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j AMWH P. KIMBALL. W. a.. Pa. L>. mining okolooin KiCl> I.oooas. MONT. WOLGAST AND McF'ARLAND WILL MEET SEPTEMBER 15. Milwaukee. Wis., July 29. Ad Wol * t al ,d Packey McFarland will bat th, | n Milwaukee on Sept. 16 in place of Sept 18. was first announced. The change of date v/as made on Thursday after Eddie Brunner, reprei „nting Frank Mulkern. had consulted Wolgnst. This advance in date is sura ■ o bring about better results in the matter of attendance, as the battle will held during the closing days of the Wisconsin State fair and visitors from ,!1 parts of the State will be in M7l - at the time. 4 BLOOD ENRICHED BY HIGH ALTITUDES. Hod corpuscles in the blood are 40 per cent greater at this altitude than tl r Hea level. This is an indication of imrer blood In high altitudes than at .•a level. The lack of oxygen in the atmos phere at high altitudes is the primary < anse of all mountain sicknesses The blood of persons living at Col orado Springs. Denver or Cheyenne is much richer and therefore much rao"# capable of resisting disease germs than the blood of persons living In New York or San Francisco. "*Red corpuscles are the oxygen-car ving agencies of the blood and. be cause oxygen is a purifier. It necessar ily shows that the greater the veins the greater the purity of the blood and the greater Its disease-repeiling power. These statements are made by the four eminent international medical scientists who are now studying the problem of the effect of altitude up on humanity, and are making their observations on the summit of Pike’.* Peak. 14.147 feet above sea level. Doctors J. A. Haldane and Cordon SHOSHONE NATIONAL BANK OE CODY, WYO. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: S. W. ALDKICH * C. I'AKKS. Jr. l*re«Mrnt J.D.JONKS C- K PARKKR, Ctthlti IHrwtor.: H c PARKB.Jr. IJ W. UI.OMtJUIHT. Asst CMhUr C K- PARKKR n. CONANT PAKKH Every facility consistent with sound banking practice is offered by this Bank to Its customers and good accounts ere solicited upon this basis Over 68,000 SATISFIED Buick Owners In every part of this land vouch for the reliability, hill climbing power and speed of their cars 1 hey will tell you that our sales organization with its shops, stock-room, mechanics and unequaled facilities constitute the safest guarantee of service offered by the automobile industry. Let us demonstrate what Buick Auto Construc tion represents in Quality, Service and Price. Buick Automobiles D. E. HOLLISTER, Agent Prospective purchasers may inspect cars by calling for Glenn Borron, Brundage Hardware Building opposite Irma Hotel KIMBALL KIMBALL MIXING. MECHANICAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERS Red Lodge. Mont Cody. Wyo Billings. Mont Douglas of Oxford university, England, Doctor Yam bell Henderson of Yale university, and Doctor E. C. Schneldsr of Colorado college are conducting these experiments, which are endan gering their lives in away. It is remarkable that men who have come straight from sea level and have simply stayed in the city of Colorado Springs a sufficient time to get their apparatus In shape, have been able to ascend a mountain height like that of lMke’s Peak and then go through these experiments which are more than sufficient to kill the average ac climated man What is true of Colorado is also true of Wyoming and particularly Park country. WAPITI ITEMB. The lightning last Thursday struck a telephone pole above Wapiti and burnt out several ’phones along the line. Mr. and Mrs. Thurmond on the North Fork gave a dance Saturday night in their big barn. Every one said they had a Jolly time. The dane ins continued until daylight. Mr Wenders and son with Severn others have left for Jackson Hole country. A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Miller. Mr and Mrs. Lehman. Mies Vera and Roy Lehman. Mr. H. Sawtei. Mr. H. Michcll went on a flailing trip up the river Sunday, a fine string oi trout were caught. The largest welgn ing over 1 2 4 pounds Mr. Lee Barron and party return* 3 1 from a trip to the I*ake Hotel. While setting up a telephone pole this side of the canyon. Mr. Millei found a skull which is supposed to be that of a woman’s THE HERALD, CODY, WYOMING, AUGUBT 4, 1»I1- FARLEY KIMBALL ASSISTANT ENUIN KKKSi W. O. FBHCT PULLEKTON DVKAM W. STEELE CANADA WILL VOTE DIRECTLY ON RECIPROCITY-ELECTION IS SET FOR SEPTEMBER 21 Ottawa, Ont., August 2. —Parliment was dissolved this afternoon. Nomin ations are fixed for September 14 and elections for September 21. The dissolution of the Canadian par liament carries the question of reci procity between the United States and Canada before the Canadian elector ate where the reciprocity issue from this time until the election of Sept. 21 will be the controlling issue. The an nouncement of dissolution was a ful fillment of Premier Laurier’s ultimat um delivered to the opposition forces last Monday, that continued resistance to a vote would be met by an appeal to the country. The present Liberal government has a large majority in the Dominion par liament. but the absence of a cloture rule has made it impossible to secure a vote by which this majority could adopt the reciprocity measure. In the event of the success of the Liberal party at the polls in September, the new parliment will at once pass the reciprocity measure, whereas a defeat of the Liberals will mean the passing of Premier Laurier and the permanent shelving of reciprocity between the United States and Canada The present house of commons con sists of 133 Liberals, eighty-five Con servatives and three independents. TWO LADY CHAMPION RIDERS Will Defend their Titles In the Coming Cheyenne Frontier Celebration Against Worthy Contestants Cheyenne. Wyo.. Aug. 3. —Goldie St. i Clalr,.claiming to be the world's cham pion indy broncho buster, who was seriously injured in an exhibition ia the cast last winter, and Miss Jane Bernandy of Arizona, holding the un disputed title of champion lady ropar in the United States, are planning o defend their titles at the coming Frontier Days celebration in this city beginning August 23. Miss St. Cla*r has ridden in exhibitions at previous Frontier Celebrations, and has made a sensation, so that it is doubtful if any contestants will appear against her. In addition there have been sev eral protests filed against a ladies’ bucking contest on account of the great danger of accident. Miss Bermandy, however, will prob ably meet a rival roperess in Mrs. S. Underhill of Winnipeg. She claims the championship among the lady rop ers of Canada, is the wife of a mem be of the Canadian mounted police and is a fearless horsewoman. LEGAL WAY TO MEASURE HAY. Ranchmen and others handling hay should remembe; that the last legisla ture passed a law providing for the measurement of hay. It is found Ik Chapter 30, page 43, Session Law’s of Wyoming. 1911, as follows: Section 1. That from and after th*-. passage of this law, unless otherwise agreed to between the contracting parties, the following shall constitute the legal measure nent for hay In stack in the state of Wyoming. Four hundred and twenty-two cubic feet constitute a ton of clean, native blue joint hay, after thirty days up to three months settlement in the stack. As to all other kinds of hay, afte» the same shall have settled in stack from sixty days up, five hundred and twelve cubic feet shall constitute a ton of timothy and clover after the same shall have been in the stack thirty days and up to one year. Making measurements of haj in stack the following Is hereby made the legal method of measurements to-wit: The width and length of the stack shall be measured and the d's tance from the ground against one side of the stack, directly over the opposite, shall be taken In linear foet, and Inches and then the width shall be substracted from the measurement over the stack, as above Indicated, the result divided by two and the result thus obtained multiplied by the length which will give the number of cubic feet contained In the stack, and the tonnage thereupon be determined by dividing the total number of cubic feet allowed under the provisions of this aot for a ton. KUBBELL KIMBALL, M. R. D. S. MINERAL MtTKVKYOK KOH WYO. U.S. MINERAL NI'HVKVuH rOH MONT. CITY ENOINBEK. COIIY, WYO. THt BENCH CANAL. Meeting of lncorporators # Held And Organization Perfected. R. H. Ahrens reports that while he was in Germania, a meeting was held of the incorporators of the Bench Can al. A committee on Incorporation and by-laws consisting of George W. Zom, Henry Wegner and Lester E. Watson made report. E. J. Sullivan of Cody addressed the meeting, stating that he was formerly a bond holder but was now a stockholder. That 98 per cent, of the land under the canal was sold and the company wa3 compelled to turn over to the settlers. J. W. Ram sey and four others hold all the re maining stock. Judge Parmelce de sires to have the receiver discharged. Mr. Weese. the receiver, w-c. 3 present to negotiate with the corporation formed. Mr. Sullivan stated that the old corporation had put up a bond to complete the headgate or diversion dam. Receiver Weese is willing to turn over the SIO,OOO on hand to the new corporation if this contract Is assumed The maintenance for 1910 cost 20 cents an acre. This year an assessment of 40 cent 3 an acre was made and half of this amount is now in the treasury, in comparision with other Irrigating projects this Is a very low maintenance cost. There are no siphons or long flumes to contend with, making the mainten ance cost very low. Last year the Cody canal cost $1.50 an acre for maintenance and this year $2.00 has been assessed.—Basin Republican. * Look for the coupons. C. D. Prante Freight Transfer Phone 121 Red We m Go On Your Bond Dressed Spring Chickens Now at Esser’s Palace Meat Market Phone your orders for a pair of nicely dressed spring chickens for Sunday Our Sausages of every description are prepared by an expert and none are so good as ours Esser’s Palace Market JOHN ESSER, Prop. Phone 99 THE Bell Telephone keeps the trav eler in touch with all the resources of civilization. Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Co. R. EARL BRACEWELL, Manager Cody Exchange A Car Load of Weatherproof Compo-Rubber Roofing This is theoiost durable and economical READY ROOFING outde. See us for prices. Wallop & Moncreiffe Lumber Company H. B ROBERTSON, Mu|,r Plow 100 will go oil your bond for any purpose that any occasion creates. If you are executor, trustee, assignee, suing or being sued and require surety in the courts for your undertaking we will go on your bond. Lawyers needing immediate execution of bonds ofauy description will And our company the most acceptable. Don’t embarrass your friends nor resources by becomine security on bonds when the risk is eliminated by having us take All the Risk That’s what we are in the business for The National Surety Company is the largest and strongest bonding company in the world It’s services the most satisfactory, efficient and prompt in the United States. When you need a Bond get the National Surety Co. To Go on Your Bond Phone 184 Offices with Northern Wyoming Herald, Cody, Wyo. 3