OCR Interpretation

Western liberal. (Lordsburg, N.M.) 1887-1919, February 11, 1898, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070405/1898-02-11/ed-1/seq-2/

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rL'iu.isiiKn km pays.
tty IMtN: II, K KIíV.IK..
Subscription Trices.
fnree Months
olí Months
Di Y? r
1 no
. 1 '!
. Sí)
Sub.n.-ri.tlon AIwí l'iiyublcln Advance.
JUIHIK I'AltliKR lias llfp'.illtcd
James. T. Mitchell nf IlilUlmru i.s
clerk Cif the district court fj s'.'voii
Win. I!. Walton.
TlIIAV l'iesidetil .Mi Kinícv tío
pointed li. E. Morri-uii i I'liki'i
State attorney f r An..iti;i. Tic Mi
OolotUK-nt lias beorí txpalcd lr
Voiuc ti inc.
The associated pn.-i tep"Hci! t'rtt
ln Monday the m-iuIc conllimetl the
appointment of A. L. M .ini'-ii as ci.l
Icclor of Internal icventie f"r tíos
district. 51 r. Motrl-on l..s h.-U tlic
tifllee for soiiifl niotitl s.
Tm lV::os v.ilicy load wll l e ex
tended from l'.onve.l fi Ya-!il..;rn.
Kansas, where it will i-.:ii-tci wiiii
the Santa Fe. I'rt:-.i.lent. 1 1 au'ct man
tif the lYco Valley i":id i lc-'r:i;i'i' d
but week that, lio luid su-reidid m
securimí t-tiocli iiiuiit-y In Nvjw Yorli
to build til'- ri'iid.
TllU rroMdent lias Mi l.dritrd Mr-i.
Frank M. fiallnwny as : : miMie-s ::
Silver City. A more iippmpriatu arid
better appninl mriM. c..i:M rot have
been made. Fr.ml; M. C.iUu-.v.iv w.is
ouc of the t o .!li'-er-4 YiV.'.vi hile In
pur-wit of the "Illaelí Ja k'' uaia.
which had been robblinr po-HinVes.
He left
nl four your;
children. Tbe p.isti nl .'e lieparltncn
could not have done, a more a ,.ro;ri
ato think: than to nppniiiú !: widow
V) this oilier.
TlIH Headlight, anpearcl !.:st. wo!:
nfter beiriii "til-d by l!iv." It is no-.v
owned by J. L. Wh:i.ton Co., the
"Co." beiMK l'rofes-or Loan of the
DeminK hih s"lioo). It. u'iiiouikv.i
that "It will be a pa.ly paper in poli
tlc, devoted to the treat n w drm
ocracy, uivine; riinst e:ithii:.ln.-tii: sup
port to the Chiea-o platform nf two
years ago." The IliMdlmhL's many
friends arc 1 id that it is om-e mofe
circulating, and willloolc to It. mor'
for local news than Militk'al wUtb in.
It continues to be the "ol-lal paper
cf Grant c unity."
Tiik eoniiihtt upi" intci !o raise
funds and pnivisluns fur s arvint;
people Iti Cuba had a meeting InS'ant i
Fe la-t week, a id ciu te I uRI-eis niul
passed resolutions. Tho n'n.'iiU'ins
recited that help was me. I'd by Un
people of Culn, who are Immii starved
to death by t heir Spanish oppi isors.
Mrs. JelT Uayiiionil!. if Las Vtvn,
Hlfe of the banker, was elected
treasurer, and any person who may
feel inclined to ueip the C.i'.m- to;.
Kend their money to Mrs. Keyiin'nN,
and rest assured that it will ha place I
where It will do most iruoil. Mr. Jo !;.
Sheridan Is the member c.f the com
mittee from tJrant county, and co:i
iribulions may ul-o be s--nt to Iti in,
Hiid he will see that they et into the
hands of the treasurer.
Fiidicmx is one id t lie town Un
rlaiuis to be warm in winter and ce 1
In summer, a place where :t. Is al .va;,
comfortable tor those seek he,' i:n
hmlable climate. In fiirtheretice id
this claim the Fhoenix Herald, In
cntnnieiitiin; on the weather during
the month of January said: "The
Weather bureau ylves H i decrees f. r
the lowest temperature for J.inu uy at
the stat ion here." The Herald does
not say whe'ther this Is thirty-three
degrees below zero or above zero.
The LuiEKAi, has on tile in its ollleo a
copy of the bulletins l-sue I l.v the
weather observer at l'hoenix (luritn;
the niunth of January, and after c ire
fully looking it ow r It can a -sure
Its readers that dm inu the month f
January the thermometer did not mi
liclow zero at rhoetilx..but It. Uid o
considerably below thlrty-threo de
grees above zeio. The nilnimum tem
perature on the 1 1 Mi was "2 decree,
on the lálh on the 17th !!'-, on the
J8th 32, on tho 2th 1!0, on the 21-t 21,
on tho 22nd 21, on the 2llh 2S on the
2tb 24, on the 2''.h 22, un I on the2-th
It was 28 decrees above zero. It will
be observed that In spcaklmr of ttie
weuthcrthe Herald uses tho truth
Ith the same reckless abandon ns
Ooes the Fhoenix (ia.i t.te iu sp-.-.kliu
tit the republican party.
This Lwkkal Is in receipt of the
annual ülateuirnt of Mr. Valentine
president of the Wi dI-Furo company.
Hiving an estimate of the ptodurtlon
nf the prrcloin metals In tho I'nlteJ
States west of the Mlsvoiirl river, In
eludtnsr Urltlsh Columbia, during the
tear 1"!'7. In his Usures no'iri was put
t par, i llverat CO, cents nu ounce,
topper at 1 1 cents per pvund uud h ad
at, SX.ys p(.r hundred p'uiti'i.-. Ho rstl-1
mates t w vatic of the p I to bo .
(;h..VjT, Mlvcr ÍUT.I.,'..:.. c-opp r ;.'!,
ti!"..r::4, lea. I i:l.77."..M 1. 11 vel n I.;,-'
r.riti-h Coiun.l.U tin! tljuies art:,
(lolil $:!.'!. i!.'."), "i'ií, un lucren . i; of ii.oim ;
than ilO.O'.'H.CoO icer I he preume-j
)ear. Silvei f'U.üol.O.'ll, an liieie.i-.e of j
nearly W'ü").0"-0 over the pirvhm- yi v. v. '
(. 'ol.pi r ? !?.; (i Increase of nei'i'- .
ly ÍS.l-üVO over tie! ptevloii-ji-ar.
I.i.-m.I .775.tll mi irn'reasc of inn! e
than hl,(.i.).i:íiíi over the ptwleus ye ,;
t 'oior.itlo r. .(! ;: i1.." :i,o-i u'oid i:!i.i
ihc most s'i'.i r re:'.rei unilii.ns i,f !
.'old in. d tii"; i:. I I. o tn s.iver, !
vitti'C.i'i'i.riiia v":d i- i .:.l 1 I io I
i:.'''r W l! I ! Wei vo in' :)! '..-, iltid M..il- .
Lit a -eci'iid .-is a siive." i uluei i, ti!!
t.ii.e ii i i : 1 : . i . ; - .Vi.üüi.i.t i ;..!.:'.! tl c :
1 1 (.-! ecpf;-, ti.t: V,iiU' i'l her e r
I'll i lea I 1 eiiut lioii'i' t : . : 1 1 twir.v--
millions, Ari.-.ona l.ein.' second with
mine than ei-ht, m 1 1 1 !-. , In tor,:. I
!i!ui M.in'i.na st'.oil 1. .--1 w : i !i i 1 .
i ..-. C!i.r.nl' (".'cc:i I wi'h S-3 l,0'i', -
( Wi. and Cúl.f .ui.a t!,i. I e ith $S,000,-!
do. Ne-.v ! o is f.."'i:i d with a
k'oid iiro'i.ietii.t. of í"." ',", sil vi$irr?, -HIS
epp'-r 'id l"ad iii..'.,U'0, uiakli:,;
I t .Ml of X I 114 . .. ;
iVrir.iiKl' n. Texas i!-. I Wyi.ii.iu,'.
The survey of tiieli'ie M'L'i,orftt h it
ihe ileer Cieel: ce.l! field i a..il OM.
oial st rip I'io.ii t I'O ?,ui ('arios Tiv.üa-.
e-erv.it ton hns at. las; been com
p'e'cd. Mir. lor l.'.. i, !z-:i is:e::;i.'. .'..!:
in lie-on! mo i-lattiri!:iy or S.-r.p.y mi
in- te. uro r.ui t l.e wotlc 'I t.t- Mir
veylt:,! party hi.d a h.'.rd trip .'il I lout'
the line. T'ic si;ov fell' com i r n u -:
-ind fur il.ns tl-iv were c ;:i,iid'ed
'.i.e.. el iMif a!l i.per.n irns. '.r. t.it.t
Z'j'i will icnirn lo 'li:. .-m i 1 1 i ! ! i .i ; i
ly ill"! p!e!'.Ue hi- lleiv! note,- ;.':d t.a
ie-s mi. m i un;: un fi.rsreu hi.peen tin
lll Will Mioil he llil'l.vu i.peu.
Al i?, it.a i ' l i I i e 1 1 ' i .
Mr-. William Lu.ru-, vife of Judj'c
Ihin.s, vvo!i kno'.vii In ;i e . ."! s..-.. ii
;i leislaior an. I a deputy colL-cior ( f
i 1 1 : ii ; I revenue, Un,-., ai l'liociu. ia-t
week of c.moer.
It is nut, often that, a pin -l":a:i r-e-i
'le.ii.'i-a pal.-ii!. lied erne; v. ri--,i tie
..,es. j-..n u. av l:i.nw r, Is a iro-.d o,..-.
1,. .1. )'. CioM-lanit, Cla.-1-.i'w. V: ..
ivii.'c-: "1 have use I (.'. aiiiberhuil's
eoiie, i ii .ie. a a.i'i n;i- i'l;ev; i ifi.o-'i ' i..
i.iy pr.i'-i iei-ai',1 it ha- r.veii to h.
cm ' N ; i I 1 1 1 reii!"iy, .vherea li.oi-o:..
C. U of llle:,i'--n- li.l I f.llle I 'V . ! 1 1 Lie.
I . eoiouii lid II. to le v p .. 0 - e ei;
time lor ei.oiie i:,i I .ii:ii'i':..i'.'.i.'' Mai-v
o'lier iiroe, i es,-i ve pi, -l.'iae- ree. m
i ii lid ;.;e.i .i-o l i.l- iviti.-ity, '" '''
it nl.wiys cuns mil iu (.'1.:.
! let, a lint ' Id and on w i:l !i ive .in ex
ivlletit. doe'or in toe li ,i-. tor a,
lii.'Vei . o.lljli li' t. bo'h t'T Cli odien
uní -i'1!!!-. F. r s.iie by 'me i.:;A'
U. m;; niii: e.
I. Irrito Vei r I l-'t.i: '-rrr. - (t.
t'.y ft ,r.f , cut r--.'. e i f
luv.c. lll.C.i; :.. I,...-.;.':, s: .'-.i;;e. 01.
A H intl'l I.iTf-r M '.Ui h a V'.'i 'l X Vlt.
Are you Piiio.is en:i-;,ip it .- I or i i','i;l'
le.l will) j iuiidic -iel: t.eii .iri.e had
i t i-te in moil' a, iiii hre.ilh, r.;iiee
; tiiriic'dy-pop-!:;, in i ;e-! ee. . h.i :n
i si.i, twin 10 i! I'd her.v,'. i. i I
i liei.-. el:iii- and fever, e"'. If i. :
have .i i. v of i i i"-1.- s ',' 1 1 1 í i . . i i s y. oír live:
I out of order, and your hl..o. is l.e
1 1 lie; poisoned I.e. au-e y.eir liver i!oe
; not act prompt lv. llerMne will eir-e
anydisea-e of toe liver nt.oni.teh i.r
bowelt. It has no 1 1 : 1 1 as a pv.-i
: me, Heine. 1'riee 75 rents. Freotua'
Imttle at Kaule dru store.
:nr CiiKllputlon I'lirrriT,
ThI'.! C:;-. i.et'l f'.ini'iV '.'.O' iu'll.1. J'K, i.r';.rc.
Ii C. C O. l.-.il U cilr.i, u. i:h'!,.s'..i r.-.'.li.tl l.i.;ie).
H tll.it U'ri ,smir I iuiaii::it.
This Invaluable re. lie lv is ..n th.it
o'.lu'ht to he i l every ii iu-eh.,1,1. i
will cure vo'.r I lieu i.i .1! i -'ii. n-tir il -'i i.
, sprai:is, cuts hi:i-es. le;ri:s. Ii'i-!t-d
I feet and ears, sure thioa'. and i-oi"
Puesl. If you have lame I) ie!; it. will
I cure it. It péndrales to the cc of
1 the disease. It, '.vdi care -till Join;
, nd contract'.!.-! tnusch's after all t"tn
Ml tos nave li.'.e.l. i i.o-e w.ni in-.e
hen cripples for yenM vw' used Hal
la ill's snie.v lluiaieiit and t hro a :i a v;i v
their rriiteties and been able lo u i'l,
as well a:, ever. Il i I i eureyni'. i'ri -e
i.i "enrs. Free trial hoUle Ka "1"
drtn; .-tote. 1
K llirntpVoir r.orr !'l AVI' il C:ic- .'í!.
I'.ei'Iy Cut !.; -!t. eti r,.- -i ie.e i f "e- ....
1 : a.-. it V e'. i1 . f .i 1 1, 0 1 '.(.': i -1 -1 V j;: .: ii i.n-.-j-.
II!. XC.IN .Y."! Sill.il '.I . V I Ll.li.
H:ll Ulltl KKJ-rfnH l.liK.
f.ta.;e b.'tives Snln i.onvhie ?!n:nlav-,
Wedues.liiys and Fridays at 7 a. i ).,
and arrives at Inniean nv, 12 tn., li.al.
Iu' clo -i! connect in. with I he A. .'
N. M. l:y. Leave, D'inea.i Tue-d.;;. -,
Thursdays and 1'iidays at 12 ui..
vavniui; at S ilomonville r.t K p. i.i.
Thii line i eriiiH'-. w'th e'e.c.in:
Ci)SC)t:i triaches, I' Iiki Stoex, ami
careful drivers.
Fare ÍÓ. Low charjres for extra
l;:i':-;:i'.,-e. Tie; quickest, and Kife-t
rout to "Xpre -i i riM.r to N heuou-
Viilo. .NilAll t;.:l'.S, i Top. .
S'.loniot'viile, -V. T.
You !tre In .i U.ld.lTx
I'.iit wew.ll e.ire V.ei if J". I we! f.iy
ilell who It l-o Weill.'. Xi'IVii'K lll.l 'lel.lll-
lat. il mlleriinf from N'''.-v.ii;h I lehiht v.
s,'iion.il -.';ikn-, ini.l all t!;o ' ' "I
eii'-ly evil h.dtit. er h.ter iiel.-e:''-: 1"...,
Whiell le.lil tn IVlMH.l1 lire 1 1 '' 'IV, l"'l , -'I ..
tion or i n -t. i nit v, chiciel -ei 1 f..r . n I o-1 1
til "I. noli 1. 1' l." j.'.vii.:r r' le.l! i. . '. I
I tl.on.f eil-(c. .Si'lif. ( R.-i-. 1 o I ) f.'l". I'V o
l .' I.-. I'l k.'r's '.I I" il in I io -i
-il it.-lil. ITI North Si.'inv St. N ..-!
villi. T- Htl. Tl.-'V L"i.l.,u''-e H e.. -. i.r rei
r.-tv. Tin Siin t.ttr Vlorp-n.;
. Comea from torjil.'.il nf lite liver, which ra
venís fl.i:.--iti.ifi ati.l i-i..-.-s I.mhI to fi iiiiuut
In lie hu.iilu u. I t ill , i rel:. t i-Comi l iu
SSood's Pills
Whivli uro all Liner llln, I'dcvic,
To lnr Ciltoner.
(.'l'iiiiber!ali''H cotiu'h remedy Is (lie
I e-t cmi;!i m nip w e have ever n.e l
oil-selves or ni i.r.r taniüirs. . V. I.
Kinir. 1-a.ii: I'. Kiii'jan l to..r.' oth.:-s
In t.his vnatiii), haw; Hts.i proanua :e'l
!i the liesi. vil w v-ael, is tor p.-opio
to try iuand t in y v.! li-! nnono' l.
ÍJpori poo'.r, I lo i'í . i-o liei.ier tirii.
"0 I'll vp e i- 1 1" .el. :i v. " I. I vi e-e I
eianv V Ims. - il. A. i.r.A'!. S.',,
t;'iicrai r,; , I'l ili'J., ,l,
S-I. y i ne -.uve .-'to.e.
I ..r ;i,-r i '! Í y Vive-..
An V,m a'íi '('-'k;.!.-i'l.i: i íí.ími-t'.-.
lf-. . I M-i'l'.y'S N.'OI ililil' .'-.".ill r.l:
I. !! il e l for ovc !,!! y y ;: s ;y
i::i!o..- of ri"t!o "- fur t i . r children
w;;,c i ' Villi;;;. Wi'J, pi-rf-c!. i'.:ii'ee
) t (..-: t i'o '..1.1, I' l. I he li
i '! i;. .. 1 1 .:iin, ('lire . i ni .'.lie. i ;.
I'.'-i. ':, r.'C.nly for I irrr'e' .:. Is
Jl'.i.l-.t. f.l til ,!!', S.'l.l by Vo.(.
.-..: ii! every p,i rt, of t'.e '.v.irl-i,
í v.v'ity-th e eenis a hot tip. I !s vali'v is
iii'vileirahio. li" -ure un,1, :'sk for Mrs.
Vin,. w V. ,-ioo;.;.ii. Syrup, and taUeuo
e." i:t r !:ln,l. 1
ike a Blester
Drsactful Eruptions on Kcr tkn
and Eody
Crct Su'fcrlrg He'levod by Hood'a
Garsapnrllla. t '
"My littlo daurhtor 'lf'arcd tcrrlhíy
with eruption.! on tli-j skin and bedy
w hiub tookfd an though blistered. Ihsve
bepr. ctlt'iiiK her Hood's (-'nriapiirllla and
she h.: i taken iwvcrn'. ho' ttcs pud is now
almost entirely cur.'i. V'o were told she
would r.ctd a cbanro c! cll-.n.Hs, but
Hood's SarE.ipirlUa I12 ciarte it unneces
sary." J. T. FniiurJAS, I'l. V.'iiigato,
" 1 have bcí-n unuóiintr with boi.8 on m.y
fttca. I v.a3 unabla to aloop and had vo
ar-.,ni'.v. I hrjin tailuj H.xid's Marta
parll'.i and nfter I had nicd 1fo hc'.f.lf.T I
foltlh'.na differer.t nir.n. The s&ves dii-ap)ie-.re.!,
my art tito Infroicf! n.--.c! I mu
íiov.-f !eep Kouridly." Hr: r.v l-lu.cr.;:!.?,
Coorr ctowr, New lvi-ííoo.
o.vvi i, i.it,ki.;ii,.',,ililli
Is tii ln-st ta t.x'l tlie One Trui! I'-to-Ml rurdVir.
Suld 'ij- Kit itrtii.v:st.i. íl six ter ?.-.
. ,t t--i aro r-'i'tivf. t-U'-'.-tit !.n3
flOOJ S kiiij e.i.y mt !:.!. M coins.
Watchmaker, Jeweler.
The re'.iiinn;: of v.Y.'c'i ,
clocks and jewelry a snecialty.
.il work done in a wor'i'u-in-!l!;e
inan.'ier and tiu,ira:itee'lor
money rcriindcd. .Shop locat
ed iu the. Arizona c.ipji-.r i-oai-I.acy'.s
(Late of London, rie.'laml)
cltfto.v - ai;i;:cxa
The only Mc.ii Marltet in Lordshure:
is now run hy
The host meat on tho rau'e is han
dled hy us.
mi:i r.i'iit'.tisiiv.
m i mi
The Lion Hut.
Boots and Shoes
Ilatiiilton Lrown Go's Shoes.
Overalls and Junipers
I. cii Sinuss ( )ver:iils and Juiuneis.
The famous; SSL'NSHT over shirt,
tJ.inilete line of ttien' suits and pants.
A 'l:io line of Ladies' lla's, up f
lite St Vies.
jji y VJ-UUU.5
(",!ie..es, Cassiineres, Crepo.'ti iin.l
Sillis of every lice.
ll-.ei ythit.it in the ri:iriT!ire line fr-.n
:i cut tr.ek to a .li hn liecre liin ler.
John i'i:i:ii flo'.vs.
M.;:iU-.o.N ci"LT'A':;)i:--.
Clioice Oroeeries, Kvhih.i iled Fruit?
and 1-iincy Candies.
I NTK 1 1 N A T I O N A L C I ( A 1 1 S.
Our Motto
Handle no Cheap Onnds nor Joh I.nts.
iilQBEflCi ARIZ.
A favorito; iTnrt Im tho who are In fnviir
orthojf.fnoolii.it-e of nilver. Mlm-ra, I'roa-
l.piuirs. lMneliernanil Stoekitieu.
Music livery Night.
and. CicrarE. .
Of the mo.-it pep;;li:r t.rr.n.Ia.
s. HUTiir.iiFoiin i, ro.
Fit.e Vt'incs, Kentucky Whliklcr-,
French Draadics and Im
ported Cigars.
VlnoFIno, Wfc.aWf. He K,,tr-kv. fjcna
rriinec(.-lrns tm,ionarto.
XORTK ,U.v.w:i:s,
M':r'"'1 - Ari.U1U
otiis CAcr.Asro, rr.ij.H.
Odd WiiKiuec. hn ;eii -, wines ami fin
II iv..r..i Cij.-arn.
f.ni;icll Cncr, r-uelMli;..!;! .', h !reu.e of
Ti -ti'iii Cuj ou s.
Fill .1T1.1.T-1 i - A.iir
m ViU ivy i n !
T!iu -j vrii'üc M .'..reriel. Aiizium. '
Doiitde S;aii': M'!i:í.if:.-i:aiirnrnin V. ;ncr
Vi'ui-n...it... 1'i.rc (ii-n.e ,;u;;e--t'oiTini
mid I'ouie -ti. r.V.irs Acjuivi Itec.u
l.'udy uie! i- üj, l í.j.erK Alwn.i
un biin.l, ir liiu i ni ük it.ei't liol.
K.DAVü, lroi-!etnt
T1V.K T.Mi.'.t-:.
:-niiiMÍt .
. .1 muí a u . . .
. ' Mntr':t Ai
..." Vnr' "
. . . : iiuiinc "
'S. Si.li.ür... "
. . TIM ,.i. .r.v
" l i m :i
Tr.iin uto; o siuiU.
'.:.- i.m.'-i: j'.:i.k.
Ciit'tur to "iir-rh Sliünir ,
. 3 .!
1 ( i i t li i-i- ....!.'.!'.."..'!'.!'.."". i '
' ilfliluM
Uní un
" í-lllllK.it
" líDrÜHlmrir
ChiUlrt'ft htif v n íiv.i Htiil iwcivo i-.i i-e (lf
í. l'H p ''tn-N of b í'j:?ar.v cnrrU-il fr wltl
caul. 1 4iH t; ro, ahl í,í jiuiiacri u itii vnvh h:il1
f'H f t I L ' i t .
Tahl kiippliej with tbe Lewt in tin
Every! l'.in r neat unil e'enn.
If ÍOU WANT lfiF0nr.:m3H ABOUT
J HS wi-uDfiyuHM, . . Muntqlnf attnrnw.
l'.O.Lu0(. WAüllUüiOa. D.U.
tiul. lJi-d,i..cw ,.i,iie,i. o , . irei.i-f. ,ií;1
a (ortslir. 1 M"usuiids rntlilril toliivicsr r..-!
tluisSJi"- ft-i
rThls Company la nunasod byaoomlilnatton of
llw luiui'it and modt lr.r.ucnilal newttpuiwra lo tho
VutljU StaUsti, for tho cxprus puriiso of protect,
iua their subwcrlaera srlat uncruimlutu si.-l
Incompetent tislni Atftuts, and e.a paper print I u
llil adt-ertUcment Touclu-g fi.r thu rcspoDílljIllty aiiti
hiU stonatus ol Itic IYu-cs Cl'ilmi Cuun.arir.
Ki.lHbH.ti",! In f i'i.rH,l.i. 1- . '. . I.i i -' . t
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VM C f!lvi i.' r. . It. l...r.l. 'li li, ,1 ,.,1,1
bg.UUu.lUI cm iu,! naieu, t.1 IMrcbicBil.
Aliriii, 1729 1 17:3 Limits; a C:., loan, Oslo.
? i m no.,, y í Jf ká
1 -.-.. nil n; - . . X. S-HmK. . .
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nRnTilTST V f TTSTHflTTiTl ,n "T
lilfUVUU 1 UU I V unilflll 1 uuv tirr. ncrcr
.lMif tmV,trre. lid. STVRI 1M! HiHI Ht
The Eest Table in Town;
Good rooms and comfortable beds.
is thewhble'stoiy
Ot lmlaf Im Inll.
tnarka and Ub.U. flhnirfc
Z nilmviia 'Costs no
4 IU ydVcUULb.
Hade tmr hy cintupr & ra w
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WrUe tQr Arm Hamnter
Ca ipmmi.Ma.vv
w MP wim sopa
Knnftl with the interest of those hadn$r claims npainst the troreramart
that of INVKNTORS. vho often lose the benefit of vrduahle YnventalS!
' the "icotnpeteney or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain that
patenta. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and rUW
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends creatiV Ü
not entirely, upon che care end skill of the attorney. V h
With the view of prtitecting inventors "roni worthless or careless atttroval
and of seems that invcutiojs are well protected by valid patents, wo hjrM
retained counsel cyert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain I'atcnts in tho United States and all lrslgti
Countries, Conduct Interferences, Maleo Speoitd
Examinations, 1'roaeouto llcjeoted Cases, Regiato
Tradc-Aínrlcn and Copyrights, Render Opinion tuk
to Scope and Validity of Fa tents, Frosoouto and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Uto.
If you have an Invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, wa
" i..i.i..i .i ma luipui win ieaiures, ana yoa will bo at
once advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary M
otnera are lnfrmmiiir n vah .i.ri.i. : r . , ... . , . J
:r . . j'" " j" "s"l" " y" re cuartea wim ínirintrement M
others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before. aetiLir oa uu
P.O. Box 385. JOHN WEDDERBURM, Managing Attorney.
3-ThIs Company is managed by a combination of the largest and moat Inflnenttal nrvM
papra in the United Stotes, for the express purpose of protecting thalr aubaarlbua
against unscrupulous and incompetent Putent Agents, and each paper printing this advcM
tisement vouches for the responsibility and hlza utandlug of the P ress Clalica Company. ,
"Cu, this out and send K with your lnqi.ilry.-r
,.t l . ...
Olllor (if THK I'lONVDIt I'ltKSS
F.irclni ri'.',,' i- n ! ii, i'l M'1'í.'
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1. 1. H. IIIIM IKIIIll. I, IV. I U1U. . ,..'ini...
ct.li tully i-ocuiiiiiii'tiil It.
SVfc-letll W 111 lie itn 1 1 rt! lit 111 tliciillliti 3 lliu (lltj iii-u.ii- ion l,i,ci .mu Hint, i:ticw
or riuiiike. A linn ( hul written Ki'aiuntre m at.ii'liitcl.v cure thfl tiibacro l ablt
in all its tY'i-iiis, or nuiiit y ri fiiiidcd. I'tice ül.uo it box (ir 3 boxes (30 days
treatment ami nut. taut ceil cure,) 5--. "id. 1 'or sale by nil dniiiL'Ists or will t.
sent by mail ution retvlit of price. MOX I) SIX TWO CENT STAMPS FOB
SAMl'LK liOX. Jluokicts ami proofs free.
Kureka'Clieuik-al & M'fV Co., La Crosse, AVis.
"'" wnmn yr-) . I- All
ror rMitlritloii. Cavancti am lh Idral Lua-A
rrlp nr rripr.lioi rauiw emj Hinni miiiii nmm'
(.. CWrrrn. Mnntrcil. fn. .r Kw lork. til
mnre thin oic,cv,.t...j.
fiosr-versallTicknowIediredDiirestln fhewwíí.
v r..
ouin vj rruccri CTcrrwncrt.
Book ot n lable Sedpem-rsZ. I
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l.KO. it ts n rely vcgpi&j
!e. YdiJ do r.ut. have to Ktory
-nú toliaiH'd with I1ACO
TUO. It will iidtify you
, lien tostnr) and vonr rlpsirn
Kir tobacco will ci'itsc. Your'
I. ...... .....I. ..1. ltM... L.
CUMl'AN V. ('. W, tlmiMCK, Snpl.
y. .rn, ini.l fliirint' (tic pnM two -t-nrs hn4
.'li.- .My win, If ii.rvi.n. cv-lm t.ct-uiljf
, I hi i:. el I ..I in. .o lor ll' 1 '.'i' l-r-inir,
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i ..... ..t.vr-v v
simply wtin,lrtiil, ih14
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very truly
rt . nifHHlull.

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ipiiyi1 ni i .',.K rn vi.ii must have f.f,u
iiiiul;ii:i , ami in niti.it nil rasen. tht fí
' i lie it illinium, Iit it i. iiim, UKirphioe, of
hi r ..ui ii cs, !.-avf a fur wnise habit mo-'
' ' vmir drii'iriKt aliout ISAC'O

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