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2 W ©menu’s ffufteresits 1111111111 fll ill ia i i::iiiiiii: DELIGHTFUL TEA COMPLIMESTS SEW MEMBERS OF TEX THOUSAND CLUB In compliment to the new mem bers of the Woman's Ten Thousand club, the membership committee ot that organization entertained yes terday afternoon with a charming tea held in the tea room of the clubhouse. With its glowing fire, baskets oi greenery and oi the brilliant coton easier berries, and .tall red candles furnishing the illumination, tin loom presented a festive appearance which was heightened by 'he beau tifully appointed tea tables with their centerpieces of cotoneaster and red tapers. A short program was given during the afternoon and was typical oi the Yuletide season. Mrs. C. E, Sones gave two delightful Christmas read ings. while a number of the lovely Christinas carols were sune by the two high school girls trios. Miss Kathryn Jones playing their accom paniments. The two trios sang sep arately, as well as giving a group ol sextette numbers, the girls being un- 1 tier the direction of Miss Lucile! Krause of the high school faculty. The songs were particularly strik ing. as they were sung outside the tea room, giving the effect of the old time Christmas carolers as they sang under the windows of the houses on Christmas morn. Girls taking part were: First trio, the Misses Marjorie Meyer. Ruth Grat ton and Barbara Tondro; second EARL W. FITE Plumbing Shop 1260 OLIVB FHONB 1047 j BROADWAY HOTEIT* i 205 N. Broadway Los Angeles j * Opposite Hall of Records J I 250 Rooms. Refurnished all new. j I Sl.OO per day up. i j JsYDNEL SMITH. Prop. ' We Sell °Sf?T Japanese Art and Toys, Dolls Also grood stock of Chinaware, hand painted. Priced cheaper than any oth er year. JAPANESE STORE 432 Broadway El Centro Seed Co. s Christmas Sale Starts Monday Morning at KATHERINE SULLIVAN’S Exclusive Shop for Women MEN’S TRAVELING CASES Imported—Regularly $2O and 525 ON SALE $12.95 FRENCH SILK UNDIES —All at reduced prices—hand-made lace trimmed. -thread -518.50 hand-made Gowns are -518.50 hand-made Slips are -iiund-made Step-ins on sale -512.50 hand-made Panties are t i 1200 Fine BRIDGE SETS at $5.95 FINE BAGS $2.95 to $7.95 Formerly $6 to $12.50 I i | 2 Decks of Cards I FINE IMPORTED MO ROCCO bags, aiso of pm seal and alligator—exclusive styles at reduced prices. Vv.v * & V -V -HERE ARE BEAUTIFUL imported gift novelties'for Men’s Gifts at cut prices—Real walrus and calfskin Traveling Cases fitted with brushes, comb, soap, razor and toothbrush holders. —Just what you'll like for a fine gift for a man. —FINEST IMPORET CREPE AND SILK hand-made underwear goes on sale now for those who appreciate finest merchandise. m VC VUf m VeV & Vu; & vtv 4^ V'.v & & vtv go & v - 4? v Cv V'.V $12.90 SI 0.95 53.95 to 58-00 58.75 * trio, the Misses Pauline Mathes Helen Siegal and Ahleen Crandall. Following the program, tea was 1 • rved, Mrs. B. M. Oruwell and Mrs I Ray Edgar presiding at the tea ta bles. from which the tempting re freshments were strved Guests of the committee included the officers of the club, the com mittee chairmen, and the following new members: Mesdames Charles O. Barrat Charles P Delp. E L. Carson Arthur Burke. Glenn Hipes, Marion Buckholtz. Harrie Wood. Walile Clark. Ed H Law. Perry C. Burke Thomas B Pasteur. Warren Fox Frank H. Mitchell, David L. Good rich. Herbert 1.. Lowdermilk. E. C Gorman, Carey Tam. O H Van Eman. and R. H McKibbin. Other guests of the committee in cluded Mesdames Eton Wells. E L Bennett. Ed Hargraves. Garrett H Braddt. J. M. Graves, James De Longchamps. Fred Nebel-Thau Bliss McCorkell and May Hill. The membership committee which acted as hostesses included Mrs Calvin G. Mousseau. chairman, and Mesdames George E. Mann. C. W Maitland. Harry Horton. W. A Mar shall, John B. McNeece. James H Mathes. Frank I. Shepherd, and El mer A Todd. W. C. T. U. MEETS WITH MRS. SUFFER Members of the local W. C T. U meet with Mrs. J- P. Nuffer at hei home on Olive avenue yesterday afternoon. The Beatitudes were read by Mrs. Nuffer after which Christmas plans were discussed and a report read by Mrs. Emma Wilkins, president, from Mrs. Margaret Stanfield, im migration officer at the border. According to the report. 86 bo\s and girls were tturned back at the border in the past month, and 255 interviewed, 241 from the state and 220 from the county while 14 were from other states. The next meeting will be the sec ond Friday in January. IMPERIAL VALLE 1 PRESS. EL CENTRO CALIFORNIA. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1930 PRESENT DA Y CLUB '. ENTERTAINED WITH CHRISTMAS PARTY Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Apple en tertained the members ol' the Present Day club last night at a charming Christmas party held at tlieir home. 678 Olive avenue. The house presented a brilliant holiday appearance, the rooms be ing decorated with a profusion of red and green candles, holly, and a huge basket of gorgeous poin settias. Dr. Warren Fox. county health officer, gave a splendid talk on his work here in the valley, stressing the fact that there are three full time workers in the valley to pro tect the public's health, and ex plaining some of the problems in regard to sanitation and contagious diseases that must be met. The club members enjoyed his address immensely and were glad to welcome him and Mrs. Fox into the community. Following Dr. Fox's talk, bridge was enjoyed, at the conclusion of which prizes were awarded to Dr. and Mrs. Fox for high scores and to Judge and Mrs. V C. Finney, for low scores. Mrs, Apple, assisted by Mr.' and Mrs. W L. Apple and Mrs. Oria Kenah served delicious refresh ments. the table being charmingly appointed The evening concluded with the singing of the favorite Christmas carols in keeping with the Yuletide spirit. Guests of the hosts were Judge and Mrs Finney, Dr. and Mrs. Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Apple. Madame Kath arine Ward Kupelian. and Mrs. Kenah. Club members present included Dr. and Mrs. E. O. Carter. Mrs. R. A Chesnut. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Costello. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Horne, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T. Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. Nont J. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Rice. Mr and Mrs. D. B. Roberts, and the hosts. Dr. and Mrs. Apple. CHRISTMAS PARTY HONORS A EWLY WEDS A delightful party, honoring Mr and Mrs. Jimmy Wiechert whose marriage was a recent event, was given last night by Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Crandall, at their home 540 South Fifth avenue. The Christmas motif predomi | rated in the attractive decorations, j a beautifully adorned tree sur rounded with gifts forming the ( high light of the decorations. The guests enjoyed an evening iof games. Mrs. W. H Walker and Wesley Heil receiving prizes, and refreshments were served. Those present were th members of the Pacific Finance office force and included the guests of honor, Mr. and Mrs. Wiechert, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Waddell. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walker. Miss Thelma Can j non. Arthur Cole and the hosts. Golden Wedding To Be Celebrated By Hodges El Centrans are much interested , in the golden wedding anniversary being celebrated in San Diego today and tomorrow bv Mr. and Mrs. J. E Hodge, pioneer residents of Impe rial Valley. A number of their valley relatives plan to aLend the party, among them being Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ty -1 ler, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Joh: Tyler, i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tyler. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Tyler. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. 'Wade, all of El Centro: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McKim and Mr. and Mrs. Luray Mouser, of Imperial; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trude of Bvaw ley, and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McKim of San Diego, formerly of Imperial. THIS KNITTED lam of black ami white wool is a typical type worn at football games. It wa* worn with a black wool costurra accented with a white scarf EVENING BRIDGE PARTY GIVEN BY MISS RICHMOND Another cf the delightful Christ mas parties being given this week was that at which Miss Romaine I Richmond entertained a group of | her friends at her home. 452 Holt avenue, last night. Exquisite red chrysanthemums were the flowers used while a ! huge basket lined with green pa j per and tied with red ribbons was filled with home made pop corn ; balls which the guests enjoyed dur | ing the evening. Bridge was tne diversion a,lc! at the conclusion of the game, Mrs. Edwin T. Milner received the prize for high score and Mrs. Joe Thomp- I son that for low. the prizes being i attractively wrapped in green and i ied paper with contrasting rib i bons. A delicious supper was served, the table being appointed in the Christmas covers. Dainty sand wiches were effectively wrapped in green and red papers and tied with blight ribbons, while the nut cups were in bright red. giving the table a festive appearance. Guests present iqfluded Mes dames Bert Fawcett. Joe Thomp son. Edwin Milner, and the Misses Celia Young. Mi.clreci Cole, Isa bella RoSL Margaret Lanier, Sue Pope. Maurine Mastick, Pauler.e Vaugh and Cecil Thatcher. Social Brevities j Miss Phyllis Kirkpatrick, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Kirkpa trick. 643 Olive avenue, is expect ing a friend. Miss Virginia Sher- I man Baldwin of Pasadena, to ar ! rive by plane today to spend the holidays as her house guest. Many attractive affairs are being planned in honor of Miss Baldwin, among them a bridge luncheon and an all day horse back ride. Friends of Miss Julia Foncannon, former resident of this city who is now living in Oceanside, will be in terested in learning that she is to have the role of soprano soloist ir. the production of "The Messiah" to be given by the Oceanside-Carls bad choral club in tne near future. Mount Signal school will hold another of its enjoyable dances to night at 9 o'clock in the school house. Good music will be furnish ed for dancing and a number of El Centrans are planning to attend the party. Seeley-Westside home department will meet Thursday December 18. at the home of Mrs Nanna Her rick. All members are asked to bring their quilt blocks. ELECT OFFICERS OF MOOSEHEA RT LEG/OX The women of Mooseheart le gion elected officers for the com ing year at the meeting held last night in the California hotel hail room, the following being ciio n. Mrs. Bessie A. Forshey, senior re gent; Mrs. J H. Johnson, chop!: Mrs. Nellie Gillett. junior re Mrs. Emil Schmitt, pan regent; Mrs. F. W Zinn. iccorder. and Mrs. Clarence E. Lewis. treasurer. The officers-elect will their duties at the first meetm in January. BRIDGE CLUB MEETS W ITH MRS. ASHER Mrs. Jerry Asher was hostess to her bridge club yesterday at her home, 620 Sandalwood avenue, the members meeting for luncheon unci an afternoon of contract. A centerpiece of exquisite rose, decorated the luncheon table, at which covers were laid for Mesdarnes J. D. Adams, L. C. House, J. s Jones, A. C. Johnston, Frank L Lathrcp, Henry L. Loud and the hostess.. At the conclusion of the bridge game, prizes were awarded to Mrs. Asher ail'd to Mrs. House for high scores. Public Installation For Calexico <). E. S. A public installation for the Ca lexico chapter ol the Order oi the Eastern Star will be held Monday, December 15, at 8 o'clock in the Elk’s hail of that city Officers elect who will be ins’ailed at this lime are as follows: Mrs. Grace errell, worthy matron; Vic tor Erickson, worthy patron; Mrs. Bessie Braffoid. associate matron; Marcus Bates, associate patron; Mrs. Maude Reddish, conductress; Mrs. Lila Knudsen, associate con ductress; Mrs. Clara Raab, treasur er; Mrs. Wahneta Echols, secre tary. RECIPE FOR FRUIT CAKE GIVEN PRESS With Christmas approaching many women arc planning to make fruit cakes both for their own use• and for Christmas gifts As well. An unusually fine recipe is presented through the courtesy of the Wesson Oi! company and is given below: Wesson Oil Fruit Cake 1 cup Wesson oil, 1 cup shaved : citron. 1 _ cups brown sugar. 3 cups flour, 4 eggs, 2 teaspoons salt, I'- eui . candied cherries, 1 cup chopped c andied pineapple, 3 cups nuts. 1 cup fruit juice, 1 teaspoon baking pow der. 1 cup raisins, 1 teaspoon ground cloves. 2 teaspoons cinnamon. 2 tea •pcons allspice, 1 cup chopped figs. Mix Wesson Oil. sugar and egg ■oiks and beat vigorously for two j minutes. Silt together spices, salt, i linking powder and two cups of the flour and add alternately with the unit .u.iiee to the first mixture. Then add the fx-ult and nuts which have been mixed with the remaining cup of flour. Fold in the egg whites beaten stiff and bake In a very slow event 275 degrees FA for about tour , hours. A AME COMMITTEES FOR EASTERN STAR Signal chapter. O. E. S, held its regular meeting last night in the Mason ie Temple vith all of the new ly installed officers in their stations Routine business was discussed .Mrs. Ethel A. Martin, worthy ma tron, appointing her committees lor the year as fellows: Auditing. Neal Hatch. Mrs. Marie Scher.iman, Mrs. Hattie Evans; ex amining. Mrs. Gertrude Maitland Mrs. Alma Graham, and Seymour McCrory: social. Mrs. Nan Bibbins Mrs. Ethel McCorkle; press, Mrs Hazel A. Reynolds; decorating, Mes dames In a Anderson, Helen Cook. 'Grace Kincaid: calling. Mrs. Mar ram Girard; reception. Mrs. Hazel A. Reynolds. Officers and members were re minded of the public installation ol Imperial Crown chapter of Calexico i lor Monday evening, December 15. The officers will also practice with their deputy. Estella Falla of impe rial. Sunday afternoon. December 21. ' 2 o'clock in the local Masonic I Temple. Y. H\ C. ,1. MEETINGS TO BE HELD MONDAY Two important Y. W. C. A. meet .ngs v. .11 be held on Monday and at both of them Miss Josephine Br< wn, pioneer secretary oi the val ley w! i has recently beer, in China will be an honor guest. The county Y. W. C A. executive board will meet Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock .n the tea room oi tne Woman’s Ten Thousand club anc the local board will meet at the same place Monday evening at 8 o'clock. At this latter time the old board will entertain the new board and the advisors, as well as Miss Brown. Girl Reserves To Gere t Vesper Service Sunday A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend the annua! Girl Reserve vesper service to be held tomorrow evening at 7:3C o'clock in the State Street Christian church. Tiiis service, in commemoration ol Christmas, is one of the most beau tiful cf the season, and the girls with the assistance of Miss Verna E McKeehan, advisor, and Miss Lu cile Krause and Miss Isabella Ross ail of the high school faculty, plan to make omorrow’s, one of the loveliest of them all. STANDARD RULES OF ETIQUETTE Question: What is the correct size cf the calling card? Answer: A married woman's card is usually fiom 2 7 to 2d inches long by ?-2 : i inenes high, the smal ler cards being in popular favor. An unmarried womans card is usu ally in the sma.ller size and cards tor very young girls are still smaller. A man's card is narrower, irom 2 7 s to 3'i inches long and from 1 d to l-'« inches high. Question: How should visiting cards be engraved? Answer: Cards are usually of white or cream white unglazed card hoard of medium thickness, though at times, thin, artificial parchment is preferred. Shaded engraving. Roman in par ticular, is much in vogue. Script is always good, but all ornate lettering should b"> avoided. First Presbyterian It is the aim of all departments ol the church to have 100 per cent attendance tomorrow at the 11 o'clock worship hour. The pastor Rev. John S. A. Gunn, will have lor his subject: “Fallen Gods and Ruined Temples." The program of music includes: Anthem by the choir, "Still, Still With Thee’’ <S. G. Pease); two piano numbers by Mrs. S. P. Holli day, ‘ Buona Notte” <Nevin>, and “Adestc Fireiis"; a violin solo by Mr Horace Williams. “Londonderry Air iKreislen; and a baritone solo by Mr. Ray Johnson "Open the Gates of the Temple " Parents so desiring may take ad vantage cf cur nursery department conducted at the time of the morn ing serve by Miss Remmcn, ler children frorp about two to six years Church school at 9:45. Mrs. Fred P. Nuttall, superintendent. Come, ii yen are not attending elsewhere. On account of the service being conducted by tii° Girl Reserves at the State Street Christian church which our society will attend, there will not be any meeting of the Christian Endeavor tomorrav/ eve ning. Strangers are very cordially in* | vited to attend our services. State Street Christian The pastor will present an illus trated sermon Sunday at the 11 o’clock hour on "What Muddled up the Church'?" Those who hear this sermon will never forget it because of the unique way in which it is presented. The evening service will be the : Christmas candlelight service of the rl Reserves. The Endeavor So ; riotics will meet at 6 p. m. instead of 6:30 on account of the Girl Re | serve program. A great deal of interest is being ! shown in the pastor's request for ! essays on "What I would do if I were the preacher." These essays are requested as responses to the sermon last Sunday on “What 1 would do if I were in the Pew." ! There were 10 responses to the in vitation io church membership last Sunday. The public is Invited to , submit essays on the above men tioned subject as church member ship is not a requisite in the matter. The Christmas season holds some : good things for all who attend the i church and Bible school services of this church. Christian Science “Withhold not thou they tender mercies from me, O Lord: ; let thy loving kindness and thy truth continually preserve me.” This petition of the Psalmist con stitutes the golden text in the les son-sermon on “God the Preserver of Man." Sunday, in all branches of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Bos ton. Mass. The scripture selections include ! various other verses from the Psalms, among which are the fol lowing: “My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot [ to be moved: He that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold. He that ! keepeth Israel shall neither slum ber nor sleep . . The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore." One of the passages from "Sci j cnee and Health wdth Key to the j Scriptures." by Mary Baker Eddy. ; states: "Thy history of Christian ity furnishes sublime proofs of the j supporting influence and protect : ing power bestowed on man by his heavenly Father, omnipotent mind, who gives man faith and under standing whereby to defend him self, not only from temptation, but 'irom bodily suffering. First Baptist “With Jesus in His Home Towns.' is the sermon subject of Rev. C. E F’anagin at the morning church service at 1! o'clock. The choir furnishes special music. The Sunday school meets at 9:45 u in. sharp. There are different departments and classes for all ages of boys and girl-, young men and young women and adults. Men and women are especially invited as there are special classes for both Parents are urged to attend and bring their children. The B. Y. P. U. with the meeting for young people at 6:30. The Christmas subject of How to Make others Happy" will be the topic ol the evening. Christmas plans and programs will be announced at Sunday school and church tomorrow. The prayer meeting on Wednes day evening, 7 :30. There will be no evening church service tomorrow evening at the church unites in the union candle light Christmas service put on oy the Girl Reserves at the Christian Church at 7:30. To all services strangers are cordially welcome. NAZARENE CHURCH The pastor, Rev. M. W, Gunn, will bring the messages on Sun day at both services. His subject for morning worship will be "A startling Revelation", 11 a. m. At 7:30 p. m. his subject will be "A Striking Contrast". Our church Bible school, which meets at 9:45 a. m. has classes to meet the needs of all ages. Y. P. society which meets at 6:30 p. m., will present a missionary program representing our work among the Latin Americans. If you are unable to attend serv ices for any reason and would care to attend ours, we would be glad to make it possible if it is within cur power. If you are a ‘shut in’ and would care to have a prayer meeting at your home or if in any way we can be of service to you, please let us know! A cordial welcome to all. HI A RCH NARROW HEEL 1 FOOT gWEAR EXCLUSIVE Peacock * Shoe Styles AAAA to C —and with plenty ol all sizes to fit you correctly. —Original new pump styles rea dy now. EEACOCK SHOE SHOP 018 MAIN Methodist Episcopal Church school 9:45 a. m. Paul Thornton, superintendent. Morning worship li o clock. Ser mon by the pastor. Subject: “The Word Made Flesh. The choir will sing an anthem entitled "On Life's Highway ", by Bertrand-Brown. Mrs. King at the piano will lurn ish the following numbers: Pre lude, "Andantino in D Flat", Le rnare; offertory, "In the Twilight”, Oeorge Posca; postlude, "Postlude :n C ”, Ashford. We invite all who have no church home to worship with us particu larly. if they are lovers of good music, for our choir and our pi anist give us week by week, pro grams of musical worship that are Open Evenings Until Christmas Select Your Christmas Cards Now OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY GIFTS OF CHOICE rjc I ft! EH=r=!El HlO Methodist Episcopal Church Sixth and Commercial Streets W. E. MALAN, Pastor SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1010 9:45 Sunday School; classes for all ages. Paul Thornton, Supt. 11 a. in. —Morning Worship. Sermon be Pastor—“ The Word Made Flesh" Special anthem by Choir. "On Life’s Highway" i Bertrand-Brown) Special piano numbers by .Mrs. King. 6:30 p. m.—Cpwor:h teafue Leader, Betty Tipps. 7:30 d. in Union services under auspices of the Girl Reserves. - l^3nnr=s==iP'ir===SG[====iSt^^^iL J i=:-=^:SE^— DOE EH=- C ‘WHAT MUDDLED UP THE CHURCH?” Hear this question discussed in a way you will ne\cr forget ISundav at 11 a. in. State Street Christian Church FIFTH AND STATE V .E. BI'TTERWORTH, Pastor Have you submitted your essay on "llhat I Would Do 11 I Win a Preacher"? St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Missouri Synod A. W. KAISER. Pastor Two Lutheran services are conducted every Sunday morning in our Church in Holtville. Church is located on Chestnut street. A block west of main highway to Yuma, south of Valley Hospital. English worship at 0:15. German worship at 11:00. A hearty welcome to all. FIRST BAPTIST CIIURCH Phone 790-W Seventh at Olive C. E. FLANGIN, Pastor Residence, 724 Orange Avenue SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School, 9:45 a. in. Classes for all ages. A. 11. Moody, Supt. Morning Worship. 11 o’clock Sermon by Pastor. “With Jesus in His Home Town Special music by the Choir. Cnion Candle Light Christmas .service—7:3o at Christian Church “How to Make Others Happy" B. Y. F. U. will meet at G:3O p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday Evening at 7:30 Choir Rehearsal Friday Evening. 7:30 o’clock Miss Gladys Clay-pool. Pianist J. C. Phelps, Choir Director Strangers are cordially invited to all services church Kcv Sixth and Orange John S. A. Gunn, Pastor. Res. 612 Heil Avc. Sunday School—9:ls Morning Worship. 11 o’clock. Sermon by Pastor. Subject: “Fallen Gods and Ruined Temples" Choir anthem. “Still. Still With Thee" (S. G. Prase! Violin solo by Horace Williams. Baritone solo by Ray Johnson. Young People’s Christian Endeavor —6:30 Mrs. S. P. Holliday. Pianist. S. P. Holliday, Director. A cordial welcome to all riionc 1111 -J. ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fifth Street between Orange and Holt Avenues THE REV. CHARLES WILSON BAKER. Vicar The Third Sunday in Advent. Sunday School at 10:00 a. in. Holy Eucharist at 8:00 a. m. All are cordially invited to these services ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Corner of Piftb Street and Orango Avcnuo REV. FELIX SHERIDAN. Pastor Residence, 428 South Fifth Street. Phono 455 Hours of Mass: Sunday, 8 a. m. and 10 a. m. VISITORS HEARTILY INVITED CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE REV Eighth and Orange . M. W. GUNN, Pastor. Address—lo3o Commercial Street SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 a. m., Church Bible School—Classes for all ages. 11 o'clock Service —Sermon by Pastor “A Startling Revelation" Young People’s Society—6:3o. 7:30 o’clock—Sermon by Pastor "A Striking Contrast" Lovejoy Irwin, Sunday school Superintendent We’ll make you welcome. The Assembly of God Church Corner of Tenth and Park Avenue C. E. SHIELDS, Pastor Residenco 417 Imperial Avenue, Imporial Sunday worship—ll a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School, 9:45. Classes for all ages. J. M. Stark, Supt. Mid Week Meetings, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Young People's Meeting, Friday, 7:30 p. m. A Cordial Invitation to All CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES First Church of Christ, Scientist, of El Centro, California, a Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass., holds all Services in the Church Edifice, corner Olive and Seventh Streets. Sunday School, 9:30 o’clock; Sunday morning services, II o’clock. Subject: "GOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN” Wednesday Evening Testimonial Meeting at 8 o’clock. The Reading Room, located in the Rehkopi Building, corner Main and Sixth Streets, is open daily (Except Sundays and Legal Holidays) From 12 to 4 p. in. All are welcome to the services and to use the reading room. St. Paul’s Episcopal Services tomorrow for St. Paul’s Episcopal church, the Rov. Charles Wilson Baker, vicar, will be those lor the third Sunday in Advent. Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 8 a. m. and Sunday school will be at the usual hour of 10 a. m. All are cordially invited to these services. most helpful and inspiring. Epworth League G:3O j. m. Lead er, Betty Tipps. Subject, “Work ing For a Better World.” There will be no evening service of worship at 7:30, because of the union service under the auspices of Ihe Girl Reserves.