OCR Interpretation

Trench and camp. ([Admiral, Md.) 1917-1919, May 30, 1918, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92068220/1918-05-30/ed-1/seq-2/

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S !.@ RENCH & CAMP 1
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Chalrmon of adelsory 1 o Co-opovsiing Pobilsiners B
My Do, Furt. Wonth, Tean...... Povt Werth Star Teboggien. ... At & Curter
: Aviation = M'“’Rm'”""”“'"“"”""”i‘fiml
- ..l-‘....'..n. m.-;....---.--.-'.o'.oco . Sinter
&-au Mich..... . Battle Cresk Enguirer-N ciennnses oadie Eu MNDew
Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass.... ....... Jooton GRUDG. .. oor . oee . Chaston 5. Tagler, IT.
Mm‘ ‘ &0u00..n. 4 h.-u..-.0..--...-..oc’“w
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Farrest, G 5...... , (Peni.} TRNOS....coposs... . C Adiler
‘Fremont, Palo ‘Alte, Ca1........8an 8u11ettn..............R A
Camp Fumsten, Fort nx_._n-.......m State J0urna1........ Frank P. Maclennan
1 a ’..vnt-'.lo--m- mm'h‘.z.'..‘w '- hfl-l
mm’éf"’“"'h“'m N e T
Sustuon, Colutabia, & C....... fw. L anaes saeteontmnpric T, W I
: Jehaston, Juckwoawille, Pia. . ... m—-&h.?..-a...._.v.A, Hlliott
Kenray, Linda Vista, C51........Les Angeles Times.......Jccitso. - Harry Chandier
des, Potersburg, Va.............Rich550nd News Leader.. ‘Stewart Bryan
Lowia, Tacoma, W0eh........... Focoms Tridune....... .l sesecce... . 8 Baker
Legan, Houston, Texi5..........H0u5t0n Post. ... ......cn "g& Palmer
M hoo.*‘o..u .m New 5...... - ‘u
Anahten, Als........Birmingham (Aln.) NeWS. copse.. Vittor B. Hasson
Admival, MA......c0....Wa5h, D. C, Evening : .Visming Newbeoid
Cummp P, Yittle Rook, As. .........Avkanses Democsat.... .. .. ..-‘l. Clarke
‘ Seviur, Greenville, 8. C..........0reenvi11e Dafly NoWwS. ... toevcc...... BH. Pescs
w Mdwe. .. ... New mz—........‘u...J’-g ru
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ity Ps Sod Comn By s+~ Ban ARbolo LighL- . on. coque oese <Chgsig 5. Dichl
mfhfl m‘?“m’wnr New Yerk World. .....z*..""' . Don C Seftx
Camp Wheeler, Macon, 0...'...'...:::“ m.’:::::.........fi. T. Andersen
shad wnder the suspices of the National War Work Cowncll, Y. 3 C. Aof the
fi with the co-operation of the above named publishers -‘.,-
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By A. k. MILLER ;
the Cisil War grew up in the belief
that the glory of the coumtry was in
o e hed n duys
s been of old when
were bold, but they were the
: As for the present, it was
Ny on. - oppertumity as it
fence of detled peace and
S m
, . ‘\' ';' Y
“\t £ mow. 2
are i@ & goe , } now than
wito stsy at begee
P ranee
s aE
i 3 of the tremendons theil] :
soldier would have that. We
lioer—the Kaiger &d B,
As the great beitle on the Western
3:'.:—. o give grovwad--ihe Kamer
The : Erngire
or, to put Rk less o but mere
;_.E‘..—-‘ ey
el i i sy
o an
from the sceme of buttle, of course—
tesrs and : an agony of
-e:&%fin.‘ tut:
-? _ it the Eaiser's
far fore st oot Josn,” be
must not lose. T canmot lose. I will
malwe 3 new sttsch-eend soms new
e e
Trom i i ? r 3 v Gt " R\ .
i - " ot kR - PPy 1. sn SRRSO
didn’t know thet in the mass they
: in 7 .tngz
i R P
ower here. .
They who save the Mation mast re-|
:I= - - pade,
and soul as well as of body. '
- Wor ‘this army must live for the
hereafter, as well as fight for it
, To”glu-hm?m
I thongie the ghicy of the Gomn
, and—tramp! tramp! tramp! the
: -~ :
| bficm*&:-nmud
‘~~: attack
E &-:.!.'giut:&yl‘u
““““‘ interview
famous man, lsasmed that the re
! had been very rudely cjected,
SRSy - ==
: Kaiser's literai application of
| his statement, “T will attack”
: am
‘m-.;u:m- '
: M-:‘dnfid&
| caline & the Kata ,“."l,?'. ,
ser had nothing to do with it. Who
it i =
}eo the gréat drive” as the Kaiser’s.
P mm >
fost made to the graves
E‘*-._.:-..:-:r-.::...-_j =z
"Im Crenexal J?:.'
km;lugmcd:s To them
came. To
day was a day of rest and recreation,
&;dwdw. 4
_ o them the President’s proclama
tion is an educating force. It calls them
eoot oo o st
jas N :
| to Admighty God for the safety and
| welfare of our cause, His blessings oa
}nations of the earth.” X
; X - __M’ -
" 3 ""'——* ] v'.'_"
(This is the fisst of a serics of diary entries written by a 3
is a frank, outspoken record of his own feelings, thoughts and i
in training. These diary emtries are commended to the soldiers of the Nas
nhbd“fi:vfinnn:-ymc“h”, cghuiy::;:fi.‘“ e
purging precess of war into a red-blooded patriot.) ’
Wi v e v 3
: August 1, 1917,
There seems to be ne doubt about
it now. The draft will be put in
operation. lam of draft age. lam
:mm. I probably will
: . Ido not want to ge:
seems to be so much in life that
to to ‘:..b “.L'nl
80 war me.
patriotic than the average man of
age? Am I less of an American? I
The night before last I heard -
teil of his experiences. Hs
stench, toe., It has stayed with me
ever simce. Teo think of the awfal
nights of loneliness out there! To
think of liviag in a vermin-infested
1 look at my bhame and the
that I hawe bought. And } thiak of
coli-v-i-“! :
the of mu‘;‘yhhfi".
r u‘
swiul privation, and an swiul separa
‘tion frem evorything and ewveryoue
thet is preciesns. :
What i{s the world coming to? We
talked of the coming of peacs; wa
placed a great deal of stack In the
Hague Conventions. We theught we
were getting somewhere. And where
are we? As s matter of fact, we are
no further advanced than in the days
of the Huns. :
“Last night I camé homé, feeling
miserable and blus. My little sister
Bdith came running out as I ed
: > ) NI
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on when she i grown uwp?
home. She scemed se happy. =0
blithe—so blisafully ignerant of it all.
Do you suppese it will still be geing
on when she is grown up? That
thought makes you womnder whether
life is worth itving at all. I some
times wonder whether it might not
be bettar for her if she did not Hve ta
grow up if the war still lasts. What
would there be for anyone? It would
be & cass of using every rescurce,
every emergy for war. And what is
war, sayway, but waste? A world
organized ealy for waste would be a
serry place for anyene.
But the law i inezorable. I have
{to suhmit. Last aight in my bime
“M“w I hawve
e o Fears.
twenty-seven. I have no responsibil
&nnflm I have scarcely
wh any unhappiness, except,
course, when mother died. Ido mot
To for-off Frsnce od Fianletlly
re-consecration, not recreation; .
::ncflfiqn of all that we have §
a reign of peace; reconsecgticl ol
we L. _ and are to insure TRES
: as a prelude to UM
They join in a common Observasmcs .
:bazunai:::l.mam . onilly
- B s -a
pel i fiquumuum,b
Jdead. § Meldtth’lukekvfng
have hesn splemdid. But I think 0f
< have to go.
| ¥Father talks enthusiastically of the
fway, I don’t guite like to, for It &
%—.-ama S
Ha loglis sometimes as if my ¥ ~
ot :otw’:thdn!:g
i "‘mfimnh‘mfl. {
' om"S to be disrespectfuil to him
suys: Bt 1 kave noticed that thera I 8 .
s great dsal of enthusiasm from thesd
hat cannot go. - i A
. ¥hiy moraing I went over to the
yemgtion Board and asked if they
' i¥ tall me the grounds of exemiy
jaud turned on his heel. He becam
'very busy with a young man Wwhe
wanied to know whether the fact thai
e was of draft age would keep k
from enlisting and I know that e
man he was talking to was told of @8
i ranson. for my visit. “1 kmow it ol
tiie way be looked at me.
{ Later iu the day I visited my pasier,
He is a kindly old man who served in
' '::;‘f sf@‘ "
b héa e
. }4 . - P '
AR I £
| I’“3‘.‘ |
e, to get you
: -.y-’n going ges !fi
inte his study he put his arms around
my shoudder and said, “Ted, you'rg
_Phnmrm.m T wish
wefe your age.”’ thtealtlg
I bad gome to him for sympethy and
But there was no way I coulll
introduce the subject of escaping the
{ Semebew the whole place seems t 8
can't understand it. When the .
There is something more revereatinl.
fin their attitude thas 1 ever moticed
Am T less an American tham the
average? There isn’t a boy left in
:'mmc:anm ==
jthe regiments are aiready out.
|__ X bad ne time for that sort of thing.
{ Drills two nights a2 week and an
| siomat review. xmm_q
t bt the drills did net appeal to m
all; apd somehow | had a g ths
f“fimmtie y&;,d;
' li.ntbthow..
As it in, I can content myself, =
[ way, that I bave a chance to arrangs
‘ affairs. At least I can do that,

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