OCR Interpretation

Northern Wyoming herald and Garland irrigation era. (Cody, Wyo.) 19??-1916, August 25, 1911, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Wyoming Libraries

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Not a
to Lose
You want a watch
that will keep ac
curate time and
continue to do so.
A Good
is worth what you
pay for it. In our
line of watches you
will find the best.
Waltham Elgin or
Hamilton fitted
with Gold Silver or
nickel cases regu
lated and ready to
keep accurate time
For You.
Remember if you
dont trade with us
you Auto.
Drug Co.
R- C. Schultz, Mgr. Phone 37 blk.
Buffalo Bill’s Hotels
in the Rockies
tol. w. F. Cody, L. E. Decker,
Proprietor Manager
I HE IRMA, Cody, Wyo., European
plan. SI.OO per day and up
wards. Modem and first-class
WAPITI INN, 36 miles from Cody,
on Yellowstone Park Government
road. $2.50 per day; $1 5 weekly
PAHASKA TEPEE, Foot of Sylvan
rass, 60 miles from Cody, on
Yellowstone Park Gov’t Road,
11-2 miles from Park entrance.
$3.00 per day, $15.00 weekly
and Wapiti are i, th. heart .< the Bis
ame country, and Finest Trout Fishing and
Mountain Scenery in the Rockies.
National League.
Clubs Won. Lost. Pet.
Chicago 64 39 .622
New York 65 42 ,60V
Pittsburg 66 43 .606
Philadelphia 60 48 .556
St. Louis 59 49 .546
Cincinnati 47 60 .439
Brooklyn 42 65 .393
Poston 27 82 .24S
American League.
Clubs — Won Lost. Pet.
Philadelphia 72 39 .6*9
Detroit ...69 14 .611
Boston 58 54 .516
New York . . 67 :,c .504
Cleveland 57 53 .f. 04
Chicago 56 50 .500
Washington 43 G*> . IPS
St. Louis 33 73 .297
Unijn Association.
Clubs — Won. Lost. Pci.
Great Falls 78 38 .648
Butte 70 44 .617
Salt Lake 71 47 .602
Boise 54 62 .460
Helena 45 71 .388
Missoula 32 81 .28$
Chicago, Aug. 23. —Keen interest in
being manifested in the approaching
battle between Frank Gotch ana
George Hackenschmldt for the heavy
weight wrestling championship of the
world. The men will meet at the
White Sox park nere on Labor day
Both Gotch and Hackenschmldt are
training hard and physicians who
have examined the two men declare
they are absolutely perfect specimens
of manhood.
Hackenschmldt has opened ais train
ing quarters ieie with Dr. Roller,
"Americus” and Johann Koch, the
German champion, are his wrestling
partners Gotch is hard at work at
Humboldt, lowa, under the eye ot
“Farmer" Burns and other wrestling
The advance sale of seats indicates
that 35,000 persons will witness tne
match. Reservations have been made
for large parties from England, France
and Russia.
Gotch is to receive a parse of $21,-
000, win. lose or draw.
The board of education is making
some needed repairs and alterations
in the school building of Cody that
will add much to the usefulness of
the building and to its sanitary con
dition as well.
President H. B. Robertson of the
school board accompanied by George
T. Bock also a member, paid a \isit
to the school building last Saturday
and inspected the work being done by
j. T. Carpenter, the plumber.
New toilets are being installed in
the basement, and a large cess-pool
constructed on the north side, and a
laatory on the second floor just out
side of the officee of the superinten
dent is also to be placed at that point
and a sanitary fountains constructed.
The building is now clean and it
appears as neat as the proverbial pin.
This is the result of the ambitious
and energeic efforts of the janitor
George Howell.
The state auditor’s office has com
pleted the listing of tue valutions of
all property in Wyoming subject to
taxation, on which the board of equal
ization at a recent meeting levied
taxes for the year 1911.
A recapitulation of the valuations
Recapitulation of valuations for 1911.
Valuations corporate Property:
Railroads $ 48,976,695.00
Telegr. and telep. . .. 935,936.19
Pullman company ... 410,970.0 b
Private car lines .... 616,952.72
County abstracts 134,993,845.01
Total $185,934,398.92
Tax Levy for 1911.
3.2 mills on valuation of $185,934,-
General fund 2.00 $371,868.8b
Uni. income tax fund. .46 85,529.82
Fund for the insane.. .179 33,282.20
State bond tax fund . .045 8,367.05
Capitol tax fund 0225 4,183.62
State hospital main
tenance 0835 16,625.52
Sheridan hosp. main
tenance fund 035 6,507.70
Wyo. Industrial Inst. .375 69,725.40
3.2 $594,990.07
Los Angeles, Aug. 23. —Joe Rivera,
the .Mexican wonder, is training hard
er for his championship battle with
Johnny Kilbane of Cleveland, schedul
ed for Labor day, than for any bout
in which he has yet participated. He
does not hesitate to say that he will
defeat Kilbane and says, furthermore,
that he will knock him out inside the
twenty rounds.
Rivers said today: “I can beat all
those Eastern fighters, for I have
figured out their style, which Is a
great deal alike with all of them. They
don’t know how to hit from the should
er and I never need be afraid of then
blows. I learned this In my bouts
with Kilbane and Coster. Both or
these boys landed on me several times
in every round and neither of them
hurt me in the least. In fact, I have
been hit harder in my training stunts
right along.
•When I fight Kilbane on Labor day
I will go right Into him and pay no
attention to his blows. I will just take
all he has got and whenever I land
one on him he is going to feel it. It
he is there at the end of the twentieth
round I will be a surprised boy.”
Kilebane is taking things easy,, but
will get down to hard work in a day
or so. He is looking flene and strong,
having taken Patsy Kline. On being
told what Rivers said today, Kilbane
said: "I’m glad to know that the
Mexican means to come right after
me. I always did like that sort of a
game. It will make It easier for me.
But 1 don’t take a lot of stock in that
line of dope, for no fighter can tell
how he Is going to fight until he gets
into the ring. I will be much better
this time than when Rivers and I met
last spring.”
One hundred and five and 107
pounds, will challenge any boy in
I Billings at the weight. Address Gen
I eral Delivery, Jack Denny.
Davenport, lowa, Aug. 23. —Jack
j Redmond, of Milwaukee, and Harry
j Trendall. of St. Louis, were matchea
j today to meet in a fifteen-round go
■ before the Daveport Athletic associa
I tion here.
Frost & Richards brought in quite
a large party on Monday who went
through the Park with him and tne
members express themselves as much
pleased with the Park and the splen
did treatment received at the hands or
Messrs. Frost & Richards.
Some of the members of the party
were: A. C. BArnum, Brooklyn, G. P.
Phillips, Chicago; F. M. Stillman, Sr.;
Rahway, N. J.; Dr. Ralph Stillman.
New York; Dr. Beal, Cody; Miss Tony
Marsch and Miss Dahlem a relative
of Sheriff Dahlem, both of Chicago;
Mr. and Mrs. Peakes, of Evanston, 111.
Mrs. Edwards and Miss Speas, ot
Michigan; Judge Irwin, Van Couver,
B. C.; Miss Williams, Michigan and
Miss Wilson, Nebraska.
The Herald is indebted to Glenn
Barron for the following extract from
the Times-Republlcan of Marshall
town, lowa, touching the superior
merits of the Buick car for which D.
E. Hollister and Mr. Borron are the
Cody agents:
To the fertile mind of “Buffalo Bill'
is accredited a novel automobile en
durance demonstration. “Buffalo Bill”
has been a pioneer in many things, he
pacified the Indians, made away to
civilization for the white man, and
ever since he has studied the most
modern improvements that would fit
the needs of all concerned. Out west
Colonel Cody saw the advent of the
railroad train, now he anticipates that
by huving his representative use an
automobile to make all the towns In
which the show plays.
Mr. Winch leaves the exhibition
every afternon and drives his own ca
to the next town. So far this season
he has driven over 18,000 miles, and
claims he can make better connec
Hons and time than on a railway train.
Mr. Winch uses a Buick ear. Tuesday
nfternoon he left Des Moines at 3 p.
m. and arrived at Marshalltown short
ly after 6. He does no racing, at
tempts no now records but is using
the machine as a convenience. Winch
may be justly styled the champion en
durance driver of the world. In 18. j
000 miles ho has never missed reach j
ing hfs next tpwn on time.
Camp Carey, Wheatland, Wyo., Aug j
23. —Wheatland may well be called the
land flowing with milk and honey.
Rich cream and fresh honey brought
into camp on Thursday strengthened
the men and sweetened their comrade
ship. Should a foreign foe invade the I
land he would discover another char
acteristic of the bee dominant in the i
National Goard, and that is the sting. !
Sham Battle.
About 2 o’clock there was a real
sham battle. It lasted for about an
hour. Certain trenches and strategic
points along the great ditch were se
lected as places to be secured, to br*
captured and to be fortified. Both
sides fought bravely, and neither sur
rendered. It resulted in a drawn en
Major Cavender and Major Mentzei
handled their troops in a creditable J
manner in this battle.
While there has been much criti- '
cism of the men doing the close ran;c ,
wrork, it when it came to skirmish I
lines and the loose formation the men j
did better than even the experts had ;
Regimental Parade.
At 5 o'clock on Thursday there was
a regimental parade, the first of tts
kind in the history of the regiment.
The regiment was out in full force,
and while mistakes were made, yet ir
is remarkable that with only four
days’ training the regiment could
move with such ease and stateliness.
There is much room for improvement,
but the men are ready to improve.
Enjoyed a Smoker.
The Benedicts’ club of Wheatland J
tendered a pleasant smoker in honor
of the officers of the National Guard
on Thursday evening. Practically all j
of the officers atended. dressed in i
their best camp regimentals. The j
Hunton boys furnished the music and
Colonel Sliney was the wit of tne
evening. A male quartette, consisting
of R. G. Strandberg, J. W. Coons,
C. Arnot and G. F. Coons, of company
D, Basin, rendered some war music
which was quite appropriate and was
heartily encored.
Those Engaged in Target Practice.
The reports from the target range
have been meager, blit it Is rumorea
that some excellent shots have been
j made.
The following is the list of those
detailed for special target practice un
] der direction of Lieutenant E. Z.
Co. A —First Sergeant C. H. Daniel
son, Q. M. Sergeant W. H. Cash. Cap
tain I. J. Arnold, Privates C. M. G* -
tvs, E. D. Stewart.
Co. G—First Lieutenant A. R. El
liott, Sergeants W. J. Hallett, Earl
Bailey, Captain Claude Bailey.
Co. D—Privates C. C. Cochrane, C.
W. Thompson.
Co. E—First Lieutenant G. V. Cas
sleman, Second Lieutenant H. Mun
sterman. Sergeant Roy Congvill. Pri
vate Pool, Q. M. Sergeant Breen, Cor
poral Willooh.
Co. B —Privates Scoggon, Warnock.
Co. L—Sergeants E. Baker, E. C.
Johnson, Corporals H. R. Dean, Wil
liam Winters, F. E. Hank.
Co. M—Lieutenant O. Waters. Q M.
Sergeant Lynn, First Sergeant D. C.
Oleson, Sergeant Alpin, Coropral L.
From this number fifteen will be
selected for the trip to Camp Perry,
Soldier Boys of Cody.
Company E Is the hill-climbing com
Major Cavender is much admir.'d by
his men and visitors for his soldierly
bearing, while Captain Edw'in Wilson
has made a great hit with the ladies.
“You Dine Well when you Dine with Us”
nr r T~ , HE fine steaks, young tender spring chickens make
•R' A A dining at this place a positive pleasure. We aim to
constantly please our increasing patronage. <J We carry the
jb* Hk largest line of domestic and imported cigars in the city.
Try us for a good smoke.
The Saddle Rock Restaurant
C..C. Keith Phone 47 Red C. W. Ferster
Remember AH Votes in the Piano Contest Must Be In By August 28th
“If it’s Lumber you wish Name It”
We mean by that
The Darrah Lumber Company
Can Furnish All
kinds of Dimensions
One Third Cheaper
Then Any Similar
Concern in Cody.
Our Mill Is On Carter Mountain,
and it is reached by a good road.
Ship-lap, and Matched
Stuff, Rustic Siding,
Tong ue and Grooved;
Lath and all Kinds of
Dimension Lumber.
The above is always on hand and
that you can be supplied any
where else.
Then WHY NOT BUY ALL of your
lumber and building material of
H. W. Darrah
Lumber Co.
“Get Darrah’s Figures First—His are
Page Nine

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