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Page Two very minute you step into this CopvnelM Han Sehxffxer & Marx clothes that go far for the money in them. Then, we try to have you buy what is going to give you the best service in the end ; not what we want to sell, but what you ought to get for your own good. You’d better see the new models in suits ; the new English sack. It’s a very snappy style, and it will be quite generally favored this season. The Shape-maker is another good one; the Varsity also. You must not miss seeing the new models in overcoats. Suits S2O and up. Overcoats $16.50 and up with a discount of 25 percent. It is profitable to BUY IT OF Dave Jones The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes, Stetson Hats, and Florsheim Shoes | || If It’s a Buick Auto You will have no trouble. You’ll climb any hill and cover any western road with the least effort. / V I Try Out a Buick Before You Buy D. E. HOLLISTER, Agt. or Glenn Borron, Brundage Hdw. Building BUY MARSTON S MILK. Marston’g milk and cream are gain ing friends and customers because of their purity and sanitary handling. Crear "der. PhoDe 67. 10-13 ts I COOKINGG BAGS Soyer’s Famous Cooking Bags for sale by the Cody Trading Co. , Size C., 15 in Package 25c Size I)., 13 in Package 25c Size 8., 15 in Package 25c r CODY TRADING CO. Northern Wyoming Herald. Cody, Wyoming, December 22, 1911 Store, you’ll say to yourself, that you like the way we do things. First, we put before you a selection of Hart Schaffner & Marx suits, fine all - wool Sir i One Em,y - TaKe What Pill ? Why, a Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pill, of course. Good for all kinds of pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia, Headache, Nervousness, Rheu matism, Sciatica, Kidney Pains, Lumbago, Locomotor Ataxia, Backache, Stomachache, Period ical Pains of women, and for pain in any part of the* body. “I have used Dr. Miles’ medicines for over I a years and find them excellent. I keep Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pilla in the house all the time and would not think of taking a journey without them, no matter how short a distance I am going. 1 cannot piaise them enough.” Miss Lou M. Cm rchill 63 High St., i'tnacookf N. 11. At all druggists. 25 doses 25c. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. COAL OREGON BASIN COAL PRICE PER TON Oregon Basin - $5.75 Gebo Lump - $6.50 Gebo Nut - - 5.50 2,000 Lbs, to the Ton W. A. RADER Selling Agent Phone 72 CASH paid for hides, j elt and rubber. Hairy St ' ». r j.l> i CORRESPONDENCE ON CROSS STATE ROAD CHEYENNE TO YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK The Budget believe* that the arri val of the Burlington in Douglaas will do the city but little more good than will the completion of a good road to Yellowstone Park. A first class high way through Douglas will mean that hundreds of tourists will annually stop here enroute to America's great est playground. M. R. Collins one of the strongest boosters for the Park, road has had considerable correspondence with prominent citizens over the state. The following letter was received a few days ago from Dwight E. Hollister of Wapiti, Wapiti, Wyo., Nov. 29, 1911 M. R. Collins, Esq., Douglas, Wyoming, Dear Sir:-Reading your letter to Mr. Emery in the Tribune last week, the Park county automobile club, which is essentially the good roads club of this section, is glad to see someone start the movement looking to the development of a state road to this section of the state and Yel lowstone Park from Cheyenne. We are of course vitally interested in the opening of such a road to the Park via Cody, and substantially along the route laid out by the legislature; and inasmuch as Douglas is along this route it would mean ju3t as much to your town. It particularly behooves us to get busy in this matter inasmuch as the people interested in the Park route from Rock Springs northward seem to be getting active and we cannot afford to let this proposition get away from us. There is so much more to be said in favor of the route from Cheyenne to Cody that it seems to me that a little concerted action among the communities interested, Wheatland, Douglas. Casper, Shoshoni. Thermopo lis, Meeteetse and Cody, will result in the adoption of our proposed route. The roads along this route are al ready passable for automobiles, and from what I have seen and what oth ers tell me it would not be an expen sive proposition to make a very good roadway for the entire distance. About one hundred and twenty-five miles or about a Quarter of the route lies in Park county. Os this over fifty miles from Cody to the Park is in excellent condition, being not only well graded, but posted with distance posts, and where necsoscry, danger eigne for automobiles. The rest I feel warrant ed in promising will readily be placed in good condition, if we can have some assurance from other counties that their portion of the route will be taken care of . Mr. A. T. Hogg of Cody is secre tary of our club and I hope you or your organization will take the matter up with him and others interested. Yours very truly, Dwight E. Hollister, President Park county Auto. Club. In Mr. Collins answer he makes clear the “root of the trouble” —the inactivity of the state engineer. Douglas, Wyoming, Dec. 2, 1911 Mr. Dwight E. Hollister, Wapiti, Wyoming. Dear Sir;- Your letter of the 20th ult. received I believe If we all unite in an effort to get the roads that were establish ed by the last legislature surveyed and located as state highways, we will soon have trunk lines to all parts of Wyoming. Our Good Roads Club has received so many inquiries from eastern peo ple in regard to roads, and particular ly the road to the Yellowstone Park, that we are confident that hundreds of autoes will come as soon ns we can assure them that they can get through. The only part, of the road that 1 am afraid of is the stretch between Casper and Thermopolis. There seems to be a great difference of opinion as to the cost of putting that part of the road In shape. We expect to have the sixty miles of this road that is in Converse county in good shape early in the spring of 1912, but it will make it much easier to handle if the State Engineer will survey and locate this for us as a state highway. We have ac complished a great, deal the past yoar in the way of putting-.our local roads in good shape but It is necessary for all of the counties to wake up if we are to have trunk lines. It is certain we will get few outside auto tourists until we have through lines well mark ed and thoroughly advertised. Yours truly, M. R. Collins. Have you Butter Wrappers? Don’t forget the new pure food law requires you to place your name and number of ounces of butter In each roll you offer frr sale —He , s l d Sanitary Butter ,rn Gf' ' the •_incuts of the lit-. 1 1 ts« MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE COMPANY MAKES GRAND CHRISTMAS INNOVATION Probably the most popular as well as the most beneficial Innovation ever made by any great corporation in this country is that announced by the Mountain States Telephone and Tele graph company, wherein their thous ands of miles of toal lines are thrown open at half rates, to the general pub lic on Christmas day. This company whose lines traverse one-flfth of the United States, and reach • into the cities, towns, camps and ranches of Colorado, Montana, Utah, Wyoming. Idaho and New Mexico, is certainly doing its part toward making it in deed a “Merry Christmas.” Since the merger of the various tel ephone companies, bringing into one great family all of the mid-west states the management has been doing many things that go to prove that they have the best interests of their patrons at heart; and so on Christmas day from 8 o’clock in the morning until noon the public is Invited to use the toll lines freely In talking to “the dear ones at home” or whisper ing a “Merry Christmas” into the ear of some friend far away. And next to the joy to come from such a unique and unusual yuletlde greeting, is the fact that this company will stand one half the cost, bringing it within the easy reach of thousands of people, who, perhaps would not take this means of transmitting a good cheer blessing. It is certainly a departure from the ordinary methods of public utilities and the public will appreciate this practical application of the Christmas spirit. While tfcia reduction for the half day will mean a great deal of extra expense and w rk to the tele phone company. It will make many hearts glad, and in a measure dispel the general idea that all corporations are soulless.” + AN UP-TO-DATE DREBB. Jp ® 6454-6425 ti The fashion tendencies of the day are well illustrated in this trim yet graceful dress, for it cleverly com bines many new style features, the neat simple lines now considered the smartest, and a destlnctiveness of its own. The deep collar, alike at front and back, hangs in easy, graceful lines almost to the waist line, which is of becoming height—a little above the normal; and the fashionable peas ant sleeve has the deep cuffs so gen erally liked. The skirt too, a six gored model, is unique and stylish, with pan el front and back and short side gores lengthened by a pleated section. Pop lin would be effective mater ial to use, with brocade satin or velvet for the collar and just a touch of sol id-color velvet in the cuffs and shoul der yoke, while for more general wear a satin-finish prunella with a braid trimmed velvet collar would serve excellently. And one may choose among a wealth of colors; for the del icate malz and peach, the deep raven blue, amathyst, chamois, old rose, wisteria, the coronation colohs the changeable weaves, and innumerable' others, old and now, all vie in charm and becomingness. For sale by the Cody Trading Co. jHils a place where a person 6 <i may go and meet the bcit citizens of the town and county. Choice Liquors and Fine Cigars, Domestic and imported Pat root Receive the Beet Possible Consideration 0. D. MARX, Prop. Sh,ridan WY ° A NEW HORSE BOOK A now edition of the "Special n, port on the diseases of the H,>r S( ,t has Just boon Issued by tho d,. pa ' tnenf_ of agriculture. The book | s u valuable to those who own i lurße and a limited number have been piaj ed In tho hands of the Senators an . Congressman for free distribution The book 1b bound in cloth and tains 700 pages relating to the hors, and Its diseases, edited by special!,!, of the Bureau of Animal Industr aniJ Illustrated with many colored plates This report was first Issued In isjo and several editions have been prim! ed since to supply the great demanj until the total number Issued now reaches above the million mark tv new edition Is practically Identical t 0 that of 1907. and those who have a copy of that Issue should nol request the later edition. Until their quota Is exhausted, , copy of the book will be sent upoi request to Senators Warren or < lark or Representative Mondell. ♦ Ranchers who own hay and cannot tell at satisfactory figure, can obtain all money required to purchase sheep and feed this hey which ha, a limited market. Address W. C. C, Cody P. o. eare of Herald. 12-1-ts. BUFFALO BILL’S HOTELS IN THE ROCKIES COL. W. F. CODY, L. E. DECKER, Proprietor Manage- THE IRMA, Cody, Wyo, Europeai plan. 11.00 per day and upwards Modern and flrat-class. WAPITI INN, SC miles from Cody, g, Yellowstone Park Government raid 92.50 per day; sl6 weekly. PAHABKA TEPEE, Foot of Sylvia Pass, CO miles from Cody, on Yello*. stony Park Government road. 1% miles from Park entrance. 13 M per day; $15.00 weekly. Pahaeka and Wapiti ana In tha heart of the Big Game country, and Fined Trout Fishing and Mountain Scanwi In the Rockies. GLASSWARE With Cash Purchase*, EVERY LADY MAKING A CASH PURCHASE OF $2 OR MORE IN THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL BE GIVEN HER CHOICE OF A HANDSOME GLASS FRUIT OR CAKE STAND, THAT USUALLY SELLS AT 50 CENTS EACH. THESE STANOB ARE SIX INCHES HIGH, MADE OF FANCY DECORATED GLASS, AND WILL BE AN ORNA MENT TO ANY TABLE. Cody Trading Co. A GOOD OFFER. I The Herald ha, by special i arrangements with the publish- 1 era of the new map of Park i county taken a very large num ber of the maps, and secured them at a lower price. Persona sending In $2 will now receive Tho Herald and tho map for F 2 Instead of $2.50 as formerly. This map Is full of valuable Information, covering Park county, and Is the first one Issued by any one. Messrs Ful lerton & Steele are the survey ors and publishers. Send In $2 and secure tbls map and The Herald for ono year. The map has all of th® trails and noted ranches shown as well as all streams and mountain peaks.