Newspaper Page Text
Saturday, May 16, 1909. orncß«« or city of bl ckntro. Tiusteee —H. B. Pearaon, 1. Stanley ■rtmw C. r. Buttress, W. O. Hamilton, JD. D. Pellet. City Clerfc—F. O. Havens. City Treasurer— R. B. Jaumaa. City Attorney— M. W. ConkUns;. City Marshal— a A. Bradford. City Recorder— J. F. Tout. OFFiccna or imperial county. Bup«rvl«or»— F. 8. Web«tor, Sydney Mo* H&rg, R. 11. Clark, Porter N. Fwguaoa, a. n. wad*. Judge of the Superior Court — Franklin 3. Cola. District Attorney— John M. Behteman. County Clerk— D. B. Oder. County Treasurer— Paul Boman. ' County Auditor— C. P. McClelland. County Aseeuor— Fred Fuller. County Tax Collector— B. O. Wright. County Surveyor— B. 11. Oalnea. County Recorder— John B. Baker. County Bupt. of School*— J. BS. Oarr. County Bharlff— Mobley Ueadow*. County Coroner— T. J. Mitchell. County Health Officer— Vlrail ICeOombe. Aait Health Officer— B. 11. Sherman. Public Administrator— B. BS. Forrester. LOCAL MARKET PRICES 'Selling Figures For General Produce and Live Stock At Revised by El Centro Business Houses. ■ — — — As a matter of general interest. The Press given below the prices current in the local market, as revised by El Centro business men, and this may be taken as Indicative of general prices prevailing throughout the Inv vksrial Valley. These figures are the soiling prices to conßuniers: Creamery first, butter, ib 3Cic ?-lb roll: 70c Slggs, ranch, doz 25c California cheese 25<; JSastern cheese 25c flelery, head 10c Lettuce, dozen 60c Dry onions, 6 1b5....... 25c Cabbage ..2%c Carro'tfe, six bunches for 25c Turnips, bunch 5c Peas 8c Sweat ' potatoes,' "ft !!!!!!!!!!".!" !"! Sc Eggplant; ib 7%c !Bell pepper, Ib 10c Dry Chili pepper, Ib 25c Pears, Ib 6c Apples, box : . . .$2 to $3.50 Pineapples, n» 10c Suavas.'lb 5c Bananas, do*. 30c Qreen chill .10c Potatoes, sack, 100 lbs $fc.OO Cracked corn, 100 Ib $2.20 feed meal, loo. lb .., 52.20 Wheat, recleaned, :loft Ib $2.75 I Xafflr corn, 100 Ib .$2.00 I Corn, por 100 Ib $2.10 Rolled barley, por ton $36.00 Rolled barley,, per sack 1.60 ! Shorts, per ton $87.00 ' Bran, heavy white, per too $36.00 Bran, sack $1.75 Wood, mesqulte, per cord $9.00 soal. soft, per ton $13.00 Hay, alfalfa $9.00 Hay, barley, ft 2.00 EL CENTRO METHODIST CHURCH Sunday achool at 10 a. in. Preaching •ervicea at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Ep worth League at C:3O o'clock Sunday eve ning. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 1 7:30. I » PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Services axe regularly held In' the Pros iiyterlan Church at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. til every Sunday. • Sunday School bo i-ins at 10 a. .in. !•'. Hi Fraser.Pastor. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Services are held at 10 a. m. on Sun days as follows: El Centro, Ist Sunday; Brawley, 2nd Sunday; 121 Centro (Im perial,) 3rd Sunday; Calexico, 4th Sun <Jay; Iloltvlllo, Oth Sunday. For sick •sills, call at Prieut's residence In Gl Cen iro. HEBER CHURCH SERVICES Card of services of Congregational ■Church: Sabbath School, 10 a. m. Morn ing Worship, 11 a. m. Young People's Meeting, 7 p. n\. Mid-week Prayer Ser vice, Wodnoaday, 7:30 p. in. Robert J-o rpy Glasby, Pastor; It. C. Moorohouse, kl B. Superintendent; F. E. Hamilton, President of C. E. Society. Strangers :>iiido welcome to all services. Does your piano need tun tug T Bee or writs the Imperial Valley Muklo House, Imperial. Texas Umtrellaß. Blackberries and figs at Imperial Valley Nursery, 131 Centro. 44-tf. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Los Amieles,- Cal., May 4, 1909. . "Notico is hereby given that l.;aa«; A. jvlorgan, of ICI Centro, Cul., who, on June G, 11)07, nuilo Desert Land iOnlrv No. 35CG, Serial No. 04674, for NW. quarter Section 22, Township 16 H., Range 14 E., S. IJ. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Clerk of the Superior Court, at El Centro, Cal., on the 22nd day of June, 1909. • Claimant names as witnenses: Wil- liam J. Driggers, Jesee L. McGuire, James T. King and Walter O. Hamil- ton, all of £1 Centro, Cal. FIIANK C. PUESCOTT, .5.61 Register.' 400,000 ACRES OF THE MOST FER- TILE LAND IN THE WORLD NOW BEING IRRIGATED— OPENED TO THE SETTLER. Tho fame of the fertile country now known as tho Yaqui River Delta, of Sonora, Mexico, extends back many I decades. Early travellers talked about I : the wonderful fertility of UIORO lands and historians have written of them ha the Nile Valley lands of America, j Now comes Kdward H. Harriman, who recently visited that section, who, un- ropcrvedly declares that tho west coast of Mexico generally, and tho Yaqui River Valley particularly, offers jreater inducements to the settler than any other section on tho Nortn Am- erica Continent. In his interview with the "Times'' man, Mr.| Harriman, In speaking of the Yaqui Valley, said: "The soil is as rich as that of Im- perial and will grow everything that flourishes in the tropics. We expect to have cotton, all fruits and a constant output of products." in speaking of the attitude of the Mexicans toward the Americans who ' are settling there, he said:"Qreat Lib- erality is the policy of the Mexican Government toward American capital. In fact, their entire trend is to be fair and honest. If any of you want ' to get out of this part of the country, there is the place to go; such soil will grow anything." The history of Mr. Harriman's life I and remarkable success, proves him ! to be a very shrewd and far-sighted j business man and one whose advice it would be safe to follow. j So much for Mr. Harriman. Now j for a few facts regarding the country ! lie was so impressed with. i In the Yaqui Valley fruits, vegeta- j bles and staplft products mature and ripen from one to three months ahead of Imperial and Sail River val- ieys. There are 365 growing days in the year and 300 days of sunshine. The climate is ideal and health con- ditions perfect. The much dreaded Calentuia or Mexican fever districts lie further to the south. The Yaquf River Valley is close to vast, timber and coal resources and the CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, Los Angeles, California, April 16, 1909. A sufficient contest affidavit having btien filed in tills office by Constantino Champion, contestant, against homestead entry, No. 101210, made January IP, 1903, for S. half, NW. quarter and NE. quarter aw. quarter and NW. quartor SE. quar- ter. Section 12. Township 16 S., Range 12 Bast. Stin Bernardino Meridian, by Peter Petersou, Contestee, in which it is alleged that said Peter Peterson has abandoned said tract and that he has been absent from said tract for a period ex- ceeding eighteen months and also that said Peter Peterson has made no Improve- ments on said tract nor established a res- idence thereon as required by law and tiiat said alleged absence has not been due to his employment tn the Army, Navy or Marine Corps during any war in which the United States might bd encaged said parties are hereby notified to appear, re- spond, and offer evidence totiching said allegation at 10 o'clock' a. m. on June. 10, 1909. beforo the Register and Receiver at the United States I^and Offlor In L,os An- peies,' California.- The said contestant having, In a proper affidavit filed April 15, 1909, set forth tacts which uhow that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice lie given by due and proper publication. FRANK C. PRBSCOTT, / Register. O, R. W. ROBINSON, Z~<it Receiver. CONTEST NOTICE Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Los Angeles, California, April 20, 1909. < A sufficient contest affidavit hay* ing been filed in this office by Mark M. Rose, contestant, against Home- stead Kntry No. 10779, made March 6, 15)05, for Eat;t half of SW. quarter and lota 6 and 7, section f>, township 17 south, range 14 east, S. B. Meridian, by David Carson, Coniesteo, in which it is alleged that Bftid David Carson never settled upon $;a!d land and has wuolly abandoned It since making entry; thereof. That said absence was not due to | the contest ee'a employment in the' Army, Navy or Marino Corps of the United States at any i«mo; Baid par- Uea tire hereby notiiiod to appear, reßpond! and offor evidence touching tild allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. on May 20, 1909, before the Register and itccaivcr at the United State:; La:::i Offl>n in Loa Angeles, Cal. Tl.o fiaid contestant having, la a my ■'<;•• rf!!'!r!vit fill '1 April '-") l?^0 861 fortli facts which show that after duH diligence personal service of; this notice can "not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that, mich notice ho given by duo aud proper publica- tion. '.■ :*. ■'■■ FRANK O. PRKSCOTT. Register, o. it. w. noniNsoN. » :?-(St. Receiver. "Why Is It, Mrs. Jones, my coffee Is always bitter?" Duy better coffee; get Folger'a Cloldeu Gate, whole roast. Don't griud too flue or boil too loug. 1 1 IMPERIAL VALLEY PRESS richest mining district in tho whole world. Markets for all products are at hand, tho local demand has never been supplied and the United States is continually drawn on for food Htuffs and other supplies. The Yaqul valley is several hun- dred nillos nearer Eastern centers than Lob Angelos San Francisco or Seattle. Eight to ten cuttings of alfalfa are made yearly. It would bo twelve were it not for the two rainy months in mid-summer. Watermelons ripen the last of March and cantaloupes are ready for market the first of May. Tho soil is generally a sand mixed silt, forty feet deep and no hard pan or alkali. There are no destructive spring winds to destroy growing crops. No cyclones, hot waves, drougntfv or floods. The land being perfectly (smooth, there is no expense for levelling. There is a drop of about three feet to the mile toward the Coast, which is just right for irrigation. Water for irrigation of the valley is taken from the Yaqui River, an* an abundance for all time is assured. Delicious water for domestic purposes, pure and pparkling, can be secured by sinking wells from' 27 to 55 feet. Shipments of produce can be made by both rail and water. The lands of the Richardson "Construction Com- pany are now being sold for $25' per acre, and on the most liberal terms. No charge is made for a water right. Water service charges are 50 cents per acre foot. Call at the El Ceiitro Hotel and look over our maps and literature and let us lalk it over. If you can't call, write me and I will mail yon our ad- vertising matter. J. J. RICHARL/oON, Special Agent for Imperial Valley. Xl Centro Hotel, El Centro, Cal. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Los Angeles, California, May 4, 1909. Notice is hereby given Hurt L>. Young, of Silsbee, Cal., who, on June 1, 1002. made Homestead entry No 10,000, Serial No. 03418, for W. half NW. quar- ter, SE. quarter NW. quarter, Section 3, Township 16 S., Range 13 E., S. B. Meri- dian, has filed notice of intention to make Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Clerk of the Court, at El Centro, Cal., on the 24th day of .Tune, 1909. Claimant namcß as witnesses: Wm. Wacgelc. Silsbee, Cal., H. Pool, El Cen- tro, Cal., H. Wilson, Sllsbee, Cal., Harry Van Dor Huevel, Silsbee, Cal. FRANK C. TRESCOTT, 6-Gt. ' Register. HOLTON INTER-URBAN RAILWAY Effective April 18, 1909. WESTBOUND. No. 1 leave Holtvllle 7:00 a. in. No. 3 leave Moltvillo ....1:30p.m. Iso. 5 lwve Holtvllle 6:40 p.m. EASTBOUND. No. 2 Imiva Xl Centro 8:35 a. in. No. 4 leave El Centro 13:35 p.m. No. fi leave El Centra 6:05 p.m. Train!). Nos. 1 anil 2 do not run on Sundays. Baggage will be cfurlert on Trains Xos. 1 and 2 only. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY NORTIIBOUND Leave 151 Centro. i>o. 503 Siltf a. m. No. 605 2:24 p. m. !Co. 507 7:39 p. m. No. 501 (Freight.) 8:24 a. m. SOUTHBOUND LjPuvo Xl Centro. No. f>o2 5:05 n. in. No. 501 12:30 p. m. No. 50G 6:00 p. m. No. 500 (Freight.) 2:2,4 p. m. 8. P. Train No. 507 leaving El Centro at 7:3? p. n.. will connect with Train No. 7 for Los Angeles. a. P. Train Xo. 51):.' urrlvlns E! Contru 5:05 a. m. will connect with Train No. 8 from Los Angele*. vRRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILG Post Office lw Centro, California, April _ 18th, 1908 i-'tir liio Not iii : X:24 a. m. local arid west olosoa 7:50 ;i. in. 3:24 p. in. loyal and euul closes liDOp^iu, 7;89 p. in. W, A. and west closes 7:0!»p. tn. 5:0.1 11. m. No loral mall. lL':in) p. m. C&lexlco elortCß ...... t- :00 tti. 0:00 p. in, Culexlco closes 0:.")0 p. :vi ARRIVALS . 5:05 11. in. From Jjoh Angela*, nsnn A wosi 12:30 p. 111. From North and JCut>t. ti:OOp. m. Prom North uml Ki»t. 8:24 a.m. From Heber and C.ilexlco. 2:24 p. m. From J letter and Calexlco. 8:35 ;i. m. Holtvtlle* i.-losea . . . .7:56 a. in 6:05 p. in. lloltvlllo dully Closes 5:30 p. in 6:05 p. 111 Melolund dnlly closes 6:30 p. m ARRIVE 3 1:40 p. in. Kroin Holtvtlle* 7:: op, m. From Holtvllle and Meloland * ISxcept Sunday. CENTRAL HOSPITAL I El Centro, California Only Fully Equipped Hospital in I Imperial Valley for medical, sur- gical and obstetrical enses. Open | to all reputable physicians. Rates-Ward $15.00 Private Rooms $22.50 up For further information address I DR VIRGIL McCOMBS EL CENTRO, CaL. 1 . i ■■'■■■ Printing, Stationery and Book Store 541 MAIN STREff ' Now be a Game Sport and find it. MONEY TO LOAN — on improved City Property or for building. Easy payments. A. P. NUF- FER, El Centro. THE YULE 2 or 3 room Modern Apiirtmentß, also .Single Rooiub without kitchens Homo Phone 51458. 1243 W. Sixth Street Los Angeles, Oal. The SEED HOUSE of the GREAT SOUTHWEST • Just received, one carload of East- ern-grown Seed Cora, and oar Colo- rado-grown Cantaloupe seed. We hay* three strains, the Edea Gem, Netted Rock, and Solid Net AU of thosv have been tried, and proved more satisfactory than any other strains of the Rocky Ford. Dealers and Asso- ciations are requested to write for special prices. Our carload of Con constate ot the several varieties beet suited to the different sections of the Suuth- west See page 112 of our catalog for description, and write for prices on large quantities. Aggeler-Musser Seed Co 113-115 N. Main St, Los Angeles, Cal. Hubbell Construction Company C. E. HUBBELL, Mgr. We are prepared to handle all kiads of cement work. Sidewalks, curbs and concrete construction. Estimates furnished oa sewers and dirt excavating. HUBBELL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. I FREE LICENSE I GRANTED ; And no Bar upon it to Buy I : the Best CIGARS I ! ■ - I I Ye Smohe Shop ! 5 I i 1 t All the Time All the Brands $ % Of the most popular Tobaccos * $ I f WE MATCH YOUR TASTE | LEGAL ADVICE BY MAIL I FIFTY CENTS I Au tumucltttion of roputable, expert- 1 ouced and re!inblo attorneys will ren- j dor written opinions by mall — full, au- thoritative ittui promptly on all legal questions or irmtters. Mortgage*), foreclosures, deads of tr ; mt. conveynnco*, irmil title* general- Note«. bonds, assignments, blllu of sale uorportiUon and partnership lights and liul)ilitic», bankruptcy ami Irisolvoncy. lien* of laborern, oontrao* tors :iml >ni!c<rlul men, suits for dam- Wlils. e»tato», probate inatterH, foj- 1 itni inluJvltonoei, guardianship, ritrlits of thosa under uso, patents, inventions. au branchej of mining laWi water and Irrlxutlon rights, ho;iiostoailB, tim- ber locatlonß, the taking up of pub- lic lane). I>lvoroe, separation, community and »••!'. irute property rights, oiid rlKht.t of married women. AU branches of criminal law. Rend your question with Fifty Cent*. Immediate aniiwers., , bOUNO LEGAL ADVICE CO. Dtpt V N. P. a Bo« «S- San Franclsc*. Cal. 1 Coffee Xi The kind f hot mpkcr, Uic break- | M fi'it- real Coffee throtißli and §] kj'i through-- always the same. v! four grocer, will grind it— |, >;d Ijpttfji* if ground at lioine — noi X ?2 Ino III)'.!. S The El Centro Market R. M. OAVIEO, Propr. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MEATS Choice Beef, Pork, MutUm, Hamst Bacon, Lard, Suetene. Domestic ami Wild Game. We aim to fill 70*7 wants using only the BEST and Ae> If v wring promptly. CALL UP TELEPHONE 277 Second Hand FURNITURE Bought and Sold Handled on Commission Will conduct Auctions ', of Household Effects ! Farm Implements etc. | S. P.BOWEN El Centro Hotel Blk. sth St. Los Angeles' Safest Hotel The King Edward Fifth and Los Angeles Streets in the heart of the city. European Plan First-clasa Cafe Abssolutely Fire Proof A very desirable hotel for all visitors to the city. No Iniide Rooms Write for Booklet Rates $1.00 per Day and Up DUNHAM & SMITH PROPRIETORS Duke of Belmont This fine, young, standard- bred trotting stallion, one of tho most perfect specimens of horse flosh in Southern Cal- ifornia, will mako the season ;is follows: I Saturdays at the Southwell ! Brothers' Stable, Imperial. Fridays at the Franklin ! Stable, E\ Centro. 1 Mondays and Tuesdays at the Webster Ranch, six miles west of El Centro. Wednesdays and Thursdays 1 at your service within reason- I abls distance of the ranch. Daniel Webster tfIDCE NOTICES JL KITcBNTRO LODOa Na I*4 "%f\r in Masonio Itall, El Cent**, /N/\ P. & A. M. Stated meetln*" first Monday of each montb. 7:30 P. M. Members and visiting Masons In- - vlted to attend. W. o. Hamilton, Mm* ter. John D. Baker, Secretary. p L CeWrcTaErVe, F. O. HI., mMta C the first four Thursday nights of each month. Members and visiting Kaglea Invited to attend. WO. W. EH Centra Camp No. C 24 ' meets every Friday night at Masonic hall, El Centro, Cal. W. A. Ort, Consul Commander. C. L. Stuck, Wfthf \S'*\iluL.. No. 397, I. O. O. V; WV^/0 mucta evory Batnr- y day night in Masonic fc^^*S3 Hall. . Resident and visiting members cordially invited to . attend. F. A. Über, N. O. •B. 11. Sher- man, Secretary. PROFESSIONAL CARDS ESHL.EMAN & SWING. Attorney* at Law. El Centro, ..:....; California C. 1,. BROWN M. W. CONKLINA CONKUNG & BROWN ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW /?/? EL CENTRO — —. CALIFORNIA. TM. McNAMARA. Attorney and : '._ Counselor at- Law'. Land, Crt- • tninal and Commercial Law. Formerly I of Bakersfield ana Visaliu. Office In Opera House Block', Gl Centro, Cali- fornia. , . Dan. V. Noland Frank Birkhauser NOLAND &. BIRKHAUSER Attorneys and Counselors at Law. GENERAL PRACTICE. ; *' Offices at El Centro and Brawley, CaL NSEL SMITH Attorney at Law. ; ' Office and Residence Seventh and State Sts. El Centro, California. Geo. H. P. Shaw Herbert W. Brewer SHAW & BREWER, Attorneys and Counsellors-at-law Imperial, California. H, > j DR. EDWARD MATTOCKS, Osteopathlc Physician, j El Centro, California. . E 1 R. BROOKS M. D. Physician and | , ' ' Surgeon. Alamo Hotel, HOLTVILLE, CALIFORNIA j r* ORTNER BROS., Funeral Directors * 1 V» and Embalmers. Chapel corner ( • of Seventh and Broadway, El Centre, ( California. Phone 303. . qAMUEL B. ZIMMER, ARCHITECT. 0 Fifth Street and Imperial Avenua. Imperial, California. Careful consld- , eration given to all lines of building. » Room 10, Holt Bldg., El Centra R. L. Greer' AtchiteS and Builder. Building fkmt by contrart or superintending by the day. El Centro, California.' ■ C. N. PERRY E. H. QAINES ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS EL CENTRO •• - - CALIFORNIA Best Bread Baked. Full Weight— Pull Satisfaction ROLLS, CAKES, COOKIES and PIM D&liclous Baker's Confections ORDER" BAKING A SPECIALTY Clean and Substantial 3AKERY LUNCH SERVED ALL DAY Pioneer Bakery Levy Block WM. EGERER, Prop. |- J^LTR AVERS. \ * PIONEER CONTRACTOR * * AND BUILDER. * * Superintended and erected * * many of El Centre's most lm- * ,1, portant buildings'. ' " * Estimate* Furnished. * .. ... *#***#***,** X * # * * */' I New Survey Plats Official rhotographic Copies ot each Twp. Plat— Description sneets ot tract numbers and entries, Just re- ceived by the Land Office, and a map of Imperial Valley, all mailed to any address for $2.00. Send for oae of your Twp. and Range. MALL & FOUNTAIN Surveyors and Draftsmen ■313 Byruo Dulldlus, LOS ANGELE9, — — CALIFORNIA .-■■".■. , ■' £3j I \Jil I Hot Springs j Within raay reach of Ban iPraadscu. 1 Wonderful curative properties ot Um> j mud and mineral baths and waters. . Reached from Loa Angeles through the San Jospin Valley. Por further Information call or addreea C. M. Kno* Commercial Agent, Qlonwood block, RlTcrsldtf, Cal 7