dove Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Otorge Taylor, Mr. and Mm. William BUY MARSTON’S MILK. Marstoo's milk and cream are gain log friend* and customer* because of their putlty and sanitary handling Cream to order. Phone 87. Martton a Dairy.