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Imperial Valley Press. VOL. VI EL CENTRO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Enthusiastic Meeting Forms Strong Organiza . tion for Furthering Interests of_ Town and Vicinity. Business. Men, Dairymen and Farmers Combine -For Active Effort By-Laws Adopted, Directors Ejected and Officers Chosen. Large and Rapidly Increasing Membership The El Centro Chamber of Com merce was organized on last Monday afternoon, July 30th. Under the cool verandahs of the Hotel El Centro, there gathered at that time a large number of the friends of El Centro. These men came together for one purpose only, and that purpose was to organize In the most effective manner possible for furthering the interests of the town and the people of its vicinity. * The meeting was duly called to or der and the minutes of the informal meeting which was hely on July 17th, was read and approved by the meet- Ing. The report of the committee on Constitution and By- Laws was then called for, and was presented by the chairman of the committee, Mr. T. B. Blanchard. The report was first read as a whole, and then read, discussed and adopted, section by section. Throughout the discussion of the by laws the members took a very active interest, many changes being made to strengthen the organization, everyone present showing a most enthusiastic interest in its welfare. In this way, the proposition to fix the initiation at $1 was voted down and the fee fixed at $5 by a practically unanimous ' vote. After the adoption of the by-laws the members proceeded to the elec tion of a Board of Directors to serve until the first annual meeting which will occur on the first Tuesday in October. This was done by each member taking a slip cf paper and writing the.ron the names of the eleven members he preferred for directors. Twenty-three men were voted for. and of this number the following named re ceived the highest number of votes and were therefore elected to serve as directors of the Chamber of Commerce till the first Tuesday in October, or un til their successors are elected, towit: J. Stanley Brown. D. H. Chaplin. Ira Aten, F. G. Havens, Roy L. Rumsey. T. B. Blanchard. E. E. Forrester. W. E. Wilsie, W. A. Van Horn, F. S. Webster. A. D. Medhurst. The board of directors afterwards organized by the following selection of officers: W. F. Holt, Honorary President. J. Stanley Brown, President, Ira Aten, Vice President, D. H. Chaplin, Secretary and Treasurer. The following named gentlemen form the charter membership roll of the organization: D. H. Chaplin, W. E. Wilsie, F. G. Havens, J. C. Blackinton, Durward Johnson. Murray A. Stover, A. D. Medhurst, S. T. Richardson. J. Stanley Brown, L. E. Cooley, Roy L. Rumsey, H. R. Kyle, T. B. Blanchard, U. S. Handley, H. E. Hawes, W. E. Down ing. W. F. Holt, Ira Aten, Arthur Shepherd. T. W. Davies, I. Mayfjeld,' W. A. Van Horn, E. E. Forrester. J. M. Fowlkes, W. P. Hamilton, J. A. Mixer. F. S. Webster, I. E. Casner, Daniel Webster, True Vencill, G. W. Nichols, W. W. Masten. This gives the organization 32 mem bers to start with and insures it a much larger membership in the very near future. When we consider the fact that tnls is the very dullest part^of the dull sea-, son in our valley, and "also" tfieTiottSt part of the hot season, and, further, that everybody has gone to the coast who could get away, it is remarkable that so large, or so enthusiastic, a meeting could be held for any purpose, no matter how much the people might be Interested. The great success of this meeting and the large turnout of farmers and dairymen who attended and took part in it and in the organization which it formed, is an earnest of the high ap preciation in which El Centro is held by the people of its vicinity and bespeaks the strong support the town is receiv ing from the citizens of this part of the valley, This is a happy omen of the great future that is in store for El Centro and the era of abounding pros perity which is at hand In this valley. The union of the people of the town and country for the upbuilding of the valley is the consumatlon for which we have strlvan, and the realization of which we rejoice to see. Following is the by-laws and con stitution of the El Centro Chamber of Commerce. ARTICLE I. NAME. The name of this organization shall be the El Centro Chamber of Com merce. ARTICLE 11. OBJECTS. The objects of this organization shall be to foster and encourage commerce, manufacturing, horticulture and agri culture, to promote the construe. ion and maintenance of good roads, the improving and beautifying of streets and parks, the passing of beneficial laws in city, county and state, to obtain the best possible railroad facilities, both passenger and freight, to attract immi gration and to generally advertise and promote the welfare of El Centro and vicinity. ARTICLE 111. MEMBERSHIP. Sec. I. Members shall be any re putable person acceptable to the board of directors. Sec. 2. Members may be expelled upon recommendation of the member AND THE IMPERIAL PRESS EL CENTRO. CALIFORNIA. SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1906 ship and grievance committee for mis conduct before or after joining. All charges must be in writing and be sent to the membership and grievance com mittee. The accused shall be given a hearing and it shall require a two thirds vote of the entire board of directors to expel. The dues of this organization shall be five dollars initiation fee and $1.25 per quarter In advance and the fiscal year carried by such dues shall end October Ist of each year. ARTICLE V. MEETINGS Sec. 1. The meetings of the El Centro Chamber of Commerce shall be annual and special. Sec. 2. The annual meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday in Octo ber of each year. Notice of same ihall be given by publication in not less than two issues of a paper or papers and by mailing a postal card stating the time and place of said meeting to each member. Sec. 3. The special meetings shall be called by the presiding officer or up on the application of five members, whereof due notice shall be given by the secretary in a paper at least ' five days previous to the meeting. Only such business as is stated in the call can be transacted at a special meeting. Sec. 4. The presence of seven members in good standing shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but the chamber of commerce shall not give its final or formal endorsement to any proposition, enterprise or undertaking ■tifliesstwo^fiirds ofralh ths - members present vote for the measure nor shall any resolutions be considered or acte4 upon except with the unanimous con sent of the members present unless they have first been submitted to a proper committee. Sec. 5. The order of business at the meetings of the chamber of com merce shall be as follows: Ist. Reading of minutes. 2nd. Report of president. 3rd. Report of secretary. 4th. Report of treasurer. sth. Reports of standing commit tees. 6th. Reports ot special committees. 7th. Unfinished business. Bth. New business. ARTICLE VI. INDEBTEDNESS AND LIABILITY No money shall be appropriated or disbursed by the board of directors un-' less the amount Is at that time in the general fund of the association and no assessment shall be levied upon any member for any purpose and no liabili ty shall exist against any member of the association beyond the yearly dues provided by these by-laws. ARTICLE VII. ELECTIONS Sec. 1. Elections for directors shall be held at the annual meeting in October of each year. Sec. 2. All members in good standing shall have the right to vote. ARTICLE VIII. DIRECTORS Sec. 1 . A board of eleven directors shall be the governing body of this or ganization and shall have and execute general control and management of its affairs. Sec. 2. Directors shall serve one year from the time of their election except those first elected, who shall serve until the annual meeting in Octo ber, 1906. After that those elected shall serve for one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. ; Sec. 3. Three directors shall con stitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Sec. 4. Regular meetings -of the directors shall be held once each month ARTICLE IV. DUES and special meetings may be held by the presiding officer or at the request of three members of the board of di rectors, due notice to be given in writ ing or In person by the president or sec retary at least three days before the meeting. ARTICLE IX. OEFICERB The directors shall elect from among their number a president, a vice presi dent and a treasurer. An honorary president and a secretary shall also be elected but these may or may not be members of the board of directors. ARTICLE X. DUTIES OE OFFICERS Sec. 1 . The president shall preside over the meetings of the chamber of commerce and of the directors, shall decide all points of order, give the casting vote in case of a tie, make an annual report in October of each year, appoint all committees and perform all other duties Incident to that offlct. Sec. 2. In the absence of the pres ident, the vice-president shall preside and perform all duties appertaining to the office of president. Sec. 3. " The treasurer shall receive and keep in his custody the funds of the chamber of commerce, paying same out only on warrants of the pres ident, countersigned by the secretary, and shall report at each annual meet ings and at such other times as the di rectors may require, the state of the treasury. Sec. 4. The secretary shall keep the minutes and records of the cham ber of commerce and under the direc tion of the board of directors shall have charge of the furniture,- rooms; -vfaooks and other property of said association. He shall collect, collate and arrange statistical and other information for the use of the chamber of commerce, con duct its correspondence and act as clerk of the board of directors. He shall collect the fees and dues of the members and other debts ""due the chamber of commerce, account for the same and turn all funds over to the I J 1 **t-CQ \ t I H \ N9& V I .we V \ y *° A I -^ f Buy One of These 5 or 6 Acre Tracts of Deeded Land Adjoining El Centro $100 per acre and upwards. Easy terms. D.' H. CHAPLIN. El Centro, California treasurer of the general fund, taking his receipt therefor. He shall make a financial report at each meeting of the board of directors. He shall receive such compensation as may from time to time be fixed by the board of di rectors. ARTIfr-E XI. COMPENSATION No officer of the chamber of com merce shall receive any compensation whatever except the secretary. ARTICLE XII. EXPENDITURES All expenditures o f money shall be authorized by the board of directors or by the ways and -means committee, subject to the approval of the board of directors. ARTICLE XIII. COMMITTEES Sec. 1. The regular committees shall be the following, with such others as may from time to time be author ized by the board of directors: Lands, irrigation, horticulture and agriculture. Ways and means. Health and sanitation. Advertising and statistics. Membership and grievances. Parks, roads and improvements. Reception and entertainment. Miscellaneous subjects. Sec. 2. All committees shall con sist of not less than three members ex cept the committee on ways and means which shall have five members. Sec. 3. Duties of committees. It shall be the duty of the several stand ing committees to take charge of all business referred to them by the board of directors, the chamber of commerce or Its presiding officer, to carefully and industriously investigate the different subjects assigned to them or pertaining to their duties, to make such original investigation in their several lines as In their judgment they may see fit and report the same to the board of direct ors. Sec. 4. No report or the result thereof shall be given out by the com Con till ued to Page Five NO. 17