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8 ABSTRACT STATEMENT ok the Receipts and Disbursements of the County of Park, in the State of Wyoming, and Statement of Expense of Maintaining the County Government from January Ist, 1911, to and Including June 30tii, 1911, prepared under the Provisions of Section 1007, R. S. 1899. Amount on Hand January 1, 1911 Receipts— Taxes collected j Delinquent taxes collected Penalties and Interest collected j Licenses covered into the treasury * Clerk of Court fees covered into the treasury | 51 50 County Clerk fees covered into the treasury 972 05 District Court fines covered into the treasury ■Justice fines and fees covered into the treasury 35 0U School land income Interest on public monies 23 Road Fund j 902 04 School Fund 962 6*l i Miscellaneous 6 Disbursements — Remitted to State Treasurer •County Warrants paid 'County certificates of indebtness paid Rebate tax orders paid Interest paid on County bonds <3ounty bonds paid Incidental Expense 4^ Interest paid on School District Bonds School District bonds paid Claims on Road Fund paid Refund to Clerk of Court __ 85 Ceneral school tax paid School District Treasurers Special school tax paid District School Treasurers School land income paid District School Treasurers Miscellaneous Ledger cash balance June 30th, 1911 2 213 24 Total 3 014 22 3 014 22 The cash on hand is available :*or the following purposes, to-wit: For general County purposes 370 80 For library purposes . For school purposes I For payment of County bonds and .Merest •. FOr payment of school bond 3 and nterebc For payment of State taxes For Road purposes g 33 gg Total * 2 213 24 Cost of Maintaining tne County Government during the Aforesaid Time for which County Warrants or Certificates of Indebtness have been Issued. Sheriff and Deputies * 1 009 00 Printing 822 75 Sheriff s Expense and Transportation 87 70 Jailor and Janitor County Clerk and Deputies 850 00 Court House and Jail Expense 1 197 29 County Treasurer and Deputies 416 65 Fuel, Light and Water 55 45 Prosecuting Attorney 210 50 Insurance * )ther Attorneys’ Expenses 2 80 Expense Boarding Prisoners :Su peri u ten dent of Schools Expense. 221 77 Other Criminal Cost Assessor s & Deputies' Salaries & Exp 937 37 Inspection of Horses County Surveyor 159 50 County Commissioners 737 71 Election Expense 1 967 01 County Physician Roads and Bridges 2 709 71 County Health Officer 123 45 Poor and Paupers 242 85 Road Supervisor 92 Rebate on Taxes *’h*rk District Court 00 Postage, Freight, Express, etc 395 79 Jurors, District Court County Hospital Meals for Jurors County Library Witnesses District Court Water Commissioner ilailiff. District Court " Contagious Disease .Miscellaneous Court Expense ■Justice Fees or Salary ! Jurors, Justice Court 00 Witnesses, Justice Court Constables' Fees and Mileage 12 30 r-oronr-r'. Per Diem and Mileage .... Miscellaneous 46, Witnesses, Jurors Coroner’s Inquests j' Stationery and Book, 2 651 T 4 . Total..'. I 400 aT 1 certificates of Indebtedness issued to nay expense incurred lin previous years i Total Warnin' • and Certificates Issued j 15 m & STATEMENT of outstanding indebtedness of the county ' .iftt'ina d refunding bonds j mrt house and ja'l bonds I 111,1 1 "■> r-wts : 4 70!) 28 li-nu< of indebtness 10 091 06 Gross Debt of the County 15 400 :i4 '/nr. state of Wyoming, j * iiunty op Park. \ It is hereby Certified that the foregoing is a true anti complete Abstract Statement of the '' I's- ami li-bur-ements of the County of Park in the State of Wyoming from January Ist, 1911, to 'i i ire- 'i! !in_’ June 30th, 1911, and the cost of maintaining the government of the said County, evidenced ' y warrants and certificates of indebtedness issued in payment of indebtedness incurred during said time, 11 i further that the statement of indebtedness of the County is true and correct ; all evidenced by re ports filed with the Board of County Commissioners, by the County Treasurer and County Clerk. Witness my hand as Chairman of the Board of ibe County Commissioners, attestod by the County Clerk this 24th day of July, A. IX, 1911. W. H. EOUSE, Chairman of the Board of the County Commissioners. Xtlest : Fred C. Barnett, County Clerk. ' : 'X, J THE HERALD. CODY, WYOMING, JULY 28, 1811. LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE. Sealed Proposals To Purchase 845,000 of 5 per cent. Bonds Os Park County, Wyoming, To Erect Jail and Court House. Cody, Wyoming. July 12, 1911. Sealed proposals will be received by Fred C. Barnett, County Clerk. Cody, Wyo.. unti! August 15, 2 P. M„ for thu purchase of $45,000.00 5 per cent. Park County Court House and Jail Bonds. Bonds in denomination of $500.00. Op- AOll id after ten years, duo and payable twenty years. Proceeds available, $22,500. October 15. 1911, balance May 15, 1912. Ail bids must be accompanied by a certified check for One per cent, of bonds hid for. FRED C. BARNETT. County Clerk, Park County. Wyo. FORFEITURE NOTICE. Cody, Wyoming, April 13, 1911. To A. It. Williams and Rebecca Wil liams:— You, and each of you, are hereby notified that we have expended dur ing the years 1909 and 1910 in labor and improvements upon Festal Placer Mining Claim, Fate Piacer Mining Claim and Fury Placer Mining Claim, situate in Sunlight Unorganized Min ing District, <>n Sulphur Mountain, Park county, Wyoming, the sum of Six Hundred ($600.00) Dollars, the lo cal ion cert ideates to which claims are found of record in Book Eleven of Locations, at Pages Sixty-eight, Six ty-nine and Seventy, In the office of the county clerk of Big Horn county, Wyoming, of which Park county was formerly a part, in order to hold said claims under provision of Sectiou 2324 ■ f the Revised Statutes of the United Stttes and the amendment thereto approved January 22, 1880, concerning annual lal»>r upon mining claims, be ing tlie amouut required to hold said placers for the period ending on the 31st day of December, A. D. 1910. And if, within ninety days from the personal service of this notice, or within ninety days after punlication thereof, you fail or refuse to cuhtrib ut« your proportion of such expendi ture ss co-owners your interest In said claims will become the property of the subscribers, your co-owners, who have made the required expendi ture by the terms of said section. The amount ytu owe is SIOO.OO. that is to say’ $50,00 each. Gertrude Chapman Ester Hammitt Carl Hammitt W. J. Chapman Col. Miller A. C Chapman H. S. Ridgely, First publication April 21. Wanted To Buy A Good Ranch Persons situated so that they can deliver a desirable ranch property please communicate only by mail with Cash Buyer ..Northern Wyoming Herald, Cody, Wyoming.. N. B.—Will consider any well developed property in Park County. Price for spot cash and a full accurate description must accompany all property submitted. It Pays The Cody Merchant To Advertise In The Herald LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at Lander/ Wyoming. / July 19. 1911./ Notice is hereby given that CHARLES E. SMITH, of Clark. Wyoming, who, on Maichl3. 1911, made Desert Land Entry, No 04947. for lot 16, SEI-4 SWI-4, SecticU 6 and Lot 1. NEI-4 NWI-4, Section ll Township 57 North, Range 101 W, 6ah Principal Meridian, has filed notice ‘lf intention to make Final Desert Lana Proof, to establish claim to the lan® above described, before John K. Ca'l kins. United States Commissioner, aflj Cody, Wyoming, on the 26th day oj August. 1911. Claimant as witnesses: THOMAS W. BENTLY. MEI.VIN B. LOW. THOMAS E. FRAZIJRE. 1 THOMAS E. FRASURE, all of Clark. Wyoming. WILLIAM T. ADAMS. Register] First publication July 28. I Last publication August 25. I DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOrI United States Land Office. I Lander, Wyomlna July 21, 191 S Notice is hereby given that thl Santa Fe, Pacific Railroad Companjl by Francis E. Gilmore, attorney™ fact, whose post office address is Codfl Wyoming, has filed In this office ttl application to select under the prol visions of the act of June 4, 1897, (SB Statute 36). the BEI-4 NEI-4. SectloJ 29. SWI-4 SWI 4, NEI-4 BWI-4. Seel tion 27. Township 53 North. Range 9I West, and lot 5. Section 2. Townshln 49 North. Range 101 West, 6th Prlnl cipal Meridian, in Wyoming. Serial 03816. I Any and all persons claiming adl Tersely the lands described or deslrln J to object because of the mineral chan acter of the land, or for any oth-n reason, to the disposal to applicant! should file their affidavits of protesl in this office, on or before the 2nd daa of September. 1911. I WILLIAM T. ADAMS I Register! First publication July 28. | Last publication. August 25. I NOTICE TO CREDITORS. j STATE OF WYOMING. > 1 County of Park. r In District Court, In Probate, | In the matter of the Estate of CHAB A. BRADFORD, Deceased Notice Is hereby given to the cred itors and all persons having claims I against the estate of Cbas. A. Brad ford, deceased, that letters of admin istration have been granted to the un- Will Purchase The Relinquishment On a Good Located Ranch / LEGAL NOTICES /lerslgned, and all parties holding claims against said estate are required to exhibit them within six month:, from date of said letters, July 25th. A. D. 1911, or they may be precluded from all benefits in said estate, and it they fail to present said claims one year from said date they will be so: ever debarred. Dated this 25th day of July, A. D. 1911. CHAS. O. BRADFORD. Administrator of estate cr ('has. A. Bradford, deceased J. W. Cavender, Attorney for Estate. First publication July 28. M»n»t 11 |eq» I «j|t> I can purchase in any desired quantities. Come In and see them.