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Paaaaaaaa* ■■■■aaaaaaaaa ews of the Week: <HHHHHHKa«»«S »»«Hl>»f w ot mUmt Ik. fWi. •/ * C«* aW AdMatas Cmmutrw { £••••••*••••••#•••••**•••$ You can nn money by dealing with Bennett’s Cody Draft * Jewelry Co. The Brundage Hardware Co. baa •old a big bill of goods to L G Phelps. Ralph T. Foglesong ot Meetcetse, was In Cody this week. Mrs. George Russell la a guest at the Barbee ranch. Dr. Chamberlain was a Powell vis itor this week. Mrs. E. J. Sullivan went to the Wiley ranch the first of the week. Ice Cream sodas and sundaes. Ben nett's Cody Drag & Jewelry Co. Ned Frost made a trip to his ranch on Clark’s Fork, Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Reese of the A T ranch was a Codr visitor Wednesday. See Walk Owens at the Bonk Bar ber Shop for hair tonics. Save your coupons. Newton Co. coupons entitle the holder to a gift. You win. Little Hasel, the child ac'ress la fine. See her at the Thomson’s tent show to-night. Reliable walcu repairing.—Western Drag Co. John Ruff of the South Fork was seen In Cody the first part of the week. Look over our stock of wedding rings, Tiffany and plain. Bennett’s Cody Drug & Jewelry Co. Rotter Brothers have Just overhauled a traction engine for Dean Thompson and made the same as new. Mrs. Lyall will spend some time at the DeMarls Springs for the bene fit ot her health. The Cody Opera House Is the only sanitary, safe and fire proof amuse e-ient house In Cody. Martin Hurley, our hustling young business man Is out on a business trip to Montana. Deputy County Clerk Cowell Is back from Billings where he spent a few days. The dance given by the Jolly Two Club on lost Tuesday night was a successful affair and well attended. See Walt. Owens for anything you want in his line. He tries to please you and v/fcen he tries he makes good. The Cody Trading Co. has placed James Allen in their hardware depart ment to succeed Harvey May who has left for Oregon. Mr*. Henry Fulkerson, the wife of the county sssessor is visiting In Powell this week with the family of L E. Peterson. Charles W. Arnold of the Cody rsnch was In town on Tuesday. He reports that he has began haying and that he will harvest one of the best crops that he has had for years. G. Hartlgan left for Billings on Wed nesday to meet the big excursion over the Burlington. Mr. Hartlgan will »e --trm to-day. Haying time Is here. Tbs rancher will need tools for tbs Harvest. No better place, no batter prices so.- stackers than at the BRUNDAGE HARDWARE CO., for Oain Hay Tools. Tbe windows of the Newton Store which always are of an attractive character, are especially so this week It will repjy a visit to this store to sec them Lawn grass seed, proper proportions of blue grass and white clover at twenty-five cents a pound at Newton's Will give best results. Why pay more? Dr. Beall is coming In to Cody to day and will make this town his per manent home as announced In hla card elsewhere and advertised In The Herald F. F McGee of the Burlington country was In on Monday. He says that crop conditions are excellent and that the outlook is for big harvest of hay. Scott Lyal was In town the first of til’s week. He states things arc look ing good upon the ranch, and that crop conditions are finer than they have been for four years. G. R. Colby, a wool buyer for the house of Elseman Brothers of Bos ton, Mass.. Is here for die Interests or his firm. He is a very genial man to meet. For a clean Sanltiry Bath use the Knickerbocker Spray Brush. On sale at Western Drug Co. tj| 1 hose who know Real Auto Values say that the new E. M. F. five pass enger Touring Car at SI,OOO, f. o. b. Detroit, Mich., has the Greatest Value. Agents for the Best Spilling C»r—E. M. F. "30’ CODY TRADING COMPANY. J. M. SCHOOB, Treasurer and Manager D. Clem Denver la la Only. A square deal for everybody et -he Bfcnk Barber. Shop. That's Walt Ovens' motto. 0 I Judge Walla went to Powell aw Thuraday to try the Miller case Johnson A Job neon, Painter* and Paper Hangers. Phene 1M Black. W. B. Sleeper left today for New York. Mr. W. Barron la helping hla brother Lee Barron to irrigate. FOR RENT—Rooms for light house keeping at Dr. Waples. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferguson drove In their auto from their ranch to Cody Thursday. Thomas Hunter, who has been the guest of his brotbcr-ln-law, W B. S’eepcr, left yesterday for his home In Fulton, N. T. ’’Fussy Package"—the chocolate for Fastidious Folks always f.esh at the Western Drug Co. W. F. Gayer, a Basin bustler Is in Cody. L. L Sine of Basin la here to-day. accompanied by J. R. Canine. Go and take the children to Thom son's show In the big tent to-night. Karl P. Bennett Is a whole show In himself. See him at the Thomson's entertainers to-night. Roy Frawley, the brother-in-law of Otto Koen'ng returns to Chicago to day after a delightful three weeks visit with the former. Mollle Thompson, the girl from Dutch'and la a character artist that will repay you for the time at the Thompson’s big tent show. Dr. Manlove, the popular dentist spent last Sunday at the ranch of Col. Hopkins on Clark’s Fork. Thomppon p entertainers will afford you much amusement and pleasure to night and Saturday night Dancing afterwards. The Cody Opera House ie the only sanitary, safe end fire p-oof amuse ment house In Cody. V 0 Walter West and C. A. Marsten went to Powell on Tuesday on business mat ters and returned to Cody that same evening. Mrs. Thomas Hunter, nee Akass. who is the guest of her sister was in Cody yesterday and returned to the Sleeper ranch to-day. Roger McGinnis and W. B. Raymond went up to Pahaska last Saturday, Mr McGinnis returned on Monday. They are Installing the plumbing and sewer syctem at Pahaska. Symphony Lawn —a fashionable writing paper 50 cents a box. At the Western Drug Co. G. Hartlgan of the Shedd-Stxer Co., nrde a trip to Thermopolla laat week returning on Saturday. He went to the Hot City to look after some legal business. Go to the dance at tbe Thomson's big tent to-night after the show Is over. The BRUNDAGE HARDWARE CO. Is headquarters for tho sale and die trlbution of those Incomparable hay ing tools—the Dain Rakes, etc. Charles Stumph and Frank House . man have organised a five pieces orchestra and will give their first . d&nce oa next Friday evening. Juste *O. The outlook Is for some very ex cellent music. Thomson’s Show gives a whole lot i for the price of the admission. Clean and refined. Dancing after the show Is over. LOST: Black slicker with fur coat tied up within, between Sage Creek and Cody. Dollar reward to finder. Leave for A. BlacksUme, lowa Store, Cody. 6-16- 23 Mrs. Leonard O’Shea accompanied by her very charming little daughter named Evelyn Leone, reached Cody yesterday. Now this Is why Leonard wears the smile that won’t wear off Ho went all the way to Chicago and back so anxious was he to see that his family reached the Pearl City. We have Just received a car load of the famous Daln Hay tools on which we can quote you flattering prices. Cell and get our prices before buying. BRUNDAGE HARDWARE CO. A DENT IN OUR MIDST. The above don’t mean that there is a dent on the breast plate and shield of Cody, but that A. C. Dent of Ther mopollr an old timer Is within the gates of the Pearl City. Mr. Dent reports range conditions as good, and he Is satisfied with the outlook. Lawn grass seed at Newton’s. E wUb jm m M “W lir Ever” Aluminum h auy be IpeaM spaa to cany a valve p{ 'M ceflto to tbe dollar. Ceae aad see tbe Spleadid Ceffee Pete, Tea Kettles aad Tea Pots we are aaw offering » “Wear Ewer” Ahmiaam food*. Oaceyau take to aaag tbie ware yoaH sever be tatwfied to sac say other. Oh! You Hay Makers Smbc ei you a.e (n| to be ebert of Hay Makag Took aaleaa yea bay NOW. Os caane tbe Eae ia Dak’. It ie tbe stackers, rakes, mower* aad kfadera we’re yM to parckaae before tbe tbrees and atreoe of karvostag with all of it* vexabou* are apoa yea. Don’t delay--tbea yea’ll ay ‘TOO LATE, TOO LATE 1” Our Concert Reception A Distinct Success Harry Williams and members of “The Whirl o The Town" Com pany gave some music that was as fine as could be heard before the - footlights. Many mothers were out Next Saturday*B Special Will be a Cracker jack, Os Course COUPON Goad far 15M votes when need to m t«*|i a New CmjMato Goad for 100 votes for candidate* already catered. I vote for— Candidate HERALD PIANO CONTEST CODY TRADING COMPANY, j- m schwoob, Tr****™<md All the latest artistic designs In Community Silver are now being dis played at tbe Western Drug Co. Mrs. Tex Holm has returned to tbe Lodge acompanied by Miss McLaugh lin who expects to spend tbe summer at the Lodge. Miss Caroline Foster, the sister of Mrs. Walter West was married la Zion City to J. Marshall Martin on last Tuesday, June 20, and will be home at that place after July first Hot and cold and shower baths. Everything sanitary at the Bank Bar ber Shop. Walt. Owens, proprietor. J. F Ml'ls. of Sheridan, and at one time the manager of the Sheridan Post was In Cody on Wednesday In the Interests of the Mills Printing Co., of which be 1c the herd. Mr. UP.Ii Is no* only a good printer but s fine newspaper man and Is making s big suoce-r of his establishment. Governor Carey with a little mee sage to Sheriff Dahlem from oils delivered a solar plexus blow to both Couglll and Ullrich. Tbe former ordered the sheriff not to allow the boxing contert to go on There was p ucurryng around all evening by the men most Interested but to no purpose Ullrich left Friday morning for Balcorres, Canada, where be has a fight scheduled for the middle of the coming week We have Egg and Pine tar shampoo a*, the Bank Barber Shop. : THIS SATURDAY’S SPECIAL. \ That 2 qt. sauce pan ■ which we sold for 35 cents last week the [ women can buy this , Saturday for 25 cents. • This is aSO cent value. It is the “Wear Ever” ; aluminum kind. The women folks ; sure appreciate the ' money saving bar r Rains we give in the ; Saturday Specials. ! It’s our way. The Cody Trading Co. ♦ Mr. and Mra. Harry Ferguson will , soon have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. • Charles Benner of Englewood, N. J. i The latter will be acorn c pan fed by Mias Benner .-tnd Charles J. V. Benner daughter and son. There has been established a new port-office on Clarks Forks on the ’ ranch of Col. Frank Hopkins. The ■ presence of so many men on the new > ditch that Is being built by C. 8. Kim ball, has necessitated another post i office. Col. Hopkins baa been made postmaster. „ "Wear-Ever” Aluminum Cooking Utensils gwe *ou every satisfaction: Safety, Economy, Durability. Freedom from Worry .* \7?U can cook the moat delicate and easily scorched L f oo^. 10 “Wear-Ever” utensils with less fear ot burning than in any other kind, because alumi num is a better distributor at heat and retains it longer. This means a saving in fuel. And it means a saving m wear-and-tear expense, too. ** Wear-Ever’ ’ utensils are light to handle and easy to .*ney cannot form poisonous compounds with fruit adds or foods. ‘‘Wear-Ever” utensils are made from thick, hard sheet aluminum, 90% pure, without joint, seam or f°jder. You can let food burn dry without 4 * toll ms * injuring them. Cannot nut—cannot chip or scale—are practically indestructible. ffiircA Replace utensils that wear out with utensils that ‘'Wear-Ever." TUB Mi OUR PIANO CONTEST Never has a coolest gone with such a whirl and vim that THE HERALD PIANO CONTEST ha*. Our giving of votes to aO of our customers who paid oa ac counts created prior to June I, 1911, was much appreciat ed. Many patrons took advantage of it and several young received quite a bunch it votes. ONC DAY'S SALK. AT THE SIS STORE—SOMETHING DOING. TO KEOPPEN a SUHR: 1 BIG FOUR McCORMICK S-FT. MOWER; TO KIO NEWALL: 1 SIDE DELIV ERY RAKE, 1 BIG FOUR McCOR MICK S-FT. MOWER. TO NEWTON a INGRAHAM: 1 810 FOUR S-FT. McCORMICK MOWER, AND 1 McCORMICK SWEEP RAKE TO A. J. NOBLE: 1 BIG FOUR MC CORMICK S-FT. MOWER. TO TEX HOLM: 1 NEW E. M. F. SO CAR. * The ad of Bennett's Cody Drug A Jewelry Co. In The Herald which spsc lllsed on Kodaks lost week sold more kodaks in one week than have been sold In Cody in the same length of time at any previous history of Cody. The reason? People read Herald ads. They tell a story of Interest and profit. They carry Information and bargains to every home. Pipe, Fishing Hod and Kodak—the thro A essentials for an enlnvaßle oar ing can st! be hnd at the Waatsrn Drug Co. More automobiles have been sold directly by The Herald thin spring than by any other paper published is the Big Horn Basin. The reason? The constituency of The Herald are people who have the money and tho leisure for such things os autos and tho Incidental concomitants. See those Missouri water filters and shower bath attach" ments. For sale by W. B, RAYMOND LOST—Somewhere in town, a fountain pen. Will be glad to reward the finder upon return. W. L, WALLS. Oats wanted: We will Rive $1.75 per hundred in trade for Rood clean oats sack ed delivered to our stote or $1.65 in Cash. Cody Tradinß Co. + Kodakers, have you tried those double speed plates at His* cock’s. Guaranteed to be more then twice as fast as any ordinary plate. Sell at the same price.