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pw* County Hat Abundant Land and Opportunitie, For SetlUrt Northern Wyoming Herald OFFICIAL PAPKR OF PARK COUNTY] Volume 4, Number 48 Pros. Atty. Walls Scores \H e Offers some Very Pertinent Suggestions for Legal Lights Who Find Time Hanging Heavily upon their Hands- -Pointing Out how to Remedy Conditions I in another column will be found the l, U)n of 'he presentation of one An I,before Judge Parmelee a< ■sherldai. for the alleged uttering ana I( nrg j„g Os checks and securing ot l mon , V upon the same Certain strlc l tures , having been made In connection luith tlo case, as told by the Sheridan prise. The Herald called upon Ip, is ruling Attorney Walls and askea lihat iflclal for his version and a state -1.. t ,t Mr. Walls saldt [I -Mi attention has been called to lihi «,?e of Charles Anderson who has |.,,n accused of issuing fraudluent Ihccks in Cody and who was taken to Ktheridan at his own request. I want [, SB i that for some time past our ■ us‘l s. men have been Imposed upon limt defrauded of various sums of laonei varying from 15 to S4O. The 5., ar ,- has become so common that It is ■ decided menace to the business InteTest- of this community. In view Ilf this fact, and the feeling aroused liver such acts, Anderson desired to 1.1, guilty. The Jail being full ot ■ ntv Illinois, it appearing to be ad- Hanrag-ous to have cases similar to B,n(t*--n s dlsiiosed of as early as I SPLENDID ESTABLISHMENT I WHERE ANYTHING USED IN THE HOUSE MAY BE FOUND I The continuation in the favor m; lv- public of a retail establishment ftut-s not rest entirely upon lower [rices than an establishment compev Big In the fctune line ■ Good will and confidence on the [art of the public towards a coramer | lal concern in these days of clo.’e 1* a»Tur»t exala ■X from equitable treatment, d-r Ho »i.l; Me merchandise and the wilLina lihn and ability to make good an~ [i rore ■ 1 od> ites point out with a great deal Hit iirid-? to one concern here that haa Hnade such a succeas of It's affair* Hntil it stands at the head in point ■>' strength and the influence exerted ■•n the commercial life of the con [malty Reference la made here to Bhf Cody Trading company. I The beauty of such a concern i* ■ hat one may purchase everything. ■ >*sit’ . excepting drugs and Jewelry ■nnl*r one roof without leaving the ■‘•Hiding. I In »h»* grocery department It ia [doubtful If there la a more complete ■line of family groceries to be founo ■ ni Ihe >-tate Here over a half doze** ■eh ikA {! re kept exceedingly busy front |»-ar!v Monday morning until late Sat ■ |r,la y Ailing orders for the ranch**. Hh'- banket and other citizens. All ot Hh‘* delicacies, the staples and every Bl ° r tfi e latter are to be found ■' ?hls Inrg.* grocery department at I 1 " ,inv ' o ; rices consistent with first goods. l ir one »? f jes through the hardware ■**'l a STh ultural department of th** F ,,(,v trading Co. the Immensity ct Hk> i, will impress on w-th ■ ll “ magnitude of the business done I" f hl« line alone. I r h<* ales here amount to a goon I '' »nn< “ach year. They cover every |1 ,ll ''P. from nails to the largest ag^.- ■ '•ltural implements. ■ one phase of the business conduct by the Cody Trading Co., that de | H!V " S more than pass'ng attention t* ■ dry g(K)ds, shoes, hats and cloth ■lll? departments. Hash one of these ■" complete in itself. I r,u> dr > r Roods department has ever ■T** 11 a favorite with the women ot ■ »rk county and of Cody. The almost nite variety, the close adherence ■ «* latest ideas in everything that ■. appeal to women, together with ■ “ rf, nsonablenesß of the prices has | Continued on page' T VOU TRADE WITH ■ UTo WBSTERN DRUG CO. YOU J 0 and hear tie Meistersingers tonight. This is the first number of the coming Lyceum Course. Tickets may be obtained at Harding Curio Co. possible this office consented to * change of venue to Sheridan county for the purpose of facillitating the dis position of business of this character. “I learn from a report of the pro ceedings that a certain lawyer upon whose hands time must heavily hang states that improper influence was* brought to bear upon Anderson to get him to plead guilty. "In fact it was inferred that Ander son had been promised some kind or immunity. "1 wish to say for the benefit of tip public no such offer of Immunity or any compromise whatsoever was ten dered this man Anderson nor to any* one else. Now' for the benefit of the idle lawyers who seek to gain a repu tation as philanthropists, cheaply, let me say that I will use what little in fluence I may have with the judge of the court to make a standing order in the various counties in the Fourth Judicial District, appointing them monitors of the several prosecuting attorneys and the sheriffs throughout the district. I hope thereby to, pro cure them employment for the majot liortlon of their unoccupied time." KEPFORD'S SUCCESS WITH FRUIT "We have demonstrated In the Isfca j wooa section,” said County Commis sioner Kepford on Monday when in Cody, "that fruits of all kinds may be successfully raised in this high altit tude I am personally meeting with great encouragement on my ranch. My trees. 200 in number, set out by me are loaded down with the finest specimens of apples. 1 have the Tras cendant Crab. Duchess of Oldenburg, rhe Wealthy and the Yellow transpar ent. Now the Wealthy apple is one of the very best winter apples grown. j and one that will make a gret t market' over the entire country. Why U is really astounding to how small berries like currents, goose berries grow. We. up our way no long regard fruit growing an experi ment. Chester a neighbor of mine has a splendid amount of fruit too. His trees Just as mine are over burdened and will have to be pickea before harvesting the apples." STANLEY GOMES BACK AT MR. CANNON-REPUDIATING THE YELLOW STREAK ACCUSATION Cody. Wyo., Aug. 14. IMI. Mr. 8. A. Nelson. Powell, WjtJ. Dear Btr: , You probably read the answer to your challenge some time ago now what are you going to do. sit around like a hump on a 'og and jo nothing': If that man Cannon wants to wrestle as baa as you pretend then why don't some of you get busy. If it wasn't for that great big Yellow Streak down the hole bunch o» you fellows back, then you might get busy and do some thing. Now you have accused me 01 all kinds of Yellow Streaks and of crawling in some hole ..hd pulling the said hole in after me Now get busy and see who has got the yellow str ak. You must think l uni afraid of that squint eyed Irishman that hasn't even got the nerve to make a good match. Why, say if ever that man goes to wrestle before a good club and he takes the sitting pose and proceeds to keep it, he wont do any more wrestling than he did here he would get hissed off of the stage and would be done for. Now there never was a wrestler that put a boont on the game of wrestling the way he did. He has got a yellow streak that extends all down his spinal column. Now Mr. Nelson I guess this will hold you and that would be wreßtler for a while. So long, ta. ta, O. L, STAbM-EY, Cody, Wyo., P. O. Box 3Si “The Pttfifer That’s Making Cody Famous” Cody, Wyoming, Friday, August 18, 1911 YOUNG LADY BREAKS ARM. Miss I.andru a guest at Holm Lodge while out horseback riding last Sun day had the misfortune while jump ing her horse over a log to have the animal fall with her breaking her left arm above the wrist and at the same sustaining a discolation of the wrist. The young woman was given such attention as could be given and on Monday was brought into Cody where she was given medical attention by Dr. Bennett. Miss Landru is a very plucky girl and she is now back at Holm Lodge determined to lose none of its pleasures while she Is here on her vacation. Dr. Bennett was muen pleased with his fair patient's pluck. ♦ CHARGED WITH SERIOUS CRIME. Ed Little was arrested early this j week and charged by Frank Johnson with stealing a horse said to belong to the latter. He w'as taken before Judge Blivens on Wednesday and the case postponed until next Friday. H. S. Ridgely was counsel for Little and j the accused was released upon his filing a good bond with the court In the sum of SI,OOO. CODY MILITIAMAN INJURED. By the breaking of the brake on the stage plying between Thermopolls and Shoshoni. Burt Benjomin, brother of Charles F. Benjamin the tailor ot Cody. Geo. Gtener, Bert Moore and Glen Simpson, were more or less ser iously injured. Details are lacking at this time. WESTERN DRUG CO. BUYS E. M. F. The Western Drug Co. this week purchased of the Cody Trading Co. one of the E. M. F. Flanders cars. It is a little beauty. The E. M. F. car continues to grow in favor and the in quiries are coming in stronger every day says Mr. Schwoob. the manager ot the Cody Trading Co. Cody States Doing Thriving Trade i Inward Flowing Tide of Tourists to Visit Great Yellowstone Park Adds New Life to Local Business—Herald Man Finds Much to Boost After Visit to the Stores this Week At Dave Jones, his smiling count- enance was missed, as Dave has gone | on a well dcr.erved vacation with hi* ! family up to the Great Lakes. But I his store and interests are being nicely j looked after by the Gawthrop boys and the usual good goods at low prices are drawing the customary volume ot trade. | "Nothing special here this week” said Roger McGinnis of the Brundagu Hardware Co., "but next time you come in here I wish to show the fine j International automobile T will have for demonstiating purposes. It Is fin-, ished In what is known as a "battle ship grey and it is a wonderful ma chtne. But you wait until it comes. *• The matter of securing a nice meu» is always of major importance to a considerable number of persons hi any community. In Cody is one place where one may be sure of getting a fine steak, a tender dainty chop, a fine spring chicken to suit or inosi 1 appetising roast. The service is good, and the viands cooked tasteful!v. 1 After a satisfying meal one may, if a 1 man, and addicted to smoking get a * fine cigar—imported or domestic. The Saddle Rock is the restaurant referrea 1 to and a Sunday dinner here means a < first class meal at a reasonable price. * ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ft + ICE CREAM OR SODA WATER FREE TO ALL LADIES AND 4 + CHILDREN ATTENDING THE BENNETT RECEPTION TO- + * MORROW SATURDAY, AUGUST 19. IN HONOR THE HERALD * * PIANO CONTEBT. * * The following young women will aid In The Herald reception given ♦ * by Dr. Bennett on Saturday afternoon at the Bennett Drug Store. Miss 4 * Vivian Calkins, Miss Robertson, Mias PfafT, Miss Dew, Mrs. Brown. * * Miss McGee, Mrs. East on and Miss Dorothy Waples. + 4- The above names are a guarantee that It will be an enjoyable * •:* occasion. * * Dr, Bennett will give Ice cream or soda water, to each lady and ♦ 4- child that attends. * 4444444444444444444444444 s AND GARLAND IRRIGATION ERA. A. H. WEBSTER'S SON DIES. Little Tommy Webster, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Webster, died Thursday afternon after an Ill ness of several weeks. The parents have the aympatay of the community in this their time of bereavement. The little fellow was an unusallv bright child and will surely be missed in the Webster home. DANDY VEGETABLES. Thursday afternoon H. P. Arnold one of our best known citizens brought to The Herald office a turnip that weighed six and a half pounds and a beet that weighed two and a halt pounds. They were certainly dandles. The turnip was large enough to make a nice circular bungalow, and if Mr. Arnold had wished to send it out with the Burlington car the editor would have asked for it for the fore going purpose Mrs. Denny Bloom raised the beet and Mr. Arnold the turnip. ♦ WHO OWNS THE SHEEP? Some days ago some sheep were seized by County Treasurer and Tax Collector Holm under the impression he was getting the property of the Tol man Brothers Wednesday Frame G. Tolman reple inded the animals claiming ownership. The genial collector true to his oath of office made another swoop and grabbed the sheep again as thi pro-1 perty of Frank G. Tolman. Now wi'i j come a pretty question for the courts j to decide: Who owns that bunch of sheep? Prosecuting Attorney Walls is. representing the county and H. S. Ridgely the Tolmans. + GUESTS 3 BAR RANCH. J. H. Graves has as his guests at' the 3 Bar, Mrs E. Elliottt and daugh ter Miss Madeline Elliott of Bryn* Mar, Pa.. Miss Williams of Brooklyn.; Eugene F. Bauer, Jr., of Brooklyn, and I Donald Leas, of Philadelphia. On' Tuesday the party left for the park l The windows of the Bennett Cod? j Drug & Jewelry Co. have a fine dh j play this week of the Conkling Foun | tain pens. It is attracting a great deal I of attention. This i« without doubt 1 ! the best fountain pen upon the mar ket and one that gives the most satis faction. Saturday will be a great day at the Bennett Drug store. Dr. Bennett is , going to give a reception In honor oi The Herald Piano Contest and there will be most delightfully entertained dered. He will also give free of charge | to every lr.dy and child Ice cream o. 1 soda water. Be sure to attend as you w'ill be most rellghtfully entertained j by the doctor and the talented young women who will participate in the 1 program. The pictures of C. W. Russell that , are so strikingly characteristic o' the! western count. *y never look so gj f, a as when they are in appropriat* ! ’ frames made by F. W. Pfaff & Son 11 This enterprising firm manufactured the frames for a full set that are on : exhibition in the place of Gus Glock. It is quite a piece of artistic work, one of the frames being eleven feet in length all in one frame. It is not gen erally known, but some of the best w-ork in properly framing, beautifu* Pictures and works of art have bee] done by this house. i Continued on Page Seven. x Greater Wealth and Health Awaits Newcomers In Park County. [PUBLISHED AT THE COUNTY SEAT OF PARK COUNTY] Fine Collection of Exhibits Gus Holm, Dick Rousseau, C. A. Dew, R. L. Donley, C. E. Rice, Chas. Mulligan and Ruby Schultz Gather Splendid Samples of Products for Burlington Car Through the energetic efforts of Gus. Holm, R. L. Donley, R. R. Rousseau, Clifford E. Rice, Ruby Schultz anu Charles Mulligan a splendid exhibit has been gathered from the rancher? of Park county to go into the Exhibi tion Car, the Burlington is sending out. The car left Cody to go south through the Big Horn Basin on Thurs day to complete the collection of pro ducts both agricultural and mineral of this part of Wyoming. It is thought that this will in time result in another tide of immigration setting in to the Big Horn Basin. Park County and Cody can feel proud of the products assembled by the above citizens who unselfishly gave their time to do for the whole county that w r hich will be of incalcu able value to them in years to come. Several days w r ere spent by. the committee and Ruby Schultz accom panied them as official photographer and secured some excellent views The agricultural exhibits were all gathered and assorted out in the ofTice of Simpson & Denley. There were magnificent spec4men» i of what the country will produce and | the committee was busily engaged in BOSTWICK APPOINTS AGENT. Homer Bostwick of Sheridan and | Manager for the New York Life In surance Co. has been here for a week l in the interests of his company. Mr. Bostwick has just appointed Otto | Koenig as representative for his cora- I pany. The New York Life with its 70 years of uninterrupted success behind | it and assets of $640,000,000. also need,*. no econlums. Its record speak for its j self, and The Herald congratulates both Mr. Bostwick and Mr. Koenig i on their association with such a splei | did institution. The incontestable policy from date of issue should be a greart leveage for Mr. Koenig in securing no-- busi . ness from our citizens for his coin- I pany. | Mr. Bostwick who is known all ovei , Wyoming is one of the best life insur ance men in the whole country and he is a business getter. ♦ BARROWS WASHINGTON STORY CORRESPONDENT WRITES A BREESY LETTER THIS WEEK Washington, Aug. 15. (Special) - That the mutton grower must go out of business, along with the woolgrow er. if the tariff on wool is materially reduced, was made clear by Senatoi 1 Warren In his remarks on the Under wood bill. The senator called atten ! tion to the fact that the groat mutton I supply of this country could only be j preduced in the range country; that it milst then be re-shipped to the corn ! country for finishing, and again ro shipped to market before the con sumer received it. This mutton, hr declared, could not be produced for the returns on mutton alone and with wool a mere by-product. A lower tar iff on wool, therefore, would not only afTect the clothing supply of this coun try, but the meat supply as well. Democratic speakers in both' house and senate have expressed what seems to be the general party Idea, that because sheep can be raised in other countries at less expense than in our own, we should therefore turn the business over to the foreigner. Replying to Senator Williams* re marks along this line. Senator War ren sakl: "On a former discussion in this chamber, when the question of wool duties was being considered, the sena tor from Mississippi saeeringly r - marked that he would have the wools raised In foreign countries rather than in our own, because of better cond. Continued on Page Sevan. Price $1.50 Per Year sorting them out, tying them with rib bons and labeling with names of ranchers who furnished them on Thurs day. Among those that contributed were: H. P. Arnold, Jim Ashley, Orrin Mc- Gahn, Theodore Wcsthoff, A. W. Sid die, R. C. Hargraves, Charles Hooker, Elmer Hooker, Paul Chester, Fred Wiard, J. O. Brown, Geo. Hank, Claus Andren, M. O. Newton, Howard Frftz ler, C. W. Jones, M. L. Jones and W. B. Sleeper. When outsiders see the magnificent corn, Clyde oats, cabbage, pumpkins, alfalfa, wheat, berries and almost everything under the sun that may ha grown, they will gain new conceptions of the possibilities of an irrigated sec tion and of the Big Horn Basin in particular. The committee did not neglect tho mineral world of Park County either. There were samples of oil sent by the Shoshone Oil Co., and fine specimens of copper ore from a mine in which Jeff Chapman is interested in. Also sulpur from mines near Cody and which will yet make fortunes for those that are engaged in exploring them. NECK AND NECK ARE THE GIRLS-CLOSING DAYS OF CONTEST RENEWS EFFORTS "Who will win the pianos,” is the thought uppermost in the minds of tfcf? citizens of Park county and Cody. Not even the bond issue last spring has stirred the community like this con test of the merchants and The Herald. Neck and neck sotne of the girls are running. This week Mildred Sigglns again wins in the county, and Katharine Fisher for the town of Cody. At Dr. Bennett’s these energetic young women will find two of the most beautiful hand decorated china plates. They are imported goods of the highest character and will be a source of much pleasure to the win ners. The doctor will present them sometime during the reception, and he has a spicy little speech concealed which he will deliver. Next week will be a whirlwind for the young girls and the week following the contest closes. Then the hand some pianos wil* be awarded. Then are other supplementary prizes which will be announced again as they wen* in the opening days of the contest. Episcopal church. 8.250, candidates Olive Fell and Marguritte Moore*: Order of Owls. 4.000, candidate Katk rine Fisher; Masonic Lodge, Cody. 13.500. candidates Ella Rose and Kath arine Fisher; Masonic Ix>dge of M«?c teetse, 1,500, candidate Kathrine Fish er; I O. O. F. Lodge, Cody, 38,500. candidates Marguritte Moors, Mildrei Sigglns. Olive Fell and Katharin • Fisher; F. O. E. Lodge. Cody, 21,000. candidates Wannetta McClure, Olive Fell, Katharine Fisher, Marguritte Moore and Mildred Sigglns; M. H. Church, Cody, 9.305, candidates Kath rine Fioher and Wannetta McClure, M. W. A. Lodge, Cody, 6.500; candi date Katharine Fisher; R. N. of A. Lodge. 3,000. candidate Dva Lason. Presbyterian Church, 7,000, candi dates Katharine Fisher. Eva Larson and Olive Fell; Cody Public Schoo.*, 2.500. candidate Mildred Biggins Catholic Church, 1.500. candidate Olive Pell; K. of P. Lodge, Cody. 2. fOO. Katherine Fishfrr, Cody 905.190 Electa Howe Cody 55.286 Mrs. Afteur Evans. Cody 46,500 ElsW? Nation c sdy 70,092 Mafgaret St.'L <3ody 88,369 Eta Larsen Cody 88,269 Bewde Fuikersen, Cody 46,575 Continued on page 7. f— IF YOU DON'T TIRADE WITH THE WESTERN DRUG CO. YOU AUTO.