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Extra Imperial Valley Press. VOL. VII THE CONVENTION At Imperial Monday Did Good Work and Passed Off Very Pleasantly Jn response to the call Issued by the committee of 100 the non partisan convention of delegates met at Imper ial at 2 o'clock p. m. Monday and made the nomination for the various offices to be filled at the coming elec tion. The convention was called to ■order by R. H. McPherrln, chairman of the executive committee represent ing the various electoral precincts and after some dilatory tactics of the Im perial delegation had been overcome,, Mr. C. H. Day, of Brawley,'was-elect ed chairman, and 0. B Tout, of Ca lexlco, secretary. There was appar ently some little discussion at the open ing on account of the Imperial delega tion being compelled to recognize the iact that the other delegation would In sist that every delegate be free to ex- P press the sentiments of the community which he represented. After this was established there was very little Inter ruption and business proceeded with only now and . again a feeble* protest Irom the "bunch who have always han dled things." Early in the game It was recognized by the delegates that Imperial's strength S consisted of Imperial inside and Imper ial outside. All the remaining dele gates preferring to vote Independently and strange to say usually voting to gether. Messrs. Parazette, Farns ■wbrth, Benton and Wentworth, of the \ i rriperlal 'delegation,/ lead the fight for -the push and the uninitiated amateur politicians and "friends from the rural districts" were compelled to rely upon | M W. Conkling. of El Centro; W. H. IJBuckVof Hanion; J. F. Patton, of Holtville. Dolph Shenkand Tom Beach, of Calexico, to handle their end of the argument. There was really very little cause lor discussion of any kind as the con vention was of one mind as to getting the best material and placing only men well known and well fitted for the var lous positions in nomination. That this was accomplished Is well estab lished by the many and universal ex pressions of satisfaction heard from residents of all portions of the valley, El Centro neither asked for nor re ceived an office of any kind and the question of preference for county seat was scarcely mentioned. No un pleasantness marred the proceedings and everything considered the first regular political convention pulled off I in the Imperial Valley was certainly! conducted In a manner tnat reflects j credit upon all participating. All ot the towns of the valley were well represented by non delegates as well as delegates and the hotel and restaurant accommodations of Imperl ia) were taxed to the limit The con vention was adjourned early in the ev ening, allowing those present from the southern portion of the valley to return on the evening train. The following candldatea were nominated: District Attorney, Johnrtvl. Eshel man. Sheriff. Mobley Meadows. County Clerk. D. S. Elder. j Auditor, Thos. J. Kellogg. Treasurer, Paul Boman. [ Recorder, John B. Baker. Tax Collector. Thos. Harding. Assessor, John B. Hoffman. I Superintendent of schools, J E. Carr EL CENTRO. CALIFORNIA. WEDNESDAY, JULY 17 1907 Public administrator, E. E.Forrester Coroner, T. J. Mitchell. Surveyor, E H. Games Judge. F. J. Cole The following resolutions were ad opted: Whereas, The selection of delegates to this first Non Partisan Convention of the New County of Imperial was parti cipated in by a large majority of the voters of the County and Whereas, Every candidate for nomi nation will stand an equal and fair chance to have his claims to oflice fully and fairly considered, therefore be it. ' Resolved that we hereby pledge the member* of tlii h convention and the candidates who seek nominations at the hands of said convention to loyally and faithfully support the nominees of said convention. He it further Resolved, that wu pledge the candi dates nominated to the utmost economy in public h and that they under take tiie erection of no public buildings of any considerable cost until such time an it can be done without largely in creasing taxes. The Convention The convention at Imperial was regu | larly called and the delegates in attend ance were duly elected at the primaries last Saturday and were truly represent ative of the communities from which they came. It took a majority of the delegates to make a nomination, ami the delegates went into the convention with that knowledge and agreed to abide by the result. The nominees of the con vention are representative men of the valley and altogether they make a good showing and the delegates to the con vention are to be congratulated on the good work they did. Imperial is to be thanked for its hos pitable treatment of its guests on Mon day. The Standard of that place, as usual makes a loud uaise. It would seem it has been habitual with that pa per to object to everything. However, the citizens of Imperial themselves as sert that the paper does not represent them nor their feelings, f heref >re it is Hufe to assume the majority of the town of Imperial is well satisfied with the re sults of the convention. Tiie Standard has all along insisted that Imperial did not want any of the offices, so a great number of the delegates were greatly surprised when it became apparent that Imperial was in tiie field for most of the ofiices. The majority of the delegates had taken Imperial at its word and therefore gave Imperial none of the uominatiouri. No one from Xl Centro asked fora nomination and none from here was nominated. , The ticket is a good one to stand by and it is believed will meet with very ! little opposition. To the Voters of Imperial County Thr»«e weeks ago 1 announced myself as a candidate for County Recorder of Imperial county, with the intention of making an independent canvass for the support of the voters. I did not intend to no before the convention and did not, therefore lam perfectly free to follow my first inclinations. Hut after study ing the perHonnel of the noinineesof the convention held at Imperial last Mon day and carefully estimating the qualifi cations of each nominee, I have come to the decision that the man chosen by the delegates as the nominee, for County Hu corder, is •sminently fitted for the posi tion and in my estimation will serve the uewcouuty faithfully and honestly and to pursue my candidacy would Heemiug ly now bo only to serve a pernoul ambi tion, wherein my real deeire hu» been to nerve in the good government of the new county, therefore 1 withdraw from the field in behalf of the regularly nom inated ctmdidate. O.T. VVELLCOMK. FOR SUPERVISORS f oar oat of Five Districts nominate Candidates The canditates for the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Supervisorial, die* tricts have boon nominated. The supervisor of the Third district holds over until 1910. The nominations were as follows : let Dint. — H. McHarg, Calexico 2nd Dist— R. 11 . Clark, Xl Centro 4th Dist. Geo. R. Wade— Brauley sth— Porter N. Ferguson, Holtville Brawley Budget Prom our special correspondent. The Cantaloupe season Is almost over. Mr. Mansfieid returned to the Val ley Sunday evening. Fannie Garber. and Mr. Hovley's children left for Banning, where Mrs. Hovley Is. Mrs. Hovley has been quite sick but Is much better now. Mr. D. L. Elden came in on the train from El Paso Texas, Monday morning, where he has been working for the Armour Packing Co. Henry Stahl left Sunday for , New York. City where he will spend his summer vacation. Jolley Laird and David Rudeslll. left Tuesday noon, for their old home in the east. They have gone to visit the old folks at home. Mr. Geo. O. Song and Judge Fois, of Imperial visited Brawley Tuesday. R. W*. Wills of Berkeley is again with us for a few days. He said he had come down to get warm. ; Mrs. Aguota Snider and son John have gone to their home in Venice to spend the summer. Tom Edgar's moved Monday to their new home, the Johnston place. C. C. Jones Is here for a few days he expects to close his store for the summer, ; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Best left Fri day morning, for Redlands. They will be gone all summer. W. H. Havens was In Brawley Wednesday. Earl C. Pound Is once more seen on the streets of Brawley. He has open ed a Real Estate office In the new Bank building. Understood The continual harping of "de pooah" on the subject of Calexico for the county seat is clearly understood here. Ah before stated in these columns, it is merely a subterfuge with ihe hope behind it that the £1 Centro strength might be divided. The visit of Messrs lienton and Weaver a few days ago resulted in one man talking for Calexico for the county .seat. If there was a show it would be different but politi cians can't work such games here.— Chronicle One thing occurred at the convention Monday which is to be regretted. In the course of the proceedings M. VV. Conkling a delegate from El Centro stepped over to the Brawley delegation and asked what could be done to help the people of the north end secure the nomination of their candidates, whero upon Mr. Mansfield grossly insulted him. Mr. Conkling lout liin Itoud for the moment and hit thu otiier man a severe blow on the jaw. Friends of both par ties interfurred and the trouble wav end ed. Mr. Conkling immediately address* ed the chair and apologized to the dele gates, but the man who offered the in suit remained sulltm and did not apolo gise. PI I"* FAITH A is the key to the situation in H 1.1 FIM MUff the malter of lhc County ll ulii mv s^ question It i$ most centrally located point in the proposed new- county and the most convenient to reach by a Wge majority of the people of the territory to be embrac- ed in the new county. It is a live, growing, progres- sive town. It holds out the hand of good-fellowship to every community in the peerless Imperial Valley and it asks for nothing not justified by its merits SHIPMENT OF GRAPES first Carload Shipment Left Here, Last Saturday. W. S. Corwln shipped from El Centro a carload of grapes last Satur day evening. They were billed for the New ( York market. This is the first car load lot out of the valley and If is very significant that It went from here. . Stone Bros, will ship their grapes from this place, and shortly carload shipments will be quite common. i bilsbee Sayings From our retrularcorrespondent: We are enjoying the pleasant weather this week. Our Postmaster attended the debate at Holtville Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. Harding are re joicing over the arrival of a new refrig erator at the'r house, which will be much enjoyed by them the balance of the season. Key. Haddock and Thurston Harding left Monday fur a two weeks' visit to Norwalk, where Mrs, Haddock and children have been for some time. ; Summer Wash Goods Beginning Tuesday, July 1 6th, we will place on sale our entire stock of Figured Wash Goods at exceed- ingly low prices. The stock includes Lawns, Organdies, Batistes, Voiles, etc., that sold from 12 I-2to 20 cents a yard. In order to close them out and have the room for a big fall stock we have priced the entire line at 8 I -3c to 10 I -2c. Jelly Glasses at 3xi-ic. adoz. We have two barrels to sell at this price and willl be unable to get more at any where near this figure. There are several styles in the lot, some plain, some with fluted bottoms, etc., all with smooth finished tops, making a nice drinking glass. They are regular 60c a dozen glasses. Yours for 32 I -2c while this lot lasts. El Centro Department Store EL CENTRO, CAL. ROY L RUMSEY, Prop. Mr». Browning returned this week from a three weeks visit to her friend Mrs. Orriek. She is much improved in health. Her many friends ar j glad to have her home again. Tiie ladies 'of the library association, will null cream on baturdav evenings at KuiiiHey'H Hall, for thu benefit of the library. So while you wait for your mail, step over and have a dish of cream and help out the cause, as well as satisfy your thirst those warm even ingH, just the place to treat*your girl. Miss Verua Havens expects to leave in a few dayu for an extended visit to friends in Los Angeles. Randolph Chupman is working this week for Mr. Tony near Heber. Mesdamee Kramer and Harding, at tended the meeting of the county officers of the VV. C. T. U. which met at El Centro Saturday. They report a good time. There will be an entertainment given' the last of this month at liumseyV Hall, to which all are cordially invited to attend. There will be a good time provided for all. Ice-cream to sell, the proceeds to go to the library fund. The exact date will be given later. ; Mesdauies Abbot and Longshore, are packing grapes at Corwin's ranch thia week. j'vr, , .: Mrs). J. R. Havens visited with, friends near Heber Thursday. The \V. C. T U. will, meet the drst. Wednesday afternoon in every month during the hot weather. When the weather gets cool they will meet twice a month aa usual. . '...;,.,. NO. 14