OCR Interpretation

Western liberal. (Lordsburg, N.M.) 1887-1919, June 16, 1899, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070405/1899-06-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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3 Vtn u ,
iXICO JUNE 16. 1890.
Maw M.aleo.
ry ooxt n. KitDZir.
8abscriptin Trice.
jr.reo Month.
dix Montó.
On. Virar
Sub.oriptloa Alway r.yebloln A4ydco
M.B.T.rruii. ..-. ....l.llt U Confr...
M A.Ut.ro O.T.rn.r
.mi!.- 8rcrttrr
J. W.CrPk.r Á"C tl
C.... Uan4
rre,kW.r.rk AMOcnte
em.ky T.oo 8urv.yor-n.ml.al
I. L. Morrl.o. VmiUi State, (d ector
W. Ckllderl U. 8. District Altorn.
C U Vorak.r U- 8- Mr,hul
C. A.Co.4luito. D'Putr V. 8. Uar.Ual
J. W. H.-la Ü. 8. Coal Mln. In.Ptor
V. t Ot.ro . 8ota F. Kr. Land Offlc.
B. f.'Hobart. Santa to Hoc. Land Offlc.
1.I.Í1HU La. Cruce. Iff. í'"10
. D. Bowman La. Cruc... . .. Kac. Land Offlc.
ward L.l.dl..w.ll Kr. Land Offc.
O...K. Cmy.r Bo.w.11 It. Land Offlc
fox F.I.9- K'- '"nd 0'-',
JThoapion ico. UudOffln.
. L. Bartlott Sollcltor-Goo.rsl
Cka.A- Bpie. Siat. T. Dl.t. Attorn.j
JkO. D. EryaaLaiCruoe.. ........ "
T.A . rNaloal. Albuqu.rqu.
T. 8. Maflia iilr.r City
a. v. i-. !.:
Jaka rmakllii Roiir.ll
. Attxaader.Saeor o
J. Laafcy, R'.n
T Matth.wi, Lincoln
Jo.aS.fura Librarian
o. vrjiir. C1,rk uPr" Court
B(k9ana Sup1- P.oltontlary
W.H. Wkit.n Anjuiaut Gooeral
...! Il.od. Tr"'uT"
Marcha. Oarc' ...AuJ.tor
M C 4a Baea Suot. Public Instruction
J.o B Clark Coal Oil la.poutor
J.D.aa.. Public Prim.r
B. Er.4 of Ioa. Cklef Juatlco.
A0CI4T Jorric.S -Wilbur r. Kwue. of
Colorado; Tae-a. C. iullrr. of North Caroll
hi, Wlllla-M. Murray, f.T.ini)cMo; Kanry
lass, of Caaaai.
k.alt.- U' rííiíM. HUaourl. U. 8.
T V Faratirorfa r.-mty Comm . loner
m W Tarlor ...County Ctniuii.Honcr
V K jiurr'I County Commlislonar
taalr'a. P'1"'1" J",""'
a M.ADiack Probato L.trk
.W.M.C.rrtl ÁT'
J...t: Blair
Uat 4kcl Sup.rlnteuloul
Jk."L.Bü'r'.. Tren......
M w .Qrttvi Justice of tbo Pear.
B.keot Dlr.tor-H..L.Gmon, P. r. Tr
rii aad Joaa Bokoa.
6itliern PjciScSRailroaOi
I.critkart Tlmolaiblo.
wtmaous. p
.... i:
T. H. OoortMA.
...rlBto4.at. Ca. P. aad Tkt. At.
" .tVciiVI . tf.ri ü.r
" """"
. i-M
u.(iaa 4;)o
(ooToo. A M
rifiaa :00
Boaoaa , ..11:10
II. tí. CHOCKER, M. I).
rby(t.laa 8oroo.
Mow Moxlco
1TT0IÍIT. f? LW'
emton - Arizona.
W. A. ""
f . . COWAT. Wl
. r..ollor. at Law,
AUora.yt Cooo.o
vir MBI1CO.
ww.tAM.aMo. . t ait btirinew
i11r.íl',, th f0Urt ,nil ''
iLjJl o tuo urtiicry.
Wow Uíx!o
lomo Inataacra wf . 8laa;alar Ef.
feet. Produced l'poa tko Miad br
Caalaa; 8(a4llr at a Crratal lar.
BOttea laeldeata Recalled.
The queer frenks of rocmory nro n
constant pnzzla to tboso who etndr
pychiciil phenomenx Who has not
bertj driven to the verge of distraction
by the total inability to recall a name
when an effort was nindo to do so and
when the Oceanian for inch remem
brance was pant had the musing name
flash into the mind apparently of its
own volition 1
Great minds have wrestled to find an
explanation for tho pranks that memory
plays and have had to give op the
effort In the conrae of u systematic at
tempt to arrive at some nnderstnnding
with regard to tho wonlers of memory
a very valuable and n.-iiqne body of
testimony has been obtained. The fol
lowing questions have been put to 200
American cnivcraity students and pro-
feseionnl persons, 151 being men aDd
40 being women. The an&wers are here
given with the qneutions
Question 1. When you cannot recall
a name you want, does it seem to come
back spontaneously without being sug
gested by any perceived association of
ideas t To this 11 por cent answered
'No" and 81 per cent "Yes."
Question 2. Does sneh recovery ever
como dnring sleep? To this 17 per cent
answered "No" nud 23 percent "Ves.
Socio examples given :
1. This morning t tried to rwall the
r.amo of a churacter I bad read of the
night before In one of Scott's novels and
failed. I taught a claxs, and walking
homo in tho afternoon all the names re
curred to uie without feffort
2. 1 tried to recall tho n.imo of a
book. Gave it tip. Half an hour later,
whilo talking of something else, blurted
it out without conscious volition.
Question 8. On seeing a sight or
hearing a sound for the first time, have
you ever felt that yon had sen (or
lieard) the sumo before? Fifty-nine per
cent answered "Yes. "
Tho action of nnconscions memory
during sleep is illustrated by further
Question 4. Doyoudream? Ninety
four per cent nnwered "Yes. "
Question 5. Can you wa!to at a given
hour determined lx;iore going fo sleep
without waking up uiuny timos beforoí
Fifty-nine per ccut answered "Yes. '
Thirty-one per cant answered "No."
Question C. If you can, how ubont
failnre? Sixty-nino prr cent seldom
failed: 23 per cent often.
Question 7. Do you t-otno direct from
oblivion into coiifcioiiMneys? Bisty-fonr
per cent answered "Yes" and 10 per
cent "Gradually "
I I hud to give medicino every two
hours exactly to my wife, lama very
sound sleeper, but for six weeks I woko
up every two hours und uover missed
giving tho medicino.
2. I am ulways awake Dvo minutes
before tho hour I set tho alarm.
8. I hud hud little sleep for ten days
and 'went to bed at 9, asking to bo
culled at midnight I fell asleep at
once. I rose and dressM as the clock
stuck 12, and could uot believe I had
not been callod.
A strange phenomenon has come to
light iu tho course of tho inquiry into
the mystery of nioinory. It hua been
discovered thut by gazing steadily t
crystal consciousness is partly lost lu
to the void thus produced those who
have practiced crystal gazing find that
there enter nnbidaen forgotten incidents
and loct memories. To give a few in
stances: A lady ti crystal gaeliig saw a
bit of dark wall cohered with white
Qoweis. filio was conscions she must
have teen it somewhere, bnt Lad no
recollection where. She walked over the
ground eho had Just traversed and
found the frail, which she bad passed
She took out her bankbook another
day. Shortly afterward rhe was gazing
at the crystal end saw nothing but the
number one. She thought it was some
hack number, but. taking up tho batik
book, found to her surprise it was the
number of the account
At another time eho destroyed a let
ter without noting tho address. Bhe
could only remember the town. After
gazing et tho crystal some time she
saw "02X Jefferson avenue." She ad
dressed the letter there, adding the
town, and found it was right
' A ludy sat in a room to write where
she had sat eight years before. She felt
her feet moving restlessly under the ta
ble and thon remembers i that eight
yearn before sho always had a footstool.
It was this her foet were seeking.
Psychical research' brings to light
many cases of similar strange tricks of
memory. It is easy to find instances
that servo to' deepen the mystery. Ills
iut so easy to gi.vo an explanation.. Jb
' It N4.r DLappolat.
People who are troubled with any
disease caused or promoted by impure
blood or a low state of tbe STsteru may
taite Hood's Sarsaparilla With the ut
most confidence that Its faithful use
will effect a cure. Million take It as
a iprlog medicine, because tbey kuow
by experlpnce It Is Just wbat tbe sys
tem needs.
Hood's "Tills are tbe best family
cathartic aod liver toolc, GeDtle, re
Hablé, iü're.
cleverest men who havo" attempted to
do so have had to admit defeat Wash
ington Post.
Tho Worn, a of Urlftlam.
No one can travel in Belgium with
out being struck by the extraordinary
aotivity and prominence of the women.
Over the doort of shops of all descrip
tions the name of the owner or ownors
Is freqnently followed by "Sncnts" or
''VenvB." Yen And them proprietors of
hotels und restaurants, They are often
custodians 'of the churches They are
emp'cj-H to tow tbo boHts along the
tunal banks. Tbey otit op the meat la
the bntchers' shops, and they are eren
to bo noticed shoeing horses at the forge.
To Ho Avoided. ;
Mrs. De Sour I want yon to ' Itcep
your deg out of my house. It's full of
Mrs. De Smart Mercy on niel Fido,
come here, airt Don't you go Into that
house attain. It's full of fleas. Jewhib
The first International congress of
doctors connected with life Insurance
companies will be held in Iirusscls in
September next. All Europe and the
Uiilted States will bo represented at
this congress, the object of which is to
establish a universal formula for the
examination of persons desiring to be
Insured. A second result which it Is
hoped the congress will bring about is
tbo establishment of a permanent
board of five doctors from each country
to see that the decisions of I he con
gress are observed.
The Scott-lloblnson Co. commenced
this week to roll all barb wire now on
the range occupied by the Hat and
other brands of cattle owned bv the
firm. This company has decided to
do away with their drift fences and en
deavor lo have the United Stales sta
tute followed to tho letter as regards
fencing government land l'i Eddy
county. Eddy Current.
Several very large schemes are
afloat for expenditure of money in de
veloping Arizona. Since the Jump in
copper, the eyes of the miuinii world
have been turned toward Arizona.
Where copper is produced in vast
quantities at small cost in comparison
with other sections. The present
year will bring some surj rises. En
terprise. A colored bootblack at Gallup In
sulted Mrs. George Meyers and Mrs.
A. Horden. Mr. Hordeu followed the
bootblack with his shot gun aiid tired
three shots but missed. The negro
was arrested and placed in the Luck-up.
lie was released upon the promise to
leave town as quickly as he could.
Tbe banks hare aRi ed to close at
noou on Saturdays, during the sum
mer mouths that Is, the bank of Ari
zona and tbe Prcscolt National bank.
This docs not refer to games which go
under the general classitleaiioQ of
banks. Courier.
Although there are no heaver dams
upou the Gila river yet there are
many of the aDimals along the river,
above and below Cliff. One hunter
sold over $300 worth of beaver pelts,
taken from the river in that vicinity.
Prof. G. A. Tredwcll, who is a stock
holder of 'he United. Verde copper
mioe, Jerome, U 'j """d as saying that
the profits of the mine m , t olone
for the rast year were $7, 000,000 n.
agaiust the Calumet Hecla'a 85,000,
000. The placer fields along the Colorado
River. Arizona, are attracting a great
deal of attention and gold-bearing
gravel beds have recently been located
for a distance or :uu mues anove
Needles. Yuma Sun.
The Colorado river at Yuma Is re
ported hlKhcr than it has been for a
number of vears. If the weather
should turn suddenly worm, the entire
low lands bordering tbe stream will
6urelv be inundated.
The city coudcU of Tucson refused
to pass an ordinance permitting womeu
to sing bud dance in saloons. The
saloons wanted to pay a monthly line
of $30 each for the privilege.
The Salvation army proposes to es
tablish a permanent headquarters ut
Globe. Orb.
Mlzht Hooors World's Fair.
V W " -W kv m
A purs Grape Crosrn of Tartar Powder. Fret
horn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
40 Vean the Standard.
I Governor Otero has Issued the fol
fowing proclamation:
Wberea, The 21th day or June, A.
D. 18U9, will be the anntverrary of the
first engagement on Ii'nti of the Uuited
States troops witü those of Spain,
which resulted l:i a glorious victory
for our arms; In which citizens of New
Mexico hore a tii'jst honorable and dis
tinguished part as members of the 1st
United States volunteer cavalry',
known as the "Rough Hidcr?," and
Whereas, That regiment has select
ed and dciigoated that day for a re
union and celebration at the city of
Las Vegas lu this territory, at wBlch
the former colonel, Hon. Theodore
Itoosevclt, now unvcroorof New York,
will be present with other distin
guished citizens fioru the east; and be
licvlns that It Is Utllug and proper
that tlic people gouerilly of tho terri
tory should unite iu the observance of
this anuiversaiy by showing their
pride in tbe gallant organization in
which tbe territory boic so illstin
guUhcd a iart.
Now, thcrcfo'-e, I, Miguel A. Otero,
governor of the territory of New Mcx
lea, do hereby desiguale Saturday, the
'Hih day of June, A D. 189'J, as a pub
lic holiday lu ibis territory, and rec
ommend 10 the people that they ob
serve the same iu such a manner as
tbey mar deem best In celebrating
the achievements of their people ou
the Held of battle, and In memory of
those gallant ones who fell In defence
of our common country.
Miotic 1, A. Otkko,
Governor of tbe Territory of New
There vtere 70 deaths in Las Vegas
for the vear ending March 31; and G7
births. Six deaths were from small
pox and 30 from consumption.
A party of students from Yale col'
lege propose to look for buried cities
in southern Arizona. Tombstoue
What you want, is not, temporary
relief from piles but a cure to stay
cured. De Witt's Witch Hi'zcl Salve
cures pile, and they stay cured.
Huberts Si Leahy Mercantile Company.
A iit.int; old remedy for ceuiírí, colds
and consumption: used through the
world for half a century, has cured
Innumerable cáseí of incipient con
sumption and relieved many in ad
vanced stages. If you are not satis
fied with the results we will refund
your money. Price 25 ct., 50 cts.
aiidíl.CO. For sale by MoGrath Uros.
J, A. Schcar, of Kedalla Mo., saved
his child from death by using One
Minute Cough Cure. It cure coughs,
cold?, pneumonia, la grippe aud all
throat and lung trouble. Roberts' &
Leahy Mercantile company.
Croup is tbe terror of thousands f
voung mothers because It's outbreak is
so agonizing and frequently fatal
Shlloh's coughjand consumption cure
acts like magic in cases of croup. It
has never beeo known to fail. The
worst cases relieved immediately.
Price 25 cts.. 50 cts. aud Í1.00. For
sale by McGratb Rrothers.
Thcrc Isa time for all things. The
time to uc De Witt's Little Early
Risers is when you are suffering from
constipation, billiousness, slck hcad
ache, Indigestion and other stomach
or liver troubles. Roberts & Leahy
Jercantlle Company.
MANY A I.O V ill
Has turned away with dligust from an
otherwise, lovable girl with an offen
sive breath. Kail's elorer root tea
purifies the breath by Us action on the
bowels, etc., ah nothing else will
Sold for years on aUuluto guarantee.
Price 25 cts., and 50 cts. For sale by
McGratb Hrothers.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely
digests food within tire stomach and
Intestines aod renders ail classes of
food capable of being assimilated and
converted Into strength giving aod
tissue building substances. Roberts
Sc Leah.V Mercantile company.'
. .iouTatiT.
If Shlloh's cough and consumption
Cure, which is sold for tbe small .sum
of 25 els., 60 cts. and $1.00, does not
cure take the bottle back aud we will
refund your money. Sold for over
fifty years on this guarantee. Price
25 cts.. and 50 cU.For sale by McUialb
lirolbers. .
Thomas Tburman, deputy sheriff of
Troy, Mo., says If everyone In the
United States should . discover the
virtue of De Witt's Wltcli Hazel Stive
for piles, rectal troubles and skin dls
canes, the demand rouid not be sup
plied. Roberts St Leahy Mercantile
., blt'li HEAOACWtS.
The cure for overworked woman
kind, are quickly and surely cured by
Karl's clover root tea. the great blood
purlüer and tissue builder. Money
refunded If not satisfactory. Price 25
aod 50 cts. For sale by McGratb Bros
The Roberts & LeahY
and Fotatses.
Bit ritO,
Capital, SJLÓO.OOO
J. 8. EAYKOLRS. Pr.ald.nt.
P. 8. 8TBWABT. Ca.hlcr.
Chemical Xati.aal Bank...!
First National Bank
Anglo-Calil'ohoiaa Bank, Limited
Silver Cilv National B
Gapitai, $50,000.
Transacts a C3-neralTE3an.li:lr5 Z3xiaxnL.Galí9
r.mil Elio B.nfht aad Sola.
MEXICAN MONEY Ilought and Sold. Money to LÓaa oo Caod 8scirlty tí'
Current Rates of Interest.
Rapid Transit and Exprcás LiñiV.
Froig altad Eipr.ii U atúr 6anía with Car aad D.lir.r.d wítk DupaUa.
PaiitáforS.rvisa Uii.lL
NewdoacoidCoachsa Firttelaniteckv Einori.BcadaadCartfalDrivsri
N. B". Coaita.rcialtrav.l.ri with heavy
foi terni.ste.
i I
js-iirplvlo, feCO-OCC
M.W. PLOUBXOr,, yiee PtmI4.iI
J. F. WILLIAMS, Ai.t.aCsikl
........... k7W Turk
i... .'.'.L Ckiee
.....i.. ..SaaFraasiMO
' Si'irpiiis, $10,,
Profits. $3,5DCT-
sampla eases are iavittd t rrtiasaj
HILL, Proprietor,
Clifton, Arrzoná;
- ca r3

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