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TUESDAY. AUGUST 28, 1945 DEATH-FUNERAL NOTICES LEFEVRE. William Earl. 67. died Monday in El Centro. He is sur . ived by two sons, 2 granddaught ers and one sister. Funeral serv : c.s will be held at Lemons-Wiley 4* impel Wednesday at 10 am. with Rev. R. c. Rogers of the '• izarem Chut ;h officiating Bur ial 'Anl be in Evergreen cemetery Lemons-Wiley mortuary is in chargt g-29 HII [.. Laura Lee. 2 months, died Monday in E.i Centro. She is sur ■ :.ed by her parents Funeral ■ ■ < will be held at Lemons .!> ' Ch.: pel at 11 a m Wednes day Burial will be in Evergreen !, m ter; Lemons-Wiley Mortu . i is in charge. IM AM SI ( ( ( MBS Alt's an of three weeks. I • ■!:. 1 i Lui. TWo-months-old • • < f M. and Mrs. Hollie Hilf •>! Tamarack ranch, died at h? co inty hospital M indat P antral sei vice will be held at 1: a .it. Wednesday in the Lemons- Wi.'t-v eha;.' 1 with burial in Ever ’ :i» n meter;. 1• < Fijit con Ist ... from 20) to islands located in.' ol nor iiern Australia. i'iir ' We Virginia radio <jta- ■ aii named lor former con -een WM.MN. in Fairmont. : r former S>-nat< ;• Matthew Mans -1 I.; .\eeiv. now .- member of the H■ ■ ’ "f Hi pr'-M i.tatives: WJLS. ■ ’1 le for former Rep. el. '-•m l. and WHIS in Bluefield, for 10l mi-1 Sen. Hugh lt:e Shott. Sr. WASH TUBBS 6-io reason "MlSl I L ‘ / AMERICAN SET TO I ® I&HT.' Bbwß MHSfe* V toftßEwpcp.' firct i -san.'/Plames flv |th6v fly i£bPEUBRIN6 DEFEAT A x PERHAPS U > " ■.•.--vYwak/’ •.«. rIA coMEH»e ... ' • LrffiSl Y ;■ lSg7' >-'* * ■ ■ - Hal * —'U rotweews 'iA » /.-TTigMa---;/ ‘ .. -| ® * ■ /«•> rV’-D' M ©PEW...AMP 7 ® t 1 k ■ & 'S FULL OF ,- ww W® vUJ iHH ! u. TMffiERBH* k® -W fa HL iwl ' ALLEY OOP 11 -az-ll Eteariet %ss= \1 f T-' - L'-_ J\ A<.E. 3 lpca..-!. . _ Hg%? KNOW r t m >e''Ul La? • >? Ty v. 4LW®Yi V v T-bv- k'T'\'7-J K afa • . - - ■ o ~ *-O '• —’_t- 0 3 J k CCPR. 1*45 3> SE» srcy ;e. .SC. T M WEC V ->. PAT lOE PALOGKA WV. - WHAT Th WELL F THESE PEOPLE Ant ~TMT WHO TH WHAT TH '. NOW TELL Mt WHAT HJT-E ,y ~ GOLLY I PAOCKA -■> \ I‘LL SE’>">*'?«£' ■< ALL FRIENDS 9R I MEAN WWEIL TELL BLAZES v SiR WHAT A ■ AND PfC ..7-AV J IMEANHOWTHL THERE ARE NO JAPS X > ‘EM IO GO ON WITH j IT 5 ALL ABOUT .IM PLEASURE ■ -’jumpin’/ leemy cn the island This J Z— it ■ COI.RvIanDER .-- '■• SOY." 'Kg ■ ;CRIMINy. Il » WASAWEDDN' V --' X ( —> K )/ —''' M h«&» 1 • 5; ” ■ ■ <?F I ,-Z 6-iA/R I /ST (Tl’/rX. i * \3l _, r ,‘J iff* lrtkMrii/' ff X. z -K/’W3 I - - % W IS RED RYDER smtsssja 1 j-rT? •’** Berta try io '•vmoe’F/ W\ look-uk -7 V ?? S> X <S^< / 4i * lost e-A-'R y '■'- i i \ corAE o^-'. ; jgtah-. ' s z K.Ik? > ■ - : L^'., ■ Jr&' , co« boots and her buddies livzvJlO tiw* kJ ii —L-Z - - - ————“AfT” » I < % TOG I TtGIVbOK) to) .BOOTS’ m Ort .COQR I *£^3-1 m -Vb 'Q UiRivGVK TrthT 'SAM W CFI YD ! 'dQO -OO .WOOrtOO, J ov Wt ?o?-hto’ QOD-6 VOYkG'. COCKKfc Y kOVE. 7T r ;n V\oO . -T ‘- -/oNJcG VbY- AYV wa’t ,AK> TW g TO W MATQOU P| \Yr—r a > ■'"7 vdPTu TO 5A\A£ VVONiQQ W>W.Y . J Y'ROD '• VOO ? -7'' p Fs ■ -ji Y'v '■ 7 . MERRILI RLOSSFR F RECKLES and his friends —’ i~ r - x ,. -au . r (Its cuSlDmar-Y lb wave a [VERY FUNNY/ ' •r< 01l- ALU cHeY.lard! HEClO^ ; '7cah -_--_1 trorwy phoTograph take, NJ RIGHT' THE > GETS ♦SCO /WATCHED THE- HECTOR. BUT WE HAVE NO WSWI th// ' qJ-ARS' BSEM IN FIGHTS ! WAR. BOND' HE <&ATTLE FROAAj CAMERA, SO I MADE A '/ , K ‘ S > aceriop f —? CAUGHT OLD. r y< —V eE -' . DRAWING INSTEAD/ > ‘ BEFOKt. I IRONSIDES <- , -Oi? —; iCi.X Ik 1 ; A G; ''? L . V I /4 : - bA| .V’ 4 7 Jt7o : zf i 1181 si XI : ‘ J?X» V \ \ /-71114 ’ - jl 4 ~ U \ fffjj xrswai i»is 81 nt* service '<xjKfiC!-v,.s.i‘‘_9£FA_ ' — -.-jFgz *\ ’ . 1 L 1— Lost, Founa, Lstray LOST—Billfold with approx. $35 axid $3B. Identification— Repp Mott Auction House, Long Beach on tag. Notify Delorous Garrett, 514 Broadway. Reward. 8-30 2 Personals, Spec. Notices ~ REWARD Stolen 1941 Chevrolet Brown 4-door sedan 1945 Calif license plates No. 96 A 466 SlOO REWARD for anyone who locates this car anyplace in U S. within the next 30 days. Phone Brawley 369-J or write Flcwd Cofielt 260 A Street. Brawley, Calif. DO WORKED or bound button holes. Mrs Jesse Biown. 1075 Euclid. El Centro. 3 Business Services "DEAN" THE BCG MAN Phone 1'59 140 No. sth El Centro 9-1 IVILSON S MZiLiiiNE SHOP 1 1322 Main St. PHONE 40 9-1 MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! YOU CAN GET 11 BY USING POST-PRESS WANTADti !CEGU EARLY 3—Business Services C. A. HARPER Electrical Contractor Industrial and Commercial Wiring Phone 1538 El Centro 9-21 FOR SALE STEEL ANY SIZE. ANY AMOUNT WE BUILD AND REPAIR ANYTHING CARRIER LIFTS, FLAT RACKS. TRAP WAGONS, BED SHAPER. AND MANY OTHER ITEMS BLACKSMITHING DISC ROLLING S. R. Palowsky 1231 MAIN ST.. EL CENTRO PHONE 519 For The Duration Commissions On AB NEW BUSINESS WILL BUY WAR BONDS ’’Honestly It's the Best Polky" See Washburn Phone 160 608 Main I ANDERSON AND MARTIN Welding Gas and Electic Brazing and Hard Facing 24-Hour Portable Service Anywhere Anytime ■ Heber, California Phone 8728-J3 9-11 IMPERIAL VALLEY PRESS, EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA You Can Talk to One Man .... Classified Ads to Thousands » —Business Services Sunland Dairy 1455 WEST MAIN HOME DELIVERIES Phone 7G —Pasturized Milk. —Homogenized Milk. —Half & Halt. —Buttermilk. —Cottage Cheese. —T ransportation GOING TO OKLAHOMA Friday, 31st Aug. Can take 4 or 5 parsen gers. Share expenses. 1022 Paulin Calexico. Phone 258. Calexico. 8-30 6 —Help Wanted POSITION open for woman with typing and general office exper ience. Prefer permanent resident. Desert Magazine. El Centro. 8-29 WAITRESS WANTED Must be ex perienced. See Mr. Woodall at Hamilton'.! Fountain in Cook’s Market. 643 Main St. 8-31 WANTED Janitor at Lincoln school. Imperial. Apply High School office. Imperial, after noons. 9-4 WANTED Service man with car for Imperial Valiev Di.-inlectng lavutuile 1 -. Good opportunity for part-time job. Good pay West Disinfecting Company Princess Hotel. 8-31 By KOI CRANE By V. T. HAMLIN By HAM FISHER By FRED HARMAN By EDGAR MARTIN By MERRILL BLOSSER S—Help Wanted SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY NEEDS 4 YOUNG WOMAN As Office Representative To Handle Business Transactions with the Public. Pleasant Working Conditions Opportunities for Advancement VACATIONS WITH PAY Wage Increases Regularly APPLY G 42 STATE STREET EL CENTRO BOOKKEEPER WANTED Will pay $250 per month for experienced bookkeeper, if able to handle job. Must be perma nent. State age and experience in reply. Contact Box 449 c o Post-Press BLACKSMITH wanted. Must be A-l workman. A. C. Eaves Co, Bth and D Sts., Brawley. tf WANTED—Man to work on dairy Farnsworth Dairy, phone 8712-J2. 8-29 WANT operator for carryall:: only Al operators need apply: must be experienced in land leveling wages open Phone 1554. HOUSEKEEPER wanted; care of one child; parents work daytime, no heavy work: no Sundays pleasant surroundings. Phone El Centro 1153. daytime; 47-M, eve nings. 9-1 WANTED Man or woman for light janitor work at Christian Science church. Phone 435. HOTEL MAID wanted, white or col ored. Hotel California. Phone 42 B-31 B—Situations W anted WILL care for children 2’j years and up in my home days. 742 Heil Ave. Phone 665. 8-30 10—-Apartments ior Rent FURNISHED apartment for rent Call Imperial 3171. 8-30 i 12— Wanted to Rent MARINE officer, wife and three children desire house: prefer place close to school. Phone 1600. Ex tension 531. before noon. W. W Wimer Jr. 9-6 WANT to rent furnished or unfur nished house. Write Box 448, care Post-Press. 9-1 $l5 REWARD—Marine officer and wife desire furnished house or Apt. Phone 1600. Ext. 387. Lt. Fair or 1424. Ext. 10. 8-30 WANT TO~RENT—2 bedroom’ fur nished or unfurnished house, in or near El Centro Permanent parties. Phone 1985-W. 8-31 FURNISHED apartment or house in El Centro. Call 1600. Ext. 206. T Sgt. Benning. 8-31 MARINE OFFICER ’and’wife" desire furn. house or Apt. Call 1600. Ext 277 between 8 and 11 am. Lt. Sibbernsen. 9-4 GOVERNMENT employe, man, de sires cool sleeping room close to bath. Permanent. Phone 1901. 9-4 WANT 2 bedroom unfurnished home in El Centro. Call Lewis at Sher iff’s office 363. 9-4 13— -Rooms for Rent GOOD air cooled rooms for men only. 590 Ei Centro Ave 9-3 16— Pasturage 20 ACRES corn stalk pasture for sale. 1 mi. south. mile east El Centro. L. A. Bright. 9-3 1 7— Country Property—Lease ~FOR RENT 1040 ACRES at various loca tions. Suitable for vegetables, flax, barley and alfalfa Cash or share deal. 2 tractors and equipment for sale. LISTINGS wanted on good land for sale. Would like to contact ex-service men with farm experience. W E. HANCOCK, Since 1914 ’ The Farm Land Man”. 15 miles west of Court House. Phone 689. FOR RENT—3OO acres seven miles northeast of Calipatria suitable for fall or spring peas or flax Cash rent. $25 per acre. Will ft- i nance pea crop in full if rent paid in advance. Call 1143. El i Centro, 9 to 5 weekdays. 18— Country Property—-Sale FOR SALE—IO acres in grapefruit, nice seven-room furnished house, hardwood floors and fireplace; tractor. 2 discs. Bu 2 Maple, Holt ville. 8-31 i FOR SALE —1 acre, 3-room house: | water, electricity; adj. city limits, j $lBOO, some terms. End No. Third i 3rd hse. west on Villa, after 5 p in. i ABOUT 70 acres; 30 in alfalfa: liv- ! able house: $5OOO. See Starr Von ' Fluss. 664 Holt. 9-1 FUGATE FOR FARMS 614 Main Phone 474 _9-_l 80 ACRES,~two "years in alfalfa. Good water delivery and drain age. Modern house with moden. conveniences. Barn, garage, chic ken pen. Owner must leave valley due to his health. *, mi. east and L mi. south of junction of 111 highway and Imperial highway. Howard Larson. 8-31 18—Country Property—Sale FOUR ACRE FRYER PLANT Equipped for 300 chicken a week. Fully stocked. For sale with or without chickens and equipment All chickens sold retail. PHONE 47-W 46 ACRES and nice modern home. Alfalfa $l2 oou. 80 ACRES, southeast of Holt ville. 5 rooms and sleeping porch $B6OO. 80 ACRES, good location, close in $17,000. $5lOO down. TWEED JOLLY Listings Wanted (614 Mun Phone 474 j 8-31 F> -Al E A mt 60 west /of Seelev : excellent land: house cost $5OOO to build: imme diate possession, will take about s6oo'' to handle deal. So* Starr von Fluss. 664 Holt. 8-28 PINE VALLEY Largt lo’ $4OO and $6OO. Buy now. Build later. E. C Bangs, broker. 9-1 19 -City Property lor Sale 2 BEDROOMS. 2 sleep:!?. urches. Frame liou.e s#2.iti. ....If c wn. 8-31 FOUR-BEDROOM frame lion e on Len Hey. Immediate po.ion s6oti(i Terne. TWO-BEDROG.M . . ■ $2750 cash. THREE-BEDROOM . ui. o, . i t h ide $7OOO. TWEED JOLLY LISTINGS WANTED 614 ..’.’ P. e 4 .4 8-28 FOR SALE Five rem al; on north 1 side lor $3OOO. See Starr Von Flos. 664 H ilt. 9-1 FOR SALE—Large home in Im perial: furnished, including elec, equipment; $31'50 for quick sale: $2500 cash required. See Starr von Fluss 664 Holt. 9-4 FOR SALE T\vo-bcdr<>om stun > home, located south side: modern: furnished or unfurnished. Phone 319-J tor appointment. 8-:to FOR SALE1 —2 bedroom house, south side, good location: cooler, new water heater, close to school: gar age. fenced rear card $4725. TYLER INSURANCE AGENCY 520 Main Phone 660 , 9-1 TWO-BEDROOM hou.-e lor sale 402 North J St.. Imperial. Inquire I Fowlkes Meat Marker, phone Im- perial 235. 9-1 SIX ROOM frame house. 3 bed- rooms partly furnished. Chicken and cow pen. 53700. Contact Box 447. c o Post-Press. 9-3 THREE-BEDROOM house. three room rental in rear, both com pletely furnished. KATE OLDHAM 127 No. 6th. El Centro 9-1 [ONE .ACRE. 3-room house, water and electricity, just outside city west; $1500: some terms. KATE OLDHAM 127 No. 6th. El Centro 9-4 FOR SALE Home in Imperial; 2 bedrooms and 2 sleeping porches: $2000: can be seen afternoons ■ only. See Starr von Fluss, 664 Hoit. 9-4 $4750 BUYS 2 bedroom house with 2 outside sleeping rooms, double garage, elect, range, barn with 2 box stalLs. 2 chicken houses, city water county taxes Modern, near school outside city. Possession Sept. 15. $1750 down, balance easy terms. Tel. 1339 days. 9-4 FOR SALE Partlv furnished house and garage. Villa Farms. $l6OO cash J. D. McKemye. 323 Mag nolia. El Centro. ' 9-4 FOR SALE=3 bedroom stucco; 4 rooms hardwood, 2 complete bath-, tile .sink, garage, fenced back yard. Immediate possession TYLER INSURANCE AGENCY 520 Main Phone 660 9-4 4-ROOM MODERN HOUSE fol sale on paved street, partly fur nished. See Lefty at Lefty’s gar age. 236 So. Imperial, Imperial. 9-3 20 Wanted- Real Estate WANT to buy or lease 10 to 20 acres. Notif.v Arrowhead Cream ery. Phone 244. 9-1 WANTED TO LEASE --Service sta tion. El Centro or Calexico. Con- I tact Box 446. c o Post-Press. 8-31 : 21— Furniture tor Sale FOR SALE Electric refrigerator, studio couch, dinette table and 4 chairs: miscellaneous articles 1946 Commercial Ave:. Ph. 534-J. 22 — Electrical Appliances THREE-BURNER electric range, | good condition. 812 South Fifth after 5 p.m. TABLE MODEL RADIO for Tale. Reasonable. 672 El Centro. 8-30 FAN AND MOTOR, restaurant size, on pedestal, 20-inch blade. ’•> h.p. motor. Suitable for cool er 1416 Adams. Phone 2370-J. 8-30 FOR SALE —Domestic electric sew- ing machine—s7s. End No. Third. 3rd house west on Villa. After 5 p m. 8-31 23 Miscellaneous tor Sale FOR SALE —Two shotguns, one No. 12 La Fevre, one No. 10 Stevens. B. G. King. Phone 1557. 8-29 NEW storm boring bar model NK6,I capacity from 3 5 to 7.7 inches. Olil Bob Doughitt Shop, Holtville ■ highway. 8-30 i Phone 800 32—Used Cars 32—Used Cars NEW TIRES! i ! Passenger & Truck Official Inspection Station STO 1’ IN T()1) A Y Womack-Mitchell Motor Co. CHEVROLET DEALERS 890 Main St. El Centro , ♦ Phone 1106 23 Miscellaneous for Sale KEEP OUT THE HEAT Get better results from your cooling system by insulating your home with FIR-TEX in sulation board and ZONOLT I'E fill insulation. FI. CENTRO LUMBER & TRADING CO. 1409 Adams St. Phone 1092 9-10 The FAIR ' 1215 Math St. Phone 1090 STACOAT PAINTS 100 per cent sun-resisting Sta coat. Once over for inside wall* and ceilings. Sealith waterproof oil paint for stucco, brick and cement. One million articles for sale. ONE MILLION ARTICLES FOR SALE EL CENTRO NURSERY 300 No. Imperial Ave. Phone 633 El Centro FOR SALE One 2-lon chain block almost new, $45 ca.-h. Carl; Ga rage. 1498 Adam: FOR SALE—Chicken fertilizer: clean: no foreign matte, in it Phone 47-W. 8-30 24 Wanted—-Miscellaneous WANTED Good used office desk, GO in. .Also used desk chair. VALLEY DREG CO. See Al r. 1 lortoii 8-30 26- —Farm Needs ATTENTION. FARMERS! NEW TRACTOR TIRES All sizes no ration certificate required Goodrich Store El Centro 4 O'Connell Bros. FARM IMPLEMENT DEALERS BRAWLEY, CALIF USED EQUIPMENT— All-Crop Harvesters. I—Border1 —Border Di e. 1-17 3' Goble Offset Disc. NEW EQUIPMENT— 6-Bottom Disc Plows. 12 ft. Hydraulic Scrapers. Be-Ge Hydraulic Pumps. Portable Water Pumps. 9-» WANTED ANY KIND OF TRACTOR WORK HAVE TWO COMPLETE OUTFITS SID TURNER Phone 8733-J4 Holtville 1 27 Farm Implements NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER —Vegetable Cultivators —Vegetable Planters. —Cultivator equipment for row crops. —Drills for Flax. —Cultipackers. These Coming Soon. Don't wait until all are sold. Edgar Implement Store BERT PURDY, MGR. Phone 636 TD-40 complete!' overhauled for sale. Some equipment mi north Meloland S’ 1 Phone Holtville 8733-Rl. 2-31 5 I A ,'eition of Document No. 45775 oi the Office of Price Administration, Par* 1360- Motor Vehicle and Motor Vehicle Equipment Maximi n Price Regulatioc S4O, Amendment 6) eads as follows: 9. Section 9 is also amended bj the addition of a new sentence tc read as follows: “It shall also be c violation of this regulation f6r anj person to offer to sell a used car by advertising in any publication unless there is stated i. the advertisement the make, model year, model and body type of the used car. tho sell er's offering price, and a notice con taining the wortis ‘within OPA cell ing' or other words which expie*. 1 the same meaning.’’ 32 Used Cars CI EAN ’36 sedan and ca.-h for '39-4i' clean .sedan or station wag on Drive to 118 West Eighth. Holtville. 8-28 F< RD m<>del A. g<>6d tin s. motor Want 1933 to 1936 Ford. Chevrolet or Plymouth. 1270 Brighton 8-29 1937 PACKARD 6 4 door sedan *■ Excellent condition, good rubber. Below ceiling. $B5O 377 Hamilton Also 32-2 i Colt. 8-31 1936 PLYMOUTH coupe in perivcl condition. Below ceiling. $350 1202 Heil. 9-21 32 A—Automotive Service Oldsmobile Owners Our repair de p a r t m ent is '.quipped to h idle all mechan | nil Work, and expel lellced lu- H bricatioti men art- ready to keep your car in top condition Bung your tar in to your Oldsmobile dealer lor a checkup. ‘ Barbara Worth Garage W O. 'Bill' Reed. Manager OLDSMOBILE Sale and Service I 732 Main Street. El Centro WANTED DEAD Oil ALIVE Auto and truck repairing, dif j ferential overhaul on any makes <>r models. We Specialize* on FORD - CHEVROLET .t PLYMOU I’HS 4 A-l MECHANICS AT YOUR SERVICE UNCLE TOM'S ' ’ REPAIR SHOP | 1268 Mam Phone 692 9-4 33 Trucks, Trailers ' FOR SALE- 1941 Palace house i trailer. Spun glass insulation, A-l condition. Steel top. electric brakes 508-A Blair Ave . Calexico. Phone 735 Calexico. Mr. Jung. 9-3 HOUSE TRAILER for sale. Eastern I built, in good condition. Inquire | Wigwam Motel, Brawley. T. L. I Gia.- 8-30 I LARGE HOUSE TRAILER for sale. A nice home for small family. Ready to move into. Cooler, cook stove, built-ins. 10-ply tires $375. Ca: h only. See at Calexico Trailer : Court, phone Calexico 492 after 5 pm. 8-31 : 27—Farm Implements JOHN DEERE TRACTORS and DRILLS Some in Stock and more coming soon. ORDER NOW For Later Delivery FAURE TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT COMPANY lEL CENTRO , BRAWLEY 29—Livestock FOR SALE—2 horses. 1 gelding. 2 years old, $75. 1 mare, woman’s riding horse. $lOO. Both in good condition. Not quite broken. Ph. i Calexico 650. 9-4 i