Newspaper Page Text
2 Society, Clubs, Lodges , Churches and Schools A CTRITIOIS LEFT-OVER DISHES ARE EASILY PREPARED FOR SI MMER MEALS E. J ■ . noted auth .: OB cnjking electrically, gives soine valuable hints to tin honsewijfc. i. I,;i h if followed, will «-li i jntvnv weary hours of kitchen ".irs during till' warm weather. i- vet: 1 of Mrs. Mrs. Dunn V favorite re,--.- - . >) hf’iOW. \\ !,-l]Pvr:- |‘h ■■s*dhli v «!i ■ g v * ya 1 ftv* to <F» my ih. table on the elect:; Ifl'nlf StOV(' iiS to S!l\c ]J|\ SC t • V V. • - ' . . i I ],•■•. e one < onsiden hie expei i oiewtiiig and lie-re arc recipe- aa.t directions for j»reps*ring upi : t.,0 electric grill or talde stove In tee meat dishes which utilize left < o-e. Left-Over Chicken Creamed I know of no more nppt t iz.t.i".v-A" to prepare left-oxer thickiii t.mii in* cream. i Dick ail the meat can from" the chichi: hones, mo ■: he tin’- st .‘third i- to. overlook. Then Jifinu' it to thi tabu ou a tray together with the other ingredients that will .Ih nc-essary for this dish. Make a er am sauci for the chicken fr. m twe t.liniapcmi i uls >..t -■ w 'i -ct same quantity, of flour. : .It a tea spoonful ot s:pt and ....It 'Hat qua"- 1 ity of pepi'4 s*r. jaifu osa. >::r tlivse ingredients gently until te.e sauce begins tv thicken and tin-' add (the chicken, cover it and let it heat through for fiv> tin ates or longer, usuallv using the ... • ;• of the vltVfM- ’grill for ri is purpose. If yi»Ui\ h, '-‘ :I 1 :lsHn -,' p* ment ms! d ill: ng tin- p-rie... and the eh -t. for tier purpose. lit either case. DAILY MENUS o‘reakfasj A Mi- ; ‘ ta in er. iy'itV' .graham Feist, jiii:.;, coffee,. Luncheon- —fr< med <. d: ’ :• al , d potatoes lettuce and .-c *t a gi rt esc salad, ry t lire, d, date wafers, i :i k, •• Dinner —Broiled Find chops, new io" toes ia creai sene-. -‘J-g 1 I.'ins. i 1! smad. cur rant merin gue pie, vJ ■ h ■ cl 1 J ci . With the oXcee!'m.i of tie- ri gesteii i tin ■ inner .. nn «*.!•• II pei- M-i s at the family tab!* v. t.ikc freely. The pie is mi iv.or ; eon. «- -ion to the g ; - v. h • - !■ ■ frou a- tv time. These little date xx fers are .I*l - with aftirmo a te . 1 it ice«i or liot. Date Waferr < .T(' (*U| bruvn sugar, . - j . a:- cut ter, 2, 1-4 cups 2 1-2 J JjOl.r, J t*up WnT»*l*. i * ii,:■ i. . Fill ]>- -am »: pa.r, ; '-4 • ups vent- r. ( : .. i . t* • and lx at i gv r - Arix ia • al. tiour, soda an I Ad*, al- ■ - "i with v.liter to first j.dxi r Km m! until smooth, lio! on i -I • molding Ima'il. making a si. > -l io. i. thick. Spread half v .11. • eg. cover with r.-uminiiig il.i. g i , .t it narrow Furs. Fill j.i a ■ ..;ei. e oven for 15 min d. . To make the filling s' me .11 S’ ! ' 1 1 iek. $ ir * ; u V* <*; * 4 r -1/ ? t -•- .</ ,fl/V - <, , vYA a Kv’J / i .cjr> .- •- -z*. ' <- //f/J * ' —-si.. ’ '*'*•«. ; js The Playground of The Valley «... - JACUMBA HOT SPRINGS “Coolest Place in Town ’ Goo 1 Food Courteous Scr\ ice S&m A. Dcmstcr Glenn C. Briggs Hotel V'auffhn u l MBA WUl' SPRINGS European Plan. -Booms Single 82, 52.50 and $3 -i-ooi Vvi’.j >atn Sl--J 53 and - Booms—2 persons. S 3 and $3.50 Booms—2 pel sons—with Bath, Si, 84.50 and 9b. -Suites—4 persons lor Suite, $5, SO and BP. Modern in Every Respect Phones in All Booms C. Walter Clement, LESSEE however, a-wavs have the to:t't done F the tii e the chicken is ready to ; .s.. i; with chopped parsley. Lamb Mousse Civ left-oxer lean lamb into small ! I <-1 s and grind twice in a meat ; choppei ot electric kitchen aid. To this then add the whites of two i • three tablespoonfuls ot > flier < a a sauce, or thick lamb gravy, a ta - i shoo, fi: 1 of Worcestershire o, and season to taste with salt pepper. Make into littl" . ro ip-ettcs and fry in bacon fat or but in the deep pan on top ot the grill and serve with pens or tice vd -cli ha: been heated in tlu com i .-'moat beneath the Keating ele ut thi grill or by placing it it ti e shallow frying pan of the grill . eve* the deq pan in which the .ml is 111 atiiig. It any mashed po •: t ies have been left they may be - togethei with the laml • o i .ttes by making- info little* balls. Left-Over Eeef Gov.lash l-'ot tins dish cut left-over roast -beef into iu.-h square p. ces. But them in the deeper pan of the elec tric griil. rover with water and s-. .it cooking w'dli the electricity tv i id on to ‘•high’’. Then add two tin* leaves, two or thr.e onions, the s; me quantity of. season with salt and and simmer at i..w" heat for twenty or twenty fi•,v min: es. After this rejnov. the meat, thicken the gravy with two tabl* spoonfuls or flour, color witli a teaspoonful of kit-hen bou quet and serve with the gravy pour ed ovet the meat. Many Wish To Be Municipal Judges I.<:■- A XuiiLK'h J.ifv 1 **. — f-andi j • for t e i.e'.dy create* 1 po- - j ;i* ns or municipal court judges of ! i.o Ai.gele-' county must file their | i.- i-iicatiot's with Governor F. HicU j:. ‘stiii before Monday, it was a:i --i i ounce*! today. I < Fie hniidr- 1 ami s ; x camitdates i fog the eight available t»os: ions 1 '. : - ei by the governor up to t- day. it was announce.i by -*•• et . T 1.4 bii. creating the i-o.uit becomes effective duly j g ,nd is expicted the governor will k- his apt -ii.tments wl.ldn the i .*t tvvu wtvkst. NATURE’S BEAUTY GLOW something Entirely Different ana Ee.ncvcs Wrinkles and Blemishes. An Unequalled Skin Bleach j Satisfaction Guaranteed. Price SI.OO NATURE’S BEAUTY GLOW CO. 304-306 Grant Bids. Los Angeles Calif. Money back without question it HUNT S GUARANTEED SKIN d:sease remedies (Hunt's Salve and ir the treatment of Itch, Ringworm,Tetter brother it th ine akin disease*. Try lliir * treatment at our rifck. Sold Ey CLEMENTS DRUG STORE Cth and Main Streets Wr i A FOR EVENING TIIK smartest evening wrap is the silk shawl with the wide fringe. It may be embroidered, printed or plain and may be very costly or comparatively inexpensive. The trick Is to wear it in an individual manner—something the Spanish woman has mastered more thorough ly than any of her sisters. . 1 mcriccin Children Aot Spanked Enough Declares Educator Il> l n!tt*<! I’rt*** I \\ ire !.(>s .VNGKLfcs; July 10. — Imcr i- . . hildr -a are not spiw.kc.l * and tle v should get more of | her good old fashi 1 whippings in t. T.uaiiv woodshed. Mts. lii-rtha kee. M dele g <■- t.. tin- Intcrnatiouid K.nder ‘ga; ti n ITii'.n in annttl s> sslon here !. ; of prop- r discipline ill the 1 . tile ha*- led to the evolut n of the modern flnpi>er and sheik, ac e- ■ ii g to Airs. Bennett. ••A great deal of our troublo with older children cotues front the fr. . d m a:lowed the youngsters in : kindergarten da vs.'' she said. • A false spirit of independence i« F- -■ . ] , t ! . eh:id tlu- moment it st-.-ti- from the cradle. • . . I. i • -. M* a result, follow in st. ;.d of. lead the children. If n-ithet- would us- the strap move tl ir clf'dren would be easier to eo it ml after they reach the fiapper ; - ■! sheik age.' ’ AJis.s Anne LeCuyer. delegate fio e Switzerland. blames The *' American flapper system' for v .happv martiages. ‘•You Americans marry too vov.'.e '' she said. “-It amuses me to a., si-hod children running Mini with wive, and husbands. I - Switzerland men seldom inarrv r.-t'i *l,ev are nearly 30. and the w '•} at ! ;.st until they ;irc ot." A. | ■■■; n, .• eh SIMI delegates from parts ot Ihe world are at t- . _ tin- meet ig of the kinder- Being too serious is very serious. When system and good luck meet rn usually wins. vtasEZ-s.-xmaa Jacumba Bakery Jacumba Ilot Springs BREAD & PASTRIES % Baked Freda Every Day Try Our Trench Coffee Cake I——a mmammmmmmmmmm REFRESH YOURSELF AT r ' CELLAR JACUMBA HOT SPBINOS The Coolest Spot in Town kScda Fountain, Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Frosted Boot Beer |-Lunch Room in Conneetion- Epanlsh Dishes a Specialty THE IMPERIAL VALL EY PRESS Chinese “Christian Genera!" Issues Exclusive Statement On Present Crisis In China Editor's Nate. —General Feng Yub Siang. the “Christian genera l ' ’ of China and tremen dous factor in her national life, today cabled the United Press ar exclusive message from his Kalgar headquarters— the first rue!' statement h" has made— advocating abolition of unequal treaties as tho cure for the pies ent unrest ; * This convert, who believes • in practical Christianity, ex pressed The hope that far seeing F-ifish statesmen tvotf| join with America in doinw away with treaties which, he said had the whole country seething with indignation. Tho importance of Feng in China’s politics— he and General Chang Tso Lin. the Manchurian war lord, are now the outstanding military figures in China —gives his statement added strength. Feng’s Chris tianity should play a role in in ternational politics. It was he who put into power at Pekin last year the present chief executive of China, Tuan Chi- Ti, after what 'll a:; generally been termed a split with his chief. General Wv. Pei Fu. Later hi and the provisional government was reported to be i :.t odds. For som: time he has been making headquarters at Kalgan. He ir fully ir, sym pathy with the national awaken ing” which is now proceeding in CTinr and he and his army may sooner or later p’ay a vast role in the developments. The United Press asked the general for his views cr the reasons for the present unrest end the means for solution there of. His answer follows: By FENG YUH SIANG, Written for the United Press Copyright. 1925, by United Press KALGAN, China, July 9. — IN j plying to your ‘.Hiigraiit, mv a riser J opinion is that tho g: ve crisis can only l>o settled bv aboli rimi of unequal treaties imposed up a China to meet conditions w - . * h knee long . eas* d to < xiat. If tliis measure of justice i- ■i; ~ ..I. all other interm,‘ional isAi.cs arc easy Of solution. Tlii- main cause of unrest and dis | d i.-r in China is the existence of a • stem of "foreign Imperialism. <-s --.dished on the basis of unequal fro ties. This hsu> put our oust.,ms tinier British control and rjemoved l - .*-risk and other foreign nstinn:iF : troni -the jurisdiction of ourin .tion- , a I laws and courts of justice. Ami this system has created politic.-.lly i!:d ecoiiomiciilly. cancerous e nters 111,, foreign concessions at stratv- , y-‘ • points tliroughout the country, j Foreign Powers Hinder N ■ country can d.-velofi itA . in i. and indusi'ry unless it enjoys, the elcmeiitarv riglit of sovereignty x is expressed in tariff Autono my ami no country can liax - ** p>-.*•• as 1. j.jr as monarchists, criminals and trait can conspire ngaimtt Hie | 'sF , from the safety of foreign on iied concessions and s<-ttlcnie; is, xx i . r.. a’i-0 smuggling ot arms and traffic in opium arc pros|wrous eti . te: prises. The wlfole country is now see j thi. o xvith indignation. Nothing! short of abolition of tln-s.-iunjust ; treaties will a May the fi.diifgs of ti " people. It is the cpiua isns of i ours that as long as these treaties i ii. i.r fore;, •inci.len' similar . to those recently are bound to ayur. ; Hitherto, whenever h gitimuie j of .oands \'.i- made by <, the; |« wcis invariably rejc'-ted them on | tin pint xt that China xx . si ill in! lie throes of internal disturbance i.d that China had no strong re-j sponsible central government. For the last 11 year, -the,- stood t in tho wav of our national emaiici- I potion and progress. Titer* fore, the' fundamental solution ot the present" d K lies, first, in accep’auce by J the British authorities of the 13 de le:.i ds made by China fot settle-, no t of tile specific id ent at Shanghai and. second!'., tin: aboli-i i ti,,n of unequal treaties. Ii s i": 1 sighted Fate*nte - ot Bligland xx ill bravely come for : x-::id and cooperate with America j oiiti.-iting abolition on the un ! 1 < <.i:l ‘reaties, not ‘ only ill" thej f. clings of our people b. alloyed, , but A ugio-ChijK’S'i fr nd-ship again j ixx ill be i-eniented, thus iusttring j j.;. <in tlie far east. (Signed i l-’BNC Yl'llSl ANO. j Russir Blamcil ( ■ t Russian < Vim mil ii i ‘ ‘ s have i tii ’ i ipper hand in tin Kuomingtang or Xat : malist party in ('liiiia, and Russia halt jKiurcd SH,TOO,()Ot> into Communistic propaganda in China, •■'(•'•ordiiio to .M;t Son p< r>f• njj 1 a'gen t of the lute Hun Vsit Hen and former Vi ai-hingtoii displomatie repre.sonta- i t»*. e or Resident Hun's so railed south China republir as <|iioted in ■ in Interview with the llong Kong, T. iegraph. In addition to tin- fL',700,000 do-' ii< ed from fur note- in China,- Son j eh; iged that expenses of about ■ U<)<i mol. lily are paid from -Mos i eo’V to the eliief exeeutive of the i K ueiniiigtang. Hi o has returned to China, | he hoped to take a prominent role in the organization built up by his lee eliief. But, aeeording to his inters \v, he found the Knoinipg tj,ng had gore- over to Communism, Hun Ya* Hen, he pointed, out, want el a friendU attitude toward Kns ,it, but did not want Communism adopted in < hiua. H<o says that there are two great factors in tiie Kooiniugtattg’s ae li«';ie- at Canton and vieinitv. One . is (ir-oeral Liao Chung lloij former * led eivil governor' ol Canton and now its labor e>iiet. The dtliei is M. Borodin, Russian agent, to whom, ueeording to Mu 5.,:„ tin g.;m ml submit lab month ; ! lc expense account--: for transtnis sioti to Moscow. Soviet influence, says Mtt Nno, has pcect rated into the “minutest .og inutile polit '-‘it and tnilitary m-ichines of the Chinese party and lie claim ; that Russian officers, and aviators are serving xx i*ls flu Kuomingtae.g xvhile Buro din stands as the military director of tilt*' Nationalist pat‘x v ’s forces. I’., he claims, spreads money ittaeSg generals xvhile Ixussia is planting to us,, proi-eeds troni ltlin ber sale's in China as Itr-r next so; ice for spreading Conimdnist dm i.ines. He savs Russia will xx-'ork M iengst liexvspapcrs and colleges as pait of its alleged campaign to swing China to th< Soviet cause. -Fun Fo, son of the late president Sun Yat Sen, has arrived ai* Hong Kee.g and its reported planning to proceed to Canton when the ritua tu.a there is more composed. End Copyright HOLTVILLL Ilj I’rrw Stuff CorresiMmtlent HOLTVIL.LE, July in.—Mrs. .1, l>. Williams anil t'jiniilv returned Snmlay evening from San Benin: (lino, where they spent the fourth with Mrs. Williams ’ sister. Mrs. \\. F. Mills. They also attended the fireworks display at Pickering Park Saturday night. Among the loeal people who spent the week-end at Laguna were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. R, W. Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Fall ring. Virginia Little of the Alauiitos distriet, left last wrdk to spend a few days with Mrs. F. Stone in San Fernando. .7. !>. Williams lias returned from a six weeks visit with relatives in Texas. Kdward McXenl, son'of Mr. and Mrs. ,1. D. Me Neal of this city is in the Hl'Centro hospital as a result of a motor accident last Monday evening near Hood’s corner. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cuthbort, who are touriijo the eojisf in search of a site fof tiieir .future, residence, art spending a Text' dais in Redlands. ' The W* c; T. i:'. held a very a tcresting meeting Wednesday af ternoon at tile home of Mrs. H. B. Graeser. s. E. Cole, local barber, is spend ing a two weeks' vacation with his family in San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. R. !!. Harmon plan lo leave Friday eveniifg to spend tlo week-end at l ive Oaks Springs with Mrs. Harmon's mother, Mis. C. Shaw ver. ‘•Sonny'' Reeves of Banning, who formerly attended school here, is a visitor in this city and is renewing his old aec|uainfai:ces with the vfillllger set. Bay City Legion At War With Athletic Board SAN FRANCESCO, Jiilx- io, Bolden Gate I’ -t No. -lb, Am ri- ui Legion., With lesoltit jiiis which I'tomis:’ to be the niiig gun m a war on tl at "it* athletic *.-• * out rol of state Foxing. Golden G. o Post xva refused :» lio\b|o [sj niit :.i \ its resolution <-h; *gm diseriniinat! u> against the 1< go.n and favoritism to private pro mot* rs. Executive rtii-'tings of the commission i.lso wer. <core*l. Copies ol the rexdiitioa xx-ili c forxwirded to other po -. xx-ith a ii quest that t!ir legion generally support the action of tin local post, i’ xva declared by Hr. Waltci E. l.'oii, cha .-man ot the boxing coni n i'tee of Golden Gate i’o '. * /J jq Two cool mount ain routes $4.90 Up into mountain breezes in less than an hour from El Centro! Powerful motor coaches swing one over easy grades to San Di ego in splendid time. Via Campo 10:30 a. m. Via Descanso 8:00 a. m., 1:30, and 4:00 p. m. Round Trip $7.50 (Week End) LOS ANGELES $ S.OO SAN FRANCISCO $20.85 BAKERSFIELD $13.80 ~TI ** if PICKWICK STAGES MSYSTEIK OFFICE 481 MAIN CT. Pnoue 122 Calf Causes Freight Train To Leave Track Ilj- United l’rc*» Lobicil Wire CLEARWATER, Calif.. July 10.— A calf caused a Union J’aeifie frl'ieht train to leave the tracks nctnr here today, killing Harry Leach, hrakeinnii of Whittier, and injjuring slightly Clarence Kosxiter, Los Angeles. The calf was killed also. ' The train consisted of an engine and five flat • ears. The car on which Leach and Rpssoter were sit-* ting was being punned In the en gine and was derailed and ditched liy the impact with the calf. Mud ('reek, near MpCloud, Sts k'yoo county, is as large as the day i! started its mud flow but does not <•: iy so iiiauv boulders. Tilt 1 cause is unknown. 3* when iou mart on a trip f The man who plans his trip, and who checks his equipment carefully before Vo | starts, is generally the one who returns saying: “Had a wonderful time.” I Put your car in condition. Be sure you have the necessary equipment. Belovs' we | give a partial list of essentials. Avo : d disaopomtments by being prepared for any emergency that may arise, them before you leave. ‘Western .-»uto’’ men arc a. your service. Consult ms Is © r» • 9 rn • n qr l Light {!!*>.'A Jin V V* << ik - Here is an opportunity to save some real money on a guaranteed spot light. It is constructed entirely of brass and equipped with convex front lens—diame *ten of face almost 5 inches. —> $1.75 A t!.i m r It' vK , <3 Special. Double XX” Bumpers & :x ‘rr ■ m Saves its cost in the elimination of repair bills for fender dents and other damages This snappy looking humper is approved hy Insurance underxvri ers. A combination of gr* at durability, resiliency and beauty. II qh carbon spring st< tempered In oil and }.' i» treated. The three-coat niche! job is highly polished— will tit all cars. 1"i - In. h size for medium ,*• + cars, regular low price f ’.30, This W00U....W , v* sX.’ c»- 2-lnch steel, far large 9- —•.>>■ low s»rJco This Week’s price iic.w _ n rT It * —nr One ( f the most practical types on the market. Made of hiqh carbon spring steel, heat treated and In oil— t de nickel plated. The boltn and .supports at the £tul* c:vo the bumper added strength, l*,j-lnch ctcel. > .7 Regvhirly $l2 70. Sale Price Ivi-irch pled, for medium and largo cars— j?eyular!y $15.50, Notv ~ ...yIC.CO 3UMP2R FOR SMALLER CARS Similar in appearance to above, but does u r 'i have nupport ir.jj bolts in the ends. Ideally smit. d lor small ears. 1 Vj-inch steel bars, nickel plated—for Ford, Chevrolet. Star and Overland. Regularly, f*"? "7Jv r ■> t w This Week “Dsrsie” Spot Light \ spotlight is a necessity if mu plan to do any night driv ing. It picks out the house lumber, directions on sign po ts and spots bad places In Ike road. The Barrie Spot light is one df the most beau tiful on the market. It is made of the best quality of materials and In waterproof rind Uustproof. Its powerful light wilt penetrate heavy rains and fogs. Price. $7.53 Other Spotlights $3.45 to $l3 How Aboiu the Brake Lining— Fan Belt- Boyce 3-in-l Canteen •'OO extra water, gasoline and •il on the trip. Price $6.50 Jther canteens. .$3.45 to $8.90 “X” Liquid Cement will Immediately find and lermanently seals radiator eaks. Small size 70c -urge size $1.15 Radiator Hoae? A G )>. v Spare Tic suro that you have care fully gony over your brakes and that you are carrying an extra Fail Melt and Radiator Hose. “Neverburn” Drako Lining, proven to bo absolutely de pendable, seim for Irom 25c to 75c per tom, according to width and thickness. Fan Belts of good quality— from 25c to $2.10, according to make of car. Motor Coa t a of medium weight Khaki $4.50 Durabilt Union-Alls $3.45 TOW ROPE 17 feet long, % inch, strong Manila with loop fasteners at ends. Prica $1.85 More Than 125 Stores—All Over the West Western Ait. to ti(W Main Street £ Op c m W srJh r»w-- Know the tire you buy to be de pend.ible. W« stern flinnt C’ords are the chnlic of thousands of motorists who h ive tried them all and have found in "Western dlar.ts” everything they expo< t cd— dependability economy— -chradcr Tire Gnurje type 95c P ill< in 1 ne. .. . $1.30 ?r‘ i 1 xrsr'X .-'isSSSSk i No Glaring Sun —a .11 interfere with the plcae ure I'f your driving if tre car is equipped with r- Pyrabn visor. -,nd it helps to dress up the car n:nt keeps r..i off the wind ■'l i Id. The price is $5.25 Other visors SIJBS to $2.95 t (Ci a <dJ ne Prepared Complete your set of tools he fo e leaving. Have in your tool box everything you might need for roadside rc pairs. \\ e carry a complete lino of wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers all necessary to good workmanship. "V X t / m j *? r tb X Skid Chains, Too ’ You may need them—they can also lie used in pulling the car out of Ihe mud or as a tow rope if necessary. Priced from $4.25 up, according to size. I'/e can supply you with bulbs, bulb cherts, spark plugs, spar* tire locks end anything else you may happen to need when starts in? a trip. Pyrene Fire Extinguisher FulVguard your machine. Pyrene will quickly tmt out fines that water and ordinary chemicals would 1 *nso to spread. Price, brass finish, including brackets $12.00. Help Prevent Forest Fires Use an Ash Receiver and Electric Cigar Lighter Cigar I** • | liter. $2.90 Ash Receiver.... $l-20 .jSFvr- vv-»uc-’-irr 1 Its** ■ r'esp MOTHE R SAV ED FROM JAIL BY DAUGHTER’S PLEA SAN FRANCISCO, July 10. Plea of Louise Ctissella, University of California sophomore that her mother sold liquor only occasionally as a means of obtaining money t(i Tops ’em All CRAMER’S - TOAST BREAD Make Toast your Breakfast Food OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE MOV E D To 421 MAIN STREET Same Phono 123 ED ROYCE Friday, July 10, 1925 send her through college late yester dav won freedom for Mrs. (. assella after she had been sentenced to six months in tail. | Federal Judge Partridge rescind ed the sentence and ordered :\n in \ etitigation, meanwhile giving the woman her liberty. TO CONTINUE MEETING CATHOLIC WOMEN SAX FRANCISCO, July 10—Con tinuation of the biennial siiprepie eon volition of the Catholic. Daugh ters of America until late tomorrow was seen here today bv leaders. Selection of a 1925 convention oily is yet to conic, with Atlantic City apparently leading and Okla homa City, Houston, New Orleans, Ce.ieago, and Omaha also bidding. The world is shaped like a grape fruit instead of a lemon. On a Grand Puke cherry orchard at Auburn, Placer county, always a light cropper, a tin can filled with water ill which a flowering brunch of Diamond was placed, was fasten ed in each tree. The bees made a very heavy crow set.