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6 HUMPHRYS -~ls of course essentially Woman’s Store The Splendid Stock has been selected with special reference to the needs of women and children. From the DAINTIEST LINGERIE Up to the most ARTISTIC CREATION IN HATS Humphrys is the mecca for the well dressed woman—the woman that likes to appear well groomed all the time. In Prices You Pay No More at this Store for best than you would at other places, perhaps, for something not quite so up to date Come in and look this stock over and you will do as the other woman did—TRADE WITH - - - HUMPHRYS OLD KING COLE Was a merry old Soul, but he had no COAL like ours for $3.00 at mine, $5.50 delivered. We also sell OEBO COAL OREGON BASIN MINE M <Glkfey & Walls, Proprietors Order of !RUM>AGE HARDWARE COMFY or J. H. PERRY’ p—^sz — mi “Herald Printing Never Dissappoints” 1 1 he Se rvice Shop u~ 1 hat’s the Herald J i r It’s the one printing office in the Big Horn Basin where the facilities, the printers and our PJ knowledge 6f good printing all combine to insure prompt, accurate and artistic work. Try Herald printing next time. You save both money and annoyance. The Northern Wyoming Herald THE HERALD, CODY, WYOMING, JULY 28, 1911. “JUST LIKE MOTHER’S BAKING” Is everything that comes from the Home Bakery and Candy Kitchen Home Made Bread That is delicious Pies, Cakes and Candies There is no order for anything in the bakery, confectionery or cater ing line that we cannot fill promptly. Special attention given Banquets and Parties HOME BAKERY & Candy Kitchen Opposite The Herald Office OWLB SECURE NEW LODGE ROOMS. The Hart Mountain Nest of Order of Owls have secured lodge rooms : h the Pioneer building and will hereaftar meet on the first and third Fridays in each month. Under this arrange ment the Owls will meet on Friday, August 4th next. Members are requested to be on hand as business of importance will come up at this meeting. 1 SPRING CHICKENS AT ESSERS. There is nothing nicer than a pair of spring chickens for a Sunday din ner. At Esser’s, he is making a spec ialty of dressing the tenderest young spring chickens for family orders. He has also a supply of the belt spring lambs and orders phoned for or given in person will receive his per sonal attention. Mr. Esser is now giving his close personal attention to his shop and cus tomers will meet him and get the best service, that his long experience en ables him to furnish. Prices are low as are consistent with the choicest of meats. ♦ NEW FREIGHT SCHEDULE. By the new freight schedule which is expected to go into effect early next month. Billings shippers doing business in the Big Horn basin coun try will be given the advantage of a reduction of about 30 per cent in the freight rates, according to Information just received by W. A. Selvldge, chair man of the freight tariff and transpor tation committee of the Billings cham ber of commerce. The new schedule has been placed before the interstates commerce com mission for approval and it Is under stood will go into effect 30 days after the filing. This reduction of approximately 30 per cent, in the rates will mean a greatly Increased business to the lo cal jobbers and an appreciable reduc tion in the price of commodities to the residents of the Blog Horn basin country. It is believed that the whole sale interests of this city and the re tail stores in the country of northern Wyoming tributary to Billings will benefit equally from the revision. ♦ BIRD MEN AT BASIN. The fair board has secured a con tract with the Baker Aviation Com pany of Billings to give aeroplane demonstrations here during the fair next September. R. L. Baker, repre senting the firm, was here last Satur day and went over the details with the board. The flights will be made on Wed nesday and Thursday. September 27 and 28. Either R. L#. or E. B. Baker will pilot the machine, which will he the first ever seen in the Basin coun try. Juste paste It in your hat that the best and biggest fair will be held Basin. September 28 to 30. and make preparations to attend at least some S of the big day3.—Basin Republican. ♦ HUMPHRYS LADIES* BTORE. The store which makes an especial and an intelligent appeal to the women j of Park county for their trade Is the : one which usually secures It. The wo men are tho factors in the home In the matter of doing most of the Important buying for the family. The Humphrys store has long been regarded by them i »b the mecca for those things that delight the feminine heart. His stock has been selected with especial refer ence to the requirements of the wo men and the female members of the family. Everything that, enters Into the wardrobe of a woman may be found In Humphry's store and of the i style and design. It will repay one to visit his store and inspect the lines that are carried by him. MODERN UP-TO-DATE HOSPITAL Dr. C. DANA CARTER Physician and Surgeon-in-Charge, Proprietor Phone 99 Red BASIN. WYOMING CHALLENGE TO REV. DUNN REV. STARR ANO COLLEAGUES TO OUR METHODIST PASTOR Revc rands L. F. Starr and L. E. Curtis, who have been preaching in the tent for the past, week have is sued the challenge below to the Rev- Wallcnce Dunn, pastor of the Meth odist church In the hopes that some differences of opinions as to which day Is the real Sabbath day may be cleared up or at least explained. Up to tho time The Herald went to press, Rev. Starr says that Mr. Dunn has not accepted. The gentlemen ecclesiastical seem to cross swords as often ao ye newspaper scribes. One week has now passed since the reward of SI,OOO was offered to any one who will bring the Bible proof authorizing the sanctification of Sun day, or the first day of the week aB i the Sabbath. Why don’t Mr. Dunn, produce it? He says, “the first day ot the week —Sunday—is the Christian Sabbath." Is he ready to affirm this in a pub lic discussion consisting of a four nlgnt double session? He says, we are wrong. Will he meet us and put up the proof from the Bible alone? We are ready to affirm that the seventh day of the week, now called Saturday, is the Sabbath; that it was made for the human race; made at Creation; made for man; and is binding on all flesh. The Bible and the Bible only, to be the authority. If any proceeds should be given, the same, Is to go to Mr. Dunn, or the Methodist Church. Will Mr. Dunn, answer between this 27th day of July and Wednesday August 2, 1911. Meetings each evening at 8 P. M. at the Evangelistic Tent. Friday—The Red Dragon of Revela tion, 12. Saturday—Revelation 13 and the 886 of verse 18. Sunday—3 P. M. Bible Holiness Sunday—B P. M. The United States in prophecy. Monday—The Fall of Modern Babylon. Tuesday—The Third Angels Message. Wednes-day—The Millennium. Thursday—The Home of the Saved. Come each evening to hear Mr. ! Dunn’s reply. THE PASTORS I SHERIDAN-BASIN PARTY ENJOYS | TRIP THROUGH PARK. On Tuesday. O. T. Stahl and H. Zullg of Sheridan, together with John P. Amott. Jr. and Fred O. Tallon both of Basin returned byway of Cody after a ten days outing in the great i Yellowstone Park. The Sheridan party was made up oi Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Stahl and dangh f er Miss Hazel Stahl, the first mentioned being a retired merchant of Sheridan and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Zullg. of the name place. Mr. Zullg Is one of the leading business men of Sheridan, be ing the partner in the firm of Bently & Zullg real estate Mr. Stahl said to the Herald. “We certainly did thoroughly enjoy our trip through the park. This is my second journey through that wonder land. I wonder that more people do not make the trip than do. Another bit party headed by our county commis sioner William H. Marvin is coming along Thursday or Friday to to through the park. As to Sheridan? Why we think we have the only town in Wyoming. You would scarce recognize the place. Street ears, new city hall, fine Elk building and any number of new busi ness blocks and private dwellings. You have a fine country here, too, but we missed the luxuriant grasses we have in Sheridan county. Cody is a fine town we have been treated finely by the people.” The Task Os Cleaning Silverware Is entirely overcome by the use of the Alumino Silver Cleaner No scrubbing or scour ing, simply dip the tarn ished silver in the tank which contains an elec troplate and instantly every particle of discol oration completely dis appears, and the surface is restored to its original brightness. It is Non-poisonous and not injure the finest jewelry or silver plate. We will gladly demon strate. Western Drug Co. The Rexall Store