OCR Interpretation

The Imperial press. (Imperial, Cal.) 1903-1906, July 09, 1904, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070143/1904-07-09/ed-1/seq-8/

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Another Article To Our
Line of
We now carry a lar^e stock of
We have jublracteti nothing from the pains we
have always taken to please our customers, and
we have multiplied our stock by a great many
carloads of lumber
Therefore we can fill your bill
Don't forget that we arc sole agents for the
[Trade Mark]
YARDS AT IMPERIAL (main office)
J. EL HEBER. Manager
MM^ Baron's Economy Cooler
,/*?£• <V*w-~t '" *£?&;''- <■ Doca itf wurk Utter thnu
rf^jr. yT-v "<ZL- * < «^'-// - any refrigerator ami
Sf Requires No Ice
! *VJ*!,7^ •*-: " .Manufactiin-»i hy Fresno Galvnn-
l&sa\ 2r^' • sf r***2s?,~s?i w**»l Iron Ctjrnice Works, Fresno,
@ai\^pM^vVu^ ral " <; ' A ' Har "" f rro|>rietor
j^^S i ' ; N Wilber Clark, Sole Agent
£;,-*' \jfj|>*! a f ! *^^^^3 ' Water coolers, Hltcr» ( general hardware
I3IPEKIAI;, (A 1..
is&!!Z?^ No trouble >»ith the ice nun. lock this up
Green Front Restaurant
J. L RHODES, Proprie(or-^==^
Good Meals, Good Service Eighth Street
i^. fiave the best equipped meat market in the valley. V;
*% Fine refrigerator and other facilities! i"r |»r*#|.er handling of meat«. J^'
Jill kinds of meats all the time
■^ Our aim is to i.*>y in +\>«-\. everything usually ke|»l in i.r-t < !a-i meat -,^
*jr tuarkvU. o
IMI! i;i\l h;i.>*
Report of President (ilcnson, of Water
Company No. I.
I'mddont I. \\ Walker, of Imperial
Water Com paiiy N«». I, liavluii l*w?n in
ntriicletl by hit nonpany to examine
niul ie|»>rt »i j- «n the condition < i tin*
I. .il.iij of the lui|H*rial eaual, went
there Sunday and reports a* follow*!
Vuiua, Aii/t'iia, July 4, l!UI,
I •cml you herewith n rc|*tirt of the
Imperial rattal heading uiadu hy mo
yretcrday nt the. request of tin* board of
director* of the ltn|>«*ri.il Water ('out*
(•any, No. I.
The foil Ut.ird ■*( director*, neeoin*
|anied by Mr. I teach and Mr. Mc*l'Ut»ij
rin and Mr. Uockwuod, made an examl*
nation of the uuiiu eaual from the
Colorado river down about twelve or
fourteen mile* on March 3l«t of tin
year, and I am t»» e>>ni|«are condition** a-*
1 find them now with wh.it they were
The surface of the wntei at the head
and in tin* cauul i- exactly live feet
higher now than on March 31.
The ClmnVy gate is clom.il und from
2,000 to 2..VW cubic feet of water jut
gecond ia flowing through the opening
WMlul it, where th" bttuk i*« rut at lon
water (xiriod lo allow the largvtft |H»**i«
hie auiiMinl of water to llow in. TliM
ojieniiig wan clused licfore hi«h water
came, i>ut broke away al«»ut two week.**
ago ami no attempt will he Hindu to
close it i\9 the rivei h.i- already fallen
one and oue-hnlf feet.
A large j»art ««f thin watur U finding
it. •* way back into the river through the
waste gate« that wan buing built down
tfii «»r twelve miles when we were here,
and through cut* Hindu in thy luuk in
favornblci places. I went down in n
huul to the hrid^t: futtl or lire mill**,
making hundreds of pouiulinjja and ob
perving the width of ihe canal. Found
fully eijjnty fret «»f effective channel to
thu bridge, except uUiut I.tHM) feet
where the dredpT wim at n«-rk and
about 500 f*»el in another place farther'
down, and below the liridge the current <.
i«4 ->• much Mwifter that tin* fifty t«»
E seventy feet will carry as much water.)
ThesMJ narrow ploci**) will l-r <Im/ out in
a f<*w day?* at ihu regular rate of pro- |
ljr«'-.«, which in pr«»bal» f y 40c) leet a day. j
The eou nd ings showed from mix to twelve I
feet, generally Seven to nine feet in j
depth. Tho Mhal lowest place was l,000»
fwt U'low the Chaff ey irate, where t*\x \
or i*even soundings aer«»* i *» th«* channel
only revealed one place that wax Hewn I
feet and all thu others were »ix feel.
About £00 feet further down I tried;
again with the fame result, and then
for a trays it seemed to he -ix f>->-t at the t
sides and ten feet in the middle, l»ut ;
down a mile or ho, the tHiial depth of;
seven to nine fe t and two Hounding-) I
ncroj«M the channel in.»ix or seven place*]
each failed to find a place over seven I
feet and nix feet at the sides.
Wlit'ii allowance in made for live f.-.-t \
higher water level, it would not ap|*ear ;
tome thutany of the accumulation of hint
year* sediment had l*een wimheil away,
but on the contrary, would way that the!
canal ha» filled in with Hedimeut at
leant an average of a foot «iii(M we made
our previous investigation, and although
thu channel in wider, it in alwoliitely ,
imperative, if we want water next win* j
ter, that a hydraulic dredge he put to
work at the earliest i*>**ihlc date.
Yours truly,
I. W. (ii.baho*.
l>. 11. Chaplin ha* bwil in I/w» An
p;lirM on litiiti nww for v few duyit,
Open Letter
iMrmiALCAU July 5, HUM.
O|WII If ttt-r !•• Negotiating Committee
lui|H'tiitl Valley Water IWrn' Anno
lU.su Sin : — I have hooii thiuki ug over
the matter you liavu in hand and trying
to look ul our problem front all it- hear*
lugMf and havu decided to -u^im tho
following hi" i-i of nelll'Mii ■♦nl b 'tween
the (?. l>. Co. and the Imperial Valley
Watei r«er«' A**oeintiuu.
l*ir*tt — The California Devolopuimt
Co. to fiuiii-li tlie linpi'rinl Valley
Water Uwm 1 Aet*>ciatioii nueli ri^ht* of
way at will l><- xiillieient, and vi we want
tin-in, for conducting water -uUii-unl to
irrigate 000,000 acre* or more, in the
United Stale**, through the land* in
Lowor California owned by their Mexi
can corporation, «.iid right* of way to
Ih* Hafi*guartlod from inolorttattofii either
h\ treaty belMceeu tli« two countrieaf, or
by confection from the Mexican gov
ernment, a-» v* ill bo satisfactory to the
Cuitrd States Ueelamation Service.
The C. h. Co. to alito peciire the comment
of the .Mexican government tv the de«
lircry of (iOO,OOO acre feet of water, by
the Imperial Valley Water lifters' An
eochition, in Mexico, i\n hii equitable »li
viiduii of the waters of the Colorado
river between thr two omntriet. It be
in/ Uitdenttncxl that thin delivery i» to
lie by diversion from the river in the
United Statci*. and delivery from n
canal, the ri^ht to n-e water that may
!•«• iii the river in Mexico after Kaitl di
version m uiadei Ihmhh conceded to the
Mexicans The C. I). Co. i» al-»»o to se
cure the consent of the owners of the*
laud.*) in Mexico to the above pro|toxv«l
diversion of the Colorado river.
Second — Tin' Imperial Valley Water
Uwra 1 Associatioii to agree to |«iy to the
California Development IV>.
dollars |»er acre for all lamU furnished
with water through any canal or canal*?
in Mexico for which -aid California
Development Co. Hindi provide right of
way and safeguard and protect a# above
mentioned, except the. land** already
supplied with water stock in thu various
(mi^crial water com|ianies. Said pay
meiit to \*: made in the manner and at
the time the payments to the United
States Ueelamation fund are made for the
land*) mo furnished with water. That i*
in ten annual installment*, without in
terest, |NiyiuentS to In-gin with delivery
of water to the laud.
The land** already supplied with w'at««r
stock in the Imperial water companies
to be deemed to have paid for their
rights of way through Mexico, etc.
The C. I>. Co. to alt«» l>e permitted to
receive HiifHcieut water, of that to l>e
delivered in Mexico, by the Imperial
Valley Water Users' Association, a* will
he. needed to irrigate tins reclaimahte
|iortion of the laud*) owned by their
Mexican corporation at such price n.H
may Ik* agiecd Upon. The Imperial
Valley Water Users' Assnclatloii to havu
tho Hklil to deliver the real of mK),000
acru feet of water |H>rmitiud to be de
livered in Mexico to other land» the.ro
and collect CO cents i por aero foot in U.
S. money for thu name.
This i-> hastily and crudely ntuted, hut
I have tried to put it forth a* a Uiniit
for co-operation betwoon all the forcen
for tho upbuilding of Imporlal valley.
Ono attractive feature to tno is, that it
pulN a value Into our water Htock in hucli
a way that it* justico cannot \m i»ain
Trusting them) Mii^eMtiouH may lx> of
hmiiu value, I remain,
Very Kcnprct fully,
F. <>. II A VRNN.

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