Ry T 3 " ?&@ ’ Py 27 g e 3] AT O TN G RD T T T T T eT R < T R R S AR e R R Te T R TR e T e e C gnrceapes gyt TR e e SLbp s ee,L DG L i Fhiis R s COOR g L T TR : . Y‘m ¥ 298 R A ILTR i o 1 i g s i L i LIS . ,o T AN j A i%Ve fi "W A e .bT - 3 SPgssey (3 i) ¢ ¥ .7 ; % 3 ; - o :); -1 eN A NS . ! [ % o eFo 1 S e gl : B 4 & I : b " 'L‘ o i XS LD i A < 4 o . il Wi )A 4 v L, . \ ; s,‘ T \ £V / o ; - ¥ , e ' i : ‘ R 24 .¥ 4 15 , \ - ‘\ : | ‘ 3 ; | | S r!/‘; g Hs~ OLA | | ) R ol Y . , : -e | 3 E N % ‘ -'? 4.~ ‘3, ~ I// 3 ~ § . 3 _ -~ w.,\.\,_ ~ ; . N \, "'L‘.A P . ; o o ’,c\} \., 5D ./ s :l B e I Y = of Nationa. War Work Counci Y.M.C.A. of the United States e e EY. A { { ¥ o FELh . % 5‘ : % 4 ’ M Sef ? o s3E : 3 - 2 j. 4 : ="ty . - - P 5’ ' i P b s . ‘Most of Them Will Get Commis sions Within .Three , - Months. . - . Following is a list of 179 names of . Meade soldiers who have been sent to Camp Lee for training at the Offi cers’ School in Infantry of that can - tonment, thus showing the disposi . tion of the Army to give every worthy . soldier a chance for a commission: . Aaron 8. Allison, private, A Co., 17th - Infantry; James Breuil, private, E - Co., 17th Infantry; Robert E. Carter, :};m”rtéant, Supply Co., 17th Infantry; . Claude H. Christie, private, Headquar - térs Co, 17th Infantry; Oliver W. . Cleek, private, Headquarters Co., 17th ~lnfantry;. Thomas C. Cox, sergeant, " Headquarters Co., 17th Infantry; Al lan H. Fisher, private, I Co., 17th In ..fantry; Joseph Friedneim, private, A ~ Co., 17th Infantry; Michael J. Ganey, ?ng.lvate.-'-l Co., 17th Infantry; Samuel " LiiGas kg‘u private, Machine Gun Co., .37tk Infantry; Elmer E. Huff, private, ZMgchine Gun Co., 17th Infantry; Ber -nE 3 K%t;ssen. sergcant, A Co., 17th ki&cntr{;- 7illiam J. Kolacek, private, . A Co,, ITth Infantry; Ralph C. Mayer, . private, ‘A Co., 17th Infantry; Harold S '-lcCrodeg. private, A Co., 17th In fantry; Dudley C. Nowlin, private, A ~ Co,, 17th Infantry; Ulrich Sharpe, pri ~ vate, A Co., 17th Infantry; Walker J. %, ith, private, I Co., 17th Infantry, 24 y A; Swanstrom, private, A Co., 17th Infantry; Rudolph Wandel, ser geait, L'Co., 17th Infantry; Claude I. “Wright, sergeant, L. Co., 17th Infan try:; Bascom Yates, private, Machine Gun Co., 17th Infantry; Charles D. ¥Yocum, M Co., 17th Infantry; Chester 0. Baker, corporal, L. C 0.,, 63d Infan ~ tryj John Baznik, sergeant, Head -garters Co., 63d Infantry; Harry W. .Best, sergeant, K Co, 63d Infantry; . Howard W. Bird, sergeant, G Co., - §3d Infantry; Robert E. Bloser, pri vate, E .C 0. 63d Infantry; John A. ‘Elmer, musiocian, third-class, Head ;\;:rters Co., 632 d Infantry; Thomas D. g , sergeant, L Co., 6id Infantry; ~ Frank Gardner, private, first-clas? G Co., 63d Infantry; Peter W. Hanns, corporal, Headqu{xi:ers Co., 63d Infan ~ try; Kenneth H.\Hayden, private, E . Co., 63d Infantry; William L. James, - corporal, I Co., 63d Infantry; Her bert G. Jenkins, sergeant, A Co., 634 Infantry; Jay L. King, corporal, Head quarters Co., 63d Infantry; Tate F. Miller,.sergeant, A Co. 63d Infantry; Walter Remmers, corporal, B Co., 63d Infantry; Guy H. Robinson, corporal, L Co., 63d Infantry; Harry R. Ross, sergeant, B Co., 63d Infantry; J. V. J. Salemi, corporal, Headquarters Co., 63d Infantry; James G. Short, cor , A Co., 634 Infantry; Russell S. g:hdmpson. pfivate, first-class, A Co., ¢3d Infantry; Gabriel J. Ticoulat, cor poral, Headquarters Co., 63d Infantry; John J. Van Keulen, corporal, Co. I, 63d Infantry; Roscoe E. Weimert, pri vate, first class, Co. G, 63d Infantry; Fred M. Withers, corporal, Co. B, 63d Infantry; James R. Young, private, first class, Co. B, 63d Infantry;*John B. Anderson; sergeant, med. det., 71st Infantry; William T. Becker, private, Hdg. Co., 71st’ Infantry; Willlam P. Berkery, corporal, Co. G, 71st Infan try; Jacob L. Black, sergeant, Co. M, . 71st Infantry; George L. Boswell, cor poral, Hdq. Co., 71st Infantry; How ard Brooks, private, Co. A, 71st In fantry; Carl F. Ehninger, corporal, Co. B, 71st Infantry; Paul R. Evans, ser geant, Co. H, 71st Infantry; Louis R. _Qerhard, corporal, Co. K, 71st Infan try; Joseph E. Goodson, corporal, Co. M, 71st Infantry; Gustave R. Have meyer, private, Co. H, 71st Infantry; Emmert H. Heitmuller, corporal,” Co. B, 7ist Infantry; William H. Holden, ral, Co. K. 71st Infantry; Thomas mmgan, private, Co. H, 71st In fantry; Isben J. Keene, sergeant, Co. @, 71st Infantry; Clarence L. Kerns, " sergeant, Co. H. 71st Infantry; Roy R. Knox, private, Machine Gun Co., 71st - Infantry; Jerry M. Lee, sergeant, Co. M, 71st Infantry; W. M. Lesh, private, Co. H, 71t Infantry; William H. Ligh " telle, corporal, Co. B, Tlst Infantry; Rex Longridge, private, Hdq. Co., 71st Infantry; Benjamin H. Mayberry, reg ' fmental sergeant major, Hdq. Co., 7Tlst Infantry; John H. McElroy, sergeant, .71st Infantry; Arnold McGreevy, pri wvate, Hdq. Co., 71st Infantry; Joseph M. Munroe, private, Co. B, 71st Infan try; Malcolm M. Parrish, sergeant, _Hdq. Co., T7ist Infantry; Gabriel C. Porter, sergeant, Co. A, 71st Infantry; Thomas Riddle, sergeant, Co. A, Tlst Infantry; Eddie R. Regers, sergeant, Co. C, 71st Infantry; Ruben E. Sands, ~gorporal, Co. E, 7Tlst Infantry; George W. Scarborough, sergeant, Co. B, 71st ‘lnfantry; Frederick Scheurle, corporal, g. Co., 71st Inf.; Maurice Sebulsky, Co. F, Tist Infantry; Roy corporal, C0.r:1,1. g:t Inci:n;fit: Noah J. Stone, corpo q. mfantry; John L. Sullivan, corporal, t, fantry; Reyburn L. Wat -51 Rk e R pTOR ry L eeSO e s g i The Foening SHtar. ety . Vo B®‘ A : 2 : : okt gt g 7 . i . g " ; AT 4 a0 o v gAR st ) - X SRRy ; : : | 3 "":'é‘: %- v— BTN o 2 |4 B (S R SRR S :e e g \cf“.' ‘: 3 -<~~-',\ O s w"" ok N ¥4 :. £"‘ B B SR oeRAL sl Sl A " RL o QG S 0 e 5 i nodogs ST Bl AL N v rRTE i _l""’,s."‘_ Fage s in ym~ L;2 A L ‘ il g . vTR % o b S 1 'z{" +PR eSRLL RR P s r St e A 1 T S Ko | Raad "4.‘."3;.13"-.{ g R e L A P PRGN AofL Ve i T e : e 4 l:w"‘* " o ;:"’y‘.‘.. el S Temßy e£N GRS e Re!B !i " : ’fi“.f Tapit ‘,,—,gn-fl : .in -fi ‘*i Bi B ;OA AOO Wi - Tko T, rers A W w2y Wil 7 "‘.":Jl" RO LS o) TRt e ‘i nf’iwh‘:n% Lo LA 0L PR BN A g SRN ¢ 4'3-'-1:?,“'(", < Jz“."fi'\‘:fibs' =i iy ,f‘l‘: S f-"- YR s g : ol ol R < ' 2 @ N A oy o ! p R R, & [T i é g e S o- S Ry t fi.imfi‘f%}fifxfifig“;t\ )el ; s el Lf s M 1 e .'.3,'-., my%;offi;fif&pxc-? Ak eSR T {b o PPe ow% ! & R oy ' ’ nm' o N 3 . i ; S ge" b, ‘~" PR it Y B§ v . M i 4 A(;:,}_ GBS S B s Dt SO Ol st SLS B SRR e aloaie el AMM ol il AR Shaiotir 5 4§ ) Li e P 8 audio /0t LY M sXRee RO L g et | L WAG e Sy “"}';l' #W.‘M”S" Ao 7PN e=¥ AR SRRS e < e '_”\,mv;fif: sTN vt “"M*"':‘{"“'}'*‘,;?".,A;m“ ey . R R ; oy z 3 GG IO Al . Abl /-:x'( TR RS SAo AR et i Ev ea et AR PR RRI Ae e |sl e SNSRI R b mpnß TINIL ot .TS \ b ¥AB S i B BOAN S e " gy e A SR Lt s ' R R j e Teilprerel LAel IR ok PACOEIgRB] Ee 7 N IR SO AR A ~ CORR-IEE U fim' B \ bl 20 LLTNI e S e ey L e ! ! RTe; eSt gAB ore N ‘fi' 59 ) * i 4OT SRS : SRR UGI el eT be- SR b & RYol e F PR ey -AR § 38 %sl T ™ ;}l‘“ SATASNet eLN 5 y\f o il P ’\"\“‘,\l"" o 7\&‘:’:\\{"”:'”’ y ..R“l\ -""7:"‘}';(""-7‘ ‘( ’ ""‘; aw, “f;:r 281 ”Wv‘ AP A S IGY S et : ‘N R AL ST 7 PPN D &l iNNIL e T 8e £ [neßd ok el aein an-anSilie be, Bry 03 e Y ok . $ Y T %e, S PIND S L4y WG, TLR AT a3, gR L R RLA Sk oe L . - N RRI ey eo s o | e : o wdpriard vtian 2o el ¥ra i { 1 : N TS L X P, L] ’ v‘*‘:‘"t’ ) ,‘\ I O A ’:4'_7‘(s__‘..,_‘“*}"*; e 2 s,. VoY b AR A OSR .MEU:’M;?: Pasoar 3% - P s Sabiir T O CEMICRNIR N e . ke BOBVLt SN Oy : el 7 Y SAET N I RERS RLT T Ret t g ) ; “ S 2 R o 9 V.evy R 51 . " ; B arapin ot ” e- t 5 s R 4 Be - ¥ . A e Tel pp YL, U, SR T SRR P, Sy ? “.. ‘_ BN 8 A PRy ;;’_‘. N ‘“l2 AR o e ARy .. TP e s IR E vt : .ol o"9 o B 4 ) s N 2 SRETINCREUINE .Sy (Y ot Ae T N : , JM mgl RTINS P KBNS it TR Gl e e B N : R o BB NI o oY e I‘m .. j,' SRR S 4 SRR _;H '.r} iBV '“ By . oK '4 ‘_‘ WY m‘A ’;‘,‘.'wj.'fif;fl.’t‘:_f‘,y,'_\‘k?"t&' ,;.‘7“5 ee, }f"flg WS A S Li S mtewn NVI g v ; ; BTN Fe sieW,-+ Bl oA 2y bl o VAT AT Oy s e e ANy t i AL Xy ei N o ~ g RAPALT 2y a2 A : L iro Le o > {3 APTA 1o 1-- ’]. ‘.&s3‘.::‘:&:':' gee T iyt 0 . . > ;o i 9"‘;‘{"“o{. ‘l"".‘s. SA A #,M " . J,‘ 74T L v . g goh P P 10, i J d . &- o (Al " v L LGP . ¢ % Wsae s 1205 .Y WY Afi Tl FSsßey GTmE / 7 . A W s RS eoteS AW O ok LB i set ads W RV i R PR r eWE el PR IR Ts P e ; Hagberre e AR ooy R [ o B So o bR $ N T A -&n’x’“é beßl s mithaiie &, § SN\ ’ ~ ORI AT i) e T “FatrA v e 3 AR = . ¢ Baoun tPet B e i 4 ; 4 * & Gg ei,A 1 e v s Y S W.rf-h - HPWS o 4et )N L Al sA7 -a &g‘ . o M'fi;}&/- U ";J i "'.'..i-‘-"—‘ BT S 3 20 1 ; w‘} 1 \.'yr::'. NO&R 9 "’-?' .‘-‘*l" :J. 1 M . -DetotOßU d7wß Lt R o ) i ®Gy ey Ra 1) g $ LRI YL R CRYS Y 2 ¥ i Ll vh‘%w' Rvl \‘l&;'#{*" gt_“{é W gy 00 Blet- Woy ¢ | i Sy }h?g’. e '?Jw\?fi‘" 3 f G IR R 3¢ AN TBM 2 L s < 1 SR o Te LA o #¢ A IO X A gk N : v 4wl S i e P AV, 3 ; v : o AEagn sy < v g NS A o e (WAL X ( 04, ) i L t‘;,é‘t)- R RSTE BT Lol tiad et ol oWt o :“; & VPRGNS 9 SIS |b e bybadplt e g el Y & \ v PR AANWA Y ! A P A eAo et Ratd ST L R y Sl PR s i ¥ . iBT, Y 0 LN \‘!f ; i SSR I AT e - iy L 2 T e i S o (AL eot SRR S io] ) j X "’ A R T S ! 5 ! e 2 aih iss, 2 ..‘,‘- Rhs 44 5 'w‘ e 05§ VPI Al e, b B, . e ) i 4 . 0 No NP "““;“' Q“". - . z ",.‘ | w‘}flfi?& bOST SR S evl et ¥ g b i . R A .f,'.dd‘i( :Ao Sg AL SSRXA ;e 3we . : o TN S A FELIAL R e \ iR ¢TI A K.\.;'fimcc'-f,_mé‘y.’jpfl..m ST e 3“‘ % N - % s s = 3ot AL 027 . . N g O 10, svnl '{-xd:‘&"-‘ PRElort gooioy &Tk P o~ ‘ s 4§ - 'Qfflg‘ Rl T T N o bke rt ::,l‘l RoG, SO e V-w e R % ,/ e /Py e y y M, ;,_v : ey ~IRESH i sP el KRB eT o LRI, oo LEAP L B T b 74 i \,"’7_. 4.,";“..7,;“‘_ Bl IR oot e S PO B iohitibor- b e PUSRIE VR 1 o R B 4. 2Xv rge 5 7 L e()o#; I P AT q S d;fi:‘ T Y —"”.""‘“,’:‘* i pel eNit L i “ .'.' £ot % ALBL AR \“"“,;f",i'. . . §f e "' % ~ 3 LL4 ] o ot Lg 4 A . J.\ L ~ jou oeiSt ey 5 o . e R I I, S G - : __— et (8 RPP ehte Ty PR L, o R it 0S R T 31, TTN i T £e,vt T e 'f-,nv,“ SoACR Ha bl d ! !". *gt 4 g B k. 'jfi% 5 SRR a2 uy .To e R ORE JR E SRR R L . NG sy 8 s e £KO eR e s eba I T R e L et ; N A W X v‘-‘{’t‘rfi:- ‘\ 3\\iß T 3 R g Rv o S ..-;' "J‘fi:"}' S". gy y ;e'. it 3 R ) "‘t"’t“""‘ Py ' \,‘ ""“- ‘ 4 4 Bb,Lo B N !Ve 4‘:‘ ot | vj_ & eT i o ,\,_‘ S o - P ; - ; . U) . % w o‘l VREW Po n L @By " 1;1, B A Dot e B oS iy Sl AR e 17 CHEPE RLRTWIoo RSR ol S SNG4 o S S I PR 3 Lt T ok NP RS R ,r;‘?;‘u ?fi"% Sk f}t,;;..;j e ‘!A?.'b-: . XA { P B 2 3 \ i,..,,.,“?. § ok 7 TLI e BRII i AT 4 e 2© G PAT : it Ty A AR : m o - S ::m 2 ¥eA e e BR . . vix SRR Fsas iR ‘ . e ; m; 5v iR gda ot BPN oAo ear Tk A/. ) foui A o iPy A J b ¢ ee s R TS oo el VA R W ;4 ¥e RO piT o AAR +3 e AYT y bTP E I s s 34 | B isd fvm y “q;; eg A L 4 P ePR Py (S ; RS as by o A oy 3 - N BBse oo JR "*’"'\,_A,’. PS I aod SUGBUNE TT b e 3 G ' B JIl G ) PR, eST MBS, B BAI ey SRR I T ‘fig"’i LR ¢ b ', b g SO I b BL g oy i B STRRNEeA b i W 500, / el . Al A b > =¥ i 128 bt A RBSi eM G g 1 A e 7 g . WP ‘ DR e .; i : : R gvAN N AR RSy /) -A R A SBT .-_9.*."'.--‘.*‘.’*(‘,.‘.; ; : . ~ %, BRSO PSS o Y VARG NI SR R i RN RVev 14 RS AAy ¢ g "v;‘}w ',ji et """i':;c MLt u-;k;h,:\,‘ o _)', 4 v".,-',.r' ;} e 1/‘ v .."_"o’.’/" '3 : § ;"“ #’ '_,'?,&.";-, “i"“ o ‘1,%“ 2, SR TR i eoLR iy T Ly B Ye o Bsß ol . ' 1. el .45 M‘ ,:"‘(;J\,l ftfill.;:_;;kp“‘:;f ,'T, . "'::fi" / o ’J/J. ,‘* ",,'r:" A( X }:' 4 8 o ~_,.;; 4 i ’#“m{;’w’“{,;{tgjfi} ‘ + e £R e < S Al O Tel 5 QTSR lad e o L g s NYIRT R T G Y £f gl e PRI S T -.-=;‘~2“’"" ST o ¥ RIS SRR A ) ; o 3 L ipngm i VAU T S age e Vel 2NISR ot, R¥ T . Ry T? : i PRV eekol4l b& 2 y b utv\r.{k!fi* PA TR ATARRI TA¥NYSSAR 4WyS A $ ! PRMENL Jem TS TRSo3 oo A 4 ba v W ! g RN, G ¢ ekeXo E (7. £ A eATk R 57 RSN 2o RERT Y S RO R D1 X PRI LoVX s e 1 e LSpLhe SRS noale DI SB A 1 VL DR o AR BB LA g T ] A (e eTRART PR T A ey a2 Ny DAL e e 4 i L3N RAO o Apes ie P & - Tt Tl gAT Pk RN RN &S S ) A RbA, A iy g st et o gilSPa S g PO A Wian” 143, el ). !: ? pinhe ~.,”,(.l? 34! AT IO eA Y " S eL A et AA IR RAAI 18 R PRV EE Rel o A g e RPNy e ’.Ai,‘@ ,i( LR og Y €173 i S se T e o ;AR T Y Ridii ks v dint vB. B : 23 W £ DG g 5 sbA o % T Os 9 ERO AR SRR ol P AL, | WA o ) QDI EIED MX vy ¢ 0 g iy et w* é{v’.: ~"$,L ¢ ~‘/)’. k 0 - Pl el vARRygI Ao PEReR K ; ‘,"%,’ N RTINS TR v s ":" LT PR Q; \- b TJ{*". (20 -og7 LPR et JHh el LL R R % .r,q't;;,l:i' Ret g Maet Af' . i 5"1 e N ‘;43%“:’ \:.:....7‘_‘, "m‘/"‘g"’&t B : : Pt e
    . 0 i et BRDRNS ~Y v Wy TIVA 04l e [PV SRy % 4, ! 3 =W A T (3 ‘ : R sot . PTgr . L.—’",;’ti:g’?' T o bIRS T e e g HRL7 S A ""'r IT A 2 o RSO ¢S sl B"DIi oi R AERRAY ;73!,“",, ) '&ififir ooy ‘ % fl,._‘ el y y }r", ias i . QPWAL gty S s ol S oSOit 1 S pa W U SRRL Lod A “ go] y e .__ .-f'r" Ag L LWy o A .‘w. ) : Yoy SPl4dbe~soy (g YR eot bm. i KO o 08 () >it ’,’f.-‘- ; s s‘.rw ~l.‘/";‘(.;;, ; A Q.Ei TN i e Al Y W W . .:‘ Fong QTR A LT AWM. " T e NaFre e, - A ¢ ] oTe g b AL VP R PN AT 'eR sk A 2 ; TN &K AR ' BN . ARy e O g1 i D M"‘ P, o e 3 .’ & 5 A & AIA 08, ,;.fr-*. A A okl : % oy ™ P r F : . Sy 'fl. et ey Ty 1155 -y : g e > Y i 5 . B o e wa? Lt R 4 . N e ./ RIS, xR c e b sxi e ; S ol y oABN e . - Wb RV PP s ' CAMP MEADE t Sl o f . . Y ' . . A T : KRG 5 AV ko ety ; W, N\ R N Tl y A . CEE. ‘O Ay 9 S 8 BSV N eI AR TS Result Is Field Signal Officers Raise $4,200 for Liberty Loan in Five Minutes. E A good many things have been sajd about rapid-fire subscrjptions to the fourth liberty loan,g/apd orators on the stump in the big-cities have told some wonderful stories of what other people have done in this respect. The 211th Field Signal Battalion believes that it has the best tale of all. The record for the battalion was made by the officers and it stands now at $4,200, a sum of rather tidy proportions which was raised within five minutes by the alarm clock, there being none of the grandfather va riety in the battalior While persons in civil life are de batirg wiether they can deny them-, s~lves a little gasoline or stop wear ing fur coats and carrying silk um brellas with pearl handles, Maj. Dil ley, who has promised the conntry" to bare his breast to German bullets, if need be, met hiislfeu_ow officers and made this proposition: a ; KRRt AR gLR e ¥ SL AN eRt i e S Printed Weekly for the Y. M. C. A. by Courtesy of Bdition fr CAMP MEADE Admiral, Md. = ARDERLFTOSTOR THESE I 3 MURDERERS Jnatched by me, no matter how large the amount may be.” Well, Capt. Scott was the lucky bidder, with a subscription for SI,OOO. This made total of $2,000, counting the matchi;% by the major. “That is/ encouraging,” said the others; “lef’'s see what we can do.” The result was that within five minutes the officers of the battalion, sixteen in all, had raised $4,200. The example is set by the battalion for the remainder of the units within the camp and the major is so patri otic that he does not care if the rec ord of the signalmen is exceeded. ———————————————— y TAPS. By Chaplain BYRON HESTER, oth Tr. Bn., 154 D. B. Over there! Thes2, our com rades have gone, Westward gone (repeat), But we’ll meet them again Over there, Over there! Now they sleep. p Heav'n will keep Them'" in sleep (repeat) Till they hear Reveille ) Over there. ' Over there! ¢ There’s no night, s m‘ (repeat) ' > Wl g : Hiw - > I R, | T "’ ki e Wy sA B T e R SRS NS R e i =e S S ONLY KIND-HEARTED, PATRIOTIC PERSONS SHOULD READ THI§ The need for nurses, trained or un trained, is of first importance in the cities and country districts, and the “Y"” believes that the good people who are fortunate enough to be well will answer this call. The Red Cross in any city is the place to offer one’s services. . Few more touching or harrowing appeals than the one below have re cently come to notice, but hundreds of the same sort exist everywhere. People need somebody to give them food and medicine, and this letter is printed to illustrate the urgency of the need: October 10, 1918. Officials of the Y. M. C. A.,, Camp Meade, Md. Dear Sirs: Will some one please lo cate Private John Smith, Depot Bri gade, 59th Company? Thé last we heard from him was September’ 23. Have him write to his mother, who is seriously ill .with pneumonia. Also Private James M. Smith of the 11th Division, Machine Gun Battalion. The last we heard from him was Septem ber &st % ‘l, e 00l Tl 8 S o SR R N et Sl e N eTe SN G SRI B SR iSRe e e T e ARMY NEWS FOR ARMY MEN e AND THEIR HOME FOLKS s / H VY please let us know. We heard fi om - visitors to camp that John has t en very sick. James was well the last we heard fromi him. If he is well could he not get a five or ten day furlough to help out at home? %, & mother is sick and is on the farm. The storekeepers refused to deliver flour or feed to her and the stock a8 to starve. James was ‘her only help there, and he was taken& the draft. The mother is fifty-eight years old: and is not able even to oversee othel laborers, if it were possible to get them. T Every one of the family is sick and everything is in a terrible way. W& had to close the store, as no one: able to go into it. If one of the boy could get home for a few days might be able to help out until worst is over and some of the can help again. The sons helped out until he got sick. He Ao not improve and has been in héd week. e Please_do what you can to help’ really destitute family. The mothe is so ill that it is very DUS, & if it were possible for one of the be; to(eo,m; . would be well. = - & '. ,*- Ty , 3’7"::' b ke e eRSTI eR S ‘1 o gfiiflr'i'-fl,. i '\ AL . - % s il '[! iy i!le . 4~¥; I 8 i PPN