Newspaper Page Text
Page Six LEGAL NOTICE FORFEITURE NOTICE. Cody, Wyoming, April 13, 1911. To A. R. Williams and Rebecca Wil liams: — You, and each of you, are hereby notified that we have expended dur ing the years 1909 and 1910 in labor and improvements upon Festal Placer Mining Claim, Fate Placer Mining Claim and Fury Placer Mining Claim, situate in Sunlight Unorganized Min ing District, on Sulphur Mountain, Park county, Wyoming, the sum of Six Hundred ($600.00) Dollars, the loca tion certificates to which claims are found of record in Book Eleven of Locations, at Pages Sixty-eight, Six ty-nine and Seventy, in the office of the county clerk of Big Horn county, Wyoming, of which Park county was formerly a part, in order to hold said claims under provision of Section 2324 of the Revised Statutes of the United Plates and the amendment thereto approved January 22, 1880, concerning annual labor upon mining claims, be ing the amount required to hold said placers for the period ending on the 31st day of December, A. D. 1910. And if, within ninety days from the personal service ‘of this notice, or within ninety days after publication thereof, you fail or refuse to contrib ute your proportion of such expendi ture as co-owners your interest in said claims will become the property of the subscribers, your co-owners, who have made the required expenditure by the terms of said section. The amount you owe is SIOO.OO, that is to say $50.00 each. Gertrude Chapman, Ester Hammitt, Carl Hammitt, W. J. Chapman. Col. Miller. A. C. Chapman, H. S. Ridgely. First publication April 21, 1911. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF WYOMING WITHIN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF PARK. State of Wyoming, j County of Park. ss ‘ W. F. MEYER and JOHN W. CHAP MAN, Co-partners, doing business under the firm name and style of Meyer and Chapman. Plaintiffs. YS. S. JUDSON HUBBARD AND NELLIE C. HUBBARD, Defendants. To S. JUDSON HUBBARD and NELLIE C. HUBBARD, whose last known place of residence is Gallatin County, Montana. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a petition has been filed in the above entitled court the object and prayer of which is to collect the sum •f $1,811.26 together with interest thereon at the* rate of 12 per cent per annum from the 17th day of October, A. D., 1911, and costs of suit, due the above named plaintiffs from you, the above named defendants, upon a cer tain promissory note, together with an attorneys fee of the sum of SIOO, and far the foreclosure of a real estato mortgage which was given to secure the payment of the aforesaid note, charges and expenses. AND YOU ARE FURTHER NOTI FIED that unless you answer the peti tion herein above referred to on or before the 23rd day of December, A. D„ 1911, the statements set forth in the said petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered against you a^pordingly. WITNESS Fred C. Barnett. Clerk •t the said Court and the seal thereof at Cody, Park County, Wyoming, this Igt day of November, A. D., 1911. (•cal ) FRED C. BARNETT, Clerk of District Court, Park County, Wyoming. W. L. WALLS, Attorney for Plaintiffs. Wf6t publication November 3, 1911. lA?t publication December 8, 1911. LEGAL NOTICE. Iff THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT WITHIN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF PARK, STATE OF WYOMING. JOHN R. HEGEMAN, Plaintiff, vs. SHOSHONE CATTLE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, Defendant. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that b«r and under a certain execution istfued in the above entitled cause the undersigned Sheriff will ou the 28th day of November, 1911, between the hefers of 10 o’clock in the forenoon m| 5 o’clock in the afternoon sell at vendue on said date at the ir<*t door of the building used and •eluded as a Court house in the town •f Eldy, Park Couaty, Wyoming, the fetlpwlng described property, to-wit: mnVi Os the SE% of Section 32. Sl«st of the SEt4 of Section 32, Town ship 52 North. Range I#3 West, the LEGAL NOTICE SEU of the NWU, the SW& of the NE*4, the of the SE&, and lots numbered 3 and 2 in Section 5, Town ship 51 North, Range 103 West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, all In Park County, Wyoming. The above described property will be sold or such part thereof as is necessary to make the sum of $32,300.- 19 to satisfy the judgment rendered in the above entitled cause. Said pro perty or part thereof to satisfy the sum above mentioned shall be sold to the best and highest bidder for cash. HENRY DAHLEM, Sheriff, By GRAHAM MORTON, Deputy. J. H. VAN HORN, Attorney. First publication October 20, 1911. T.ast publication November 24, 1911. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at Lander, Wyoming. November 14, 1911. Notice is hereby given that NED W. FROST, of Cody, Wyoming, who on November 28, 1908, made homestead entry. Number 01323, for lot 69, Sec tion 2, Township 52 North, Range 102 West, of the sixth Principal Meridan, lias filed notice of intention to make Final Commutation Proof, to estab lish claim to the land above described before John K. Calkins, U. S. Comm issioner, at Cody, Wyoming, on the 23rd day of December, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses Jesse Frost, Mary Frost, William C. Richard, George Merel, all of Cody. Wyoming. William T. Adams Register. First Publication. November 17, 1911. Last Publication, December 15, 1911 MONTHLY DIGEST Os Important Public Land Decisions. The Following important law points have recently been decided by the Secretary of the Interior. Timber and Stone When an entryman under the Tim ber and Stone Act fails to submit fin al proof on the day fixed therefore in the public notice, or within ten days thereafter, his timber and stoqe sworn statement ceases to have any effect to reserve the land from other disposition. Subsequent application to readver tise, made after the withdrawal of the land, must be held subject to the conditions of that withdrawal. Citing Edith Curtis (33 L. D., 285). Y Y I No rights are acquired by the new filing of a timber and stone sworn statement as will, upon the death of the applicant prior to proof and pay ment decend to his heirs. Citing Burns vs. Bergh's Heirs (37 L. D. 161) Practice Although Rule 72 of practice pro vides that no motion for rehearing of the decisions of the Commissioners will be allowed, yet in an ex parte proceeding, there would seem to be no person why the Commissioner of the General Land Office should not, upon his attention being called to an al leged mistake or oversight, and be fore the case had been taken from his jurisdiction or appeal, reconsider and correct his decision. Obviously, prior to an appeal, such action can be taken of his own motion. ¥ ¥ ¥ When two applications to contest are filed in the local Land Office sim ultaneously, the one which W’as sworn to first will have priority. Mining It is now well settled that after the location of a valid placer mining claim in good faith, by an association of persons each locator can convey his undivided interest to whomsoever he chooses and the entire title to such claim may become vested in one in dividual. Citing 187 Federal Reporter 385. ¥ ¥ ¥ It is not the policy of the Depart ment to hear protests In mining cases while an adverse suit Is pending and being litigated in the local courts. It the court in that proceeding, should conclude to continue the trial until the protest could be heard and deter mined, the Department would then be disposed to orflder a hearing thereon. ¥ ¥ ¥ The term “vein or lode” does not mean merely a typical fissure or coll ect vein, but, rather, any partly de fined zone or belt of mineral hearing rock in place. To constitute a valuable discovery upon a claim for which patent Is sought there must be actu ally and physically exposed within the limits thereof a vein or mineral bearing lode in place, possessing In and of itself a present or prospective value for mining purposes; and before patent can be properly Issued or al Northern Wyoming Herald. Cody. Wyoming, November 24, 1911. lowed thereon, that fact must be shown in the manner above stated. ¥ ¥ ¥ When land is known to be chiefly valuable for coal, prior to approval oi Survey, no right will vest in a state, with respect to such tract under a school grant ¥ ¥ ¥ When there is a charge that th' land is mineral in character and wa known to be mineral at the date oi final proof, the provisions of Section 7, act of March 3, 1891 (26 StaT., 1095) cannot be invoked to require Issue of patent. Said act was not Intended to Include mineral entries not lands min eral in character, known to be such at the time of final entry. ¥ ¥ ¥ Section 2326 R. S. has exclusive ref erence to adverse proceedings Inst, tuted by one claiming certain ground under the Mining Laws against a min eral applicant for the same ground, to determine the right of possession as between the parties to the proceed ing. Citing Creed Co. vs. Unita Co. (196, U. S. 537). When a person claims a desert land entry as transferee and fails to file in the local Land Officd any notice of such transfer, he is not entitled to notice of a proceeding against the entry, as provided in rule 8H of the rules of practice in force herein. (31 L. D. 527). ♦ ♦ ♦ Where a desert entry is embraced in a township which has been sus pended from all forms of entry for the purpose of resurvey thereof, the time for making proof should be ex tended so as to include the Interval between the date of suspension and the filing in the local Land Office of the new plat of survey. ♦ ♦ ♦ Timber and Stone. Lands subject to entry as Timber and Stone lands, under the act of June 3, 1878, may be entered under the homestead laws, if they can bo adapted to practical agricultural use? and the dequirements of the home-1 stead laws can be complied with, in I all other respects. Citing Finley vs. 1 Ness (38 L. D. 394). ' ♦ ♦ ♦ The Commissioner of the General Land Office has ample authority under Sections 22-23-35 of the Timber and tSone regulations of Novemb r 30, 1908, to revise the proceedings re lating to the entry, and where mistake appears, to order a reappraisement. This may be done even after proof is made and final certificate issued. GOOD GINGER BRED RECIPE. Children are very fond of good j ginger bread and the following ni de j up will make them very happy: Gingerbread is an economical c<*n coction made by the following for mula: One cup of molasses, one half cup of sugar, one cup of hot water, one teaspoonful of soda dissolved In the hot water; butter the size of an ej?g; one tablespoonful of cinnamon, one teaspoonful of ginger. 2% cups of flour, scant measure. Raisins may be added. The sugar may be omitted if the molasses is very sweet and good. ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ * ¥ ¥ A GOOD OFFER. ¥ * * 9 The Herald has by special Y 9 arrangements with the publish- Y * ers of the new map of Park Y Y county taken a very large num- V Y her of the maps, and secured Y Y them at a lower price. Persons Y 9 sending In $2 will now receive 9 9 The Herald and the map for 32 9 9 instead of $2.50 as formerly. 9 9 This map is full of valuable * * Information, covering Park Y Y county, and is the flrst one Y 9 Issued by any one. Messrs Pul- Y Y lerton & Steele are the survey- Y Y ors and publishers. Y Y Send In $2 and secure this Y Y map and The Herald for one Y Y year. The map has all of the Y Y trails and noted ranches shown Y Y eis well as all streams and Y Y mountain peaks. Y * ♦ yyyyyyyyyyyy MODERN UP-TO-DATE HOSPITAL Equipped with All surgical and Medical Appliances Dr. C. DANA CARTER Physician and Surgeon-in-Charge, Proprietor Phone 99 Red BASIN, WYOMING 11,000 Acres! t / t I 4 ♦ ! For Lease ! ❖ ♦ * f * ♦ # • ❖ ♦ * • 4 ♦ * • 4* 4 ❖ + I With Outside Range j l- on Rawhide Creeks 1— - - . ■ ... t ♦ ■ + i ' i + ♦ t I j Also 20 Tons Hay i ! For Sale I I ===== i ! - ! + i | Apply M. Thomas, Cody l l 1 4*4*4*4*4*4»4*4*4*4b+b*S»*4 4*4*4*4*4*4 *4 *4*4*4 *4 *4*4*4*4*4*4*4 JC. rr y Is a place where a person £ may go and meet the beit -JZ Jr’”"”"* 2S>* £^ citizens of jhe town and Choice Liquors and Fine Cigars, Domestic and Imported Patrons Receive the Best Possible Consideration 0. D. MARX, Prop. • A SS£ST‘ m Everything in Lumber & Building Material What is it you wish for that New Building? We have it from Cement to Lath Best Prices and Best Stock Wallop & Moncreiffe Lumber Company H. B. ROBERTSON. Mu.,ct Phw. ISO | POPULAR SHERIDAN AVENUE RESORT I .The Crystal. HENRY POOL, Proprietor Unexcelled for Quality and Purity of Goods Unrivaled in Extending Courteous Attention Graduate Nurses only in Attendance Rates Reasonable Beck Avenue Blacksmith Shop C. F. SCHOLES, Proprietor Horseshoeing and General Repairing Phone 114 Black All Freight for the Valley Stage must be left at the store of Newcomer & Rous seau if patrons wish it to be carried to its destination. TIME TABLE Os The VALLEY STAGE LEAVES VALLEY MONDAY 600 A M ARRIVES CODY MONDAY 7.00 P. M. LEAVES CODY TUESDAY 600 A. M. ARRIVES VALLEY TUESDAY 700 P. M THREE ROUND TRIPS EACH WEEK. Fare 10 cents per mile each way Express $1 per hundred. Smaf packages 25c. Steamer trunks 1,5( large trunks $2.00 to $3.00. Baldwin Pianos And Organs Best Quality Lowest Prices Live Slock Taken As Part Payment J. W. LORD, Agent, Garland, Wyoming CHAS. BENJAMIN TAILOR Cody, Wyoming PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. C. G. MANLOVE DENTIST Cody, Wyoming DR. M. CHAMBERLIN DENTIST Cody, Wyoming J. G. LINK & C. S. HAIRE ARCHITECTS Offices Butts, Billings, Miles City, H-slena and Missoula, Montana C. E. HAYDEN ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Notary Public, Agent for Irrigated Lands. Corraspondsnce Solicited Cody, Wyoming DR. F. A. WAPLES PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Cody, Wyoming DR. L. HOWE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Assistant Surgeon B. A M. R. R. Office in Pioneer Building Cody, Wyoming CLARK & WRIGHT LAWYERS Washington, D. C. Public Land Matters: Final Proof Desert Lands, Contests and Mining Cases. Scrip. Associate Work For Attorneys J. H. VAN HORN LAWYER Offics Next to Herald Office Cody, Wyoming H. S. RIDGLEY LAWYER Will Practice in All Courts Basin, Wyoming DR. M. BEAL All Branches Veterinary PraetloJ Formerly With U. 8. Government Office Buffalo Bill Barn Phone 130 W. S. Collins Thos. M. Hyde COLLINS & HYDE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Will Practice In All Courts Mining, Land and Bankrupt Cases Our Speciality Baaln State Bank Bldg. Basin, Wyoming