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beautiful cup for COL CODY A Ne»t l ittle SurprUe will be Sprung on the Old Scout By til* Friend* of the Bright Spot August 4th In the window of Birumer Biob., 1» handsome silver loving cup properl* engraved, to be presented to ButTalo ~i ;1 t,y his friends of this city at the opening ,>f hu afternoon performance Buffalo Bill is a native of Scott coun and was born near Leclatre. The l. t I railway take* Its course directly over the «P°t where he once lived, and It l» expected many of his old riends of Scott county and their child . children will be In Clinton to wave farewell to the Old Scout on hla last appearance here in the arena, August 4th. Buffalo Bill Day In Clinton will be a gala day, and from all the surround ing country the trains will bring our lows people to greet the lowa hoy who la rcrngnlied the world over as a maker of history. At the afternoon performances a mammoth loving cup will he presented him by his friends of the city of Clln mn. and the ehances are that It will knock the Old Scout out of the saddle. The cup which was furnished and • -igraved by Brumer Bros., Is an el uant sterling silver article standing 1| inches high and 7 Inches in diameter. Handsomely engraved on one side with •he following: To Col. W. F. Cody Buffalo Bill A Maker of History An lowa Boy Who Honors His State From The CitUens of Clinton. lowa, August 4, 1911. On the other side appears a cloud of th" names of our cltlxens who made ihla presentation a possibility. A& comi«nylng the cup Is an elegant case, leathet covered and finished Inside In WANTED To Buy Good Mineral Claims Whose Titles are Warranted Perfect Oil and Gas, Sulphur and Similar Min real Proposi tions Wanted Full Details Must be Sent and Only by Mail Big Horn Basin Mineral Agency CODY, WYOMING purple plush. The presentation, Instead of being: made in the presence of a favored few at a banquet will take place at the afternoon performance, and the old scout will be “surrounded” just as he finishes his Introduction of the Con gross of Nations at the opening feature of the entertainment. Two little school girls will approach him bearing the American flag the only combination to which Buffalo Rill takes off hla hat* one bearing the cup. City Auditor William E. Hayes in behalf of our citizens will deliver n brief address, and load the Old Scout with the cup of silver, which, knowing him as we do, he will prize highly, "not on account of Its intrinsic worth or value, but as a memento to that he was then and there" made to realize, that he was appreciated and esteemed by the people of his native state. —lowa Merry War. A REAL WHOPPER. A Fish Story That Really Beats The Dutch. Apro|K>» of the visit here this week of Joe Magllla. a fish story Is remem bered In which he once figured. It Is asserted that one time when stories were being told around the camp flr<? of the remarkable fish cr.ught, Joe to*l of a time when he was fishing from a boat in a largo lake and caught an ex ceptionally large fish which ho w*\s unable to get into the boat. Finally the boat was rowed ashore with the fish in tow and after much effort the fish was hauled up on the bank. Here Joe abruptly finished Finally one of the cowpunchers asked Joe what be came of the fish. Joe replied: “I had to get it back in the water, when got it out on the bank the lake went down sc far that I could not push the boat back and so I let the fish back to float the boat.” Even Wlckwlrle admits that he ha» nothing to compete with this adven ture. H. W. Flomer says he has ? photogiaph of a larger fish, but pho'o gruphs don't go in any fish story com petition held in this country.—Basis Republican. i Going Fishing? Start from Western Drug Co. with the right kind of tackle. THE HERALD. CODY, WYOMING, AUGUST 4, 1911. STANLEY MEANT CHALLENGE For Cannon Not Loomis As Stated In Last Week’s Herald—Editor Narrowly Escapes Death By one of those unaccountable er rors The Herald in publishing the challenge of Stanley to Cannon last week the name of Loomis was substi tuted for that of Cannon. There was no intention on the part of Stanley to challenge Mr. Loomis, nor to annoy or irritate that gentle man. He was after Cannon. Stanley is still after him. The Herald believes he will and can throw the wily little man from the Emerald Isle. The feature The Herald regrets about the error made in using Loomis’ name instead of Cannon's is the troub le it brought. Stanley came in The Herald office with blood in his eye, and it took all of Friday afternoon to talk him out of wiping up ye floor with ye editor. The editor never know that he could talk so fast and so eloquently as he did to Stanley. The latter was deter mined to shed gore but finally he be gan to smile and then ye scribe knew that the dove of peace hovered nearbv, for when Stanley smiles it means that, he is at peace with the world and ha* won a victory. Read his challenge to Cannon— mind you CANNON. Tired of the repeated loggings given him by Cannon and his Powell frienis Stanley, Cbdy’s favorite, has issued a challenge to the man he can easily vanquish and calls him to do battde in September next. Stanley said to The Herald, “I issue this challenge to that Powell man Cannon, who has been doing so much talking through the papers. I will wrestle him for the best two out :>f three falls, pin falls only to count Police Gazette Rules to govern with some exceptions. That is the first man to call a draw looses the match then and there, and the winner to take all the gate receipts and the purse The match is to take place the laot of September and no sooner. Now then let Canron get busy and see who has YOU TOURISTS who are seeing the most beautiful portion of the whole world—the northwestern part of Wyoming, which is Park County will wish to preserve of the wonderful things seen. There’s Only One Way To Do This USE THE KODAK Bennett’s Cody Drug & Jewelry Co. is headquarters for Cameras and all Supplies Olir Pliaymoev has an Established reputation for the skillful compounding of pres- V/UI 1 Hal lilac J cr jpti on s. Accuracy is our watchword. Our line of drugs is complete Tourists and Camping Parties Don’t Overlook Our Fishing Tackle at Low Prices. GO UPON Giwd lor IS9O Vol.l when e»ed I. NOMINATE a New Candidate 77ie Mall Math Good for 250 Votea for candidate already entered. Thir Coepon Distinguishes _ _ not good after An f . 26, 1911 . * f _ of Quality Articles sold at I rr-jiiti HERALD VOTING CONTEST Bennett’s Cody Drug and Jewelry Co. the tourists mecca cold feet —he or myself. 1 know' what j I can do with him, and he knows. He can have it all done over again «n September and perhaps he and his friends will be satisfied then." hartigan takes vacation. At a meeting of the Directors of tho Cody Club held on the 31st day of July, R. L. Donley was elected temporary secretary during the absence from Cody of Mr. Hartigan. Mr. Hartigan expects to be out of the city for about six weeks and 1* was deemed advisable to appoint a temporary chairman in view of the fact that there is much important work to be accomplished by the Club within the next two months. Mr. Hartigan will go to his ranch on the Big Horn river for an extended vacation and remain there during the remainder of the farming season. He expects to return to Cody in the early fall. * 4 BRACEWELL SECURES INCREASE IN BUSINESS. Under the efficient management oi R Earle Bracewell, the local telephone exchange shows a gratifying expansion of traffic and extensionr.. During the past month there have been added 20 new subscribers, new toll stations. This has necessitated a new operator, Miss Grace Lambert, who is taking hold like a veteran. "The Cody exchange of our Com pany said Manager Bracewell to The Herald shows about twenty per cent. Increase In tolls the past month. We also have three thousand feet of ad ditional cable to string and this is now on the way." ♦ PAT KELLY DONATES SCHOOL SITE The Wapiti people are going to have a new and modern school house owing to the activty of Representative D. E. Hollister and the generosity of Pat Kelly. Mr. Kelly has donated a splendid piece of land on his upper ranch. The site given by him is between the bridge and Whltecreek. The around Wapiti are a very progressive set and thoroughly believe in good schools and houses for the children, and the public spirited ness of Pat Kelly Is much appreciated. 4 CODY GETS ANOTHER MAIL CLERK. Postmaster Frank Thompson has received notice from the chief clerk of the railway imJI service, with hea !- quarters at Lincoln, that Cody will have an additional mall clerk soon. C. V. Cassellman, with headquarters at Cody, will travel out of Cody as clerk to Frannle and from there to Billings as helper. Railway Clerk Fltzmaurlce will have his station at Billings and carry the remainder of the work. - f DRY FARMER JONES SUCCESS. Some time since E. N. Jones under took dry farming in the Monument Hill section and is meeting with great success. He has an attractive ranch •and is raising good crops. ♦ GAY FISHING PARTY. It was a gay party which went Ash ing up to Wapiti last Sunday. In the bunch, were Dick Rosseau, Ruby Schultz. Walter (McKinley) Owens and A. S. McClain. Each one declines to say how many fish they caught. But all say that the trip was enjoyed and are willing to repeat it. , The Night Owl ( / am the Night Owl, The Great White Way I Prowl. ; 4 4 I have Hot Tamales, Hot Frankfeurters, j Pickled Pig’s Feet, Chille Con Came, < Chicken Pot Pie and Hard Boiled Eggs ; ft. ( and all the Toothsome Things for sale each night that a Night Owl wishes when he’s hungry. CARL STUCKENBURG, X* Night Owl j 4 Call Me Any Time When Your Hungry--- I’ll Feed You Well. \ | POPULAR SHERIDAN AVENUE RESORT | .The Crystal. HENRY POOL, Proprietor Unexcelled for Quality and Purity of Goods Unrivaled in Extending Courteous Attention A wonderful combination farm wagon and general farm power machine The Avery Farm Tractor will haul loads on its own body, pull plows and other machinery in the field and drive belt power machines such as are used on an ordinary farm. It will do the work of from 6 to 8 head of horses and do more different kinds of farm work than any other machine. Will draw three tons on any road where two horses can draw one ton. Speed 12 miles per hour. 45 horsepower. For circulars and prices see or write TEX HOLM, ™£lL“ Bk H ” n “ d Remember the Missing Word Contest this week The Avery Tractor 9