OCR Interpretation

Northern Wyoming herald and Garland irrigation era. (Cody, Wyo.) 19??-1916, July 28, 1911, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Wyoming Libraries

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92066927/1911-07-28/ed-1/seq-2/

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yarold Brinker With His
$ New Machine, and Other
Aviators, to Sail Over
Cowboy Festival
Cheyenne, July 27. —The strange
spectacle of a Frontier Deys celebra
tion. reviving the exciting sports and
customs of the early days In the wesi
Interrupted by dizzy flights of flying
machines, is announced as a part ct
the program of Cheyenne’s great
Front! r Days celebration August 23
to 26. During these four days the
now famous spectacle of the “West
As It Is” will be presented and in
addition tho first aeroplane flights ever
attempted in Wyoming will be made.
Harold Drinker, a local automobPe
racing man is completing a biplane
with which he expects to overcome
difficulties which baffle other aviators,
high altitude and sudden winds. The
celebration will be preceded this year
by a series of automobile races in
which a number of famous high power
cars will compete.
A stalwart young man accompanied
by two charming young women, the
Misses Eva Iscbel and Nina Fehyl and
the brother of the latter George Fehyl
were in Cody. Monday enroute to the
The rttlwart young man was F. W.
Isobel, one of the coming ranchers ot
the Grevbull. This makes his secona
trip into the park. The members of the
party reside near Basin.
Is a place where a person
4. * —may go and meet the best
s V cozens of the town and
z La
Choice Liquors and Fine Cigars, Domestic and Imported
Patrons Receive the Best Possible Consideration
0. D. MARX, Prop. Sheridan A £3jj” r ’
I Big Reduction Sale of
ClBl! Ostermoor
—mattress j At Pfaff and Son
NEW YORK. J Uly 6, 1911.
Pfaff & Son,
Furniture Dealers, Cody, Wyo.
Providing you can give a reason, during your Aug
ust reduction sale YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN PRICE ON
OSTERMOOR MATTRESSES, If you will feature them as
The number you will sell, the Interest the cut prices
will create will more than surprise you.
Very truly yours,
The Ostermoor Co.
The Ostermoor people were taken at their word. So we have cut $23
Ostermoor Matresses to S2O. Ostermoors at S2O to $lB. Ostermoors
at $lB to sl6. You get the full value and the benefit.
A Word or Two as to the Ostermoor Mattress
Extra Thick French Edge Mattress Covered with French Art Twills
An exceedingly luxurious, soft, springy, round-cornered mattress of
extra weight, much thicker than regular. 5 in inseamed French Edge
In the course of our enormous business, many mattresses accumulate. We take this annual
opportunity to move them. You get the financial benefit-we clear our stock
Don’t Miss this Sale. YouTl Sleep Better if You Attend it
“We have cut our alfalfa and having
the money we wish to see your great
dam,*’ said Postmaster Charley Blynn
of St. Joe, Wyo., to the Herald, a few
days ago.
He was accompanied by C. Webster
and the latter’s son, Constantine. The
party visited the canyon and return
on Monday to the Greybull.
It has been stated of Col. Britt,
who is tho Yellowstone Park superin
tendent and the colonel commanding
the troop 3 in the park, that he has
reached the conclusion that an auto
road is almost an imperative thing
and only a question of a short time j
when it will bo built.
There are so many persons owning ,
machines, who come from a long dis
tance and under considerable expon
that an auto road would seem to b":
the orly thing to enable this clas3 to J
continue through the great panoramic[
scenery that nature has so wonder- j
fully and generously provided.
The demand for an auto road seem*-1
to have more supporters than at any j
previous time. Details are lacking
at this line or to its route that *i I
would be constructed over.

L. G. Phelps and son. Eugene Phelps |
arrived in Cody, Mondey, to meet Miss |
Margaret Meigs of Pottstown. Pa.. 1
and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick K. Baxter
who will be the guests at the magni
ficent ranch of the Phelps for a time.
Mr. and Mrs. Baxter arc the yourg
couple who took the celebrated over
land trip from Arizona to Cody and
the story of which appeared first ex
clusively In The Herald.
During a recent visit to Washington,
Hon. W. B. Sleeper, who has been
closely lndentified with Wyoming his
tory for many years and is regarded
as one of the most observing Wyo*
mingites, said to a Cheyenne Tribune
“So-called republican ‘lnsurgency’
that resulted in the election of Judge
Carey In Wyoming last November,
will have no place in the next national
election. Wyoming is still a strong
republican state, and I believe the
next election will see not only every
republican who voted for Carey back
in line for the ticket, but to this num
ber will be added many democrat*?
who are disgusted with the assault
1 made on the Wyoming wool industry
|by the democratic party. That action
alone should make Wyoming roll up
the biggest republican majority in her
history, and I am confident It will.”
Mr. Sleeper says the republicans of
Wyoming have never been other than
1 republicans; that they voted for Carey
I because of local conditions within the
party they deemed wise to eliminate,
and believes the result last November
i will serve to correct the abuses . f
which he and other Carey supporters
complained. As far as he has talked
| with the republicans who voted for
Carey, Mr. Sleeper says they will be
found supporting the straight repub
lican ticket at the next election; that
they would not have “insurged” last
fall had they thought it would endan
ger the election of Senator Clark oi
Representative Mondell. Speaking
further regarding the Washington del
egation. Mr. Sleeper said:
“I regard the re-election of Senatoi
Warren as one of the certainties of the
next election. The state could make
r no greater mistake than to send an
other in his place, in my opinion, and
j I believe I can speak for practically
I every republican in Wyoming in this.
I Senator Warren is one of the strongest
I men in Washington, and is In position
! to do more than ever for the state
sinece his elevation to the powerful
appropriations committee. No man
can question his devoted loyalty to
Wyoming, nor belittle his invaluable
service to our people as a whole. He
is the very life and actuating force of
the movement in congress in behalf
of the wool industry of the west, and
for what he is in position to do for
us in this one matter, he should be re
turned to the senate just as long is
he can be prevailed upon to accept.
“Mondoll? When a man can He
on tho flat of his back, In a campaign
like the last one In our state, and win
out like Frank did, its foolish to think
of beating him. His defense of the
west has endeared him to us, irres
pective of politics—and they never
will get through counting the Mondell
votes next election."
Alaska in name suggesting frost arm
frigidity, but that’s not tho treatment
accorded patrons nor is it tho atmos
phere of the Alaska saloon of which
W. J. Chapman Is the proprietor.
He keeps in stock, a splendid line
of liquors domestic and imported, and
carries a fine line of bottled goods for
those wishing that class of merchan
dise. At this time of the year when i
fishing parties are every day occur
ences and trips to the mountains are
in order It is especially desirable to
know where reliable wines, whiskies
and cigars may be had at modernr©;
prices. The Alaska saloon is a good
place at which to make the purchase!
in quantities of such supplies. That
which Mr. Chapman recommends w!li
never disappoint the buyer.

W. R. Coe who recently purchased
several ranches in Park county and
of which Scott Lval! is the manager
reached Cody last Saturday and pre
ceeded to his ranch. He Is now at the
club house and will remain nere unt’i
Monday of this coming week. It is
stated upon reliavse authority that Mr
Coe will make the extensive Improve
ments which The Herald spoke exclu
sively some months ago.

: A tMusings
* J *of Maurice I
* jDivers Musing* on things *
♦Qlirn jjHeard and seen in Cody *
When love’s at the table, we look
through the glass to a world of fresh
joy In the green of the grass, and/ the
birds through the windoW sing as they
fly, and the blue of the dawn holds Its !
| place in the sky, while the blooms j
nod and beckon, and cleansed of its j
dust, we eat and are filled, though we j
have but a crust.
When love’s at the table, though |
humble our board, we fe«*d on the!
honey and wine of the Lord, and the
little room flashes with laughter and
glee, and it looms like a palace beside j
the great sea, with pillars of topaz. j
so rich doth it make the heart of one’*;
fancy when love is at stake.
When love’s at the table—good byei
the care, why the burden falls off,
and the young laughter Is there, ana !
soft through the window the sweet I
summer sings, and we feel our souls!
lifted upon the wings of joy and ela-j
tion and fancies divine, and the water!
before us turns crimson like wine.
When love’s at the table, let poverty
stalk, ah the way love lan chatt3r,
the way love can Talk! the stalled ox
may furnish forth food for the great,
but what Is meat if we eat It with
hate, and what is the substance we
draw from rare dlsheß, like the love
and the faith turning stones Into
When love’s at the table, there’s a
shine in the eyes, and a light of great
dreams In the blue of the skies, and
the laughter of morning goes ringing
away with a music that lasts through
the rest of the day, and the rest of
the life that, love hallows, my dear,
when we eat of our crust and we know
that she is near.
Look for tho coupons.
“We Dine With the Saddle Rock on Sundays”
OUR Sunday Chicken Dinners have proven very popular. The Special Menu is
made up with great care and the bother of cooking a big dinner for the family
is done away with.
Invite your wife and family to our Sunday dinner this coming Sunday
She will appreciate your doing so-so will the remainder
of the family as well
The Saddle Rock Restaurant
C. G. Keith Phone 47 Red C. W. Ferster
The Place to Buy
Where? Harding Curio Co,
Containing 150 fine local views for 25c
45 Park Post Cards 65c. 10 Local View Post Cards 10c
25c -65 c -75 c • SI.OO
Large Leather Pennants
Local Views Painted by Hand $2.
It Will Pay
To call and look through our
new and big assortment of
and Navajo Blankets
We Guarantee Everything We Sell
Harding Curio Co.
sirst National Bank
£oi>y, fDyomtttg
Capital $50,000 Surplus SIO,OOO
*.C. I AHKS..IT. Pr«.l.l.nt J. 1,. JONHS
C. K PARKER, Cn.hl.i Dlrwtar.: g c PARKS. Jr.
I Every facility consistent with sound banking; practice Is offered
by this Bank to its customers and good accounts are solicited
j upon this basis

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