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Page Two ■“THE MEN we clothe in this store are well-dressed men ; not always when they first come to us, but always after that, as long as they con tinue to let us look after their clothes. Hart Schaffner & Marx make clothes for well-dressed men; for men who appreciate quality; for men who are as much or more interested in what they get for their money as in what they pay. This store is the natural headquarters for such men ; and if any of y<>u haven’t found that out, you’re doing yourself an injustice in the matter of clothes that we're sorry for. Come in soon and see what we’re doing here to well-dress our fellow-citizens. All-wool fabrics, fine tailoring, correct style and fit. 1 1 Suits S2O to SSO. Overcoats $16.50 to S4O This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothe*. Stetson hats and Florsheim shoes. Np matter what you want in men s goods it will pay you to Buy It Os » | i Dave Jones ; "ioky, - - - - Wyoming Money Making I OPPORTUNITY For Sale the stock, building, warehouse, im plement sheds, barn and ice house of Griffin & Mason, Bur lington, Wyo. These Improvements costing nearly $5,000 all for Sale For Cash Stock in General Merchandise is Clean and Fresh Just Invoiced at SII,OOO. The stock and real estate is located at Burlington, a thriving town in the Greybull Valley, and is the property of the bank rupts Griffin & Mason. Terms of S.ile: One-half cash, balance on 2,3, 4, 5 and 0 months timj. Said deferred pur chase money to be represented by bankable notes. Schedules of the above pro perty may be seen at the offices C. A. ZARING Basin, Wyoming Or at the offices of assignee V. G. LANTRY Cody, Wyoming GLASSWARE With Cash Purchases EVERY LADY MAKING A CASH PURCHASE OF $2 OR MORE IN THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL BE GIVEN HER CHOICE OF A HANDSOME GLASS FRUIT OR CAKE STAND, THAT USUALLY SELLS AT 60 CENTB EACH. THESE STANDS are SIX INCHES HIGH, MADE OF FANCY DECORATED GLAS3, AND WILL BE AN ORNA MENT TO ANY TABLE. Cody Trading Co. “I was Crippled, could hardly walk and had to Crawl ' down stairs at times on my hands and knees. My doctor told me I I had an acute attack of inflammatory ‘ rheumatism. I was in the hospital for weeks, but was scarcely able to walk when I left it. I read about Dr. Miles’ Nervine bought a bottle and began to get better from the start, and for the past six months 1 have had scarcely any pain and am able to walk as well as ever.” J.H. Sanders, I*. O. box 5, Rockaway, N. J. Few medicines are of any benefit for rheumatism, but Mr. Sanders tells plainly what Dr. Miles’ Re storative Nervine did for it. One ounce of salicylate of soda added to I one bottle of Nervine makes an ex- I cellent remedy for I which is now known to be a nerv- I ous disease and therefore subject to [ the influence of a medicine that acts I through the nerves, as does Dr. Miles’ Nervine I Sufferers from rheumatism seldom I fail to find relief in the use of I Dr. Miles’ Nervine, with salicylate I of soda. Sol* undar a guarani*, that assures I th. mturn oflSaariM of the first bottl. I If It falls to bsneflt. At all Druggists, if MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Northern Wyoming Herald. Cody, Wyoming, November 24, 1911. MEETEETSE MELANGE-GOOD i ITEMS taken from news CONCERNING THAT SECTION H. J. WiiG 111 frODOI thO . Pitchfork Friday. Chas. H. Anderson, of the forestry service, waa in town Friday. Messrs. S* <-> Howard and Law rence Arbucklc of Sunshine were in town Friday. C. C. Graves, government surveyor made a profeseionable visit to this town last Friday. The famous “Happy Family” from the Rim Attended a dance here last Friday evening. Roy M. Webster,one of Wood Riv ers prominent ranchmen, spent Sat urday in Meeteetse. E. M. Nott killed an enormous bald eagle on his ranch near Carter Mountain a few days ago. At a special session of the village council a few days ago, a liquor license was granted J. C. Dodge. John Martinson returned Monday from Omaha, where he accompanied the Paliette cattle shipment. Miss Jessie Hitchcock, the county superintendent of schools, spent a few hours here last Tuesday. Misses Jennie and Jeseie Stewart of Green River, Wyo., who are visit ing the Coffelt family were in town last Saturday. J. R. Baird erstwhile editor of the News, is now in the eastern part of the state. He is thinking of spending the winter in Nebrcnka. Several of the employees of the Antlers ranch were in Mectetse Sat urday returning from Cody where they were loading cattle. During a recent snow storm a herd of sheep with their herder was miss ing to a time on the ranch of Henry Doores but they have aince been ac counted for. Henry Woodruff of Meeteetse creek accompanied by Mr. Aillff and Paul Foster and wife, of Burlington went to Brown creek on a hunting trip the first of the week. Dan Wilson killed a couple of deer on Meeteetse creek one day last week George Young reports having seen a deer on his place, only three miles from town the other day; “Society Red” of the l*Anch returned from Cody Wtineeday where he accompanied Miift JVancis Phelps to the train. The latter was bound for New York state where she will visit relatives, -* Mrs. C. H. Davison and daughter, Isabelle, returned Wednesday from their extended visit in the eastern states. Mrs. Davison Journeyed as far east as Niagara Falls, and reports many delightful experiences. Among the directors of the new and promising Wyoming Life Insur ance Company, appears the name of our fellow townsman, Mr. E. P. Bow man. Mr. Bowman expresses grat faith in the proospects of the new company and believes it will be man aged in a safe and conservative man ner. The Wlfichekler stage, on the way from Cody to Meeteetse last Monday, Buffered a broken reach when In the act of crossing Dry creek. Which was frozen quite solidly at time. In company with Vernon Daniels the driver, was a single pass inger, Ed. Moore of this place When/ the stage broke down, Ed started for* the Sleep er ranch, where he to secure a wagon. After several mftes of rid ing on a tired work horse, and with darkness coming on, he vainly at tempted to cross the swollen Grey bull. Had he not soon retraced his steps, Mr. Moore would probably have met an untimely fate In the wat ers of the swollen Rtream. He now headed for the home of Tom Osborne ' and there succeeded in getting a wagon. Joined by Daniels, the two wayfarers found that they could make no satisfactory progress in the darkness of the night, and to keep from freezing, they hurriedly pre pared a sage-brush fire. After a night spent In the hills , the men were only too glad to see the first glimmer of the morning sen, and to pursue their way to Meeteetse town. DASTARDLY CRIME. One of the most heinous crimes that has ever been perpetrated in Natrona county was that which was committed last Saturday night when two masked men went into the boiler room of the Mid-west OH Company’s refinery site, about a mile west of town and bound Adolph Kuhrtz, the fireman and night watchman, and dragged him to the main line of the Wyoming and Northwestern railroad, where they tied him onto the rails and left him to be Killed by the pass ing train or to bo frozen to death during the cold and stormy night; and they would have accomplished their purport had not Horace Evans, the relief for Kuhrtz, arriving at mid night, and, tnisplcioning that his fel low workman had. met with some ac cident, made a search for him and was successful in locating him, rscu ing him from his perilous position. Casper Tribune. NEWSY POWELL PARAGRAPHS OF THE PROMINENT PEOPLE FROM NELSON’S TRIBUNE H. A. Templeton and Mr. Rogers of the Rogeqs-Templeton Lumber Co. were Powell visitors one day this week. W. G. Mudgott and F. M. Kittle are out after big game as are about forty other residents of the Powell country. While In Parsons. Kns., rcently, Howard and Lawrence Crawford, sons of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Crawford caught a glimpse of aviator Rogers who passed over Parsons in his re cent flight from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Our readers are aware, of course that Rogers is the first man actually to cross the continent in an air ship. L. Woody dropped in Tuesday from Newton lowa with a car of emigrant moveables and 1b now located per manently on what was .ormerly the John Jones place near “Camp F." Another member of the Hackeye. No wonder old lowa is losing in popula tion. Neat summer some time we wilt have an lowa picnic—my! won't those fellows from Missouri, Nebraska and Chicago turn green with envy. Carpenters are at work remodeling the Interior of the old drug store building preparatory to occupancy of same by the C G. Mudd cream sta tion and cash grocery. The big Bteam shovel Is here as is also the crew which will operate the same. Construction work on drainage canals will go forward by leaps and bounds from this time on. Ell Jernberg of the Irma Flat coun try above Cody was a business visitor Ju Powell last Thursday and while here was a guest of the 0. K. Ander son home east of town. Vernon Steck Is back from the West and back, we hope for good and all. We need him on the ball team next summer and we -need him In a dozen other ways. Anyhow we are mighty glad to see him back. C. B. King, J. U Werts, C. W. Fowler, chaa. Pease and B. C. Peter son ward among the number of those from the Garlad community who at tended the meeting of the Water Users Association last Tuesday. Col. C. G. Caldwell Is billed to cry a sale for W, W. Crlsman on the old Cook ranch one-half mile north of Lovell next Thursday. Nov. !S. Some splendid stock and much other desir able property Is being offered. A. P. Libby was down from his Cody ranch a couple of days this week renewing old acquaintances and at tending to matters of business, We are always glad to see this pioneer Powelllte and only wish that he and his. estimable wife would resume their residence In the “Alfalfa City." P. 0. Anderson Os near Garland re linquished recently to Orval O. Werts of itiissWt. lowa. The latter is a neph ew to J. L. Werts and to all tpQbhr hnces a bright and cneriotft young man. He too. Vs eligible to charter membership In our big Hawkeye club and entitled Yo sit In our big lowa picnic next summer. Next! Carl O. Loftsgaarden was down from Big Timber, Mont., over Sunday last and left Tuesday for the scene of his present employment, accom panied by his family. Theoe estim able people have hosts of friends who hate to see them leave, who wish were Powell visitors one da thiß week who hope and trust that In course or time they will again be residents (permanent) of the best town on earth —Powell. APPLIES PARK COUNTY TOO. William A. Maxwell.— The credit system Is a curse to the business firms of most small towns and It Is doubtful If it Is a benefit to many farmers. Occasionally a man Is en abled to get a start by the judicious use of credit at the stores and at other business houses, but for every one of such a score plod along year after year buying on tick and always just far enough behind that a bad year nearly swamps them. A merch ant has to pay his fcllla when duo— every ton thirty or six-ty days as the case may be —or quit business. The cash system would be a great bless ing to buyer and seller, once it was thorougrly established. —Field and Farm. + C. H. FITZPATRICK HERE. C. 11. Fitzpatrick, an expert tills examiner In the employ of the Wy oming Security Investment Co., of Basin, Is here working on the titles for his company nnd the Park Loan & Trust Co., of Cody, of which Mayor Peegan Is the head. Mr. Fitzpatrick is said to be one of the best in his line In the atata of Wyoming. Ed. Dens came In the first of tb« week to prove upon some land before Commlseloi’er Calkins. Mr. Deu» Is now etig- nlng xh' , e r ' | || If It’s a Buick Auto You will have no trouble. You’ll climb any hill and cover any western road with the least effort. Try Out a Buick Before You Buy D. E. HOLLISTER, Agt. or Ciena Borron, Brundage Jj Hdw. Building Alladin nibbed the lamp and gave his orders THE MODERN EQUIVALENT You lift the Bell Telephone receiver and give your command a THE MOUNTAIN STATES TEL. and TEL. CO. Fraternal Order Eagles ""social All members of Cody Aerie, No. 818, F. O. £.. are hereby cordially invited to be present with their family and friends, at I. O. O. F. Hall, Monday Evening, November 27, 1911. A program consisting of music, cards, dancing and refreshments has been provided. Come out. SOCIAL COMMITTEE L. H. Pfaff, E. Edwards, Bert Cogswell, W. Anderson, .... Dave Shelly’ EMIL BHIBLER TO LEAVE. Emil Shlbler, the talented young pharmacist who has had charge of the prescription department of Dr. Dennett’s Drug Store for a number of years, Is to leave soon for Archi bald, 0., his former home. Mr. Shib ler has purchased a drug store there and will soon assume charge. While in Cody he has established a reputation for solidity of character, business acumen, and exceptional ac curacy in his chosen profession, of which many an older man might be proud. He has won many friends here 'vi i uie foregoing essential l by his uniform courtesy and genial spirits. Mrs. Shibler will precede her hu* - band who will follow as soon as t ® holiday rush is over at the Bonnet Cody Drug and Jewelry Co. The Her aid extends to Mr. Shlbler its fel J 1 Hattons and trusts he will HUe j s new home as well as he has ( 0 assuring him that If he desires. cV ® ’ to come back the latch Btring of 1 Pearl City will be out for him ♦ BUY MARSTON’S MILK. Marston’s milk and cream are ing friends and customers because their purity and sanitary roam to order. Phone 67. 1 '