Newspaper Page Text
SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 1945 < \PT\I\ GLAZE VTTENDS BURIAL RITES FOR WIFE Captain O. P. Glaze of the ma rine corps arrived in Et Centro Tuesday night and attended grave ide services for his wife and their infant son. who were buried in Ev rren cemetery. r (’a pt ain Glaze was rushed on cm < ency furlough from a central Pa i ific island by plane to San Diego. He is visiting his mother-in-law, Mrs, Estelle Reid, and his daugh ter. Linda. His parents. Rev. and Mrs. Charles Glaze and sister, Miss I ortaine Glaze of Colorado also . (■ in El Centro. DEATH-FUNERAL NOTICES i ViONA. ESPTRIDON 48. died Wednesday night. Mr. Magnn unived by two sons. Funeral ervice ■ will be held Saturday it Lemons-Wiley Mortuary. Burial will follow at Evergreen Cemetery. ’ \ ' DONALD E. 5 months o'd >ll el Joe E. Moss, died A’. 15 i san Diego The >aby is also revived by grandparens in nieagle. Burial will be in Mont . Tennessee. Card of Thanks CARD OF THANKS We w h to expres sour thanks •" everyone for all the kindness mi i on.Mderation shown us during ■ >( ent loss of our home. R. 1.. BANNISTER and daughter PATSY JOE WASH TUBBS B- v CRANE fl WAS x MH.rARY SECURITY POLICE ft VS SEARCH V THEY SOY? c'.estiohed me for hours.' our house ac-A'U .one's- wpinsoff ocR LOC< = o. \ 3C-3-’ LEARMES NO T HIN6 7 TOPAXSIS.. .TORE lAW FORCES Bill POn'T OFF THE AIR SEFORt 1 CAN THE - y-e -r-s—" EVERY’HIM6 OPEN, ! KNOW WHO OR HOW! OTHER INFORM AT'.ON Lve OC"EN i- -AR<6 —. EVENCARR'EP / FORTHEA.A.F, y-'- 0= C O'.RLAST X. PESPERATg I , ...... -y -r'G L - uk > ”U few 9ooK6! „ ikM - ' Hii Km# I • ~ ~? t M* r ' • M■ • I \ T. -•«« ,G \| I J k SG )I)> "r.y£rS£A.r-l iNg, -rj PX-.. TV ALLEY OOP __ By v. T. HAMLIN K it'Fl p= T JST ABO tA G-AD = SV, .M-A y r i NEV—R SA/.' j A .. . -r fSJ . bssasfast.' •; / ,% s ec< x;=) “ WADE OUT/BIT LIGHT- ' ' Y v. a 15 WE may sfc.'U -SI-? _ J"! a 'BEABuETO f tW L - - ■■-\T.''’' s== them.' ■■> A - k ' “U.- - /_ < / \„~y T' 7h ’ 7 v '■ I Q J ■—« \<r C b .,-, .._ lOE FAWOKA Bv HAM fish ßß SEtaPfr*, K I LAST Rf ••V'.'rs.-c.- ■■ P.v« J .L J .LU.r>><I SWELL'MELAay PUT <J« f ..-.Vv.-U H 7CEANIN ■GCb’NABf WAS FOR- J SOME KINOA SWEET kz « '.J IMhL ■ ■ TNITE I 'I GOT ■ 2WSVOUR. ■ SMELUN STUFF AN’ Fl'X - ) ■ - - -X-T CN'VSG SWELL IF I C-J.T hINOC .FPEEN' ITS AS GOOS' A 3 / •■•I ■ ” T (.S.-.-TA 6».-;aED//\ V.FO A GOT .AA TWFM FP~W. THESE 7 ‘ EVER SHE WANTS >'■ jfl . '>> / RATS. TFIXYOUNCW J— F id/ ■■ / ■;'■- / z | 'tjF- y f x.a' ■; ’■ "I e 3 JL R Si 11! I k -..-W M Y HiilrOiiii i w red RYDER By FRED HARMAN wlsH® Ilv PUflAl? MARTIN Bv EDGAR MARTIN BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES , | ‘ COQf\. THINK Of I PYbCLYi YKt'd FxKj'd XiO'd VJPiKiXS c\OVWV=> -VtAY A WIKW US ‘SOMt ' J XQOVA _ hG6OOW F 6 r ' W < AVY TO ' X ‘ VYAYiACHY nSa, VOOS\?>YY. . ' ~ g: #0 I- -1 i utSvrYRNDS By .MERRILL BLOSSER HIsWiENDS- ~ , W?% , wwi fe®* -. MIFFED ABOUT? ? FORj O B£T rER- il oo ' 1 - J HAVE TO CHOOSE BOND WILL THAT MOOLA TO DROWN . < WIN THAT Vc'AR. BOND. BETWEEN HER. / MATURE BE'/ BOND My SORROWS IN i r - \ V CHANCE TO WIN y I AND A WAR. bond' J FORE HILDA 7 AND MILK-SHAKES, BUT J ■-—n ."®Px£3u*'*~ /wwKi'wtl s.. > will' y Hilda ■• i can sure , —< .-- • t® MS-’ <<5 \ ■9®’ !, r . tSKSEl'v'Gives you D4M rc M ■ >'- \'■i ra f ■ f - 1"-T BBW i - < w«ab *wW ■' v a V Zf'K’zl ' t AAtah ■< T-Yi' W y ’'l <M IMR &' - /'**** >r Y /' A:" 1 *'* ' I" 9«t BY nr* JEWVICC. INC T, M°tC. U, T, f <T ~~ r ■ ' L- . A/JJ / • - 1 • . . j I—Lost, Found, Estray LOST—On Main St. between sth amt kt-h. man's wallet containing No. 3 ration book belonging to Richard Lee Havens, also checks and money. Please return to Post- Press. 8-21 FOUND —Large turtle. 483 Wensley. Phone 2362-W. 8-18 I —Personals, Spec. Notices TILE WORK - Remodeling —Drain Boards —Bathrooms AVAILABLE NOW Write or Call CONTINENTAL MARBLE & TILE CO. Ph. 96.5 Mayan Hotel El Centro 8-24 DO WORKED or bound button holes. Mrs. Jesse Brown. 1075 Euclid. El Centro. COOLER repairing; motors re placed; repacking; spray paint ing; complete cooler replacement Phone Imperial 3906. 8-20 I—Business Services Sunland Dairy 1455 WEST MAIN HOME DELIVERIES' Rhone 76 —Pasturlzed Milk. Homogenized Milk. - Half & Half. —Buttermilk. —Cottage Cheese. 3 -Business Services For The Duration Commissions On All NEW BUSINESS WILL BUY WAR BONDS Honestly It’s the Best Policy" See Washburn Phone 160 608 Main I FOR SALE STEEL ANY SIZE, ANY AMOUNT WE BUILD AND REPAIR ANYTHING CARRIER LIFTS, FLAT RACKS, TRAP WAGONS. BED SHAPER, AND MANY OTHER ITEMS BLACKSMITHING RISC ROLLING S. R. Palowsky 1231 MAIN ST, EL CENTRO PHONE 519 9-18 Wilsons shop 1322 Main St. PHONE 40 9-1 WE WILL PAY CASH For clean rags free of but tons. No heavy material such as overalls. POST-PRESS 625 State St. El Centro THE POST-PRESS, EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA You Can Talk to One Man .... Classified Ads to Thousands 3—Business Services "DEAN'' THE BUG MAN Phone 359 140 No. sth El Centro 9-1 ANDERSON AND -MARTIN Welding Gas and Elcctic Brazing and Hard Facing 24-Hour Portable Service Anywhere Anytime Heber, Caliornia Phone 8728-J3 8-28 6 —Help Wanted CHURNMM \N. EXPERIENCED by largest dairy in Los Angeles. Top scale wage . Reply Box 453. Post-Press. 8-20 WANTED Boys to carry evening paper routes. See Art Davis at Post-Press after 4:30 p.m. 8-20 WANTED—Vegetable and melon grower. Write fully giving experi ence. age and references. Box 451. Post-Press. 8-24 WAITRESSES wanted. See man ager. Hotel Barbara Worth. 8-24 WANTED Part-time dishwasher, waitress and clean-up man. See Mr. Woodall at Hamilton’s Foun tain in Cook's Market. 643 Main St. 8-21 WANs' GIRI, for office work. Must be able to type and a bookkeeper. Phone 1182. 510 So. 6th St. 8-21 WANTED Truck mechanic. Apply At Imperial Ice Company Garage, Commercial and Railroad Tracks. I See Al Volkart. 8-20 6—Help Wanted SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY NEEDS YOUNG WOMAN As Office Representative To Handle Business Transactions with the Public. I Pleasant Working Conditions Opportunities for Advancement VACATIONS WITH PAY Wage Increases Regularly APPLY 612 STATE STREET EL CENTRO GET ESTABLISHED NOW WITH A PERMANENT RELIABLE COMPANY M We need men who are interested in gas utility work. Jobs open in Brawley, El Centro and Calexico Experienced or inexperienced men. Call for an interview at 135 South Sixth St., El Centro. Coast Counties Gas & Electric Company 8-20 AUTO CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIF. Offers Salaried, Permanent Position as Sales Representative Excellent Opportunity for Advancement See Air. Snow at 825 Main, El Centro or Mgr. U. S. Employment Service.. El Centro 8-21 .MAN or boy faiAiliar with dairy work, mechanically inclined, for servicing Surge milking machine and other dairy equipment, also shipping, receiving and stockroom ■ work in San Diego store: perma nent and advancement. Bill Snodgrass, Dairy Division, Indus tries Supply Company, 356 Filth ; Ave., San Diego. 8-20 BLACKSMITH wanted. Must be A-l workman. A. C. Eaves Co., Bih and D Sts., Brawley. WANT experienced colored woman I housekeeper; best wages; two in , familv. Mrs. M. Marcot, 484 Main St.. El Centro. 8-23 . EXPERIENCED maid, white or colored. Call 1189 El Centro. 8-23 MAN. 21 to 40. to manage small i business; salary $2OO monihly and 25 per cent profits; good man wilt make $4OO month; $lOOO cash bond guaranteeing conduct re quired Write, giving experience and references. Box 450, Post- Press. 8-25 i MECHANIC and body man now also parts man needed, good pay Carter Motor and Supply. 1717 San Diego Highway. Ph. 69. 8-22 9 Business Opportunities WILL PAY CASH for going busi ness. Give details. Write Box 454. Post-Press. 8-18 10— Apartments for Rent LADY will share apt. with couple Kitchen privileges. Private bed room. 523 Vine. 8-19 11— Houses tor Hent WILL exchange two-bedroom fur nished house for furnished apart ment in town. Post-Press, Box 452. 8-20 FURNISHED house or rent to per manent residents; no children or pets. 723 Orange. .8-20 12— Wanted to Rent KITCHENETTE apartment or small house; two adults; permanent ten ants; $25 reward. Box 459, Post- Press. 8-21 FURNISHED house” in El Centro wanted by permanent family. Call Asst. Supt., P.M.T. Company. Ph. 1580. 8-21 13— Rooms for Rent ROOM FOR RENT 437 Vine St.. El Centro 8-23 17— Country Property—Lease wTehancock Since 1914 “The Farm Land Man" 1% miles west of Court House PHONE 689 FOR LEASE—4O ”acres old alfalfa for vegetables; soft land. 614 Main. Phone 474. 8-18 FOR — SALE”OR LEASE—4 bedroom house. City conveniences, cool and shady. 14 miles west of Marine Base. 7 miles west of El Centro on Highway 80. Phone 8721-J-4. 8-18 18— Country Property—Sale MT. LAGUNA CABIN FOR SALE' Cool summers. Winter sports. 80 miles west from El Centro. 35 from Jacumba. Lot 578. El Centro Tract. Cleveland National Forest; near Mt. Laguna Lodge. Nice cabin, fine view; glassed-in porch: fireplace: sleeps 6. Furnished, electric reriger ator, range, radio: floor urnace: yard furnace Price $2500. Terms. Immediate possession. At cabin August 12 to 26, or write Box A. 3018 w. Victory, Burbank, Ca’.if. 8-20 18— Country Property—Sale FUGATE FOR FARMS 614 Main Phone 4~4 9-1 80 ACRES, two years in alfalfa Good water delivery and drain age. Modern house with modern conveniences. Barn, garage, chic ken pen. Owner must leave valley due to his heal’h. t mi. cast and >, mi. south of June'ion of Hl highway and Imperial highway Howard Larson. 8-31 PINE VALLEY Large lots S4CO and $6OO. Buy now. Build later. E. C. Bangs, broker 9-1 FIVE acres good land in alfalfa, fenced and cross fenced; five-room modern house, nice lawn, some young fruit trees. wa<li and store house, stationary tubs; chicken equipment; prop e r t v adjoins northeast city limit': Oak St. and Villa Ave. Phone 120 -R. 8-21 FOR SALE 1 acre on Euclid and Dahlia canal ..A three room house, new electric water system. Inquire of George Carrell. 1 mi. west of 4 corners on San Die > Highway. Phone 8701-R-2. 8-18 24 ACRE'S, stucco louse, tele phone. water pressure. G. E. Cook, P. O. Box 1086, El Centro • 8-20 FORTY acres good land with a nice six-room modern house. 3' ■ miles south of El Centro on Calexico high wap. Sam Turner, telephone 8710-Rl. 8-23 .•'BOLT 70 act able house: $5OOO. Sn .Starr Von Fluss, 664 Holt .“-25 19— City Property lor Sale LARGE 3-bedroom frame house, garage and chicken pen-: $3250 cash. THREE-BEDROOM : <■■ .south side. $7OOO. MODERN 2-bcdroom liousi . hard wood floors, vcncuan blinds, ga rage. $7OOO. t $ 111 TWO houses, one stucco, one frame; income $l4O month: price $B5tU. half cash. TWEED JOLLY LISTINGS WAN'I I i) 614 Mam Phone 474 8-25 I'OR SALE 2 bedroom i ioh- c. south side, good local ion: cooler, new water heater, close to school gar age. fenced rear yard $4725. TYLER INSURANCE SGENCY 520 Mam IL one 660 > * 8-18 ONE of ttic better tl.rcc-lM'droom houses in Imperial Tins is a na■■■ home and includes good furniture, including electric stove and v.;r ■ heater; $4250, furnished; kike, $3200 to handle. TYLER INSURANCE AGENCY 520 Main St. Phone 660 8-18 MODEPN 3-bcdroom . tuci-o resi dence; posses ion by clo.-e of e - crow. TYLER INSURANCE AGENCY 520 Main Phono C6O 2 HOUSES” 1 fun d on larg< in Villa Farms, just north of Filin Plant on 3rd Street. Total pr: $lOOO $l6OO cash and $45 1 ’ month on the balance. HERBERT LOWDEKMH K Real Estate at <1 Insuraiue 116 N. 6th St. El Cent 1 ■ HOUSE FOR SALE lAt. or ent . Dean Richmond. 135 West 7th S’ Hnltvile. Phone 91. 8-. A LARGE 6-room furnished lie 2 lots, 3 bedrooms, covered gars ■■■ large Westinghouse range. Nor ■ refrigerator, electric water iica" large cooler, large circulating heater fruit trees. Must be : < to be appreciated. 313 W. 12 1 Imperial. :-:-22 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in Imp< 304 No. J St. One block 1 District office.' ; 1 6 ROOM hou 1 2 porches ’0 Tenns. Phon" 227 Holtville FOR SALE Two-bedroom hou 1 hardwood front room. Just pam cd inside and nut Cooler and clcc. water heater. Nice lot. Im mediate possession. $4750. Terms TYLER INSURANCE AGENCY ■ 520 Main. Phom tain 8-24 FOR SALE Partly furnished house and garage. Villa Farms. S160I) cash. J. D. McKinzie, 323 Mag nolia. El Centro. 8-21 TWO houses on lot 60 feet b\ 1 >0 feet for sale. $llOO. 837 Park 8-21 THREE acres, modern, five room-, furnished, garage, city water, miscellaneous buildings, oirrals: $4200; $15(10 will handle; or trade for El Centro; might consider i small house trailer as part pay ' ment. First street south of water | tower, first house on left. Im perial. 8-20 : FOR SALE One-bedroom hi ! newly redecorated inside and ' •’ and furnished; on Holtville m- u way. T. S. Vermillion, first h c>e | west of Lucky Strike Court 'FOR SALE —Five rentals on : h side for $3OOO. See Starr -on ■ Fluss, 664 Holt. 8-25 TWO buildings on one lot. I rentals; gross income $1350 • : i year: price $4OOO. One 2-bcdi dwelling. $l5OO-. CLAUDE VEDDER '534 Olive. Phone 17. -J • >•> 1 THREE-BEDROOM house, tc t room rental in rear, both pletely furnished. KATE OLDHAM 127 No. 6th. El entro 21—Furniture for Sale HOUSEHOLD furnishings inc' ing :wo bedroom sets, dining root rt breakfast room set. electric . '’“c. ! two rugs. 1039 Wensley. -18 | STUDIO couch $25. over.' -'d chair $l5. electric cookstov $45, oil burner heater $35. ei ' o drawers $B. dresser $l5, cl: ng room furniture $5O. work ench $l5: etc. 749 Wensley. 8-22 LARGE SIZE Simmons bal 713 Hnlt. Phone 1481. 7-18 Phone SOO 32—Used Cara NEW TIRES! Passenger & I ruck Official Inspection Station STOP IN TODAY Womack-Mitchell Motor Co. CHEVROLET DEALERS 890 Main St. El Centro Phone 1108 21— Furniture lor Sale ONE ROUND dinin- one 75- lb. ice box. one ■e' l ,1 springs and m.ittre -. one <i .rt cooler, one bedroom .-..r.e. Orange 8-If! V\ \LNUT dining r >,.m . nsion ta ble, $l3 00. 637 Vine. 8-18 22 Electrical Appliances F< >R SALE Taylor Sit r electric .ewing machine. Inqui: 724 State. 8- 23 Miscellaneous tor Sale KEEP Oil' THE HEAT Get better results f in your ooling system by xsulating your home with F’H? EX in . illation board anil Zi >NOI ITE 1.11 insulation. EL CEN l ilt > 1 I y H R \ TRADING <<>. lie i Adams St. i’::one 1092 9- FREEZER BOXES Cotnnieclal Refrigeration Equipment and S-rvlpe. Many items priority free. Dairy Equipment. PHONE OR CALL SHEI.EI RNE REFRItJERATIox CO. 1247 Main St. Phone 7a3-J The FAIR 1215 Main St. Phone 1090 STACi IAT I’M', : S 100 per i ent in -ri . ' in.'.; St a - coat. Once oy< r lor it. lie wall, and ceilin'.'l Sealith w.iterpro.C taint lor stu 'co. brick and eciut.ii: ime million article, ;■ -r .- ale. ONE MH LION ARTICLES FOR SALE EL CENTRO NURSERY 300 No. Imiierlal A re. Phone 633 El Centro FOR SALE Show case. Al! . ' . six feet long, adjustable sii' /.es. Post-Press Newspapers. TRASH BARRELS $3. jO. Valen (>1! Co. Phene ' 1'»! Third and Broadway I!-.!. THREE. e ; e< .'trie ranees for .de Your pick. S4-' one 7-’o a N porcelain refrigerator; one ;; .tai cubic foot blower, new; l-li p Carrier relricera;or nnii for meat freezing. AFo n lee* by 40 feet building for rent or ic c. con taining two 10-foot or of- fice rooms. Bob Van Dec Linden.. ■197 State Ph me :>99 8-2*' FOR SALE '37 Dodge parts and motor, cheap. Box 4•, P< t-Prr -8-21 FOR SA! E one 2-loh chain block almost new, $45 cash. Cml (la rage. 1498 Adams. 25 Let's Swap WILL TRADE 3-bedroont >!«('■ house 3 : . years old. in Los An gele.- area for propertv m El Cen tro. or what have yon? .Jimmy Broyles. 1-1867 Miii*’’ Am .. Gar dena. Call!. 26- —Farm Needs WANTED ANY KIND OF TRACT OR WORK HAVE TWO COMPLETE OUTFITS SID TURNER Phone 8733-J4 Holtville O’Connell Bros. FARM IMPLEMENT DEALERS BRAWLEY, CALIF. USED EQUIPMENT— All-Crop Harvesters. I—Border Disc. I—l 7 3" Goble Offset DLc. NEW EQUIPMENT— 6-Bottom Disc Plow.". 12 ft. Hydraulic Scrapers. Be-Ge Hydraulic Pumps. Portable Water Pumps. 9-. FOR SALE OR TRADE Lad: s I‘i-carat diamond ring: will trade for late model automobile. Also lady's diamond wrist watch for sale. Phone 1638 M: Al bright. 8'24 ONE ovei tuffi ■ rocker, 4 one 9x12 rug, 1 Jersey family cow to freshen soon. W. Hudson. 1 •. miles south of waterworks on 3th St.. El Centro. 26—Poultry FOR SALE—Hens, pullets, cockerels. 1 chickens all kinds and sizes. Four j miles east Holtville al Holl Main Draw and Lateral 14.‘ 8-fl 5 \ t ~n nt nocrment X'”- 45”.' th" Office of Price Administration. “ n 1350 Motor Vehicle and Motor Vohln Equipment (Maximr n Price Regulator 510, Amendment 6) cads as follows: Section 9 is also amended by th" addition of a new sentence tc read as foUows: "It shall also bo o violation of this regulation for any person to offer to sell a used car by advertising in any publication unless there is stated in the advertisement the make, model year, model and body typo of the used car. tbo sell er's offering price, and a notice con taining the words 'within OPA ceil ing' or other words which express the same meaning.’’ 32 —Used Cars FOR SALE '39 Century Buick. $ll3O ceiling, will sell equity. Sec it 3’9 No 7th or Weber's Bakery 8-22 CHEVROLET mote!', good condi tion: reasonably priced. See Dud Mavo [ Valiev Motors. 758 M in. 8-24 32-A —Automotive Service Oldsmobile I Owners | I Our repair department Is equip- • ped to handle <».. mechanical i work, and experienced lubrica tion men arc ready to keep your car in top condition. Bring your car in to your Oldsmobile dealer for a check-up. Barbara Worth Garage W. C-. < Bill > Reed. Mgr. OLDSMOBILE Bales and Service 732 Main St. El Centro , . . 27 —Farm Implements wi: ii we Flax and Alfalfa Drills Be Go Drag Scrapers and Pumps Farm-Shop Air Compressor IN STOCK GET YOU IJU NOW! :> r llic ii' t >.i-Wc 1 hydraulic, -kip loader at our ton I 1 cfnl for lifting u my load . Made for ALL tractors. FAURE TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT COMPANY EL CEL 1 RO BRAWLEY NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER - Vegetable Cultivators - Vegetable Planters. Cultivator equipment for row crops. - Drills for Flax. —Cultipackcrs. These Machines Coming Soon. Don't wait until all arc sold. Edgar Implement Store BERT PURDY, MOR. Phone 636 FOR SALE -One Aills-Chalmers K -35 tracklayer tractor: one lIIC endgate line spreader. P. O. Box 313. El Centro. 8-23 FOR SALE One 22 Caterpillar with complete line of toots including trailer; also Ann Arbor hay baler. H. Larson. Phone Imperial 3822. 8-21 29—Livestock WANTED -Good family cows. Ph. 585-R, Brawley 8-23 TWO hor es, 2 cows and 3 dozen i' ii for ale. AT-o 1929 model A Ford roadster, $125. Small cooler box and 1 16-ii.p. motor. 1 4-h.p. water pressure system. Elmer Sal lee. Ross Ave. and Dahlia Canal. 8-18 WANTED -Good family cows. Ph. ' tS-l' <’ iwley. 8-23 ~MONEYI MONEYT MONEY I YOU CAN GET IT BY USING POST-PRESS WANTADS REGU ,LARLY'