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Ikansas city engineers sub mit PROPOSAL TO COUNCIL RECONSTRUCT WATER WORKS I The following proposal has been mail, to the City Council of Cody for I |he modernizing of the water works of ihe city. The Herald askß all tax payers'to read It. In the editorial columns will be found a discussion of the respective propositions before the city council. A full discussion Is need , d before action may be Intelligently taken. This agreement made and entered into tills day of October, 1911, by and between the town of Cody, Wyoming, and Burns & McDonnell, Consulting Engineers, of Kansas City. Missouri, to perform engineering secv | jces described more In detail as follows: Item 1.— Preliminary surveys, plans, estimates and report. The said Engineers hereby agree to furnish Instruments, all assistant help and make all necessary surveys, run ning lines and levels and collecting such measurements and data as may be necessary for the design of an effi cient and complete water works plant, and report on any and all different sources of water supply, pipe lines, reservoirs, filtration plant and other features of a modern waterworks plant. Beck 1-ake and prospect for water gravity line and dam. This will also Include surveys, mea surements and estimates on all pipe line extensions, with maps showing proper sizes and locations. Prelimi nary plans will be prepared showing all the neceasary Improvements such as power plant, flow lines, filtration features of the proposed Improve ments. Accompanying the preliminary plans will be a written report with recommendation concerning the Im provements and an Itemized estimate of cost showing the funds needed for the proposed works. The said engineers further agree to make all necessary surveys and run all profiles necessary for the design of a complete system of sanitary sewers and such sewerage purification works as may be required. Every kind of Choice Meats desired may be found here. Dainty and delicately fla vored sausages such as weiner wursts, ham sau sages and bologna City Meat Market “I Suffered Intense Pains in My Left Side.” Do you realize it is better to be safe than sorry, that it is the best policy to lock the stable door before the horse is stolen? Dr. Miles’ Heart Remedy cured Mrs. C. C. of a stub born case of heart disease, such as thousands are now suffering with.. Head what she says: “Before I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy I had been suffering trom heart trouble lor over five I had grown ao weak that it was impossible lor me to do thirty minutes work in a whole day. 1 •uffered intense pains in my leftside and under the left shoulder blade, I could not sleep on the left side, and r*f ■°, # bort ot breath that I thought 1 should never be able to take a lull breath again. The least ex citement would bring on the most distressing palpitation. I had scarcely taken a half-bottle ol the Heart Remedy be tore I could see a marked change in - 1 •*«“ to sleep well, had a good appetite, end im proved so rapidly that when I had taken six bottles I was completely cured. MRS. C. C. GOKEY, Northfidd, Vt If you have any of the symptoms Mrs.. Gokey mentions, it it your " U *T t 0 Protect yourself. Dr. Milo*’ Heart Remedy. !! w *'* t you need. If the first bot * * fails to benefit, it e^ I’ne<T 1 ’ ne< T- Ask your druggist "‘•■M MKDICAL CO., LlKltart, ! S The preliminary plans for sewers will show sizes and location of out fall, mains and laterals and the pro files shall show depth of cutting, grades, .-ize and location of all man holes, lamp-holes and flush tanks and other swer appurtenances. Accompanying the sewer plana will be itemized estimates of cost of the sewers complete and ready for opera tion. All of the above Information will be furnished and personally presented and illustrated by stereoptican slides so that voters will be able to vote in telligently on bonds for the proposed improvements. It is further agreed that the amount of the bond Issue and the date of the bond election shall be at the discre tion of the town council without in curring any obligations to the engi neers. Or In case the bond election is not called for any reason or If call ed and the bond Is defeated, no com pensation will be due Burns & Me donnell for services already perform ed. Item 2. —Final plans, specifications and tests. After funds are voted for the pro posed improvements, the said engi neers agree to make all the detailed working drawings of all parts of the complete waterworks and sewerage system. The final plans will show all details of construction so that the town may either let contracts for con struction or purchase material and in stall the equipment. The plans will be accompanied by typewritten speci fications describing in detail all ma terial, methods of construction and giving all necessary instructions and Information to enable the works to be built and placed in satisfactory opera tion. The plans and specification a will be furnished In the following quantities: Four complete sets of waterworks plans, four complete seta of sewer plans and profiles, fifteen sets of typewritten waterworks an& sewer specifications. Specifications shall be drawn in such away as to give preference to local material dealers and local labor. A representative of said engineers shall attend the letting of contracts to advise and assist the town in the selection of suitable material and equipment for the works and also make a final test and Inspection of the entire works when completed to see that it operates in a satisfactory manner. It Is further agreed that in case the city desires local engineers to super vise the construction of the work, that Burns A McDonnell will send a com petent engineer to Cody on due notice to assist said supervising engineer In any part of the construction, without compensation, the traveling expenses of the trip to be borne by the city. It is agreed to perform all the engi neering services mentioned above and for suclv. services the town of Cody shall pay in Kansas City exchange, an amount equal to four (4) per cent of the contract price of the proposed Im provements payments to be made at the time of letting contracts and out of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds except that ten (10) per cent shall be retained until the final test and accept ance of the completed Improvements. It Is provided however that if bonds fail to carry for the proposed improve ments then there shall be no payments made to or compensation due Burns & McDonnell for any of the engineer ing services included in this contract. It Is further agreed that said engi neers will give a surety bond regu-. larly issued by a surety company authorized to operate In the State of Wyoming, guaranteeing faithful per formance of the work and that the completed plant will be free from en gineering defects. It is agreed to commence work im mediately after the signing of this contract and push the same to as early a completion as is consistent with good work. This contract is signed In duplicate. By 1 Mayor. Attest: By Ahthorlzed Representative. + FIREMEN'S ANNUAL GRAND BALL ANNOUNCEMENT The Cody Volunteer Fire Depart ment announces the date of their Annual Grand Ball to occur on Thanksgiving night, November 30th. No pains will be spared to make this the event of the season. At the regular meeting of the Department Monday evening suitable committees were selected to make all necessary ar rangements towards a grand success of the occasion. As Is well known this dl-ganlzatlon is a voluntary department and should be supported most, liberally In Its efforts. It Is hoped that the citizens generally will encourage the Laddies, co-operating in every possible w-y » • toe v . * • 'a i bio The Northern Wyoming Herald. Cody, Wyoming, October 20,1911. NEWSY POWELL PARAGRAPHS FROM NELSON’S TRIBONE, * OF PROMINENT PEOPLE The Farlow building is rapidly ap proaching completion and gives pro mise of being a structure of hand some proportions and design. Miss Lascb, principal of the Powell schools, was called home Saturday by the death of one of her sisters at Winona, Minn. Mrs. S. G. McWilliams, mother ot Mrs. McWilliams, sustained a pain ful fracture of the arm last Sunday morning as a result of a fall while leaving the Sheehy residence. BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Ha zen Sunday morning, October eighth, a bouncing youngster destined to take precedence In future years as the eld est son. Dr. Lewellen was the attend ing physician. Mr. Hazen is a mem ber of the Government staff of engi neers. Janies I. Broadwater of Hunter, Okla.. filed last week on unit “C” in 60 and will establish residence at once. Mr. Broadwater will make good from the jump—he has it in him and he is here for that purpose. Success and thrice welcome to the Boardwater family. E. D. Jewett left last Friday for his old home at Balston, Minn., at which place he will spend the winter. We shall be sadly mistaken and mightily disappointed also if this man Jewett doesn’t show up within a few months, married and otherwise reinforced for permanent citizenship here on the Shoshone project. R. W. Marshall, who has been for the past two weeks or so the guest ot his brother. Cashier Marshall, start ed on h*B return trip Saturday for his home in Manama, Neb., with the inten tion of making a short stay in Billings en route. Yr. Marshall made many friends while >ere asd we extend to him a hearty welcome should he ever decide to locate here, as it is reported that he has some thoughts of doing. Geo. B. Kerper, Jr., now of Boze man, Mont., desires to know of any one who is in position or who Is in the business of driving wells. Mr. Ker per filed recently on Ralston unit land and is desirous of having a well drill ed on his place. Ferdinand Schnieder of Waterloo. lowa, was among the number of solid citizens to file on Ralston unit land during the past week. Mr. Schneider will be out next spring with his family and otherwise prepared to become one of us henceforth and for evermore. Here’s welcome to the Schneider family. L. Woody returned home to New ton, lowa, the first of this week with the mission of bringing the good wife and the household appurtenances to Powell with a view of establishing his residence permanently on his ranch near Ralston. Mr. Woody had intended to wait until winter had at least partially abated its rigors before coming to Powell for good, but now concludes that this is as good place as any In which to pass the cold sea son. In all of which he has of course our hearty concurrence. Wednesday morning, the day after the Harry Hall fire, was the occasion of another destructive fire and as on the previous day we have to chroni cle a total loss. This time, Fred Miller was the unfortunate. There was no one at the ranch at the time, Mrs. Miller being in town and Mr. Miller with the threshing crew at the Craw ford place. House and contents were entirely destroyed. It Is thought that the fire may have caught from a de fective chimney. There was no insur ance. We trust that this blow may not be an insuperable obstacle to the prosperity of the miller family and that a new home may soon rise on the ashes of the old. There will be a meeting of Alcyone Chapter, O. E. S., to-morrow (Satur day) at 3:30 p. m. to discuss plans for the entertainment of the Cody dele gation on the occasion of the ap proaching official institution of the Chapter. Tickets for the lecture course ot the Powell Library Club are now on sale and they are going fast. Tho course will be far and away the best attraction of the winter’s entertain ments. Don’t miss It. Mrs. Stock has been supplying for Miss Lasch, temporarily absent this week. It is reported that Mrs. Stock will be engaged permanently In tho third and fourth grades. Mr. C. E. Wetmore, after a pleas ant visit with the Perrin family, and an inspection of some of our school lands, left Wednesday on his return to Wakita, Oklahoma. Gilbert E. Gowey announces the sale this week of the Knespel forty, north west of and adjoining the town, to J. L. Ennis for the ridiculously low fig ure of SI7OO. Mr. Ennis is a half brother of Mrs. Farlow, the connec tion. though remote. with the enter prising proprietor of Powell’s new hostelry being sufficient to indicate that Mr. Enuis is of the right stuff to make thingH hum on this excellent piece of land. Mr. Knespel, it Is un derstood, will leave shortly for the beet fields of Colrado. Alfalfa is weighing out four tons to the acre from first two cuttings, and netting the farmer $6 per ton, t. o. b. cars, or $24 per acre; third cut ting and fall feed Is worth at least $7.00 per acre, making a net income per acre of s3l. Lynn & Arnolds, the Lovell firm ot contractors whose bid for the con struction of the system of drainage ditches for the Shoshone project was the lowest, have gone East to secure the machinery necessary for the suc cessful as well as expeditious prose cution of the work. We are Informed that It is their intention to have the dirt flying in good earnest within the next ten days or less. Here’s hoping that no hard freeze occurs before Christmas to interfere with the speedi est handling possible of the proposi tion they are up against. J. W. Wight and son of Utica, N. Y., were here for a day or two this week looking over the country, with plans for stock raising worrying their minds. Basin. * Shoots .22 short, .22 long and .22 long rifle cartridges, without adjustment. Solid Breech, Hammerless, Safe! Built by the same expert gunsmiths as the Remington-UMC big game rifles. ts If you want to shoot your best, shoot Reming ton-UMC Lesmdic ,225. Their accuracy I gIjLM enabled Arthur Hubakk to break the World’s I Record in 100 consecutive shots, scoring 2,484 I YL w£a|lp perfect shooting '' combination. Remington Arm* Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 299 Broadway. New York City ■ ABSTRACTS W complete transcript of the Records of Park County and after October 15, 191 1 we will be prepared to furnish Abstracts of Title for Park County. We have also secured the ser vices of an experienced Abstracter, who will devote his entire time to this work and pat rons of our office are assured of accurate and prompt service. C| Give us your orders for Abstracts and be convinced. Park Loan & Trust Smm ua about long time farm loan*. We write nothing but the beat firm fnaurance They are looking over the whole The pupil wagons have been in suc cessful operation this week, discharg ing their daily cargoes of Amercan citizenship now in process of evolu tion. To be exact, the loads total somewhere near a ton and a half apiece, Mr. Hall, of the south route, weighing in one morning at 2960 lbs., for 29 children, driver excluded. Mr. Muller and son, Carl, from Elmwood, Nebraska, were looking over Powell and surrounding country, this week. They departed well pleas ed with the Powell valley and will re turn soon with farm equipment and make Powell their future home. M. E. Hunt and C. C. Hooper from Swan, lowa were here this v/eek. After looking the Basin all over they decided there was no place like Pow ell. Mr. Hunt bought Mrs. Reynold’s farm east of town and Mr. Hooper will return soon and invest in some of our choice dirt. S. P. Daw who filed east of Powell finished good substantial buildings on his claim and returned to Illinois this week to close out his interest there. He> will soon return with his family to the “bright land of opportunities.’’ E have just purchased from the Wyoming Security Investment Co., a Company Page Nine RAMS FOR SALE About 500 head yearling Ram bouillett Rams. Also a few two year olds of the same breed. W.T. Hogg Co. “Y-U” Ranch W. J. Deegan Manager