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Page Six LtOAL NOTICE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF WYOMING, WITHIN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF PARK. H. J. Maxwell, Plaintiff, vs. Edward Boulden. vV. H. Vines and larthoy Vines. Defendants. STATE OF WYOMING, [ County of Pahk, j s ‘ TO EDWARD BOULDEN, whose 'ast known place of residence is Maple fill, Assinaboine, N. W. T., YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a petition has been filed in the j bove entitled court the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a real ♦ state mortgage upon the following property lying and being in what was, ut the time of the making of the mortgage, Big Horn county, Wyoming, i nd which is now Park county, Wy oming, to-wit: The tion 19 and Lots 1 and 2 in Section 18, Township 58 North, Range 101 West »f the sixth Principal Meridian In Wyoming, containing 80.46 acres, also 175 inches of the waters of Clarks Fork river and the proportionate f hare of the ditch taking said water from Clarks Fork river and convey ing it to and upon said land and com monly known as the Boulden Enlar f emeiit and Extension of the “Doctor" * itch, also ten inches of water from springs known as the "Orr Springs” end the ditch conveying the same to ind upon said land, and to recover judgement for the sum of $1,150.30 i ith interest thereon at the rate of t°n (10) per cent per annum from the 25h day of November, 1911, and $75.00 attorney’s fee, the said real e-tate mortgage having been given for the payment of a certain coupon note for the sum of $600.00 dated the fth day of May, 1904, and for the •fists in this action, AND YOU ARE FURTHER NOTI FIED that unless you answer or other wise plead to the petition herein above referred to on or before the fflth day of January, 1912 the state ments set forth in above petition will fcf* taken as true and judgement ren dered against you accordingly. WITNESS: Fred C. Barnett, Clerk of the said Court and fB«*al) the seal thereof at Park County, Wyoming, this Ist day of December, 1911. Fred C. Barnett, Clerk of the District Court, Park County, Wyoming. W L. Walls Attorney for Plaintiff. First Pub. Dec. Ist, 1911 Irfist Pub. Jan. sth, 1911. Application for liquor licenses. ..PURSUANT TO SEC 2833 REVIS -00 STATUTES OF WYOMING, 1910, • OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS BOR LIQUOR LICENBE HAVE SEEN REGULARLY FILED IN THE gFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, •ARK COUNTY, COVERING A PER CO OF ONE YEAR FROM JANU ARY Ist, 1912. Martin Hurley, Manager Snoshone fettling Works, (wholesale), business be conducted In the two story ifcick building situated on Lots 1 and Block 23, Cody Wyoming. A. H. Webster, retail business In one story frame building situar ®d on Lot 13, Block 29 Town of fedy. W. J. Chapman Retail Liquor, to be in the two story frame build •ig situated on what is known as Lot ll in Block 29, the original townsite ot Cody. O. D. Marx, retail liquor license, business to be carried on Lot No. 9, block No. 29, in the Town of Cody. Henry Pool, retail liquor license, to bp conducted on Lot 10, Block 29, in ttu Town of Cody. Dus Glock, retail liquor license, business to be conducted In a one 4jftnry building, on Block 29, in the s|vn of Cody, Wyo. Jrma Hotel, L. E. Decker, Manager W&r'nse for the retail sale of liquor nt tfte Irma Hotel, corner of Sheridan aVc., and Second St. M. 11. Patchell & Co., retail license, kjpslness to be conducted oi Lots 20- M«C2, in Block No. 8, Town of Codv. J M. Frost, retail liquor licence, bNtiness to bo conducted In a two »t*ry stoLc building on Lot No. li. ifltprk 29, Oody. Ib. E. Workman, retail liquor Uc fin th© two story building on 9 and It in Block 15 City o! O. Do©res, Retail lAqcor License used la one story frame building ye OTI Lot 12, BVo«k f, ia the of Maatiutse, n*d known an the **Bank Maerr.” LEGAL NOTICE A. L. McGuire, retail liquor license, business to be conducted In the one story frame building situate on Lot 3, Block 9 in tho town of Mooteetse, and known a3 tho “Queen Sample Room.” F. E. Hewitt, retail liquor license to be used in one story brick build ing situate cn leOts 22-23-24, Block 9, in the town of Mcctectse and known as the Hewitt’s Saloon. Juo. C. Dodge, Retail Jbiquor Lic ense, business to bo carried on In two story brick building, situate on Lots 22-23-24, Block 9, in the town of Meotcetse, and known as the “Canty Building.” FRED C. BARNETT, County Clerk. First Pub. Dec. 8, 1911 Last Pub. Dec. 29,1911. STOCK HOLDERS MEETING SPECIAL MEETING STOCKHOLD ERS OF THE GOLD REEF MINE CO, JANUARY 16th, 1912. Public notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Gold Reef Mining and Milling Company will be held at the Comp any's Local Office in the City of Cody, County of Park, State of Wyoming, on the 16th day of January A. D. 1912, at the hour of three o’clock in the afternoon for the purpose of voting on the following proposition: To increase the capital stock of said corporation from $2,500,000 to $3,000,000, or such other sum as may be determined on at said meeting; said shares to be divided into shares of the par value of SI.OO. This special meeting was called at a request of a majority of the stock holders of the Gold Reef Mining and Milling Company. In Witness whereof we have here to affixed our hands this 35th day of December A. D. 1912. Frank Roder, President. N. W. Schaefer, Secretary. First Pub. Dec. 15, 1911 Last Pub. Jaa. 12, 1912. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office at Lander, Wyoming. December 7, 1911 . .Notice is hereby given that BABBETTA L. NOTT whose post-office address Is Cody, Wyoming, did, on the 14th day of August, 3911, file in this office sworn Statement and Application, No. 05284 to purchase the NE*4 SW*4, and lots 5 and 6, Section 7, Township 50 N. Range 102 W. of the sixth principal Meridian and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acta amendatory, known as the “Timber and Stone Law,” at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and tim ber thereon have been appraised, November 2. 1911, the timber estimat ed at $209.19 and the land $126.61; that said applicant w'll offer final proof In support of this application and sworn statement on the 24 th day of February, 1912, before John K. Cal kins, U. S. Commissioner, at Cody, Wyoming. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at anv time before patent issues, by filing a coroborated affida vit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. WILLIAM T. ADAMS. Register. First Pub. Dec. 22, 1911 Last Pub. Feb. 16. 1912 FORFEITURE NOTICE. Cody, Wyoming, Aprfl 13, 1911. To A. R. Williams and Rebecca Wil liams:— You, and each of you. are hereby notified that we have expended dur ing the years 1909 and 1910 in labor and Improvements upon Festal Placer Mining Claim. Fate Placer Mining Claim and Fury Placer Mining Claim, situate In Sunlight Unorganized Min ing District, on Sulphur Mountain, Park county, Wyoming, the sum of Six Hundred ($600.00) Dollars, the loca 'lon certificates to which claims are found of record in Book Eleven of locations, Pages Sixty-eight, Slx »y-nlne and Seventy, In the office of rhe county clerk of Big Horn county, Wyoming, of which Park county was formerly a part. In order to hold said claims under provision of Section 2324 of the Revised Statutes of the United States and the amendment thereto tpproved January 22, 1880, concerning mnual labor tpon mining claims, bo ng the amount required to hold said placers for the period ending on the Ust day of December, A. D. 1910. And If, within ninety days from the personal service of this notice, or within ninety days after publication thereof, you fall or refuse to contrib ute your proportion of such expendi ture as co-owners your interest in said claims will become the property of the subscribers, your co-owners, who Northern Wyoming Herald. Cody. Wyoming, December 22, 1911. LEGAL NOTICE have made the required expenditure by the terms of said section. Tho amount you owe Is SIOO.OO, that is to say $50.00 each. Gertrude Chapman, Ester Hammltt, Carl Hammltt. W. J. Chapman, Col. Miller. A. C. Chapman. H. S. Rldgely. First publfcation April 21, 1911. ♦—.—;— WANTED: ANY PERSON WHO HAS ACTUAL .KNOWLEDGE OF TH” VIOLATION OF THE SUNDAY CLOSING LAW, OR THE ANTI-GAM BLING LAW OF THE STATE OF WYOMING, WITHIN THE COUNTY OF PARK, TO PRESENT HIMSELF OR HERSELF AT THE .COUNTY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE AND IMPART SUCH INFORMATION TO THE COUNTY ATTORNEY, AND MAKE AND SWEAR A COMPLAINT EITH ER BEFORE THAT OFFICER OR ANY JUSTICE ‘ OF THE PEACE WITHIN THE COUNTY OF PARK. W, L. WALLS County Attorney. First Pub. Nov. 24tb 1911. Last Pub. Dec. 22nd, 1911. 1 Standard Scale Books for saD at The Herald Office. 25 and 50 cents. $25.00 REWARD If my Bail stud Branded B Weight 1100 lbs. Is returned to the undersigned TEX HOLM, CODY, WYOMING THE Grupp RESTAURANT ' AA w George Grupp, Proprietor Now Splendidly Equipped and doing business on Sheridan Avenue. Open Night and Day Your tastes are anticipated and your wants always satisfied at The Grupp MODERN UP-TO-POTE HOSPITAL Equipped with Graduate Nurses only and Medical Attendance Appliances Rales Reasonable Dr. C. DANA CARTER ~ Physician and Surgeon-in-Charge, Proprietor Phone 99 Red BASIN. WYOMING 11,000 Acres! t J 1 For Lease ! , v ♦ ♦ ♦ I * • 4 * • # * * * . . , • ❖ * * 4 <■ With Outside Range j : * * I on Rawhide Creeks 1 t ——... ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■ ■ t * ■■■ lll " — 1 1 ■ • 1 + ♦ t f t ♦ 4 4 + j Also 20 Tons Hay I ! For Sale ! j J l Apply M. Thomas, Cody | ♦ + 4«4«4«4«4»4»4«484*4*4*4«4 4»4«4*4»454*4*484*4«4*4«4*4*4*4*4»4 A .auiu rubbed the lamp and gave bis orders THE MODERN EOUIVAI F.NT You lift the Bell Telephone receiver and give your commands THE MOUNTAIN STATES/J\ TEL. and TEL. CO. | POPULAR SHERIDAN AVENUE RESORT | .The Crystal. HENRY POOL, Proprietor Unexcelled (or Quality aad Parity of Good* Unrivaled in Extending Courteous Attention FOK SALK—Sonina machine good as new, excellent make. Will sell very reasonable to Immediate purch aaer. Addreag A. H. M. Herald Office l FOR SALE—Splendid lot of now I furniture for four room cottage—ell ■ complete, Including ruga, carpete, cur. i tains, s«eyas, etc. A good opportunity C. D. PRANTE Freight Transfer Phone 121 Red All Freight for the Valley Stage must be left at the store of Newcomer & Rous seau if patrons wish it to be carried to its destination. TIME TABLE Os The VALLEY STAGE LEAVES VALLEY MONDAY 6:00 A. M. ARRIVES CODY MONDAY 7:00 P. M. LEAVES CODY TUESDAY 6*o A. M. ARRIVES VALLEY TUESDAY 7*o P. M. THREE ROUND TRIPS EACH WEEK. Fare 10 cents per mile each waj Express $1 ier hundred. SmaP packages 25c. Steamer trunks 1.5( large trunks $2.00 to $3.00. Baldwin Pianos And Organs Best Quality Lowest Prices Live Stock Taken As Part Payment J. W. LORD, Agent, Garland, Wyoming CHAS. BENJAMIN TAILOR Cody, Wyoming PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. C. G. MANLOVE DENTIST Cody, Wyoming DR. M. CHAMBERLIN DENTIST Cody, Wyoming J. G. LINK & C. S. HAIRE ARCHITECTS Off less Butts, Billings, Mllss City, Helena ■nd Missoula, Montana C. E. HAYDEN ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Notary Public, Agant for Irrigated Lands. Correspondence Solicited Cody, Wyoming DR. F. A. WAPLES PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Cody, Wyoming DR. L HOWE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOfN Aeelatant Surgeon B. A M. R. R. . Office In Pioneer Building Cody, Wyoming CLARK & WRIGHT LAWYERS Washington, D. C. Public Land Matters: Final Proof i Desert Lands, Contests and Mining Cases. Scrip. Associate Work For Attornoye J. H. VAN HORN LAWYER Office Next to Herald Office Cody, Wyoming H. S. RIDGLEY LAWYER Will Practioa In All Courts Basin, Wyoming DR. M. BEAL All Branches Veterinary Praetloo Formerly With U. 8. Government Office Buffalo Bill Barn Phona ISO W. S. Collins Thos. M. Hyde COLLINS & HYDE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Will Praotlce In All Courts Mining, Land and Bankrupt Caa** Our Speciality Baaln State Bank Bldg. Basin, wyomw