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FINE CLOTHES UNDERPRICED ” ■' • QNE great advantage you get in a sale like our season’s clearance is that you get unusually good qualities at unusually low prices. Your choice of suits worth S2O $22.50, $25, $27.50 and S3O only $1 7.50. Your choice of suits worth $32.50, $35, $37.50, and S4O only $22.50 Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are always a good bargain and getting them at anything less than regular prices is like finding money. Same way with lots of other goods we’re clearing; a great chance for saving money. All our black, blue and fancy suits are offered at these bargain prices: Here are some bargains in oxfords, velvet calf, patent leather and tan, Russian calf, regular $4, $4.50 and $5 i-i up values at This is a chance for the boys. All Knickerbocker suits at one-fourth off. A special lot of boys’ knee pants suits at one-half regular price. A splendid chance to get dress and school suits. One-half off on a small lot of youths’ three piece suits, ages up to 16 years. You will find it will pay you in every line to take advantage of this Clearance Sale. To make it especially interesting we We will have dozens of other bargains not listed or priced here that will be on sale. These prices are for cash only. Remember you get the best quality only when you BUY IT OF DAVE JONES Cody, Wyoming COUPON Good for I 500 votes when used to nominate a New Can- - didate. Good for 250 votes for Candidate already entered. This coupon not good after Aug. 26, 1911 I vote for Candidate HERALD PIANO CONTEST GERMANIA ITEMS. A mooting of the farmers under the bench Canal with the representative nf the original Company, was held ’.w Germania Hall. July 20th, with the 'oß’iit that the farmers have organized il now company to be known as the noh Canal Company” and have '•do n over the canal with $11,000.00 ,n complete It. The Board of Dlrec >or* for the first year consists of G. K Baker, H. A. Wegner, Wm. Peper, W. Zorn and C. R. Llpsey. Messrs, nullivan and Weese motored over from I °dy to nttend the meeting. B W. Wilson’s new house Is nearly Pa, ly for occupancy and Is quite ati y't'rovenient to the lower end of the 'Wich. The population of the Bench turned out en masse for the big celebration July 24, at Burlington and reported a very enjoyable time. The local ball team again suffered defeat at the hands of the “Cubs” In the game play ed 911 the Burlington diamond In the afternoon. Chaß Lambert of Cody was In this vicinity early this week. Arch Wensel and Mr. Penn and their families started Tuesday for a week's outing on the North Fork. Mr. and Mrs Henry Johnson also left this week for a short fishing trip. Rudolph Ahrens of Basin, attended the ditch meeting, Thursday. H. J. Fulton was over this way hi THE HERALD. CODY, WYOMING, AUGUBT 4, I*ll. No Suits Reserved A little talk with the candidates in the Herald Piano Contest 1 his sale will offer a splendid opportunity for you to suggest to your male relatives how much they may save by attending this underpriced sale, and thereby secure the best for the least money. They will thank you and very likely hand you the sale coupons. These will increase your vote. his new car Thursday on business. Mrs. Gormley has returned from vis iting her mother, Mrs. Bennett n Greybull. Roy Niccolls was a caller In last week. The Sewing* Club will meet next week with Mrs. Henry Wegner. Warren Wilson lost a fine colt this week. Several teams left this week for the mountains near Cody for logs. Our ranchers are busy now hauling their grain and hogs to Cody. Miss Birdie Rlter entertained Edna Dowell, the early part of the week. will offer some particular bargains each day, according to the following list: Aug. 5, Saturday, special, 50c holeproof socks, colors, 32jc Aug. 7, Monday, “ $2.50 & $2.85 flannel shirts 1.95 Aug. 8, Tuesday, “ 35c holeproof socks, colors, 20c Aug. 9, Wedn’sday “ 10 doz. 1.50,1.7 5 w’kgloves 1.20 Aug. 10, Thursday, “ all white and fancy vests 40 % off Aug. 11, Friday, “ 50, 60 and $1 ties only 40c Aug. 12, Saturday, the last and the best—two big values— all $4, $4.50 and $5 dress shoes .... 3.25 All $6 Florsheim dress shoes .... 4.00 Edgar Shoemaker, formerly of the Bench but now a resident of Shell, was a visitor at Mr. Knauss’ last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wensel entertain'd Mr. Scovllle and a college friend sev eral days last week, they left Sunday for a trip to the National Park via. the Cody Route. Will Hodson’s were the guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rigtrup of Burlington Flats. A. Rasmussen and Mads Jensen left Friday for Cody with oats. * SPLENDID POWELL WRITEUP. The Northern Wyoming Herald for this week contains a splendid depart 4nent chock, full of Powell news done HOW TO SECURE VOTES We are giving votes upon all accounts which were created prior to June 1, and which patrons may settle. Many have availed themselves of this liberal offer and many young girls have benefitted in consequence thereof. Os course every cash sale carries votes —100 lor every dol lar’s worth purchased in any department. This bargain sale of ours is your opportunity mothers and fathers to aid your favorite candidate. , hk'h will be read hereabouts win considerable interest. Wien it ejine.' to vim, energy and go-ahead qualities Brother Morris Is there ami ovei; 1 his latest feature of his .jxcellen newspaper is but one more rtep in l;ne with the progressive Idea!/ of ot r enterprising Cody Powell Tribune LUCIER’S CODY BOOKLET. The Lucler Cody souvenir booklet has just appeared and a daisy it H from every point or view. The pub lication Is Indeed a work of art and represents just what our Bill can do when he goes after ’em. A finer thing of its kind has never yet come to our notice in connection with any similar* Wyoming undertaking.—Powell Ti 1- buae. A BAD ACCIDENT. W. H. Pearce, of the Palette ranch i stopped in town Monday on his way t“ Cody. His son, Sidney, who accom panied him. suffered from a painful accident when a few miles the other side of Meeteetse, and found it neces sary to stay in town for Eiirgical freat ment. It seems that as Sidney wtn riding his horse and loading another* one. the animal carrying him took fright and ran away with him, plung ing him into a tree. His head ww cut to the extent of a three-inch gaeh. rendering him unconscious for several hours. The wound was successfully treated, however, and the patient hr up and about very much as usual. — Meeteetse News. 5