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Page Eight “I Am Bolton The Meat Man 99 And you will find me at NEWCOMER & ROUSSEAU*S ready and equipped to furnish you the very finest Meats, Fish and Oysters in Season. ' Only absolutely Pure Lard for sale by me Phone 25 Black and / will call for your Orders •!-**-y-*****«-*#*****4f*******« I News of the Week I *****lHfr******************S ♦ * Item* of Intermit about the People of | jjt Cody and Adjoining Country sf: »*******************4***** You can save money by dealing with Bennett’s Cody Drug & Jewelry Co. J. H. Johnson of Sheridan, regis tered at the Irma Monday. C. L. Sheedy is back after a hunt ing trip with Rep. D. E. Hollister. For dainty table delicacies of all kinds in jars or cans see Yates. 10-13 N. E. Brown of LaK.o View eame in Monday on business. Charles Watkins, brother of Sant, is the guest of the latter. Transient room or board at the old Goodman house D. R. Park. C. M. Pees of K. C. Is registered at the ‘lrma. Union Services at the Methodist Church on Thanksgiving morning at ten o’clock. Are you going? J. B. Arnold a Billings banker is here and goes to Pahaska today to shoot big game. * LENNINGER’S for the best bread. 11-3-ts Martin Ranameil of Crandall creek paid the county seat a visit Wednes day. Have your Christmas Photos taken NOW. Don’t wait until we are rush ed. Hiscock Studio. 11-17-ts Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dahlem of the j North Fork were Cody visitors this \ week. j F. E. Hewitt and J. M. Wolf of Mee- j tectse came in on Monday and were I guests of the Irma. Phone 35 Black when you wish real j home made bread. It’s Dew’s place. ] 10-6 ts The auxiliary to the Spinsters club will give a social dance tomorrow evening it is stated. EAGLES —Business session at 7:30 sharp, Social at 8:30, Monday evening November 27th. 11-24-lt Will you be at the Union Services at the Methodist Church Thanksgiv ing morning at ten o’clock? Florence Gregory went a hunting Monday and with her trusty little rifle brought down a fine fat cotton J tall. County Commissioner Kepford of tlie South Fork came in Monday to do some trading incidental to a hunt ing trip. FOR RENT —One large furnished room. Will also give breakfast. Apply to Mrs. A. Beam. 11-24-ts J. O. Neff of Germania, accompani ed by John Webber and Ed Wagner, left on Wednesday for a hunting trip up the North Fork. The Herald prints 500 Herald Sani tary Wrappers with your name and that of your brand of butter for $2.00 —don’t use a pasted label —they are not sanitary nor attractive. 11-10-11-ts The wedding of “Doc” Kirk last Saturday, caused a run of “stork cards” at Milo Harding’s, Who put up the job? Jessie Frost has gone on a hunting trip and will stop at the Ned Frost camp. Jesse will probably remain un til the end of the season. CASH paid for hides, pelts, furs and rubber. Harry Sanborn. 10-13-ts ijie friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ruby Schultz will now find them in the Frost and Richard house into which they completed their removal on Mon day. Katherine Davis, nee Fisher is back from her visit to Lindsburg, Kas., where she was married. Her husband Lee Davis remained for a few days longer and will be in Cody in the next daj- or so. For good first class tailoring, see Ohsrles Benjamin, the tailor. 10-27-ts Xerxes — no Xenophen—what is tho inau’s given name? Reference is had so K. Whiling of Sunlight who is in fronl that lively mining camp. But what Is his first cognomen? William Mutch a soldier at the east gate station was in with Fred Moc/is Wednesday and stated that 54 inches of snow have fallen already tiii* season. The U. 8. Is taking oh s.-rvjitions tkis year as to the depth of the fall of the snow in the park. Standard Scale Books for dfela at. The Herald Office. 25 and 50 cents. B. Bush is in from K. C. Alex Linto ran over from Meeteetse yesterday. , Fred Whitney and wife of Meeteet se arc in and are stopping at the Irma T. C. Schaub, of the Frog ranch (•this is the ranch at which solo or iginated) came over Thursday. Hear Rev. J. McV. Haight at tho Union Services at the Methodist Church Thanksgiving morning at ten o'clock. LENNINGER’S Tor fine cakes and pastry. 11-3-ts i C. H. Holland tho hustling head of The Wonder store, went to Burling- Pton Sunday on business, returning to , Cody on Monday night. ! If you would have your laundry work come hack CLEAN try the j PARK HAND LAUNDRY. Or phone | 73 black, we will call. * 11-24-ts F. J. I.age of Sheridan, and the. ! man that keeps John D. Rockafeller j and the Standard Oil straight in Wy j oroing was the handsomest sojourner j the Pearl City had this week. He paid ! a call on The Herald and promised to | reduce the price of gasoline, j If yoiir face hurt a you have it pho l tographed and send it among your | friends for Christmas. Let them share the pain with you. F. J. fliscock is i the man behind the camera. 11-17-ts ! M. O. Newton and County Com i missioner Walter Kepford went hunt- J ins in* the Rock creek section on i Tuesday. Now watch the big game 1 fly. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. McGee are en ' joying a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. i H. McGee the parents of the former. I The little baby McGee is growing like a green bay tree. LENNINGER’S for the best bakery j goods. 11-3-ts ' Dick Itosseau, Orrin McGahan and j O A. Oakes, the letter the contractor are in from a hunting trip on the North Fork where they brought down an elk and a deer. John Wellington and Elmer Oas returned from Crandall creek Tues day where they had been trapping and hunting. They secured an elk head with horns 5 feet high and \ x k feet spread. This is said to be a par ticularly fine specimen. FOR RENT—A nicely furnished room, warm and electric lighted, two blocks from the Post Office. Inquire of Chas. Benjamin. 11-17-ts. Jim McLaughlin, the Tall Syca more of the South Fork brought to the editor Monday a fine piece of venison. Thanks , Jim, call again, even if you haven’t any deer meat. Mrs. Roy Coguill is back from a visit to Oshkosh and Milwaukee, Wis. also to broken Bow and Omaha, Neb. She was gone about four months and states she had a splendid trip. She has taken over the Little Rooming House and wll run it this winter. Remnant Sale on at the Council. Bargains in- Liquors. Goods sold re gardless of tho cost See J. M. Frost. 11-17-ts J. C .Carpenter the plumber has se cured the contract for placing a new hot water heating plant in the resi dence of Dave Jonog. Mr. Carpenter has been very busy this fall and re cently completed the healing of the Weston residence. If you wish choice meats, at rea sonable prices, call H. M. 801tpn.25 Black. I will call for your order. 11-3-ts Mrs. C. L. Foster and Mrs. A. M. j Humphrys have returned from an extended visit with relatives in Iow T a and 111., having been absent from Cody since September last. The return in time to participate in the Christmas holiday social festivities. No matter if eggs have gone up. we make all kinds of cake. Who? Dew’s course. 11-24-ts Miss Frannie Morris cam© to Cody on Tuesday to do some shopping and incidentally to get married. See an other column for this much matri monially inclined young woman’s lat est wedding Clmrles S. I>e Shon, of D°s Moines, la., a well known business man of that place is a Cody visitor this week. Mr. De Shon sees much to admire and like in the Pearl City and ap preciates the hospitality that has made the old home of Buffalo Bill famous LENNINGER’S for fine rye bread. 11-3-ts Northern Wyoming Herald. Cody. Wyoming, November 24, 1911. EAGLES —Business session at 7:30 sharp, Social at 8:30, Monday evening November 27th. 11-24-lt W. F. McGee will leave Burlington In a few days for his old home Mar celine, Mo., where his wife now is a guest of relatives. Choice oranges, lemons and banan as at Yates. 11-U4-tf. Jim Morris and John Plum who have been employed at the Buffalo Bil barn left this week for Ardmore, 8. D. w here they will spend tlie winter | PARK HAND LAUNDRY open for I laisiness Monday, Nov. 27 —phone 73 j black and we will call. 11-24-tt I Jim Hogan of Clark, the towering j “Sunny Jim” was a court house vis | itor yesterday. He held quite a eon j flab with County Clerk Barnett. Mr. | Hogan returned on Friday. 1 All kinds of fresh taffies, peanut brittle. Where? Dew’s of Don’t fail to attend the Union Ser vices at'the Methodist \ Church on Thanksgiving morning. Rev. J. h|oV. Haight will preach while Rev. E. L. Anderson and Rev. Biugaman will assist. Splendid music will be provided by all the choirs under the charge of Mrs. Rogers. _ -jar Go to the Council, to attend a clearance sale. Will close out at any old price a few brands of goods that we do not care to handle. 11-17-tt. Theodore Westhofif is Lack and will open the nev,* Park Hand Laundry, Monday Nov. 27, and he Invites all of his old customers and possible patrons to visit his new plant on Sun day, Nov. 26, at which time he will have it open for the inspection of the public. His new equipment is all in Delicatessen dainties of all kinds — Yates. 11-24-ts I. C. McGee of Burlington sold two fine lots of hogs this week to H. M. Bolton and John Esser, respectively at a good price. Mr. McGee Bays it did not cost him a cent to fatten his hogs as he turned them in the grain fields after his harvest. Who s«ys it doesn’t pay to raise stock and fatten them on the home ranch? The hogs .gold by Mr. McGee averaged 220 pounds apiec. EAGLES —Business session at 7:30 sharp, Social at 8:30, Monday evening November 27th. 11-24-lt THANKSGIVING SUGGESTS RE NEWAL OF DINING ROOM ACCES SORIES—SEE THE COFFEE PER- j COLATORS, NAPKIN RINGS, SANP* WICH PLATES, SILVER DINNER SETS AND THE BEAUTIFUL CUT GLASS IN THE WINDOWS OF BENNETT’S CODY DRUG & JEW ELRY CO. 11 24-lt J. E. Lehman, the forest ranger was in Cody on Tuesday and wan a welcome caller at Tho Herald office. He states that the roads below Rep. D. E. Hollister are very bad by reas on of the rains and snows. Mr. Leh man rehewed his subscription to the Herald and goes on the Star Roll of Honor. He Is a most valued man in the service and is doing excellent work for tho government. Send your collars and cuffs to the PARK HAND LAUNDRY, or phone 73 black, we will call. Good care taken not to injure them. 11-24-ts Peter Trujillo of Meeteetse, the saw miil man and one of the men that is making good over there was in Cody this week. While here he renewed his subscription to the Her«ald and takes his place on the Star Roll of Honoc of The Herald. When you wish a nice dutch lunch buy your materials of Yates.: 11-24-ts Messrs. E. S. Downs and William Wibel of the South Fork and Bur lington respectively, were Cody so sojourners on Tuesday of this week. Whilfe here they paid a visit to The Her3ld watching with much intereit the fast type setting machine casting type for the next isue. GEBO AND OREGON BASIN COAL BALED HAY AND OATS. J. H. PERRY, AGENT, 11 24-51 Fred Morris of the North Fork was in Wednesday and renewed his sub scription to The Herald and goes upon the Star Roll of Honor. He ac companied by Mrs. Morris was hunting and she secured a six point bull and a cow. They had a good time and were gone three weeks Thomas Refbord who has Tiequ Ihe guest of the Morrises for the past four months returned on Wednesday to his home In Philadelphia. , THANKS GIVING CLOTHES tJPart of the pleasure of the great National Feast Day is in feeling right, in looking right, in dressing your body to harmonize with the hale and healthy atmosphere of the joyful day. tjYou’ll look right-—you’ll look as « though you had reason to give THANKS-—as though all of life had been kind to you, if you are clothed with a suit from* the “Big Store.’’ tJCome in and pick out that Thanks giving Suit or Overcout right now. Cody Trading Company J. M, Schwoob, Treas. and Mgr. George S Mead of Basin was a guest at the Irma yesterday. C. M. Jump of the Alfalfa City was a guest at the Irma last evening. The youngest child of R. M. Donley Is sick. It Ib being treated by Dr. Bennett. Henry Goodrenu Is quite 111 with an attack of tonsolltls and Is under the care of Dr. Bennett. YOUR THANKSGIVING CUIJN ARY TOOLS ON'T BE COMPLETE WITHOUT ONE OF THOSE CASS EROLES. CHAFFING AND BaKING DISHES ON EXHIBITION IN THE WINDOWS OF BENNETT S CODY DRUG AND JEWELRY CO. 11-21 It WANTED: ANY PERSON WHO HAS ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE OF the violation of the Sunday CLOSING LAW, OR THE ANTI-GAM BLING LAW OF THE STATE OF WYOMING, WITHIN THE COUNTY OF PARK, TO PRESENT HIMBELF OR HERSELF AT THE .COUNTY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE AND IMPART SUCH INFORMATION TO THE COUNTY ATTORNEY, AND MAKE AND SWEAR A COMPLAINT EITH ER BEFORE THAT OFFICER OR ANY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE WITHIN THE COUNTY O FPARK. W. L. WALLS County Attorney. First Pub. Npv. 24th 1911. Last Pub. Dec. 22nd, 1911. ♦ Have you Butter Wrappers? Don't forget the new pure food law requires you to place your name and number of ounces of butter In each roll you offer for sale—Herald Sanitary Butter Wrappers, 800 for $2.00 meets the requirements of the law. 11-27-ts. FOR SALE. -KINDLING OR STOVE WOOD IN BLOCKB. H. H. SCHWOOB, PHONE 21 RED. i M ♦' THORNTON SCHWOOB BETTER. Thornton Schwoob who Is in Buff alo attending school, and who sustain ed an attack of dlptherea ib now pro nounced out of danger, according to a telegram received by his father Senator Schw’oob SEN. WAREN'S COURTEBY. The editor of The Herald 1b per sonally under many obligations to Senator F. E. Warren for two much needed reference works for the san ctum sanctorum —a big map of the only country on the globe—the U. 8. —and the latest ‘ Statistical Abstract of the U. 8." prepared for the Bureau of Statistics by the secretary of the department of Commerce and I^abor. NEW HAND LAUNDRY. The Park Hand Laundry will open for business on Monday, November 11, and on Sunday, the 26th Inst., Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Westhoff cordially Invite their former patrons and pos sible new ones to visit and inspect the! new plant. / New machinery and equipment of the best kind has been received and are now in place. There are new collar and cuff machines, collar and cuff starchers, lroners and a dry room where the fresh air is admitted and the drying Is the same as If done out doors. *Go and Inspect this new enter prise and you will be surprised at its completeness FOR SALE— LIFE INS. BTOCK For sale 15 shares of the Aegis Life Insurance Stock, If taken at once. In quire at the Herald Office. 11-17-%2t + MRS A. C. WUNDERLICH DIES. Mrs. A. C. Wunderlich, the wife ot the well known rancher at Germania, Ir. dead. She was on a visit at Grey bull with relatives when she contrac ted pneumonia and after two or three days illness succumbed to the drea«l disease. Fullqr particulars were not obtainable as The Herald went to press. ** HOFFS GERMAN LINIMENT For flesh trouble is ft clean liniment free from alcohol and poison, money back to those It does not suit, sold by CODY DRUG AND JEWELRY CO. • 4 RASOMUSSEN’S FINE TURKEYS. Andy Rossmussen of Germania cam'- to CodA Thursday, with a load of 50 fine Thanksgiving turkeys which bo quickly sold at $1.60 apiece. He also had a fine lot of dressed hogs that brought 10 cents per pound. CATHOLIC CHURCH BERVICEB SUNDAY. Father Bndres came In on Wednes day and states that there will be mass at the Catholic Church on Sunday at 10 o’clock A. M.. and services again In the evening at 7:30 o'clock. On the Sunday before Christmas he will celebrate the midnight mass which Is one of the most beautlhi' ceremonies of the Catholic Cbtjrcb It la hoped that a good eongre* l *' tlon will greet Father Endres on ear" occasion.