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************************** | News of the Week I J************************* S Iteme of Interest about the People of * Cody and Adjoining Country * #************************s Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Hollister autoed down from Wapiti last Saturday. Ed. H. Boughton, a prominent young man of the Ishawooa country was in Monday and stopped at the Irma hotel. Save your coupons. Newton Co. coupons entitle the holder to a gift. You win. T. W. Ames of Valley, one of the best known ranchers of that section was a Cody visitor the first of the week. WANTED: Wife; brunette. 18 years of age; must have SIOO,OOO. Apply at once, C. L. S. care Herald, Cody, Wyo. Miss Margaret Hurley has gone on a trip through the Park with Holm and party and will be away for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Furguson were guests at the Irma, Saturday during their visit to Cody. Lawn grass seed, proper proportions of blue grass and white clover at twenty-five cents a pound at Newton’s Will give best results. Why pay more? A. B. Larson of the Palace Meat Market ha 3 had Dr. Beal the veterin ery surgeon care for a valuable horse that has been very sick. What lodge will secure the fifty in gold September 1? Dr. Beni has been in the service of Fred Morris looking after some horses that required the attention of a vet erinary. You can save money by dealihg with Bennett’s Cody Drug & Jewelry Co. Kenneth W. Cugle of Washington D. C. and a young business man oi that place is in Cody and will prob ably spend part of the summer here. The new souvenir book now in, at HARDING’S. / Miss Edna Dow of Germania, vis ited at the home of A1 Blackley from Saturday till Wednesday.—Greybuli Standard. DILL PICKLES. WHERE? ONLY AT CITY MEAT MARKET. Ernest Ricci of Cody celebrated in Greybuli. Mr. Ricci is, as an enter tainer certainly an artist. Come again Prof. —Greybuli Standard. What school will secure the fifty In gold September 1? George Stuckey, manager or the Wyoming Merchantile Protective As sociation has been in Cody the past week securing new members for his concern He was formerly the right hand man of Bill Barlow of the Doug less Budget and is a very bright fal low. Our Kodak Films are always fresh. Bennett's Cody Drug & Jewelry Co. Harry Sanborn had a fine bay mare kicked by another horse last Sunday and the injured animal was given the necessary attention by Dr. Beal, the vetinary surgeon. Kodaks and Supplies—Bennett’s Cody Drug & Jewelry Co. B. Y. Couch, who formerly resided upon Clark's Fork and lately in cen tral Oregon is back and meeting many of his old acquaintances. O. W. Downing of the South Fork and a leading rancher of that section was in Cody on Tuesday, doing Borne needed trr.ding. Twenty-five cents for the new souv enir book at HARDING'S Dc RoyCe Dudley, a young Basinito and connected with the Jenkins Lum ber Co., of the Diamond City reached Cody Saturday for the purpose of going through the Park. In his party will be Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Jullg. of Sheridan, a well known real estate man of that place. Miss Hazel Julig, their daughter will also be of the party. * MISSING WORD CONTEST. + + In many of the advertisements of Cody’s merchants thin week will + be found missing words. They occur where the reader would least *s* d* expect. They may be found In the locals even. d* d* Candidates and their friends will pass a few minutes profitably d* * and pleasantly in searching for the omitted words. * * Scan all the advertisements very carefully this week. * + To those that supply correctly the words omitted there will be * d* awarded 3.000 votes. The only conditions being that they discover d* * all of the missing words, In all of the adn in which said missing * d* words occur. 4. d'd>-> + d>d‘d'd-'d>d > **d‘d*d>d>4d>d‘d>d>d>d>d>d>d>d>d>4>d>d>d> tJThose who know Real Auto Values say that the new E. M. F. five pass enger Touring Car at SI,OOO, f. o. b. Detroit, Mich., has the Greatest Value. Agents for the Best Selling car—E. M. F.“ 30” CODY TRADING COMPANY, J. M. SHCWOOB, Treasurer and Manager J. M. Frost and son Master Jack, wore down from Cody, enjoying Gey bull’s thre days celebrf.tiou. —Greybuli Standard. For that Fishing Tackle—Bennett’s Cody Drug A. Jewelry Co. W. D. Fu&h, a Sunlighter of p.>ouh7r reputation trod the streets of the Pearl City on Monday meeting many of his friends and acquaintance* while here. The new Cody souvenir book now on sale at HARDING’S for 25 cents. J. W. Lord of Garland, was a visi tor in Cody last week and went up to the Ishawooa ountry in company with Prof. Frank Drake. They made sales of pianos and sowed seed for future trips in this section. „ One hundred and fifty different views in the new souvenir book for sale at HARDING'S for 25 cents. That fifty dollars in gold which The Herald will award on September 1, to the lodge, church or school that has the highest number of votes is arous ing deep interest on their part. They also aid many worthy young women in their efforts to secure a fine piano absolutely free of cost. When a young girl asks you to subscribe to The Her ald or pay up a back subscription don’t forget to tell them to what lodge church or school you or some member of yoifr family belongs. It means 1,500 votes for the organization and 3.000 for the young girl. Fresh Paris Green at Bennett’s Cody Drug & Jewelry Co. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Snyder of Val ley are at the Irma. Rev. Harold Patterson, one of the most noted pastors of the northwest is going through the Park with Tex Holm. Wm. Leib is making a fine new’ dis play case for F. J. Hiscock to be use l in front of his studio. George C. Shedd, of Omaha and ot the Shedd-Sizer Co., is here. Now, therefore, I say unto you. “Kodakers, don’t be foolish but take your films to F. J. Hiscock. the picture man, to be developed and printed where experience counts for some thing. You get the benefit of twelve years experience.” We guarantee you satisfaction. Hiscock Studio. The Brotherhood of the Method! n church met Wednesday with Jamcfc Allen presiding. T. W. Bently is in town. A new’, fresh stock of films ana paper at Hiscock’s Studio. Give them a trial. You will be pleased with results. Ausco film is the best. Captain Wilson states that the staie milita will go to Cheyenne on Front ier Day instead of into camp else where as originally intended by the adjutant general. All each purchases count in the big piano contest at Cody Drug A Jewelry Co. H. A. Patten, the civil engineer went to Basin to-day to care for some im- j portant matters there in his line. W. H. Arnold of Upper Sage was j seized by a big eagle when he came to Cody on Thursday and carried to Hart Mountain Nest and then and there initiated into the mysteries ot the order. WANTED—-Cleaning, Pressing aucl Alteration of Women’s and Men’s Clothing of any Kind. Apply at Bitt’s Flat on East Side—Dressmaker, Mrs. M. E. Wright. Judge Brundage before he left on Tuesday sold all of his interest in the property occupied by the Brundage Hardware Co., to the Martins. This last sale closes out all of the real es tate owned by Mr. Brundage, who goes to California to reside. What church will secure the fifty in gold September 1? The Security Bridge people are now working on the Corbett bridge. Com missioner Fouse inspected the same this week. John Faust of Meeteetse, who wem. up into the northwest with his family on an extended automobile trip has re turned. Ranchers Look to the Cody Trading Co. for all of their Big Supplies —jrr-r* They Know by Years of Experience that its to their Advantage to do So Now is the Time for Binders - Twine ffgjrf Gdl U P the Big Store. We are pre -pared with a full line of McCormick I t C land Deenng 6 Foot Binders, with and IS ' ;t M Call and get OUR Prices before Purchasing YOU KNOW OUR TWINE GIVES THE BEST SATISFACTION Watch The Herald for the Saturday’s Specials. They are the Mon ey Saving Specials of Cody. Every Housewife has found this out. COUPON Good (or 1500 votes when used to Nominate a New Candidate Good (or 50 votes (or candidates already entered. This Cou pon not good after July 29, 1911 I vote (or : — : Candidate HERALD PIANO CONTEST CODY TRADING COMPANY J. Ass. SCHWOOB, Treasurer and Manager County Surveyor Hurlburt mde sur veys and set stakes at the Corbett bridge this week. WANTED—HOUSE KEEPER. Wanted elderly woman with one child to act as house keeper Address F. M. Stigers, Herald. A. W. Johnson, the Remington type writer man and the connoiseur of con nolseurs came in yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Parks, Jr. enter tained County Clerk Barnett and fam ily at dinner last Sunday. County Treasurer Holm and wife had as dinner guests last. Wednesday County Commissioner Fouse and wife. Mrs. W. R. Bandy has as her guest her sister. Mrs. Estes, of Eldorado Springs, Mo. Always at your service—The Ben nett Cody Drug A Jewelry Co. New cards of Shosnon#* Dam, Lake and Canyon at Hiseork’s only 6 cents each. WHAT EDDIE CANARY SAYS. Many “Wise Ones” have received the follow‘ng card: Dear Brother: There will be a meeting ot the Hart Mountain Nest of Owls at Knth Hall, Thursday, July 13th, 1911, at 8.30 P. M. You are urgently requested to attend the same. ED. CONNERY. Secretary. Come all ye faithful hoodoos, the canary will be there. PHELPB-CARON NUPTIALS. Rev. Wallace Dunn united Warre i , Spencer and Miss Lena Caron, of Rooks county. Kansas In the bonds of i . matrimony on Wednesday. The bride : > recently came in from Kansas. harding's Enterprise. Tourists Hnd that the Harding Cui !<# Co. hs one of the largest and finest lines of curios and Navajo blankets . to be found in this part of the West. . Though a very young man, Mr. Hard ing is a capable and successful buu«- 5 ness man. —* ADDITIONAL PAHABKA QUEBTB. Mrs. E. E. Stov/e of Chicago, the t mother of E. E. Stowe, capitalist; H. 5 C. Brome; A. L. Cummins and Post master Thompson of Cody together - with his family and their house guesrs will all go to Pahaska this Saturday. - “You may say,” said Mr. Deck©.*. * “that business is booming.” CROWDS TO PAHABKA. In order to permit local guests to go l to Pahaska on Saturdays and return on Mondays for this class of patronag<- Mr. Decker has made arrangements for his autos to leave the Irma at 8 1 o'clock a m. Saturdays and returning r depart from Pahaska at 8. a. m. reach* ' ing Cojly at noon. Only one fare will , be charged to convey guests to anu , l from Pahaska on the week end trips— from Saturday until Monday. H. C. Brome, one of the big lawyers j of Omaha wont out on Thursday to meet E. J. Sullivan. HOW TO SECURE VOTES We are giving votes upon all accounts which were created prior to June 1, and which patrons will settle. Many have availed themselves of this liberal offer and many young girls have bene fitted in consequence thereof. Os course every cash sale carries votes— 100 for every dol lar’s worth purchased in any department. Saturday spec ials allow many votes to be picked up as well as the bar gains found here. For Sale Team and! Wagon For sale wagon with good team just the thing for a tourist desiring to go through the Park. Ap ply or address, B. J. C., Herald Ofiice. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ * WANTED—LOCAL AGENTS ♦ ♦ AND MANAGER FOR THE ♦ MOST LIBERAL INSURANCE ♦ ♦ PROPOSITION IN THE U. S. ♦ ♦ WRITE J. E. HODGES, ♦ ♦ BTATE AGENT ♦ ♦ BOX 896, CHEYENNE, WYO. » + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ■►♦* * • FOR SALE CHEAP. • • House and 2 acres of good * • land situated on Main street, • • Cody, Wyo. Good location. • • Apply Box 594, Cody, Wyo, • ♦ FOR RENT. P.OOMB IN SHOSHONE BANK BUILDING, SINGLE OR EN SUITE. CAN BE EQUIPPED WITH HOT OR COLD WATER IF DESIRED. FOR RENT The J. F. H; web house opposite tho Methodist Ch :rc!i. Inquire ut sho’ie National Bunk. FOR SALE—Good milk cow. Inquire at J. R. DAVIES. FOR SALE—PUPS. Aeirdale pups for sale, by H. C. Sanborn. Will Pay 30c for Eggs Wanted fresh ranch eggs-will pay 30 cents per dozen cash or trade. CODY TRADING CO. - NOTICE TO PUBLIC. Do not extend credit to anyone in our names without e. written order from J. E. or A. CAVENDER. 1 SAVE YOUR COUPONS. Cash coupons at our store are j exchanged for valuable gifts In silverware, cut glass and other I high class articles. Save them. I THE NEWTON CO. i BUGGY FOR SALE. For sale, good single buggy. Call phone 65