Newspaper Page Text
Saturday, May 15, 1909. County Notes HOLTVILLE O. VV. HaTilaud lias been appointed building Inspector of Holtvllle. •* *. * A. P. Maddox has returned to lloll tlUq after a trip through Oklahoma, Texas: and Arizona. * ■* # Lombard ft Bon, San B'ruuclHco cap italists, who recently visited Imperial Valley, haro notified their local agents that (hey are ready to make, farm loiins on valley ranches as soon as the loan applications are approved. ♦ * ♦ George El Dorm, who owns more Mian thirty lots In Holtville, has prom lsed the Socialists their choice of nny «ne ol uese lots if they will erect a $3000 ball npoa it. The Socialists arc how raising money to take advantage of this ofer. » ♦ • Holtvllle tfcis week acquires direct communication with the outside world by means of tbo Western Union Tel egraph Company. The Ilolton Inter- Urban Railroad Company has com pleted arraagements for handling the Western Union business over its wires from HoltTllle to El Centro where direct connections are made with the Western Unloa's through wires. * * * Mrs. J. R. Proctor, widow of the nan who was murdered recently in a pool room brawl in Holtville, has received notification from the Demi of ficers of the Knights of the Macca bees that the order does not consider itself bound to pay tho insurance pol icy,of!$100» held by Proctor, because of his being Intoxicated wnen his death occurred and because of the alelged fact. that he was the aggressor in the combat which ended his life. The order offers to settle the claim, how ever, on a fifty per cent basis. » * • The High Land Construction Com pany is to be organized among men who are interested in getting water upon the high laad lying soutn of Holtville. A preliminary meeting of those interested was held last week and a committee composed of W. J.- Seat, E. H. Mitchell, C. J. Schenck, G. R. Webster and F. G. Havens was appointed to confer with the officers of Water Company No. 7, and a con ference with these officials resulted in ttoe adoption of tbe following resolu tion: "Resolved, That iH carrying out the contract entered into with the Cali fornia Development Company to lo cate water stock west of the Alamo river :md extend the boundaries of No. 7 water company t.o cover the said hind, it will be necessary to have a survey made to ascretain the num ber of acres of irrigable land in said territory and to establish the west lines of the land to bo incorporated ia,sald territory. Also to cross section the proposed bow canal and to pro pare pla»s atd specifications for the fume to be built across tho Alamo river. The mxc of the canal and I When you need shoes buy \ the best, then you will get value for your money. Our shoes are made out of the best leather and findings, hence we know they will fit and wear well. All Styles, . all leathers, suitable for all occasions. , MENQ' SHOEB WOMEM9' SHOES BOYS' SHOES CHILDS; BHOEB INFANTS' SHOEB We make a specialty of Douglas and Crawford Shoes for men and Joltn Kelly's Shoes for latflec VALLEY Shoe Store ONLY EXCLUSIVE SHOE HOUSE IN THE VALLEY. P. T, OUHtattitOAU* Up. fltinio to be determined by the num ber of Irrigable acres found in f;a!d territory." * * # n. H. Whuconih left last week for a summer's visit to Terre Haute, In diana, Chicago and Now York. * * «• The organization known an the Cit izens' League met. Tuesday at Mes slnger'e Hall and took temporary Hteps toward forming a permanent or ganization. The question of naming the organization was discussed 1o some extent and finally decided on the name of "Tho Holtville Promotion Club." Rev. Ilolllngsworth was olected temporary chairman; W. P. Chancy, Secretary. A committee of three: Messrs Taggart, Weisner, Wilhite were elected by vote to draft By-laws and Resolutions and present them at Ute next meeting, May 24th. # * -X Immediately after voting down the proposition to issue $18,000 bonds for the erection of a high school ot Holt ville, citizens becatnu active in for mulating.a new plan, whereby six of the East Side school districts will unite iv a uuiou high school district, petitions for which hove been signed . and are now before the County Superintendent. As soon as the necessary formalities are # com plied with, a special election will be called to vote on a proposition to is sue $50,000 for purchase of site and erection of a ten-room building al Holtvllle for the union district. IMPERIAL Mothers' Da/ was observed in the Imperial churches Sunday by special sermons and musical programmes. * * * Mrs. Pearl Menshink, of Imperial, has been granted an intelocutory de cree of divorce from Edward Menshik, with permission, to resume her maiden name of Pearl Wessel. # ♦ * Edgar Hrolliers report the sale of more hay-making machinery this sea son than ever before in the history of Imperial Valley. They have been re ceiving supplies of this kind by car load lots. •* * tt The Imperial Cily Trustees held an informal meeting last week with C. T. Mauwaring, secretary of the Los Angeles Board of Fire Underwriters, regarding the best plans for tho pro jected municipal water system from a fire insurance point of view. ttRAWLEY J. J. O'Brien last week received a shipment of sixteen head of fine mules for grading work. * •::• -x- Mins Margaret Vau Hoesen, teacher in the Magnolia school, departed last week for her home in Willamette, Il linois. * ♦ # Water Company No. 8 has levied an assessment on its water stock of fifty cents per share. Assessments become delinquent on June 1. * * # Cement floors will bo placed in the new Holt block at Sixth and Main streets. A carload of cement to be used for this purpose arrived in Rraw ley this week. * # * The various ranches of the DeMou lin Brothers in the vicinity of Braw ley are being fitted out with telephone Mnes whicxi will connect with the ranch of R. Malan, the general man ager of these properties. • • • Tho first reading of the proposed "four-ounce" liquor ordinance was given before the Brawley City Trus tee's at their last meeting, and it was passed to v its second reading by a vote of three to two. • •* * * W. 11. llest has been cutting four tons of barley to the acre on his ranch near Brawley, and Peter Hovley has cut three and a half tons to tho acre. Many ranchers in this vicinity have made cuttings of barley this season that have averaged two and a half tons to the acre. * • • George Turner visited ni.s holdings In tho new town of Western on Monday and while digging a ditch unearthed a huge human ukull and the femurs or thigh bones of a very large man, all of which were covered with some 2 feot of earth on the primitive desert, and which bear evidence of great an tiquity. Near to the skull was found a section of what looks liko an old fashioned trace chain, wholly unlike anything manufactured in these days, which, if it belonged to the owner of the skull would place him back in the dim past. The frontal ' bone of the skull in email for such a hugh skull, while the occipital bone is away be* yond tho size of average men now liv ing. The femurs indicate a gigantic frame, and the wonder of it all ia bow euch a man came tp die there, as the stature of nil local trlbea Is much bo IMPERIAL VALLEY PRESS low normal human eize. Further and oxteiiPlvo Rearch will be made to see If other remains lie about the town* site of Weston. — Brawley News. # ♦ » It. E. Wills last week received a carload of vitrified pipe for construct ing a ujviic-w.'iy on his ranch east of Brawley. • * # R 11. Er.ckson has had tho first ripu apricots reported in Imperial Val luy in hly orchard adjoining Brawley. He will ship a carload of apricots this year. * * * Tho large date palm trees that have made a notable feature In front of the Brawley Town and Improvement. Com pany's office, have been transplanted lo tho Bungalow Hotel frontage. The tnove was made to clear the way for tho new business block at Sixth and Main streets. ■x- * -x- The Brawley City Trustees, at a meeting held last week, accepted the resignation of G. T. Wellcome *»nd elected J. D. Bennett to fill the va cancy. A petition signed by 130 citi zens was before the Board asking for the appointment of W. T. Dunn lo this vacancy, but this was ignored. CALKXICO. During the month of April $180 was collected in fines by City Recorder Hoffman. * » * The school census recently closed shows that Calexlco has a population of more than 500 persons. # # * Mrs. A. 13. VanWorman and child j have come from Monterey to Calexico to join her husband, Lieut. VanWor man, who is making maps hero for bthe United States War Department. ■X- * -* The Calexico City Trustees have in structed the City Attorney to formu late a proposition whereby the city may acquire a water right, with the view of establishing a municipal water system| • ♦ * Jack Prior, who has been employed on the C. M. ranch for the past year, has joined the surveying corps of the Highway Commission in the work of surveying routes for the Imperial Val ley-Snn Diego Highway. * * «• Fritz Kloke has been appointed Su perintendent of Parks by the Calexico City Trustees. Trustees Potter and* Rockwood have been appointed a com mittee to make plans for a city jail thai will be suitable to present de mands. ft * * At tbe last meeting of tho Calexico City Trustees notification was given that the Southern Pacific has agreed to beautify the right of way where Third Street crosses its \ tracks. A resolution to close Second street nnd open Third street across the Southern Pacific right of way was given its first reading. HEBER. Mr. Huinmell has completed his new home in Heber and is erecting a cot tage for Miss Hendry. * tf * The census of the Heber school dis trict shows that it has a population of seventy-three children. Forty-nine of these are of school age. •x- * * Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jackson have returned to their valley ranch, after their honeymoon trip. They were re cently married In Tx>.s Angeles, the bride being Miss Allie Ogborn. * * # Ernest Brand, Jr., who has spent the past six months in tho vicinity of Heber, has returned to his home in northern California, but expects to come back to Imperial Valley next fall. ♦ * * The Imperial Valley Collegiate In stitute closed its first year'e, work last week, after a successful eight month's period, notwithstanding financial ob stacles. The school has made a place for Itself in Imperial Valley, and the prospects are that it will open next fall greatly strengthened and with a course of study that will appeal to valley residents who have children to educate. RadiUtTl Slllntllir COLEGROVE, LOS ANGELES. rVf: \ ** UI K" Ur jPnnjrS TAKE BATHS IN LIQUID SUNSHINE t» i DI }, INK TUB MOST OURATIVK MINERAL WATERS IN CALIFORNIA. U Is lauto-actlvo, germieldul and purities your blood l>y destroying disease perms, .imH"?'', v , revlvlfvlritr. miuveimtlntr and Increasing your Vital Force and circulation. lHlii HOT BATHS ure a positive specific and cure Rheumatism. Asthma, Chronic Colds, Alcoholism, Constipation, Obesity. Poor Circulation, Neuralgia. Sciatica, Dia- betoa, Hrl"hfB, Stomach, Heart, Liver, Kidney, Bladder, Wood, Skin, all Nervous and bpliial Discuses, Femalo Troubles. Beauty Baths inako skin velvety, removes dand- ruff, grows new hair. - IT SPARKLES AND FOAMS LIKE CHAMPAGNE. Soemlngly hopeless cases cured. Physician In charge. Send for booklet. Water by bottle or caso. Take "Melrose Aye.' r cars, via Broudway direct to Springs. Be faro. WANTED HAY We pay highest price for alfalfa and grain hay — will buy your whole crop for spot cash, or handle on consignment. Nictiolls-Hammell-Loomis Company Capital Stock $100,000.00 1128-1140 Son Pedro Street, Los Angeles. ORDINANCE NO. 37. An Ordinance Amending An Ordinance Entitled "An Ordinance Fixing the Time and Place of Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Centro," Being Ordinance No. 36 of Said City. The Hoard of Trustees of the City of El Centro do ordain aa follows: Section 1. That Section One of that certain ordinance entitled "An Ordin- ance fixing the time and Place of meet- ing of the Hoard of Trustees of the, City of El Centro," being Ordinance No. 36 of said City, be, and tho same is hereby amended to read as follows: Tho Hoard of Trustees of the City of El Centro shall meet regularly on the sficond nnd fourth Tuesdays of oach and «v«ry month at tho hour of 7:30 p. m. at that certain office room on *ho ground floor of the Beach build- ing, facing cast on Sixth street, and about. 80 - foet north of the corner of Main and Sixth streets, in said Ulty of El Centro. Section 2. The City Clerk shall cer- tify to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause tho same to be pub- lished once in the Imperial Valley Press a weekly paper of general circulation, published and circulated in said City of El Centro, and thereupon and there- after the same shall bo in full force and effect. Passed, adopted and approved this 7lh day of May, 1909. H. B. PEARSON, President of the Hoard of Trustees of tho City of Rl Centro. Attest: F. G. HAVENS, City Clerk of tho City of El Centro. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF IMPERIAL )ss. CITY OF EL CENTRO) I, F. G. Havens, City Clerk of the City of El Centro, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 37 of the City of El Centro, and that the same was passed at a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of said City. held on the 7th day of May, 1909, by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes — Hamilton, Pellet, Pearson. Noes — None. . Absent — Brown, Buttress. And that said ordinance was intro- duced at a meeting of said Board held at least five days prior to its passage. Witness my hand and the seal of thy City of El Centro tbis 7th day of May, 1909. F. G. HAVENS, City Clerk of the City of El Centro. CERTIFICATE FOR BANKING No. 9349. Treasury Department, Office of Comptroller of the Currency, Washing- ton. D. C, February 17, 1909. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that THW EL CENTRO NATIONAL BANK in the Cily of El Centro. in the County of Im- perial, State of California, has com- pllod with all the provisions of the Statutes of the United States, required to be complied with before an asso- ciation shall be authorized to com- mence the business of Hanking: « Now, therefore I, Lawrence O. Mur- ray, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that. THE EL CENTRO NATIONAL BANK in the City of El Centro, in the County of Imperial, and State of California, is authorized to commence the business of banking as provided in section ftfty-one hundred and sixty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States. In testimony whereof witness my band and seal of office this seven- teenth day of February, 1909. LAWRENCE O. MURRAY, f>-10t Comptroller of the Currency. The Most Common Cause of Suffering Rheumatism causes more pain and suffering than nny other disease, for the reason that is is the most com- mon of all ills, and It is certainly gratifying to sufferers to know that Chamberlain's Liniment will afford re- lief, and make rest and sleep possi- ble. In many cases the relief from pain, which is at flrat temporary, has become permanent, while in old peo- ple subject to chronic rheumatism, often brought on by dampness or changes In the weather, a permanent cure cannot he expected; the relief from pain which this liniment affords its alone worth many times ita cost. 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Dun- away & TiOwo. Druggists. F. G. HAVENS, nct p"»,.,c (formerly United States Commissioner at Imperial Correction of entries and preparation of applications for filings within the newly surveyed townships. All papers carefully prepared. Work absolutely guaranteed. City Clerk* Office El G?ntio, California. H. WOODS, CHICAGO, WA ' T 27 ER s r R H EE T • Sole' Agent for the famous Mermaid brand of Cantaluopes from Coa- chella, Cal., and the famous El Centro Cantaloupes, at El Centro, Cal. BEST POSSIBLE PRICE OBTAINED. General Produce Commission Merchant Potatoes, Tomatoes — All Kinds of Domestic Fruits In Car Lots. I HOTEL NADEAU -- '.'.". •' ''['/>.<>, First and Spring Streets ; ~jX CONVENIENTLY LOCATED WITH? ''^r'i^^^^^^^^^i^'^' REFERENCE TO BUSINESS AND j SHOPPING DISTRICT AND CAR;| '^IsM^Sf'iff ? ?l I^''^ -^ <^- i^r* ? f'.i V : ;^s^',' ( !'. : :JV;l''ri5 r LINES. i ■ MODERN IN EQUIPMENT AND tp CLASS HOTEL IN . EVEm|; RESPECT * CAFE IN BUILDING} EUROPEAN PLAN ONE DOLLAR AJ;. "^^^fe^^^^^^^* DAY AND UPWARDS. ALDEN & THOMPSON, Props^ Hot Point Electric Iron I . ' .. ... ..... — _^, A FULL PAGE ABOUT THIS IRON IN ALL THE LEADING MAGAZINES EACH MONTH. WHEN YOU READ ABOUT IT PLEASE REMEMBER THAT _________ WF SF I 1 W Ha Ol_ JL-. 1-i THESE IRONS NOT ONLY SELL THEM, BUT GUARANTEE THEM. WOULD LIKE TO SHOW YOU HOW SIMPLE THEY ARE, AND STRqNG, AND ECONOMICAL; SHOW YOU HOW THEY SAVE TIME AND STRENGTH AND WORRY. LET US SHOW YOU TODAY J YOU CERTAINLY OUGHT TO HAVE ONE. USE IT ANYWHERE p THERE IS AN ELECTRIC LIGHT. IRON RIGHT OUT ON THE j H PORCH IF YOU WANT TO. Not Expensive to Buy Economical to Use - COME IN ANY TIME WE WILL SHOW YOU ALL ABOUT IT Holton Power Co. El Centro, California. I PASO ROBLES ,A ' Wi SUNSET \*^\ I 10GMM&5HASIM I HOT SPRINGS W On the Coast line The equal of any in the world and set in the midst of such climatic conditions as constantly invite Che open air. A . delightful place for rest, recuperation, constitutional treat- ment and recreation. The new bathhouse with ita superb equipment is unrivaled by any in the country. Hydropathic, treatment, mud baths, swimming baths, turkiah baths. For further particulars call or address 0. M. Knox, Commercial Agent, Riverside, California. SoMtherti Pacific 3