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'l'i,lc,, Dopét Brigade—the glinu mater
~of & host of patriots; scarce are the.
‘ ‘somments concerning it. AN
Tp the Depot Brigade is given the
mission of casting in the rough, from
the raw material of civil life, mold
ings of manliness and might destined
to safeguard and keep sacred the
comments concerning it. - It is & vital
force. The humorous situations in its
companies are nunierous. = - b
You ‘have not had the pleasure of
passing through this deépartment?
You can perfectly picture it if you,
in your early youth, passed through
the recelving office of a private
school, where your hopeful and moist
eyed parents left you to be lettered
and polished. Here are welcomed, and
° made comfortable Americans from the
highways and byways of life. Here
they are impressed with the dignity
and umnc)’ of our national mission. .
Here they recelve thefr first, and ever
_ }o ‘be remembered, cup of army cof
ee, 3
".. Part of Their Personality.
So thb_ro'ué:lx is’ the work of this
department schooled into" them’ that
it becomes part of their personalities.
Why, to mention the word *“Dépot
Brigade” causes every ex-'‘depoter’”
to ‘caress his left ' arm 'tonapflz, “and
fl!‘bQ(!k on _tm'wn:‘z;ot‘n e t:?
to the too confound :'am&om Med
fcal Corps that so unmercifully, and.
regularly, inflicted on him -his first -
wounds. of war. And some folks “l‘
sawbones ‘ no attention to detaill
Banish the ‘thought! No-one mw
One sees .n':lfi:ty generals; as ?:5
humble hostlers, nylng_ln‘“thogr le
- arms_in -the air and_ l} P,ffi -thelr
' béards with ;apu‘o oaths. “The mr'-l
ply of ificculation needlés-is '‘Made |
Am”qrse:i'f ‘and 1t is lnoxhgpmblg. A
e hll'nkum. doers of the uu:: w::h J
q:_u!nt you 'wug‘ the wondsr-work of
the Depot Brigade and to'add a-tiny
drop to the ling: cup of humor.
weekly p 2z you by the.edi
tor, we, of the 2ist Company, will
- o ,fl ‘ 71 S . i
. Former 'Executive ‘Seoretary 'T. B
st-,eg' of ¥..M: C: A.CC spoke at thé.
" Sundpy ‘evening. service ‘at Double:
CC last. Sunday night. = Mr. Stacy,
who is:the B. & 0.". R. R. Y. !._',C. A.
secretary™ at mnon.’ . tamé. inte
camp with & frain. of new men on
- Sunday morning Bnd Igst little time in
_ret . t 0 | { "to ‘see
i ol friin) & vidress was a.
pping” one ' hi#: reference to his
ipanishi-American < war . l;flqfilbmd
was especially -interes to the eol
dier B&Yl. wplain C. H. Frick of
the 154th Depot: Brigade alsgo spoke a
fow 'mom this. .uln: ‘his " last
service in camp prier to his léaving
for the- : Training School at
Loulsville, Ky, . .. & ./
AII the'services at Double!C on Sun
m:' ad -attended, Chaplain
k r ng in the morning- and
.Chaplain Charles Grube i‘mdncunc,_
the co! union service at 9 ofgl?ck.'
Boorm?;n Conrad led thei Bible tlass .
at 10:80_, : J
TS S v
- Remount Station Netes.
Corp, Conklin is one of the hardest
workers in' the veterinary corps. He
exerts himself so much that when the
fatigue call ‘is sounded he hustles to
his bunk and you hear nothing of him
untit the next morning. ~
Private Knoll is a very excitable chap. -
After -he has been here a while as a
member of the vets he will regain his
ure, : s
m\nto Strockbine is perhaps the best
muthourm He was formerly a
member of the ndelphia force.
Private Harry .Bpfar has returned
mn!ut&;mh. visit at his home in
Sergt.. Fulmer ozpcb to lave camp .
shortly for a short'stay at his homo':'
Sviviiie Biver and. i t back
: r went
to their. farm . for "aovom days on a
i "Bhor‘olt is tert D
@ an expe
g‘:fll‘ of the con . - The mrg:
ndles : is aß‘ w ~
:Mt to ..mnet- bn.i‘
short ; “3 x "°“‘<
ved .a
th: 't told the the* name of
Prtv:”!é; Marr receives m telegrams
@M other man a . remount.
esterday three came from ‘‘Louise.”
Private Dans and Farrier Miller are
so taken with the ladies on Synday
that myh‘au‘m their :n.h
Private has a special brand
of cigarettes. He smokes O. P. C.'s.,
~ _ Farrier Kifner arrived in ca “In
, :ntfclu- shape from his trip Lck
.m. <
Horseshoer Borden i{s always kieki
dener of the remount, has m&fii
in firs M-class shape. Flower and
grass plots are to be seen on every
et T /st
from time to time tell you. the hap
‘ f}'ljn in thl&deplrtmont—'-y'eb in its
fancy——the Morale Foundry. -
~Bu "'Sergt.” Kealey ‘is on de
-4ached’ service at the Fourth Officers’
1 Training School. Sgt. Kealey is an
18-karat, hand-chased military man.
The battalion misses his ready hu
mor, his- perpetual smile, his cultured
wit. May the gods be.with him; turn
him out, for formations and keep his
1 Qur’ pef-hekided folend. Chen’ Pani
i Our’ red-headed friend, Corp. ]
Uets, is” martied. We dread his re
turn. Fancy the outbursts of verbal
emotion the eontqnglauon, of the
dimple in her chin or. the &omr on_her
nose will bring forth. Miss R. Viola
Carlin was her name. y
Is a “Practical Psychologist.”
~We were enlightened and strength
ened by Col. Pattison’'s lécture to the
NCO’S of this brigade. It was pleas
ing to find our cofqnol not only a mol
gor. but also a most practical psy
chologist. His description’ of a re
cruit's. mental. prog:m was scientifi
, “ltlh' thorough. . He- appeals to our
én nlh’m. AL AT gt
'Sh! It's s s;er‘t.fmflu. Riley is to
be married: ' 'He's' an ‘ace of a ‘man,
a two-fisted, .kindly goldier. If our
flen&; and our wighes for his wel-
BT A e
peac - and Jire Y. & .
- Ser.’z.- Co-talo has 'nrurnod from
a visit to thesapple of his eyesighy
.She bleases Bhb. with Jwrrruom.
‘g::-—flu‘ just let conv;:m on - g{l
e '‘hears an’ adjective-jaden, -
m-‘ :flnrtifioh* on the "eiw; enteenth
. wonder- of. tl}i" world. -~ % Vi n g
The. following apsolnwu “were
-rece ntlxmk’lntio. Ist Company: -
‘Sergt. Kealey to be supply sergeant.
+.Corp. Reilly 1o be sergeant. . = .
\ .'-Prl?(. Miller, Ist class, to be ‘ser
geant, ' -~ S R
vailt:bi?!t{mllw. ‘lst_class, to "be.
-mfit’-lc Makarawics, ist class, to be -
{ B oot Usus, Jat class, ,:x.'& corporal. -
; Private Uets, 18t clasi, to be corporal.
Prlv”u{o' Donahue, .l.‘n't class, to be
.gllvuo g:zlér- to”bob‘mghnh.
erson ugler.
Prlm Daneal to be cook. * .
Private Fedder to be private, Ist class.
Private Brendel ‘to be -private, Ist
class. * e (2P
"Depot Brigade, Excite Admiration.
' The manner in' which the messes of 1
theé 3d Traintng Battalion of the 164th
Dépot Brigade have besn Mmanaged -
his" long -heen ‘ot ‘special commenda
‘tion from the officers of not only the .
~battalion itself, but from the ofcers
of the brigade. At the same time the
boys of the battalion have been satis
fled that their ‘iness couldn't be ‘Beat.
‘Word recently eame from Maj. Gen.
Kuhn, through the school for bakers -
and cooks, that the manner In which -
the 34 Training !!gt}a;!:s,mofiu"hivo
' ‘been managed, considering the dimi
~ cult conditions ' encountered, speaks
‘Plainly of the efciency 0%1 those ‘con
.cerned inthis branch of woyk. Spe
%l:_l .:r;lt th'.’.’ extended Lielut.
. In the same munication
th”lm Com wmen special
mention for ?:lr:fnlve and well” di
rected effort, this touching wpon the
work of Mees Sergt; Knipe. All con
eerned were congratulated for work
well done. e |
Added to the comm,r;&cafion were a
few words from Col . H. Pattison
of the 154th Depot Brigade express
ing a like thought of commendation.
e sS e s 3
313th Raises Flag for Italy.
. In_accordance with the ruling of
. the President, who some days ago di
rected that all federal buildings,
throughout the country, fly' the ‘flag
of Italy, in honor of that nation’s par
ticipation in the war against the
Hun, the 313th Regiment had erected
at its headquarters a large flagpole -
on which the flag-of Italy waved on
last Friday. This was an emblem to
| commemorate the third anniversary
of the beginning of Italy’s struggle
against the common foe.
The Supply Company eof the regie
melnt tu;niltnh’:d the detal:‘ to ex;ect the
pole, ; a very substantial onhe,
' as )(e.:iljnlc William F. Maisel, v&o
was in charge of the detafl, believes
in mgkminll things substantial.
- & ‘ -
. Company I's Good_Eats.
> Rni&li_ the difficulties jncident to
“the j paration of food for a com
. pnr,; ‘which" is constantly changihg
in'numbßrEMit is little less than re
. markable how successful Mess Sergt.
Edlavitch and Cooks Turner, and kd
ward have been in providing the
boys of Company I, 313\h Infantry,
with homé-cooked food. Everything
~tastes good amd many of the meals
are almost equal {§ the ones mother
used to make before the boys came to
MBtmdays dinner was 550 onous
nday’'s dinner was enou
for uny{ody anywhere, It ebn-lstgd
of delicious roast pork, brown gravy,
mashed ngoutoes. f;h vesebtable
salad, w ng, June S, bread
4 and %uttor‘, %g and creupt:.
; 55y PIC 2SR " F B. . L‘: R Y s s ,
I A A ¥ o e e : r
GL R :
i ]
; : :._;-,‘;: 5 = ”’ .
~ ¢ .
2 s Ve e x> & St (7L —Phote by .Abe Weintraub, - .
4 ”' - N N Y - & A
_Secretary Thampson ‘to Direct “Y”
‘Members’ of the 134th Depot Bri
gade .who fregquent the Y. M. C. A
| tenmt in ghe CC Dblock regrét tie de
. parture of Executive Becretary E. E.
Thomipson, who has beep transferred
to Washington. . In the Capital city
he will: direct the association work -
at..'the, Howard University Radio
School, this school peing ‘compo'_ sed
of ‘colored soldiers-who are taking
‘ up-radlo. work by.order of the gov
| - ernment. & <
- Becretary Thompson was religious
director of buildimg B .for ' three
months arqflo'n- to going to-the €C
block.. He is a g“d‘m ol Spring
fleld Y. M-C. A. College and attended
Boston University. rtrn coming to
) C G on:; His home is
a 1&%.\ e s :
i Bk, 5 W o
- L Y.M'C ACC Rotes. -
Last week was full of entertaining
features. “Mrs. Burgess sang for the
boys: two evenings and®received a
. cordial reception. #/They ' surprised
Mrs. Burgess with their familiarity
with several of her numbers. The
~ Temple Quartet gave a fine &ro:ram
on Tuesday n:rht, and the Bth Bat
tdlion vaudeville. show in the out
door theater attracted some 2,000 on
WQd;;ead;y night. . One of the treats
of the week was the appearance of
the Manhattan Quartet on Saturday
night. The boys couldn’t get enough
“of this quartet's splendid singing.
The Sunday night services of late
have been marked by their evan
‘| melistic note. For the ‘last two
months not a single Sunday has
pasged without a definite Christian
décision on the part of one of the
brigad¢ boys wWho has expressed a
desirg to; join the church. _At the
clg.f of one_recent évening service
twelve “'men came forward, desiring
to affiiiate with the church of their
pretcrencg. .
. The Double C base ball field was
the scene of .a lively ball me last
Saturday, when the 6th &muon
Cadre team defeated the 368th Regi
mental outfit, 5 to 3. The Cadre téam
trimmed the 368th Infantry -téam the
week before. : 4
A To Gen. Kuhn, -
' Company, E, 313th Infantry.
A song for him thefare wé sail, &
For him. the ma could not fail,
Our leader, wor late and soon,
%?l: nzl‘:’t'i‘ng chie e uhn,
0, g < 0
R }w}_ : : dom's
Has made usiifoldiers of the right,
Battalions ready for the fight; ;
And now as we prepare to 2o
To tllnt dark land where, deep and
slow, :
The great guns chant from sea to sea
The last great paean of the free,.
We thank him—llet our deeds expregss,
Our yvalor and our faithfulness.
. g "r:’“" eB ke ”_—'V_--_v" t
&0 o B B 5 eBN NG X N
Private Wright Balfeves It.ldeal:
* ‘Creed for Men in Pres- - - |
¢. .0 ent Conmfifet, -..
- r' -v” , $ B . L {
Killed in a battle of the Ciyil vyz.::
Col.. Millikip; who .had 'risen from:
a subordingte ' position to - command :
“his regiment, Jeft a'creed for soldiers”
‘which s;iva'tg Wright of the Fifth
, Co., 154tk -Depot Bfl.‘d’_e. in Nm, K, .
thinks is one of the best set of ideals S
for’a’ fighting ‘Américan imaginable. '
He saw it in the New York Sun and’
heré it is: b Pee ' 5
“I have enlisted in the service of my:
country for the term of three years:
and have. 'sworn faithfully to dis-;
charge my duty, uphold the Constitu
. tion and obey the officers over ‘me,’ .
“Let me see what motives I must
/‘\ had when I did this thing. I
was not pleasant to leave my friends
and my home and, relinquishing ‘my
liberty and pleasures, bind myself to -
hardships and obedience for ~ three
gurts’ by a solemn oath. Why Qid I
o it? 3 :
“I' did it becduse I loved my coun
try.- 1 thought that, having been a
good government to me and my fath- ;
~ers before me, I owed it to her to de
fend her from all harm; so when I
heard of tll;o .insults’ mud her, T
rose up as if some one struck my
mother, and as a lover of my country -
agreed to fight for her. And so I
das;v :p a u‘t‘ho( mlth uti:natlt:om = Y
1’ As my hea and stre .
been devoted to the government, that>
I would take as food care of" them
?a possible; tha‘tl . wc;uldt b:nc&.u ¥
OMy person.and temperate my.
habits.: I felt that ‘to enlist Ma{
government and- by carelessness or’
drunkenness make myself unfit for.
+service would be too mean an act for
: ~. A; lthe cheliactfi!!' I h:'d.l auln!l.du
8 a-noble eone, 1 will not 'disgrace it -
by _childish duarreling,” by loud and
foolish talking, - profane swearing
and indecent ‘language. - ot X E B TR
“% As my usefulness depends in°
great measure on my discipline, I am
determined to keep my arms in good
order, to keep my clothes mended
and brushed and to. attend all dfi
and do my best to master ali my -
ties as a soldier and make" myseilf
perfectly acquainted: with all' the exs.
ercises and evolutions, and thus feel
always ready to fight. It seems to me
stupid for a man to apprentice him
self to as serious a trade as war, and :
then try by lying and deception to
avoid learning anything.” e
————————————— .
Jeannette—“ Say, mother, remember
when Maj. Smith was here, he spoke’
of ‘Private Concerns? " -~ :
u!“.n . 5
“—and General Situation? ”
‘“—and Corporal Punishment? *
“Well} I don’t believe there are any -
such people in the army.”