A o i T sDR N TR R Wighyr T oor BT A U oR TR i BN e- TR eTTR S R SR Te gl Ts I T ee R leW eTR LT I P R i #
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{ Nanowa, W Wors Caumen
' YMLC.A. of the United States
tlundreds of Soldiers in 15 Units Compete
g : *:U;hr “Y™ Auspices—Two Made |
S D e
. Labor day was @ little laborious, but
® '\mo-~ uproarious for the -
14v. . . ]
'l;z:: oft_old athleti¢ grudges
{hat had been standing for years, und
Ahe guestion of superiority in run
ming. jumping and the like was set
led, in m:up very conclusive
4y, In others, ties remdined that
‘Seemed_ hard to break. The récords
_ THe winneérs in similar events will
Be enitered in a big central fleld day
atfernoon on Lafayette fleld. The o,
Wil Secretary Sweet and his assist
‘g: ein chiarge, as it wis on |
fohaay, . 4
'Th some.cases, notably in the 3d Bat-
Asllon, composed moé of Baiti
@, arly 3,000. Tt wis - imated
£hat in - the fi tfiere were
5 erson on':ltl‘o 'ot m.dOII‘I- |
"§OFS wers -especially " interest n
“Thgié l..lwflu‘.nl in_the 11th
ASmumition Train Tyler ana Mathie
g :‘5 their fine
e ; |
“ Pellowing were the results, in part:
T duee omo, Compuny:
es Lt 5. G Sampeny
b, | sz,fl.,,.,_w‘: Pri ,@. Company.
- p— v&'é,_%;n“; 5 ‘,l. m:b ¥ ¢
- o Winking eyfa Gun, K, ¥,
Tl w .
% e T :‘.,5,,_.7 TR
igd dssh—Curtis, ¥ Company; Lenehamn,
. S-yasé dssh—Tarvey, 1 Company; Worth,
| PN GashiSiscle, C Company: Curtis,
5% 0 3 & SN i
. Mwmteg broad—Curtis, ¥ Company; Martis,
u;:‘% '.: "~ e m_- ¥ Compsny; Bush,
e jump—Buchanan, G Company; Martis,
" Melay rhee—34 Battslion. -2%
*._Bettalies _wint Battation, 84 3at:
L idr "'J.‘"r’,‘,,l" . JRETRCON %
2 -yurd *fi'fi:@ s, B tfizg B; . Hersey,
- Milite 'fi’,&g ly, Battary O; Brer
" Bupnitg browd—Dugas, B; Ingsore, B;
i ;m “B; Tobls; B; De
%' s J'lrg, _wupply; ’m'
T N o T L e & .
- Muani Qfi'?""" Fi. Plerson, ¥ Mack,
s‘w gh—MeComd, D; Lemmos, B; Hi-
B bresd—fleck, F: Stoneling, hesd
o T e e
T e .¥; Ogguwall, A; Siin.
v -gt ‘ iyered .-bl ; 5
} " PR, 55 30, A. 4 - L -
h_ jump—-C. Smith, ¥ and
" % Mile relay—Won by B Battery.
. _Wtanding bread jump—Evans, A; Campbell,
. O Ll ’;;. £ .
Swils. | 11TH AMMUNITION, ;
- Buanin “brosd—Simmons, ABt Caisson; Bias,
ot Me-yare dash—C 3 Oumisson; Cohen, 2d
g Be 2 g '
PRa . Smira Y. s ;
TSI Meied={a Vere, O; Hall, beadquar
o‘ ¢ Brond—La Voye, C; Hall, headquar
-1 S yei dash—Dumss, B; Trojas, C; Adams,
—;‘) 3. o ' s "0 . .c
e B S 1 .
g e M BTN eI
¥ o . d"’ - v,v‘ ‘; -~
[@he Foening ks, |
440 B Company; Crock
4&'l’&,& '_“ R M,‘
M dssh—Vensbley 4th; Anderson, 34;
: ' ’ Be v‘ 3 34. ]
A e n“%, #4B; Croekett, i.
yard et
m_y:= dash—Hamsome, Hagerman, Whea
s-t : 5 s 2
60-yard 24th;- Goltern, 8!!
-yan —Adams, 2st; Albert, 24th;
Tug-o’-wi -second o
50-yard dash— 5 h -
Gk SRt sLo
pESEIes Migh—Hivbets, Llh; Waples, Jiok;
1 5 “9th: . King, .
TR 7 Pk S Biey,
Runs i i bLo A
;fi,fis‘m 116 h; Wallace,
iay race—Won by i3th’ Compesy, -
. i : %
: ‘?ls}‘."’ %;z
: ’IQ i N ¥ WILIWY -
Top-Liner Opers Singer and Noted
oo Sick Soliers, .50 .
£ 3 ; - - ’ - ‘
frinh,_lu Emericlr wanted to give
a fine entertainment at the Red Cross’
House for Convalegcents. So He went
to the officials and asked _permission.
It was to be given Wednesday night. *
“All right, Ira, go ahead,” he was
“toldi. " y _
Ira is mot-much more than twenty,
but he took his Red Cross truck and
went to Baltimore. He looked up Mme.
Chilson-Ohirman, one of thié players at
the Maryland Theatef: She is & great
opera singer. _ ',
“I'shall be very glad to go,” she told
Irs, “h;:etm,psx W 9 1T A
.80 Ira saw Leo Beers, comedian, and
befére very long le hadl invited the
two_artists to enter a Red Cross au-
TRt THe P ed el
- wiéte on thelr wiy to Mead& .=
7~ Borfows aPlano, |
" fra- then borrowed & piane from a
dealer and piled it mto the truck, and
“#way he drove for camp, so that the
singer mwight have a fine accompani
zq.‘tu)mlt_‘wu that the sick at the
hospital had ajfine evening, G. Miles
led in singing populir songs. Each
week something of this sort will be
held, thanks to Ira’s ingenuity and en
ergy: It might be said, in passing,
that he brought hia father on the
truck all the way te camp. . Irs is one
, of the soldiers, assigned tb the Red
Another . Soldier Worker.
Private Robert M. Baer of York, Pa.,
is another soldier worker who has
achieved great popularity by his ex
ceptionally pleasing personality. He
is credited with having discovered &
plan of obtaining potash from lumber
remnants which is of great value to
A st
Cross, is_completed ai _is now being
_furnished. 1t will be-formally dedi
Prisited Weekly for the Y. M. C. A: by Courtesy of
‘Bdition fr CAMP MEADE Admire), Md.
m L ~ ; W '
:A S '—-—.—__‘% . ; S .\;.
Some Are Very Young—lnfiax Due |
This Week. '
These are gredt days for promotions
among officers and mens The followe
ing Het includes the names of officers
from various erganizations, someé of
whom are very young. . . .
“Many officers will come here’ this
week and shortly afterward from the
several camps where central officers’
training séhools are, condueted.” The
training of the 11th Diviston wilf then
proceed rapidly. ‘The full list fol
To Be Majors.
Captains Thomas Swann of Baltis
mere, - Willi Frederick . oD,
; e e Boe,
James Henry fiq’wl‘rd Van zn.‘ndt.'_ 2
... . .I%To Be Captains,
Pirst - Lieutehants De Courcy W.
onnu”:: Balfimore, :flsnélivno‘n;
5 1 > y " ” ¥’ hm .
eband of Lathrop an
George D.. lverson,. %;--idm "-‘.fl'
m" ‘*c"', o WO er, .Bi -
?Ifl& FoY s v 4":&! -Leévine,
| es. o mn, ' <
g R
Charles H. Wetsél, John | oAI
“Wysor. : 7 ' 3
oße First Lieutenants. 2
Second’ ; H. M 4
hnu.afm?‘: g:::\ P. &:
tb‘:l of Baltimore, Wm, Beuner Au
_randt, BElmer Robert Baker, n-g M.
am, Carl B. Bothea, James E. Bige.
‘Osecar K, won. Fnfik,?:r Blosser,
Raymond Wm: Bryant, Frederick C..
PRt Q% B Dokt ut
A ), Carstenson, n s
thorn, Harold John Clark.s
Chalkley . @ollins, Carl m.‘f
Olden, ' . Wallace Ba
i B P M e b
T, TS Gladain, Fence A- Ooent
Jonn §ngou 'm%-)r.; Asmos ¥. Ham."
"""fi v lu}::r HW.}“
A, enry, - nC. . %4
William A. Hiles, Harry Hosfor 1=
Ilam B, Jenkins, 'fi:un. &nm‘
i ogou Frank R. Fred W.
ler, John Jacob Krieg, Bdward
Lioyd, Charles H. McDonald, Thomas
R. ‘MacFarlane, Edward McGowan,
5:”““' H. Marriott,” Jos. Carlisle
tthews, ~ Campbell Meeker, Jdn;’
Deitrich Meyer, Russell D, M 1
Herbert L. Murr, Walter E.
‘5" Roscoe M. Palmer,
John Morton Parker,
Christian Peter, David H. Picker,
:Darrell Hudson Saris, ek A.
Sherrer, Malcolm R, Sil :
Pna‘l:l‘in Smith, Oliver A. Smith, Wal-_
“ter -g:'m.;.nfirt % nger,
_Bt. Johsi, Thom g ward Sallivagy,
B 3%, gey
o J-lfl“ War '.f.: s Towslee
O arion, ATbare Werthetsy Ricke
ard D. '@Zfl bWO L
.| Pasbes From Headquarters. |
"1 Mrs Janme Newiman, friend of
‘Miss Margafet Y%:n. daugh--
ter of the Pres t, will ‘be
here all this week as an enter- §
tainer in the several huts, ac- §
i eording to Secrétary Leonard. §
She will have a party with her
which will gome . over each |.
% evening fromi Washington. :
Y Mr Leonard promises also s §
fine show tomorrow (Fr _rs
snight at V hut, when Miss -
: ford Norris, violinist, of F<i- '
more will bé here, with an se- -
‘/xamnmt and reader. Zend
/- & Bettimore party of “vaudes §
villians” wom S’: tl{o attraction
at remount “Y” tonight, Thurs
“’o = :
Becretary Sweet advises all to
come to the athletic meet to
mow afterncen on Lafayette 7
In the educational department §
| BEae Normal sonool Mihiere: |
i sot of secrotaries in the hats |
.. ' *
Big Day Planned for Friday In
cludes Athletic Meet and
Lafayette day will_be *eelebrated
Friday (tomorrow) in* proper. def
eremce to the great ¥réench leader
who had such a marked: influence
‘spon the early history of this re
publie. 'n: 11th Division has begn
named in hfs honor with the name
he bore. ¢ @, -,
Maj. Gen. c& _had declared the
day & hsaif-holiday, 'ln aceordafice
with the expredsed desire of the War
Department that each ecamp bold
some form of observance of the day.
. At the general’s suggestion, Secretary
Baldwin, in’ charge of the camp *Y”
work invited United States Senator Wes
tey Jones of Washington to make the
principal addréss on Lafsyette Field
Bt-1:30 p.m, A _réw speaket’s stand,
with scientific souhding ‘board, has
,been erected on the northeastern cor
“ner of the field. . It is ‘assured that
“the omfi who 18 & great oratef,
will be heard by evéry man in the
,m';.‘.fio“mthg how_Jarge the
dier enters, the 1 being pal
shows. ein copformity, fo. gu
( ot“‘ “ s mofiey .fir the
o .megp in m’.;zid b
. L “ e
s don’ Caties vt Do fi’
.Senator Joneg the m’“mq:m %
wmv::i ed, about 2:80 o’ 0
this will b¥ entered the winning cons
mm in the ral meets ‘:g&ni
" Potlo the meet, which will be
R o
‘ e W
with & picked %cltlma'é team. ‘,,
fi start at a{:t& p.m. mi ’figqp_-
", bé‘on the M y tean hwludlgg ,-
Bhoms TS
~King of Pitsburgh and others, .
F7 |et I 3 T
Officer Takes Hold of New Brigade.
. That Was Planned for
. The mest tmportant event of ihe
weelk in gonmection with the lith Di
visign_was the arrival of Brig, Gen.
ma Schiidel, who =assumed
~of the 21st Infantry Brig-:
G.:r;chlplol is highly regarded in
mili cireles, especially in Wash
ington, where he has served recently
on the general staff. His father was
sn Army officer of high rank and
bgre sn ‘enviable réputstioni’
" It was annouficed at ‘the salse time
t Gen. Dou MacA -of
e Rafaow Division, ja Trance
qu“‘ll:t be assigned to Meade, as
: §0 rn% ‘of ‘lal:ut. Col. Henry T.
_ the 7ist Infantry \to organize
724 Ihtsntr&.:t the 22d Brigade
-topk place as Gen. Behindel arrived
in n::w Maj. Marshall "Queunbm‘r
orint 634 l‘tg:mry, nofig;\'the" fl.:
to &; ‘;R‘l‘nfwtry. as was 3:.1'? H.
2. Cowgm of the adjutant general’s
E llm. it was stated,
w o“o to the ;unie after .the re
turn the 634, which is eXpected to
fake place Baturday. S
Capt, Wallace Stefger of fhe head
quarters troop was transferred to
_fhe mjlitary police. - BE LT
_ “When the lid comes off”" is a fre
quent expressioh heard around the
_¢amp, but it has no refererice to tilt-
’ _ &< o
; S t ;wg‘/:
“Father” Phillips and Pour Brofhs
’ : 4 ..A e
ers Served in Civil-War; “S6i f”ff ;,
Phillips and Brothers Serve Now, =
All on thS same day in 1561 AVEEE =
PhiMips and his four brothers Shs
listed in the Army; all oni” !" ||sl rn
day fn 1918 Arthur Phillips’ Sos
James and his four brothers enfites
in the Army eof the United BEASIRGES
America James is here in the TIStE
Infantry, Company ¥. His brothess
Tom, Prafik, Jesse and Johr, aré il
France, S
The four brothers of the father Were
killed during the first yest of ShE
civil war, but James' four Drofhures
sccording to latest rgports, afe sHlle
in the land of the iifing and SiviNg "
Frits the time'of his Wfe, ~ =&8
~ James and his brothers enlisted Bt
Fort Oglethorpe, G&, April ¥0 8t S
age of nineteen. He and his HFothers
were hauling 16gs I 8 & Wood nest MiFs.
mingham, Ala,~ There whre thiltys.
two men in all ‘engaged in this SR
They were riding to the sawinill WHSN
James - said: “Say, fellows, I'Ve 88
the fusiniest. notion rinsist SR A
e st N runnin’ throtgh
‘my head. ¥m in the Arfmy. Mie:
Thirty-Two Followed Suf %fjw
That was'their last trip (o the SR
mill. \ After delivering the logW the
five brothers rodé on to Bifminghesy
sold their mules and with the maney
bought tickets to Fort Omiethanie
whieré they enlisted. A few ’:fi(
Mrs, Phillips 'fmtl:df one large paels
age containing five suits of clvillan
clothing from her boys, who woulanyg
need them again for a long,; lofig e
Within one month :g he
thirty-two mule drivers had —'% &
~the example of the five brotherk i
. 2% ’,%‘
i ot T
Boys, Ch 'Olif T K
Hurrah! L
Every soldief not needed of |
special detail work may BeW.
obtain a 36-hour pass over BEms
day, according to Gen. Calterig g
latest order. For a long Sima B
Meade soldiers were limifed & 3
twenty-four hours oh ’d
| exeont in rare instances . g 8
‘ ;?., g*’@;@%, f ?‘t
R RER T et RS s B
fi{%.{n e R O e SRR Nk
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‘ / Gpmh B
E pie
ya "f,: :
Agj S
: ot p‘ v_“,“fl‘.
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