Ifmperial flbreee AND FARMER. VOL. 1. Rock island's t xtension. A tew days ago much Interest was aroused by a special dispatch from Chicago, telling of the departure of the president and other officials of the Hock Island railroad far El Paso and the Pacific Coast, and giving n ium ut in Chicago about plans of t' system to extend its lines to San Diego. The information given in that dispatch cam.- from the Chicago Rec ord-Herald of Feb. 18, which has just come to hand. It contains in addition to the matter already published in these columns the following Interest- Ing statement: ••The Rock Island may not have the remotest intention of building to the Coast, but if se> business men gener ally in the- Southwest are- greatly fle e-« Ived. Jt is stated that all the sur veys have hevn maele> and that the line Of new road will tap some of the 1 idlest mining territory in the South west and take- the' heart out of a great deal of Southern Pacific territory, in ;;elditietn te> this, it will run thnmgii portions of the Oils and Salt River Valleys, which the government has determined to reclaim by irrigation." If building to the Coast were a great undertaking, there 1 might perhaps be reason to supi>e>se that the Rock lslanel will not soem do so. Hut with the> road already at El Paso, an extension to San Diego is comparatively easy. In fact by taking advantage of the branch lines, built or actively building in New Mexico and Arizona, the 1 gap to be> filled between El Paso and Vuma is a small one. The surveys made by the San Diego- Kastern show that the extension of the line from Yuma tei this city would not be a serious matter. Of course the real plans of a railroad are positively known only when the few highest officials choose to divulge them. But bearing in mind the fact that the trade of the Orient is the prize for which railroads are now leaching out, it certainly seems very improbable that the Rock Island will extend its lines to within a few miles of the nearest port for that trade and go no further. — San Diego Union. Alfalfa. Alfalfa was formerly called in Span ish "alfalfez," but in Arabic it was "alfacfacah," which means "the best kind of fodder." The Latin name for alfalfa is Medioago sativa. while the French call it luc( r ie, by which it is still known among the Canadians and the Mormons, and the South Ameri cans are content to call it Chilean clover. Strange as it may appear. Webster's dictionary contains, but does not el" fine, the word, although the more mod ern lexicographers are kind enough to tike it up and speak of it as •the best kind of fodder." — Phoenix. Arizona, Stockman. Correct. If the people of the thriving town of Imperial are to be believed, the political agriculturists from Washing ton who recently reported on the soil of that section came nearer to being extinguished than distinguished. — Pasadena Star. A Good Melon. A "Rockyford" canteloupe, when ripe, has silver-colored lace-like net ting, weighs about I] 41 ] 4 pounds, has small yellow seed cavity, solid flesh, and tastes like a combination of all the good eanteloupes yon ever knew. — Los Angeles Fruit World. "Water is King—Here is its Kingdom/ IMPtRUL. CAU SATURDAY. MARCH «, 1902. LEADING MEN OF THE IMPE= RIAL CANAL SYSTEM. No num in America has spent so much time studying the Colorado Delta and tin* Colorado River and an irri gation system to be formed by bringing together the two elements of laml and water there found, as lias i\ R. R« ickwood. li was in iS«)d thai Mr. Rockwood t'irst became con nected with a proposition t<> irrigate the IV-ltu desert lands. He \\a> chief engineer »>t" the Compan) then fanned to take water out <>f tlie Colorado River at the Potholes above VTuma, carry the canal in a southwestly direction past Pilot Knob Station, irrigating several thousand acres oi the Yuma Indian Reservation, and then crossing the International Boundary Line near the Hanlon Ferry, and after dropping the water for twenty feet or more forming a magnificient water power, the canal was to C. R. ROCKWOOD, C. E. CHIKF KNUINKKK AND SCI'KKINTKNDKNT OF CAI.IKOKNI A DKYHI-OI'MKNT CO. be extended around through [*ower California and back again into the United States to irrigate what then was supposed to be the Colorado Desert, but which is now known to be a vast tract of fertile land needing water only to make it very productive, and now recognized by the name of Imperial Settlements. The financial storm of [892 swept that Company out of existance. It struggled to save itself for a time, but finally the attempt was abandoned, and in [896, through the efforts of Mr. Rockwood, The California Develop ment Company was incorporated under a better plan of operations and under a better management. Muring the period of financial depression, running from iS»)_> to about (899, there was very little use of try ing to float any great enterprise which required money and nerve to make it a success. However, in the Spring of 1000 the Company was partially reorganized, new blood and BOH life was infused into it. and the work of con- .nut ion was pushed forward practically on the lines laid down by Mr. RockWOOd when tin 1 Cal ifornia Development Company was or ganlsed in 1896, 'Phis plan was to take the water out of the river at the Hanlon Heading, instead of going further up the riVW and making tin 1 diversion at the I'otholos. The wisdom of his plan of opera tions has been fully demonstrated. The people were simply waiting for that country to be supplied with water ill order that the) might take up the Governmi nt land in a wholesale way and convert a detert into a garden in a Very short space of time. Mr. RockWOOd is again in his old position aa chief Engineer of this — the greatest Irrigation system in arid America. lie has earned that position by years of toil and waiting. He is an experienced civil and hydraulic en gineer, and his twelve years of labor in this one direction is now crowned with success. Not only is the outer prite a sue cess, but his friends who stood by him through so many dark days, and sustained his efforts finan- Halh and otherwise, have the satis faction of knowing that his plans were built on a solid foundation, and that their contribution! to the work will i" the end yield them handsome re turns. Small Leaks. Milking streams of milk outside the pail. Allowing the bread to burn while baking it. Breaking the glassware by pouring hot water on it. Patching old clothes that should go into the rag bag. Overturning the ink bottle on the table-spread. Throwing pieces of new cloth into the paper and rags. Occasionally throwing out a tea spoon in the dish-water. l T sing napkittS for holders, dish cloths or wijiing towels. Nti&lecting to keep the potatoes where they will not freeze. Spending time in thinking what to do next Instead of doing it Using every small board about the premises for kindling the tire. Letting the suckers grow upon the apple trees year after year. Spattering water on the hot lamp chimneys ami thus breaking them. Neglecting to drive th»> one nail that will save the fence from falling. Cutting in too deep when taking the rind from off the slices of pork. Not attending t;) the hogs' heads after butchering, before they spoil. Throwing the clothes-pins upon the ground to become moldy ami decayed. Leaving: the Implements in the field all winter where they were last used Scraping iron kettles with silver Knives, or toasting bread on silver forks. Leaving pleC6B of hard soap in the tnlis of wash water lo he thrown away. Not squeezing the .crease well out of tin' hot scraps when trying out tin lard. Letting the apples fall from the tree and lie upon the .ground until they are spoiled. Making more ten or coffee at each meal than is used and throwing away what is left. Allowing the lammock to hang in the sun and rain until it becomes faded and weakened in texture.- Farm Jour nal. No. 47