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JAMKS P. KIMBALL. M. A.. Pit. L>. MINING OEOLO li Kl) LODO K, MONT. westhoff applies for naturalization papers Theodore Westhoff the enterprising md successful steam laundry man of Cody has Just filed his application wiih Clerk of Court Barnett for last naturalization papers. Mi Westhoff states ne was a native i Dattlen, Germany and first filed his ,I,‘duration In St. Louis. He names i Paul Christman and Thomas Nis >■•!! as witnesses. EDLEMAN BACK FROM COABT. F G. Edloman who left about July !s , for an extended trip to the coast - hack. Mr. Edleman states he found iMich to interest him in and around antiago, California, and that he ser | i;sly contemplates locating there per umni ntly. He may return this winter t the coast and take his family. - DIVORCE SUITS FILED. The following married couples have -often to the point where the ties that did bind them have become Intoler tblc and have according to the records ii the Clerk of the Court Barnett, ask ed for a legal severance: Mrs. Nellie M. sner from Henry Meaner and Nine I»i!lon from M. J. Dillon. STRNLEY GRABS CARL BUSCH FOR BOUT SEPTEMBER EIGHTH 0,1 r own Stanley Is out after the big K-unc in the wrestling world. As . IOWn l) y below signed contract " ,in s made a match with a top Hotcher Carl Busch. out look 1h for a game that ' 1 *^ r the blood of lovers of good ' an Bpor t as Stanley always puts up: ARTICLES of agreement. lu ‘ un der signed agree to wrestle Cody, Wyoming, on the Bth day ot ‘lumber, 1911. Rules to be catch o ateh ran; two best out of three KIMBALL & KIMBALL MINING. MECHANICAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERS Red Lodge, Mont Cody. Wyo Billings, Mont AND JIMMY’S MARRIED. J. L. Dwyer whom every one knows as Jimmy Dwyer a “young” old timer in this county has “gone and got mar ried.” Everybody was surprised. He had been regarded as a confirmed and m corrigible bachelor. He committed matrimony on or about August 1, in the classic urban precincts of the centennial city. The young woman whose rare per sonal charm beguiled Jimmy from from single blessedness into the joys of connubial bliss was Miss Neva Pugsley. the daughter of Mrs. A. H. Read. Jimmys eyes never shone so blue and bright, nor his smile so broad and contagious as now. Oh, ye. unattach ed and unbelieving look ye on Jimmy and go and do likewise. COMMISSIONERS MEET NEXT WEEK. The County Commissioners of Park county will meet in formal session next Tuesday and Wednesday. Var ious matters of major importance will come up before the commissioners, one of which will be awarding of the contract for the construction of the new court house. falls. Pin falls only to count. The match to go to a finish; strangle holds barred; referee to be chosen at ring side, by the contestants. The gate lecolpts to be devided 40 and 60; sdxty per cent to go to the winner and forty per cent to the loser; thirty three and one third per cent taken out for expenses, which pays all expenses such as billing and hall rent and cai fare. Signed: CARL BUSCH. Signed O. L. STANLEY. THE HERALD, CODY, WYOMING, AUGUST 25, 1911, FAHLEY KIMBALL AHHIBTANT KNGIN K.KHNi W. O. HBRCY PITLLKHTMN UYHAM W. NTEKLiC GARLAND COURIER PENCILINGS OF MOVEMENTS OF BUSY CITIZENS-BY PETERSON The sons of the good old Hawkeye state (Iowa) are fast finding their way to the Land o’ Opportunity. This week brought in six good thrifty pros perous looking gentlemen all from Russell lowa and its nothing on Rus sell or lowa either when we predict that before they go back, if back they must go. will, figuratively speaking, have a choice slice of Uncle Sam’s land tucked away in their inside coat pockets. We are glad, indeed, to wel come these gentlemen among us ana hope that their sojourn here may be so pleasant and delightful that It may be remembered. H. S. Shumway of Penrose was in town Wednesday shaking hands with old acquaintances and spending a little of the coin of the realm with our merchants. T. W. Michael returned from Valley Junction, lowa, Monday bringing his son Steve with him. Rev. W. H. Clark will fill the Pres byterian pulpit at Powell Sunday while Rev. Mr. Slack is enjoying a well earned vacation in Nature’s Won derland —the Yellowstone National Park. E. L. Gilbert is helping W. C. Wil kins haying. R. W. Brown has moved into th- Sarver house on Sheridan avenue. John Low has a leave-of absense and gone to Elk Point, South Dakota, to assist his brother during the can ning season. He may not be back here for a year. Mr. Low has seedea good portion of his ranch in alfalfa. George Hightower has out a fullfledged drayman He let the mantle of Stephen Green encircle his herculean should* rs and now he has a monopoly on the transportation busi ness. He is a ‘ captain of industry. E. A. McWilliam and Chas. Peter son drove up to Powell Monday and bought from the Farmers Supply Co., one hay baling machine. They have been studying this baling proposition and came to the conclusion that it is going to he a good thing. H. H Glasgow of Gardiner. 111.. :» brother-in law to L. E. Jones, is here on account of the serious illness ot Mrs. Jones. Sr. Frank E. Johnesse. Government Mineral Land Inspector with head quarters at Boise, Ida., was here Sat urday investigating the claims of J. T. Watts and F. Nauser down on the river. The patents to these lands have been held up for a number o* years on the theory that they contain oils. The inspector’s report will be favorable, it is hoped, to these entry man and patents granted. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Howell returne: from the Yellowstone Park Thursday and judging from the way the c gentleman talked one is obliged to con clude that he don’t know how to fish or others can tell a better fish story than he. He said that he caught two fish in the five or six weeks they were in the Park and one of t’nem was blind |n one eye or he probably wouldn’t have caught it. , , Stephen Green and family left Thursday for Pocatello. Idaho driving Through with teame. Mr. Green ar.d his family have lived in Garland man?* years and have a large circle ot ft-leiids who wish them all success in their new venture and a pleasant journey to their future home. E. A. Marshall. E. J. Pyle, J. E. Wald. Fred Ooltry, Joe Stearns. How ard King and Mr. Allen blew into town Friday on the excursion. They are all old time friends of J. L. Werts who have attracted to this country by the glowing reports Mr. Werts has been sending back to Russell, lowa. Mr. Wert3 Is some booster alright. ’ C. B. King motored down to Byron Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Osher were trading in Garland Wednesday. Mrs. Couzeens of Byron was a guest of Mrs. E. L .Reese Monday. Mrs. Jones Is still a very sick lady with no improvement since last wek. The Ladles’ Aid met in solemn con clave with Mrs. W. H. Clark last week. After the necessary work had been disposed of the matter of the bazar was given attention and contrlbuttlons for It provided. The ladles were then served with one of Mrs. Clark’s »ie lightfuf luncheons. The next tin:'* the Aid will meet with Mrs. O. G. Norton. HUSBELL KIMBALL, M. E. TJ. S. MINKRAL SURVEYOR KOK WYO. C. S. MINIKAL SURVEYOR KOR MONT. CITY BNGINIBK, CODY. WYO. Robert Beckstrom has returned from Nebraska this week and will now oecome a permanent part of our set tlement. Mr. Beckstrom lias been en gaged to teach In the Garland schools the coming year. Mrs. H. W. Lovercheck is enter ti ining a number of her friend to- * day. Mrs. John A. Carleson is some what indisposed, a little nervous ai’ment Miss Mildred Still is caring for her. Miss Mary Springe returned to her h >me in Russell, ia., Wednesday Durell was down from his sheep camp on Cottonwood Monday on business. C. C. Sr-ith went back to Shell Mon day after a few days visit with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. N. Osher were dinner guests at the E. L. Reese home Wed nesday. W. H. Clark and family were busi ness visitors in Powell Thursday be tween trains. ♦ THANKS TO MONDELL. The Herald is indebted to Congress man Mondell for copies of the Blue Book of the U. S. Government. The same is all the more appreciated be cause of the fact that Mr. Mondell in order to accommodate The Herald generously and freely gave his only and personal copies, which Uncle Sam furnishes all congressman and sena tors. Again The Herald tenders its most distinguished consideration to Wyo* mings able representative. MAKES DECLARATIONS. Thos. Hewson of England has made his first declaration of intention to for swear allegiance to the King of England and abide under the stars and stripes and to become a citizen in the land of the brave and the home of the free. We m Go On Your Bond The Cody-Park Steam Laundry Equipped with all Modem Improvements Work Speedily Executed and Guaranteed to be Satisfactory At the Park Steam Laundry is a soft water tank, used for all kinds of flannels and woolen goods. Work guaran teed not to shrink if not shrunk before. Rough dry, 5c per lb; all flat work ironed. SHOSHONE NATIONAL BANK Of CODY, WYO. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: 8. W. ALDRICH 8. C. PARKS, Jr. President Director*: , M. I AKKN, «jr. C. K PARKER, Caohiei c K . |>AItKER 8. COX ANT PARKS Every facility consistent with sound banking practice is offered by this Bank to its customers and good accounts are solicited upon this basis First National Bank Cody, Wyoming Capital $50,000 - - Surplus SIO,OOO ATTENTION STOCKGROWERS. i Stockgrowers and others handling j or dealing in stock are requested to , send by mail or otherwise at once, the | brands used by them to Sheriff Henry Dahlem. This should not be neglect- will go on your bond for any purpose that any occasion creates. If you are executor, trustee, assignee, suing or being sued and require surety in the courts for your undertaking we will go on your bond. Lawyers needing immediate execution of bonds of any description will find our company the most acceptable. Don’t embarrass your friends nor resources by becoming security on bonds when the risk is eliminated by having us take All the Risk That’s what we are in the business for The National Surety Company is the largest and strongest bonding company in the world. It’s services the most satisfactory, efficient and prompt in the United States. When you need a Bond get the National Surety Co. To Go on Your Bond Phone 184 Offices with Northern Wyoming Herald, Cody, Wyo. Page Three ed as it will enable the sheriff to pro perly and promptly identify stray stock as he passes over the range. Mail all brands used on all stock to the sheriff at Cody at an early date as possible. See advertisement in another column of today’s Herald.