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10 ************************** : News of the Week I ************************** * * * Itoma of /ntoroot about thm Pooplo of * Cody and Adjoining Country •f************************* You can save money by dealing with Bennett’s Cody Drug & Jewelry Co. Andrew Willock left for Pahaska, Thursday for a visit ans will probably remain for the balance of the season. Important legal business brought H. S. Ridgely of Basin to Cody on Wed nesday. DILL PICKLES. WHERE? ONLY AT CITY MEAT MARKET. Art. Owen and wife spent a week fishing on the South Fork and enjoyed every minute of the time. Master Howell accompanied them. Some Extra Quality Split Bamboo fishing rcis $1.75 at the Western Drug Co. F. W. PfafT of PfafT & Son is ex pected home this week from lowa, w’here he has been for the past month or six weeks. We dine at the Saddle Rock on Sun days, to get their big chicken dinner. F. J. Hiscock is a very busy man these days taking dam pictures and views of any old thing in the Pahaska country. He is at Holm Lodge this week. For an up-to-date stock of toilet preparations call at Bennett’s Drug Store. W. T. Burns of Omaha and of the M. C. Peter’s Milling Co., was a Cody visitor on Thursday. He was shown over the town and vicinity by Senatcw Sehwoob. FOR SALE A fine 160 acre alfalfa ranch; one-half cash, balance to suit; cheap for cash. Apply V. G. Lantry. The Newton Co. awarded a beautiful set of Standard Silver spoons to Mrs. W. S. Greenleaf for coupons. A large number of the coupons have been given out by the company. The best of everything in the Drug line at reasonable prices at the West ern Drug Co. Messrs. Leo Pfaff. Tony Speckbacker and Ben Reiff went out to Pahaska Sunday returning on Monday. Ben, who is quite a mechanist fixed the auto of Col. Decker that had tempor arily gone out of commission. A new, fresh stock of films and paper at Hlscock’s Studio. Give them a trial. You will be pleased with results. Ausco film is the best. L. L. Sine has rounded up a good’v bunch of hides and pelts in the Mee teetse section and has gone on to Greybull. He has also been to Billings to meet the head of his house. WANTED: Wife; brunette. 18 years of age; must have SIOO,OOO. Apply at once, C. L. S. care Herald, Cody, Wyo. Roger McGinnis, the energetic and capable head of the Brundage Hard ware Co. went to Billings a few days since on business connected with the automobile trade. Mr. McGinnis re- 1 turned at the end of the week. Our Cut Glass and Royal Dolton ware Is well worth seeing. Bennett’s Fred Houston of Upper Sage was a business visitor at the county seat Tuesday and called at The Herald of fice while in. Mr. Houston reports crops as in good shape considering the lack of rain and says he will have good hay crops. Bob Cil 'eson accompanied by Messrs. Sherman and Archer had a pleasant trip last Sunday in the upper country. They say that they will never get over that jaunt. Why? Who wants to know ? WANTED —('leaning. Pressing and Alteration of Women's and Men’s Clothing of any Kind. Apply at Bitt’s Flat on East Side—Dressmaker, Mrs. M. E. Wright. Cooling creams and lotions for sun burn. Rexall Cream of Almonds is the b s Wsstern Drug Co. L. F. McClure, the flockmaster. is back from the mountains where he has been for some time looking after his big sheep interests. He states that the grass is very tall and that his; spring lambs are doing finely. Mac 1s one of tbe coming young men of Park ! county. Yonr money back or a new brush free f:>r any fault in our 10 cent Tooth I Brushes, Western Drug Co. 1. C. McGee of the Burlington sec tion was a Cody visitor on Wednesday. Mac stills smiles broadly because oT the big bouncing boy. which recently arrived at his home. He Is. says his doting pater, becoming quite a violin player. Mr. McGee returned home on Thursday. ONE MORE MONTH UNTIL SCHOOL BEGINS. IT IS TIME TO PLACE YOUR ORDER 3 FOR SCHOOL DESKS AND SCHOOL SUP PLIES. WE SELL EVERYTHING NEEDED IN THE SCHOOL ROOM. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER. F. W. PFAFF & SON. M. A. Emerson of Burlington is a guest at the Irma. LeaJer3 in UP-TO-DATE Kodak sut>- plieo. Western Drug Co. Earle Reed of Germania was a guesi of the Irma this week. Miss M. Louise McCabe is back from her home end will go through the Park with two friends. _ “Wifey, let's dine at the Saddle Rock, Sunday—they give big chicken dinners there.” Codyites are glad to see Rico Hut sonpillar back again and looking so well. Our remedy for Hay Fever can not be equaled. Bennett’s Drug Store. Chas. W. Lowrey, the musical brother of ye Annie Laurie of Scottish fame was in the best town in the Big Horn Basin this week. He is the live wire of the Kimball piano people for this part of Wyoming. For the hunting season get a KODAK at the Western Drug Co. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dablem of the Diamond 2 ranch accompanied by Miss Antonio and Miss Flora L. Dehlom of Chicago leave today ftfr the Park with Frost & Richards. The party while in Cody were the guests of Sheriff Dahlom. FOR SALE A fine 160 acre alfalfa ranch; one-half cash, balance to suit; cheap for cash. Apply V. G. Lantry. F. J. Hiscock has found out that an auto wheel is harder than his foot He alighted from an auto on Monday and inadvertantly placed his foot un der the front wheel. Fay now’ has a perceptible limp. It is not caused by gout. FOR SALE A fine 160 acre alfalfa ranch; one-half cash, balance to suit; cheap for cash. Apply V. G. Lantry. Ora Sonners, water superintendent for this section, has returned from Paint Creek where he has been ad judicating a number of water rights. He reports things as in excellent shape there. Large, fire sponges for automobiles at the Western Drug Co. V. G. Lantry, he who resembles the late James G. Blaine so strongly went up to Shoshone Forest Reserve to com mune with nature for a season. He is expected to get back to-day. Look out for some piscatorial tales. V. Q. is known for the length of his imagin ation. Invite your wife and family to eat a big chicken dinner at the Saddle Rock, Sunday. John NefT, a prominent rancher of the Greybull has been in Cody for several days. Mr. Neff brought in a (pad of Bplendid oats and fresh eggs for both of which he found a ready ana satisfactory market. Cody is getting more and more of the Greybull trade because of the liberal treatment her merchants accord the ranchers. Every dollars worth of job work you have The Herald do for you entitles you to 2,000 votes upon each dollar. These will help some candidate. Which is your favorite girl? Jim Smith, who ic a good honest old rancher and one of the old timers in the Upper Clark country wa3 In a few days ago and paid The Herald a visit. He subscribed and is now on the Star Roll of Honor. Jock Murray made quite a hit with Jim and he would not leave Cody without seeing the former. Jack met Jim when Jack was up fT> see what assessable property Jim had. Jack found Jim’3 wealth and still re tained Jim’s friendship. That’s going some. We have an expert watchmaker all work guaranteed. Bennett’s Jewelry Store. Scott Lyall expects to leave in a short time for the east to make hoavv purchases of cattle for W. R. Coe’s ranches. Mr. Coe will add about 500 head and feed them. Kid Newall will also go with Lyall. It is the intention of Mr. Coe to erect a modern six room home for Mr. Lyall and this will have bath and its own water system. Remember your favorite candidate In The Herald Plano contest when you need Job printing, as each dollars worth alone entitles you to 2,000 votes. One girl secured 80,000 votes from just one job of printing. Ben Thomas is back from a fine fishing trip up South Fork and sayb he caught 70 odd fish. Ben didn’t really elucidate whether the number was odd or the kind of fish he land«?d were odd. Neither did he produce any affidavits to support his state ments. but as he is a good wise Owl the matter will be closed. Chicken dinners at the Saddle Rock are the thing on Sundays. C. H. Guthard of the Cody Trading Co., accompanied by the following per rons loft yesterday for an extended trip through the Yellowstone Park; Mrs. Guthard, Misses Cecelia and Anna Koeg.e, and the Guthn-d boye. Edgar ard Raymond. Mian K )e --gler s a visitor here from Bear Lake. Michigan. Rexnll Blackberry Cprdlrl relieves . dy; entry, c ramp r.nd colic instantly. Western Drug Co. THE HERALD, CODY, ONE MORE MONTH UNTIL SCHOOL BEGINS. IT IS TIME TO PLACE YOUR ORDERS FOR SCHOOL DESKS AND SCHOOL SUP PLIES. WE SELL EVERYTHING NEEDED IN THE SCHOOL ROOM. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER. F. W. PFA‘FF & SON. *- J. L. Teeters of Lincoln. Neb., came in yesterday nnd will go through the Park with Tex Holm. Mr. Teeter* paid a visit to Ruby Schultz before leaving. Kodak Films good until August, 1912, Other supplies just as fresh. Western Drug Co. The Western Drug Co. has a big new gold leaf sign constructed in raised letters that is a beauty. It was made by Johnson & Johnson and is a fine piece of sign work as may be found anywhere. Now, therefore, I say unto you. "Kodakers. don’t be foolish but take your films to F. J. Hiscock. the picture man, to be developed and printed where experience counts for some thing. You got the benefit of twelve years experience.” We guarantee you satisfaction. Hiscock Studio. Mr. Foster’s sale at the Cody Trad ing company is growing rapidly in vol ume by reason of the very low prices he has made on everything in his de partment, and all of the clerks have been unusually busy wrapping up the bargains sold. ONE MORE MONTH UNTIL SCHOOL BEGINS. IT IS TIME TO PLACE YOUR ORDERS FOR SCHOOL DESKS AND SCHOOL SUP PLIES. WE SELL EVERYTHING NEEDED IN THE SCHOOL ROOM. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER. F. W. PFAFF & SON. SENATOR SCHWOOB RETURNS FROM PARK Senator J. M. Sehwoob and party are back from an eight day trip through the Park. In his party were Mr. Wilson, the manager of the Studebaker Colorado Vehicle Co., with headquarters at Den ver, and Homer Bostwick and wife of Sheridan. Mr. Wilson left on Monday by train and the Bostwicks returned to Sheri dan in an E. M. F. Flanders. This little machine has shown by the trip from Denver to Park County what the E. M. F. car really is. It never buck ed once on the long heavy trip. + L— ADJUSTMENTS OF ASSESSMENTS COMPLETED. County Assessor Fulkerson haa completed the great bulk of his work in assessing. The board of equalize tion has completed its work and the complaint board has jura finished its review and its findings will be found in another column of the Herald. By reading it you will see how you taxes stand, as now placed upon the assess ment rolls. EPWORTH LEAGUE TO ENTERTAIN. The Gnwthrop lawn on Beck avenue will be the scene of a merry throng next Thursday evening, the occasion being an ice cream social under the auspices of the Epworth League of the Methodist church. Should the weather not prove favorable the affair will take place in the Hunday School room. A good program ha 3 been ar ranged for the entertainment of those who attend and the b>wn will be il luminated with Japoneee lanterns. The general public is invited. H. R. WESTON VISITS OMAHA. H. R. Weston, the Mockmaster and banker paid a visit to Omaha leaving Cody last week and returning on Mon day of this week. THE VOGEL RANCH. The Scene Os A Duck Dinner And German Picnic On Sunday Last. Unusual good fortune came to the writer on Sunday last in the shape of an invitation to participate In a duck dinner and German picnic at the Vogel ranch. Just a few of the old time friends of the Vogel family gatherel around the festive board, but the oc casion proved most enjoyable In ever> essential. Aside from the feasting and general good time always vouchsafed to guests at this hospitable home, it 1b a pleas ure In Itself to visit the Vogel ranch. Only a few years ago the site ol this ranch, located on the bench about a mile west of town, was a sage brusn fiat, desolate and uninviting, but the undaunted perseverance and untiling diligence of Mr. and Mrs. Vogel have transformed this barren waste into a veritable oasis, where young but lusty trees sway in the breeze and broad ffelds of grain and nutritious grassed greet the eye. Flow r er3 blush ana bloom on every side and the place m once gives the impression of a fruitfu’, prosperous and well kept ranch. Com modious nnd comfortable residence buildings, ample burns and sheds a.ui i*. complete water system, put in at u large expense, comprise the Improve- WYOMING, AUGUST 4, 1911. I ments, aud the Vogel* are happy iii i the possession of a most delightful home, and happier still whenever the opportunity ccmes to throw wide the!, hospitable doors and welcome the’i friends and guests. ♦ COW WITH TUBERCULOSIS KILLED. Dr. Beal has examined for the owner on Irma Flat a cow afflicted with tuberculosis and killed it This is an Important matter. Little babies use milk for the greater por tion of their food diet until, or should at least, they are three years old or more. Cows subject to the dread disease of tuberculosis will in fect their milk and this in turn will afTect the human that drinks the cows product. Out of 71 cows ordered examined by the town council of Basin by Dr. Beal he found only one afflicted. This was killed. 1 CO. E GETS CAMP ORDERS. General Order No. 11 has been re ceived by Captain Wilson commanding him to have his company ready on the 9th of August to embark fer Therraop olis and go into camp. THE GARVINS RETURN TO N. Y. After a splendid sojourn at Novah Brown’*, ranch. Messrs. E. L. Garvin and O. C. Garvin brothers, of New York City left for their home yester day. They depart with the best of words for Park county and Novah -Brown. O. C. Garvin has been here for two years for his health. He found it He left a stalwart and handsome specimen of manhood, ready to again grapple with financial problems in his Broad way office In New York. FOR SALE--Ninety 20-foot corral poles. H.H.Schwoob, Phone 21 red. FOR SALE A. I. Stock Ranch, 560 acres deeded land 640 acre lease, 70 acres alfalfa, 255 acre water right, best out side range in the state. George S. Russell at Darrah’s Lumberyard FOR SALE—PUPS. Aeirdale pups for sale, by H. C. Sanborn. FOR SALE. Fine 160 Acre Ranch Seeded down. Good private water right. Improvements, house stable, chicken house, etc.--also Winona wagon, mower, rake and plow. Address W. A. BOYER Ishawooa, Wyo. ♦ Will Pay 30c for Eggs Wanted fresh ranch eggs-will pay 30 cents per dozen cash or trade. CODY TRADING CO. + FOR SALE—-1200 odd Ewes, to be deliv ered Sept. 15. Inquire at Shoshone National Bank. FOR SALE —Kind ling or stove wood in blocks. H.H.Schwoob Phone 21 red. FOR SALE, HORSES. Team of fine horses. One lady’s or gentle man’s driving horse gaited to-saddle. The other a 4 year driver, trusty, will drive single or double. Weight about 1,100. Price $250. each or SSOO fortheteam. Apply to JIM GEHMAN Meeteetse or Cody, Wyo. Man-Tail ored Suits, Coats and] Skirts for Women and Misses By special arrangement we represent one of the most up-to-date tailoring establishments in the country making only strictly man-tailored garments to individual measure We cordially invite customers and friends to inspect our Portfolio of Fashions for Fal nineteen hundred eleven which includes seventy eight distinctive, authoritive styles and about three hundred and fifty materials Prompt delivery and satisfaction in style, fii and quality guaranteed. How to Secure Contest Vote We are giving votes on all accounts which were created prior to June 1, and which patrons will settle Many will avail them selves of this liberal offer and many young giris will be benefited in consequence thereof. Os course every cash sale carries too votes for every dollars worth purchased in any department. COUPON Good for 1500 votes when used to nominate a New Candi date. Good for 250 votes for Candidate already entered. This Coupon is Not Good after Aug. 26 I VOTE FOR „ CaSlJate HERALD PIANO CONTEST THE CODY TRADING CO J. M. SCHWOOB, Treasurer and Manager F. W. Pfaff Undertaking Leo H. Pfaff a Specialty PFAFF & SON SuciiwiUCd) Tradio, Cm. Faraitar. Dapt. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FURNITURE CODY, WYO., Aug. 4, 1911 To The School Trustees, Park County, Wyo., Gentlemen One more month until School begins. It Is time to place your "'* * * * orders for school desks and school supplies. We sell everythlmg needed In the school room. Get our prices before you place you order. Yours very truly, PFAFP 4 SON. L.H.P.