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“If Its Hardware -- We’ve Cot It" tamp Life Is made perfect and pleasur able when you outfit at the Brundage Hardware Company It is headquarters for Tents, Camping Out fits, Fishing Tackle, Ammunition, Rifles The Rancher isn’t Overlooked Either Twine will be among his prime necessities in the harvest time. Call here for your twine Brundage Hdw. Co. The Cody-Park Steam Laundry Equipped with all Modern Improvements Work Speedily Executed and Guaranteed to be Satisfactory At the Park Steam Luumlry is a soft wuter tank, used tor all kinds of flannels and woolen goods. Work guaran teed not to abrink if not shrunk before. Hough dry, 5c per lb; all flat work ironed. J. M. frost Carries the Largest and Best assorted stock of Domestic and Imported wines.LKiuors.Glns To be Found in tue Blp Horn Basin Camping parties can find here the line of goods best suited to their purposes. Great care is exercised in filling all orders and satisfaction is guaranteed in each and every order given us. Family Trade Especially Solicited J. M. FROST, • Cody, Wyoming Phone 33 Black 1 have just fathered 21 head of the Choicest Beef Cattle Ever brought into Cody for slaughter We will now continue to furnish the Splendid Beef that has always brought us the best trade of Cody Don't overlook the fact that our prices are as low as are consistent with the high grade quality of our BEEF, LAMB, PORK AND OTHER LINES DILL PICKL ES—Of course we carry them City Meat Market KENNETH HONNAKER, Proprietor Phone SI the Missing Word Contest this week Telephone 72 THE HERALD, CODY, WYOMING, AUGUST 4, 1911. ISHAWOOA LOCALS. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jones and daugh ter, Zora, visited at Ed. Martin’s Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Aldrich and guests, Dr. Mary Potter and Miss Bpecht are enjoying a few days of camp life In Hardpan Basin. Jim Corder and Carl Isham came over from the Stonebridge ranch on North Fork to gather some of their horae3. Harry Thurston came up from Cody on Tuesday’s stage to enjoy a few day’s outing at Valley. Judging from the condition of the animals wc are sure the patrons of the City Meat Market will be served with the very best of meat for the next few weeks. Road Supervisor Blen Holman hat, just finished a new grade up what Is known as the T-E hill. This makes a great improvement as the old grade was very steep. Miss Joanna Reeves has been en gaged to teach the Irma Flat school for next year. Miss Reeves taught our school last year with satisfaction to all of our families. We extend con gratulations to the Irma school patrons The construction of the Rock Creek bridge has just been commenced un der the supervision of Jay Blood. All the water from the stream is being used for irrigation purposes, which affords an opportune time for the work + COMPANY E’s TARGET PRACTICE. Men All Make Favorable Showing. Captain Wilson commanding Co. E of the local militia had his men out last Sunday at target practice. They all made a very favorable showing w, the score below reveals. 200 Yards. Munsterinan 26 Winters 20 Beal 24 Warren 23 Johnson 25 Peterman 26 300 Yards. Munsterman 25 Cougill 31 Winters 34 Warren 36 Johnson 32 Peterman 25 500 Yards. Munsterman 35 Cougill 32 Warren 33 Winters 29 Johnson 28 Peterman 25 BID FOR CONSTRUCTION Os A School House On Lower Sage Creek. Cody. Wyoming. August 3. 1911. Bld3 are hereby solicited for the construction of a school house for the District No. 3, Lower Sage Creek, according to plars and specifications on file in the office of the Wallop & Moncreiffe Lumber Company, Cody, Wyoming, where prospective bidders may inspect them. All materials are to be delivered at the site of the pro posed bull ling by the school board of said district. Bidders arc invited to submit plans and specifications of their own design for a structure not to exceed the cost of S9OO. The school board reserves the light to reject any and all bids. Bids will bo openod Saturday eve ning. August 5, 1911. at 7:30 o’clock at the above office and all bidders are requested to be present. C. F. FOLSOM. President. O. W. WICKLANDER. Clerk. Lower Sage Creek School Board. One time August 4, 1811. $25.00 REWARD If my Bay stud Branded 185 Weight 1100 lbs. Is returned to the undersigned TEX HOLM, CODY, WYOMING WARRENS DINE PRESIDENT TAFT Washington, D C\, July 31—In r,v porting the Warren dinner to Presi dent Taft, the Washington Herald so ciety page says: "The president was the dinner gue3t last evening of Senator and Mrs. Fran cis E. Warren, the bride and bride groom of the senate, whose presenta tion U> official society in their new es tate was at a dinner at the White Houpc, given in their honor by the president, who had a company of dis tinguished men and women present co meet them on the east terrace, al fres co. The dinner last evening wan also an al freaco affair, at the Chevy Chase club, served on the wide veranda, and the guests included the vice-president and Mro. Sherman, Mrs. Francos G. Newlando, wife of the senator from Nevada: Senator and Mrs. Wetmore, Senator Crane, Senator Root, Repre sentative and Mrs. Longsworth. Mrs. A. G. McClintock, Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs. Huntington Wilsen, Assiß3tant Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Beekman Winthrop, Mr. Hillleg, Secretary to the president; Major Butt military aide to the president; Judge Heron, of Cincinnati, brother of Mrs. Taft, and a guest at the White House; Judge Roderick X. Matson, of Chey enne, Wyo., and Mr. and Mrs. Wood bury Blair. "Mrs. Warren, the hostess, was for merly Miss Clare Leßarron Morgan, niece of Justice Brown, retired, and her engagement to Senator Warren was announced only a few weeks ago, the marriage following shortly after ward in New York." + REV. L. C. THOMPSON GUEST OF RELATIVES. Rev. L. C Thompson, the well known Methodist divine is in town this week. He has been the guest oi Dean Thompson his brother-in-law. Rev. Thompson is one of the oldest ministers in point of service in the Big Horn Basin and a very useful man. + CODY TRADING CO. SELLS BIG BILL OF GOODS. One of the largest single bills re cently sold by any local house is the bill of SI,OOO purchased by the Renner known firm makes close prices on all Sheep Co., of Meetee*se. This well they sell and is one of the oldest firms in the county. ♦ HOMESTEADER'S CLAUSE. Continued from page 1. serves better treatment or greater fact, no class of citizens —that de indulgence at the hands of the United * States government than do these hardy industrious, honest, enterprising pio neers who are forcing the reluctant * soil to gather and give up moisture tc ■ insure, at least every other year, a > crop worth harvesting." 1 Speaking in favor of the bill, Sena tor Clark agreed that our public land ■ laws needed revision, but said the k Warren measure was an immediate * necessity. He said: "One of two things must happen. 1 Either these people must be relieved by the passage of a law of this sort ► or they must lose their efforts for the 1 time spent on their lands. It is true : as has been suggested here, that ou*- 1 lend laws are archaic; it is also true r'pat every possible obstruction Is put ' in the way at this day of every man who wants to settle upon public lands 'f the United States, there to carve out a home. Not only are objection-* put *n hi® way practically, but hardlv an entn is made in local land offices that has "ot the tinge of suspicion cast upon it. No matter how earnest may be the endeavor. It is almost im possible for a man In this day to se cure, with any reasonable degree of certainty or In any reasonable time, the title to the land which he has oc cupied "The conditions ot the present time in these particular land districts are known all over the country. It is known that there have been drouths, it is known that crops have failed - it ir known that unless these settler* pet this temporary relief they must forfeit whatever right may have ♦o this land in many cases. I hope that we may not wait for general laws in order to relieve a present neces sity.” During the discussion it was shown that Canada is much more liberal with : homesteaders than the United States— allowing six months each year and re quiring but three years* residence to perfect title to a homestead. It is the : belief of those familiar with weste; a j conditions that the character of the remaining public lands warrant some j f-uch liberation of our present law*, j tnd an effort will be made to accom plish something of this kind during ■ the regular session. The greatest hindrance to more liberal land laws j during the coming session will be the j presence of a majority of eastern and \ southern democrats, who neither know j nor are particularly concerned about > the western homesteader. F. H. BARROW. i PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. C. G. MANLOVE Dentist CODY, WYOMING DR. M. CHAMBERLIN Dentist CODY, WYOMING J. G. LINK & C. S. HAIRE Architects Offices: Butte, Billings, Helena, Miles City and Missoula, Montana. C. E. HAYDEN, Engineer and Surveyor, Notary Public. Agent for Irrigated lands. Corresipondence solicited. CODY. WYOMING W. S. Collins Thos. M. Hyde COLLINS & HYDE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Will Practice In All Courts. Mining, Land and Bankrupt Cases Our Specialty. Basin, .... Wyo. Basin State Bank Bldg. DR. HOWE, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Assistant Surjreon B. A M. R. R. Office lu Pioneer Building CODY, WYOMING J. H. VAN HORN, LAWYER. Office Over Shoshone National Bank. CODY, WYOMING H. S. RIDGLEY, LAWYER; Will Practice in all Courts. BASIN, WYOMING DR. M. BEAL All Branches Veterinary Practice Formerly With U. S. Government Office Buffalo Bill Barn Phone 130 PUBLIC LAND AND MINING CASES. If you are interested in any contest or any matter before the Interior De partment, write to Clark & Wright, registered land lawyers, 902 F Street N. W. (opposite GenT Land Office), Washington, D. C. Free information about contests and where to obtain scrip, locatable upon public lands without residence or cultivation Buffalo Bill’s Hotels in the Rockies Col. W. F. Cody, L. E. Decker, Proprietor Manager THE IRMA, Cody, Wyo., European plan. $ 1.00 per daj and up wards. Modem and first-class WAPITI INN, 36 miles from Cody, on Yellowstone Park Government road. $2.50 per day; $1 5 weekly PAHASKA TEPEE, Foot of Sylvan Pass, 60 miles from Cody, on Yellowstone Park Gov’t Road, I I-2 miles from Park entrance. $3.00 per day, $15.00 weekly Paha slut aid Wapiti arc ia the heart of the Big Game country, and Fhieet Trout Fishing and Mountain Scanary in the Rockies. Alaska suggests frost and frigidity—but that is not the atmosphere of the ALASKA SALOON W. J. CHAPMAN, Proprietor Headquarters for finest liquors and cigars both domestic and imported *••••*• • • • • e • FOR SALE CHEAP. • • House and 2 acres of good • • land situated on Main street, • • Cody, Wyo. Good location. • • Apply Box 594, Cody, Wyo. • • •••**• • * • • • ♦ GREAT DEVELOPMENTS IN CODY. The greatest developments in busi ness that have ever taken place in Cody are taking place every day at the photograph gallery on Second street. Films and pictures developed on short notice and satisfaction guar- ♦ Every subscription you pay up you secure votes for some young girl on her piano contest vote. Baldwin Pianos . And Organs Best Quality Lowest Prices Live Stock Taken As Part Payment J. W. LORD. Agent, Garland, Wyoming Beck Avenue Blacksmith Shop C. F. SCHOLES, Proprietor Horseshoeing and General Repairing Phone 114 Black CHAS. BENJAMIN TAILOR CODY, - WYOMINC THE Grupp RESTAURANT George Grupp, Proprietor Now Splendidly Epuipped and doing business on Sheridan Avenue. Open Night and Day Your tastes are anticipated and your wants always satisfied at The Grupp W. T. TUCKER. Powell, Wyo. EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls answered day or night. Everything in Furniture » POWELL, WYO 7