OCR Interpretation

Western liberal. (Lordsburg, N.M.) 1887-1919, April 30, 1915, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070405/1915-04-30/ed-1/seq-2/

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Lo.&turg Ledge Ko. 30.
A. r. A. M.
f i 1 thf shtnt 1 .hHht nip tit f
H. M ft-..M.. W.M.
1. I. Jv-liuK,
Mirf vt'i init A 4th Hnturrlny liiuhl at tb
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Y mil III lilOl III r !-'! tO BltflMl
.1. ft ,ohni(f). V ,
It. . hr)utillR, Jert.
Sunset Rebckah Lodge No. 30
Vi- M m I :M PitMn.lats
til I'M' ll Illtttil It
Mr. .. IV .l.flui. N. ,
A. . Miirmy. rr-lrf
P.r-rr'JIri?-. Fr. 91
v. O
v7 K ""
vV 1 v..-. .n- eifrj Tin -v-nins.
' J Visiting- tn-wlliers lnviu-il.
V"X7 K II Smvtm I' C
y J. J. M ai.hmt. K .K . 8.
v 1 II bllllU LLLLk. 1 U.
Investment Securities
MKClltlTIK" Willi rs.
Samson Iron Works
Stockton. Cal.
Miimifru'tiirtTn (if tli riiniott S;nnm. Kn
BiiM". (lie SimiiMin rrntrif iijtnI I'tiuipt,
Mini the ímuiimui ft to W full Imi-tur.
THE BEST MrO.. Co. Iuo-
Git'ollae Traction iiips. Plemn Traction
KiiKini. (iaaoltne I'onitiineil llurvcstcra,
Htcatn Combine, 1 HMrveMera,
Horse llurvestcra,
"The Town with a Future!"
Write for Drawings anil Prices
E. A. Jones, Roswell, N. M.
Assayer and Chemist
Iti'pieKcniMttVP For Stvji'r Id the
KL I'AMI iM Kl. I I.K.
IV lfl 4HU
nr. x- cozs:,
Civil & Mining Engineer
HII.VEtt riTV. N M.
I'erloilu-al I' i unfit tti l.onli.ltur'
mill vicinity.
A. W. Morningstar,
Mil Mr XII I).
'hvtrlMii ami Hiirirri'n
District Kii'tr'ii KmilhiTii lm tflc mill Ari
buiM Nw M-- Hn'lrnii'l-. Suiweon to
A nit i imn ConwotMjttif J 1 ipH?r i n.
,,OIU.HI!MM - Nvw Mrnoo.
Suiuric Acid
Made from the celebrated fllfton
Ores. Kree from A ntliiiony and At
wiilc. ii ii. H ii:i:ikiil rvKHiiV.
(ilves mnrf saiKfadory results In
lieduRl Inn Works than ai.) Chemicals
:.- I lie marker
A li'iiL' 1 1 : i K 1 1 " 1 1 a u I saved In Hie
rofiHiimtTb In Uilli diales Arlona
and Nrw 'n.
I "rices In riniipe'.ll ion hIiIi t lie
Kusliin Maikeis.
Arizona Copper Co.
l!l,imi. 4 KlllNA
fur Rheumatism. SNm arli Tronlile,
Kidney A'lin.nis, Inllamai Inns. Ar
terial 1 1 a ri Urn nif . Icomot.ir Ataxia,
Nervous ltreakini( et. Perfect Treat
ment, IVrfic 1 1 in He. Ile.iltli. plea
kure, LarKH Modern llniel. Knoklet.
T. C MnliKltMOTT.
Photo Finishing and
Priinii! MTVliv Hiv.'ii iiiull nrilfiit. Whfn In
Itilvur L'ny muke wiir H.iliiUHrUrn itt
Til K K T hllDK.
Attorney and Counsellorat Law
Silver City,
When in the County Seat
03 A DELS' CiFE oa BullarJ trt
IFw.l.rn Nwr.Pr I'm. in l.m B"-rvlc.
IVrltish casualties from the bi'Rln-
nliiK of the uur until April 11 total
1 :!.:: f T. It was officially announced
In IxmiiIoii.
All Herman and Austrian HtibjecU
In Sw itnerlattil,' even tlioHe who neer
did military service, were recalled by
their respective RiivernnientH.
KiKlitlna; has been proceeding fierce
ly aii'h without Interruption northwest
of t'ernowitz, the apltal of Itukovlna,
ccordiiiR to private tcleKiauis reach
ing Ilcrlin frotn that city.
message from Rome says: "A
prominent Italian statesman said that
the participation of Italy In the war,
at least in the Immediate future,
seemed less likely now than had been
the case for some time."
The (ermniiB claim I lint, w ith a
rush, they drove the allies back to
the Ypres canal, taking l.lKn) llrltlsh
and French prisoners and a number
of guns. The French account admits
that the allies had to fall back, but
It states that this defeat was due to
the use by the Hermans of asphyxiat
ing gas bombs.
Hill No. tin has been taken by the
British, after Englishmen were
lost, but the toll of the Ciermnns was
4,01111, and when the Kaiser's men
tried to regain the hill, which holds
the key to Ypres, which has been
under bombardment for the last three
months, more than twice that num
ber ire reported to have been sac
rificed. While the 730.000 trained British
athletes, comprising the new Kitch
tier army In France, bombards the
Teuton lines in Its "On to Cermany"
campaign, the combined fleets of
France and England will open war
fare on the enemy In the North Sea
and the Aegian Sea, and besides that
the determination has been an
nounced to reopen with renewed fury
the fighting for the possession of the
Dardanelles, according to London re
ports. WESTERN
An earthquake shock was felt at
Tacoma, Wash.
Fifteen South Dakota towns went
dry In the recent election, with a tie
vot; reported at Aberdeen.
A bill abolishing ca iital punishment
was defeated in t'n.i State Assembly
of California by a vete of ;;o to ..
As a result of local option elections
In twenty-six Illinois towns, eleven
towns were placed in the dry col'imn.
Thirty-five thousand acres of phos
pliute beds near Vernal, I'tah, 130
miles from the end of the Moffat road
at Craig, have been filed upon by sev
eral Denver men.
Dr. K. Moormelster and Dr. Theo
dore M. II. II. Hotopp were arrested
at Salt Lake on warrants charging
them with involuntary manslaughter
in connection with the death of Mrs.
Kula II. Smith Tattershall. age nice
teen years, formerly of Ogden.
James O'Hourke. a member of the
Colorado Legislature, announced that
he would leave Denver soon for the
Najavo reservation In New Mexico, at
the head of a party in search of a
lost gold mine and tl,(ii0,iiii in treas
ure left by a Spanish expedition In
Motoring will be permitted In Vel
lo stone National Park beginning
Aug. 1.
Secretary Daniels reiterated with
out qualification that the Atlantic
fleet will pass through the Panama
canal to the Pacific in July.
Mrs. William Cumming Story of
New York was reelected president
general of the Daughters of the Amer
ican Revolution over Mrs. lieorge
Thatcher Guernsey of Kansas by a
vote of C93 to 4C1.
The Supreme Court held that the
state of Georgia had denied Leo M.
Frank no right under the federal con
stitution in sentencing him to death
for the murder of Mary Phngan, an
Atlanta factory girl
Mrs. Ida M. McN'abb, thirty-seven,
Kscauaba. Mich., and Wisconsin, won
a $:!o,iniii breach of promise verdict
against John 8. Kinney, seventy-eight,
of the same stale. Mrs. .McNabb, a
widow, sued for $."'"!, un..
Total receipts of t-.-s,U7(i for the
fiscal year ending March 1915, are
shown in the statement of the board
jf foreign missions of the Presby
terian Church ill the I nlted States of
America, Issued at New York.
Secretary Redfield laid before Pres
ident Wilson at the cabinet meeting
his estimates that American exports
for the cuirent fiscal year will reach
5.',73o,no0.iiiiO. llreadstuffs exported
from the I nlted States since the out
break of the war have totaled 41S,
000,0011. President Wilson 111 an address at
the annual luncheon of the Associ
ated Press In New York gave a defi
nite statement of his Idea of true
neutrality and of the duties that de
volve upon America connection with
the Europcon war.
Consular dispatches received by the
Washington government from various
points In Mexico Indicate that while
temporarily disorganized by the de
feat sustained at Celaya, Gen. Villa
and ills forces have by no means been
removed as a formidable factor In
Vélico' rlvll war.
All women, regardless of their sta
tion In Ufo, are now entitled to vota
in Denmark.
Adi le Hugo, youngest daughter of
Victor Hugo, died at her residence In
Suresues, a suburb of Paris, at the
age of S3 years.
It is reported In Vera Crua that
Guadalajara has been occupied by the
constitutionalists and that General
Obrogon Is still advancing north.
Declaration of Intention to become
an American citizen will not exempt
a nntive of Germany, Austria or Tur
key from arrest If found in Canadian
(Jtieen Helena of Italy may suffer
the Iofs of her right arm a a result
of injuries received seven yearn ago
hi!e working among the Messina
earthquake sufferers.
The Third Australian expeditionary
force, to consist of lo.ooil men, which
will soon leave the commonwealth for
the front, will be made up largely of
recruits from New South Wales and
Seven million Poles, of whom 2,000.
ono are Jews, are In dire need of food.
This statement was made by Her
mann I .mind. in. a Jewish philanthrop
ist associated wit It various Jewish
charities In London.
The young Egyptian merchant
named Khalil, who. on April X, made
an unsuccessful attempt in Cairo to
assassinate Hussein Kumil. the Sul
tan of Egypt, was sentenced by a
military court to death by hanging.
Vera Crux officially honored the
memory of her citizens who defended
the city one year ago ugalnst occupa
tion by the American forces. The
troops of the entire garrison paraded,
and there were also civic ceremonies
In which Gen. Carranza participated.
The lower house of the Territorial
Legislature passed tiie bill abolishing
capital punishment In Alaska. The
bill has already passed the senate and
awaits only Governor J. F. A. Strong's
signature to become effective. It
was fathered by Senator Charles A.
Sulzer, brother of former Governor
Sulzer of New York.
Thousands of persons homeless,
thousands of buildings burrrcd to the
ground, and hundreds of thousands, if
not millions of dollars' worth of dam
age done such Is the toll of the Rus
sian Invasions of East Prussia, which
culminated In a raid on the little city
of Memel In the northernmost corner
of the province. '
Of the forty-eight states in the union
the box fight game Is permitted la
Joe Rivera of Los Angeles wou a
decision in a fast ten-round bout with
Frankie Burns of Oakland, Cal., at
Kansas City.
At Lincoln, Denver defeated Lin
coln In the opening game of the West
ern league, 6 to 0. Des Moines de
feated Sioux City, io to 3.
Seventeen strong the Grizzlies left
Denver for Lincoln, where they
opened the 1315 Western league sea
son, Governor Morehead pitching the
first ball.
Benny Allen of Kansas City de
feated Charles Whitford of Des
Moines, la., 123 to 53, In a Western
pocket billiard tournament match at
Kansas City.
The Louisville Jockey club an'
nounccd that at the spring meeting,
beginning May 8, there will be seven
races a day. The extra race will be
for a purse of not less than JG00.
A report at Paris says William
Thaw, an American aviator, serving
with the French army, has been killed
near Verdun. The report has not baen
confirmed, however. A postcard dated
April 17 showed that he was tu good
health then.
Mrs. A. R. Canfield, 74 years old.
was elected mayor of Warren, 111
Attorney General Woodbury said at
Albany, N. Y., that he would appeal
from Justice Hendricks decision
granting Harry K. Thaw a Jury trial.
Two hundred ovens In the Connels
vlllo. Pa., coke region were fired dur
ing the week and production for the
first time this year reached 300,000
Capt. George Woods Logan, com
mander of the battleship Nebraska, Is
dead at the naval hospital at Ports
mouth, after an operation for intesti
nal troubles.
At least twelve persons were killed
at Birmingham, Ala., when two retail
stores, crowded with shoppers ,were
crushed by a five-story wall blown
down In a wind atorm.
At Erie, Pa., Sam Leonoff, CO, was
killed, his wife, Katherlne, Injured,
and fifteen others badly hurt when
the Leonoff home was destroyed by
a dyiiHinlte explosion.
After a nine-year fight for a Jury
trial to determine his sanity, Harry
K. Thaw was overjoyed as be listened
to the opinion of Judge lieiirick In
the Nc York Supreme Court, which
granted him a trial by twelve of hit
fellow men, on May 17.
H. Clay Moss and Mrs. Ilattle
O'Nell, who were arrested at Paris
111., on the charge of buying votes at
the city election, were released on
bond. Both denied the charge and
declared they do not know Miss Flora
Dawson and Mrs. Rattle Franklin, who
charge they were paid )S each for
A direct photograph of Melllsh'i
comet, made at the I.owell observa
tory at Flagstaff, Ariz, shows a tall
composed of two divergent branches,
the longer one of which is probably
not less than 3,000,000 miles in length.
Application for a rehearing was de
nied In the Midwest Oil Company
case by the Supreme Court of the
United States The decision upheld
the validity of President Taft's order
withdrawing from public entry 31,000,
ooo. ouo worth of public oil lands In
Wyoming, California and other West
ern states.
Attorneys for I-eo M. Frank filed a
petition with Governor Slaton and the
Georgia prison commission asking
that the sentence upon Frauk for the
murder of Mary Phagan he commuted
to Ufa Imurlsonment.
Wife of 8lain Man Declares Klmmoni
Fired Fatal Shot From Behind
Pile of Wood
Western Nwpaper I'nlnn Nrw Herviré.
Carrlzozo, N. M. Mrs. N. B. Brown.
whose husband was killed at his wood
cutting camp near Corona, passed
through here with the body of her
husband. She will take he body to
Midland, Tex., a former homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Brown, for burial. In speak
ing of the tragedy, Mrs. Brown said:
The killing occurred at the wood
cutting camp of my husband, near
Corona, but Just over the line In Tor
rance county. The man who fired the
fatal shot was Frank Klmmons. On
the morning of the day my husband
was killed, several of our wood-cutters
had been run off the land by
Kiminons and his wifer"1.,ater In the
dny Rlr. Brown went out to the camp
and Va8 informed of what had hap
pened during the earlier hours of the
day. One or two of the men told htm
ihey had been run off the land by
Mrs. Kiminons, who was armed with
t shotgun. Klmmons soon appeared,
liter Mr. Brown arrived, and 1 am
old Mr. Brown picked up an ax, but
it the request of one of his men he
iropped. It. It was hanging loosely
n his hand, with the blade on the
round, when Klmmona fired upon
lira from behind a pile of wood with
automatic revolver. The shot
jroved fatal In a few hours. We have
lad a great deal zZ trouble over the
Ine between our land and that of the
rClmmons family trouble which has
sted almost continuously for
nonths. But I never expected that
t would terminate fatally."
Klmmons Is now confined In the
rorrance county Jail at Estancia.
Hondo Reservoir Dam Breaks.
Roswell, N. M. Heavy rains in the
nountains nnd a giving way of a small
part of the diversion dam at the Hoir-
io reservoir Saturday caused a flood
lere on the 17th. The1 Btreets were
running several Inches of water in
places, and residents of the lower
Dor Hon of the city were compelled to
move out. There will be BOine prop
erty loss, but none of life.
Artcsla suffered more severely
than Roswell. The worst storm of
record for years struck that town Fri
day afternoon, cutting it off from
communication with the outside until
Saturday night. According to the gov
ernment gauge, 3.57 inches of rain fell
it that point. The Peñasco Is at flood
stage and the Pecos river is rising
rapidly. The Artesla electric light
plant was put out of commission by a
lightning bolt.
Falling of Roof Injures Family.
Estancia. Dr. C. J. Amble was
called to the home of Candelario
Chavez, three miles west of Punta, to
attend the injuries of the family re
sulting from the roof of the house
falling In. One girl, 8 years of age,
sustained a broken leg. The other
members of the family were severely
bruised but not serloubly Injured.
Drank Two Beer Glasses of Brandy.
Sonta Fé. Camllio Ortiz, an ex
pressman, drank two beer glasses
brim full of brandy in a local saloon.
It is said that Ortiz did it on a bet.
He went to his borne and shortly
thereafter died. He leaves a wife and
five children without means of sup
port. Navajo Slayer of Indian Police Killed.
Thoreau. Big Boy, a Navajo Indian,
was killed several miles north of here
after he had slain two Indian police,
Tom Brown and Willie Largo.
Elephant Butte May Slide Into Lake.
Albuquerque. That the giant "Ele
phant Butte," a huge pile of slate and
hale, in Bhape of a gigantic elephant,
and from which the Elephant Butte
Irrigation project derives its nnnie, is
slowly slipping and is expected at any
time to slip Into the huge lake created
by the Elephant Butte dam across the
Rie Grande, Is the statement of engi
neers of the reclamation service, who
have jUBt examined the mountain.
Since storage of water behind the
great dam began the steadily rising
water has washed against the soft
shale base of the butte, rapidly under
mining it. When It slips, as it may at
any time, it will make a mighty
splnsh, but will do no damage to the
project, the engineers say, the dam
being anchored in solid rock well away
from the butte.
Many Dams Washed Out.
Roswell. According to reports re
celved here, high water In the Hondo
river waBhed away all of the dams of
the Bloom Cattle Company, and many
smaller dams. The dumage Is exten
slve, it is said.
Forests Are Consolidated.
Santa Fé. President Wilson's order
has been received for the consolida
tion of the Jemez and Pecos national
forests Into the Santa Fd national for
est, with headquarters here, effective
July 1, 1115. The combined area will
be close to 1,500,000 acres.
Sheep Sanitary Board Organiza
a i tti 1 1 ii i rn ii i Sabino Olivas was
elected president of the sheep sanitary
board and K. 11. I'ollocK vice president.
Robert H. Crews was re-elected sec
Madrll Held for Stabbing Wife.
Santa Fé. A. Madrll, arrested at
Albuquerque, following an altercation
with his wife at Lamy In course of
which he stabbed her, will be held on
a charge of first-degree murder. Mrs
Madrll died at Leniy as a result of the
Has Authorized No Encampment.
Santa Fé. "I have authorized no
encampment in the Pecos valley or
anywhere ehie this summer," declared
Adjutant General Harry T. Herring
Gathered Fr"m
All Parts of the State
B.ftara N.wnpnprr Union Krwa Strvlc.
July 5-s M.'.-ilri .State Retail Mer
chanlH Association I Sania KA
Si-pl. ZH-30-lh-l. 1. Northern .Nuw Mil
ieu Fair at Katun.
A meeting of stockmen will be held
at Magdalena, May 1314.
Cowboys are arranging for a re
union at Las Vegas In July.
The contract for a new Jail at Farm
Ington has been let for $2,380.
Newcomers in the Rana section have
paid as high as $500 for relinquish
ments. Fred McFarland will soon begin
work on the road between Logan and
Nara Visa.
The big lake formed by the Elephant
Butte dam will be stocked with trout,
carp and other fish.
All business in Albuquerque was
suspended during the funeral of for
mer Mayor Frank McKee.
The United States government will
stablish b laboratory of the Bureau
)f Entomology in Maxwell.
James Barry of Clovis purchased a
l.ouO-acre ranch on the Tecos river,
our miles from Santa Rosa.
At Albuquerque a $.1.000 permit has
leen Issued for the erection of sanl-
arlum cottages at the highlands.
Ella R. Clapper, of Red River, Taos
:ounty, has been commissioned a no
.ary public by Governor McDonald.
Governor McDonald will be the prln
Ipal speaker at the dedication of the
Sew Mexico building at San Diego on
May 3. 1
Half a million dollars in round num
bers represent the value of cattle
shipped from Silver City during the
ear 1914.
Uoineseekers filed upon 335,000
icres of public land in the state dur-
ng March, as reported by the tlx
ederal land officers.
The state land commissioner has ar
ranged for the transfer of 32,000 acres
if land In the Pecos valley which will
bring the state $142,000.
The body of Justo Martinez, living
near Pecos, was pulled out of the
Pecos river at that town. The affair
bears the marks of a murder.
There are about 800 more deeded
properties in Roojevclt county this
year than there were last year, accord
ing to County Assessor McCall.
A remittance of $1,000 for the Mora-
Cleveland road in Mora county has
been received by the state treasurer's
office from the Mora county commis
sioners. The first payment to creditors of
the First State Bank of Tucumcarl
which failed over a ye;v ago, has
been made. It amounts to 10 cents on
the dollar.
Twenty-nine farmers of the Melrose
district have bought a total of 5,440
acres of farming land in the district
tributary to, Melrose during the past
ninety days.
T. R. 11. Smith, the Las Cruces
banker charged with irregularities in
connection with the First State Bank
of Las Cruces, gets a change of venue
to Socorro county.
The month of March was the cold
est of record for the state, averaging
5.3 degrees a day below the normal
and a degree and a half a day below
any previous record.
The body of a newly born boy baby
was found on the bank of the Rio
Grande at Ranchos de Atrlsco, near
Albuquerque. It is supposed to have
floated down the stream.
J. W. Hamilton, owner of 1,100 An
gora goats, which he ranges In the
Eddy county foothills, reports In Carls
bad the sale of 1,070 pounds of mohair
at 40 cents the pound.
Columbus Is seeking a canning and
a broom factory.
Charles Hart has bought the L. R.
Greathouse ranch at Upton, Roosevelt
county, at a consideration understood
to be $40,000. About C50 head of cat
tle go with the ranch.
Santiago Rivera of Anton Chico,
Jamea F. McFarland of Logan, E. E
West of West and J. R. Hull of Clovis
have been commissioned notaries pub
lic by Governor McDonald.
With the opening of real spring
weather, road construction and main
tenance operations are setting in
throughout New Mexico upon a scale
never equalled at this time of year In
the past.
That 6,413 more "Spanlsh-Amerl
cans" than "Anglo-Americans" voted
at the last election In New Mexico Is
shown by statistics compiled in the
office of the secretury of state by
Adolph P. Hill.
Luis Aguilar, secretary of the re
cently impaneled grand jury at Santa
Rosa, and a Justice of the peace, was
held without ball to await action of
the grand jury on a charge of having
murdered John Larkln near Vaughn
last summer.
James L. Porter, Indicted at Alamo
gordo by a third grand Jury panel for
(he murder of Rulph 8. Connell, the
Tularosa poultry grower, last summer
was arraigned before Judge Leahy
and pleaded not guilty. His bond was
fixed at $20,000.
A. A. Sena, the cowboy legislator of
San Miguel county, is secretary of the
association Just formed by the cattle
ralsera of San Miguel, Mora and
Guadalupe counties. John Hicks of
Santa Rosa Is president and D. T. Hos-
klns of Las VegaB, treasurer.
The building of the new camp of
Tyrone, twelve utiles from Silver City
in the Burro mountain mining dls
trlct, the headquarters of the exten
slve operations by the Phelps-Dodg
company, will begin in the immediate
future. Plans call for the expenditure
of at least $200,000 at the beginning.
A general atore building costing $100
000 will be erected. . A $50,000 hospl
tal also is to be built, while house
for employes of the company will en
tall an expenditure of another $50,000
Dick Mattox of Gallup has been held
on an arson charge.
r r vti r.tr
WoHrTa Par Food
Exportan Chiwjoi
r - Li. k
m n w m
vi n
Tm éWt T vWi th Wr cImm r lit -cm I
pamémr DM t ft mnfú. Bmt UMM, II
Mn lfMiríl Miri whilmw f ms hMt rwfttte,
Calvmt to lr raprir I Mar MiUi us Hdi.
Made It Unanimous.
'Have you any militant suffragists
In Crimson Gulch?" "Nary," replied
Bronco Bob. "When the school teach
er dropped a hint as to how she'd like
to vote we'd have been glad of a
chance to shoot up anybody that 'ud
Interfere with her. But by common
consent we turned the polls over to
her an' all stayed away so's there
wouldn't be any chance of her beln'
embarrassed." Washington Star.
Book Pretenses.
"The kind of books people read
now-a-days Is rather startling."
"Yes," replied Mrs. McGudley, "but
I have my doubts whether folks stop
dancin' long enough to read 'em.
When I was young we used to read
books and pretend we didn't. Now
people pretend they read 'em and
Poetie Slumber.
"There's a tramp asleep under this
'Ah! an Idle of the woods."
Proper Caper.
"So you've been making changes at
your broom factory?"
"Yes a clean sweep."
Don't be misled. Ask for Red Crosa
Bag Blue. Makes beautiful white clothe.
At all good grocers. Adv.
When we kick ourselves we seldom
administer the deserved punishment.
There's no form of
tobacco more pleasing
than the highest class
cigarette FATIM A.
While it's mild, it Is yet so
satisfying that three out of
lour smoker won't bv any
other lSe oigaratt.
Aik your dealer for Fatimal
1L( . A r ArT áwk. B.
,ta I ; - '-..?& '

H'Nlirn Nwf.pp.r I'nlSn xwt g.rvlc.
Nuevo Mixteo.
I-os cowboys estAn arreglando un
mitin en i.a Vegas en Julio.
' 6e reunirá un grupo de ganaderos
en Magda. na, los 1314 de mayo.
Se ha concedido el contrato para
una nueva cárcel en Farmlnglon por
la suma do $2,380.
Fred McFarlund dentro de poco
principiará los trabajos en el camino
entre Logan y Nara Visa.
El gran lago formado por el dique
de Elephant Butte estará poblado de
truchas, carpas y otros peces.
El gobierno de los Estados l'nidos
establecerá un laboratorio del Bureau
de Entomología en Maxwell.
Todos los negocios en Albuquerque
fueron suspendidos durante el funeral
del ex-alcalde Frank McKee.
En Albuquerque se ha dado un per
miso para la erección de chozas de
sanatorio en las tierras de mesa.
James Harry de Clovls compró una
hacienda de 14,000 acres Bobre el rio
Pecos, & cuatro millas de Santa Rosa.
Columbus está considerando la
posibilidad de establecer una fábrica
de escobas y una planta de conservas.
Lila R. Clapper, de Red Rlver,
condado de Taos, recibió del Goberna
dor McDonald su comisión de notario
El Gobernador McDonald será el
principal orador en la dedicación del
edificio de Nuevo Mexico cu San,
Lllci,o el 3 de mayo.
Casi medio millón de pesos se la
suma que representa el valor del
ganado expedido de Silver City
durante el año 1911.
Los nuevos colonos llegando & la
sección de Rana ban pagado hasta
$30u por tierras previamente en de
jación por el "homesteader."
El cuerpo de Justo Martínez, que
vivía cerca de Pecos, fué pescado del
rio Pecos de esa. 1.a novedad pre
senta las marcas de asesinato.'
Ahora hay en el condado de Roose
velt 8UU ni ft s propiedades tituladas que
habla el año pasado, según dice el
asesor de condado McCall.
Sabino Olivas fué elegido prest
dente de la Junta sanitaria de ovejas
y R. R. Pollock vlce-preslíente.
Robert 11. Crewa fué ruelgido secre
tarlo. El comisionado de tierras de estado
ha arreglado la transferencia de 32
000 acres de tierra en el valle de
Pecos, que traerán al estado la suma
de 1142,000.
Se ha hecho el primer pago los
credltores del Primer Banco de Justa
do de Tucumcarl, que hizo bancarrota
hace un año. El pago es de solo 10
centavos por peso.
"Dig Boy," un Indio de la tribil de
los Navajos, fué matado varias millas
al norte de Thoreau después de haber
el mismo matado á dos policías indios
Tom Brow n y Willie Largo.
Los colonos hicieron una demanda
de tierras públicas de 335,000 acres en
el setado durante el mes de marzo,
según se reporta por los seis oficiales
federales de la oficina de tierras.
Charles llart compró el rancho de
L. R. Greathouse en l'pton, condado
de Roosevelt, por la suma de $40,000,
Má3 de seiscientas cabezas de ganado
entran en la transferencia.
Santiago Rivera de Anton Chico
James F. McFarland de 1-ogan, E. E.
West de West y J. R. Hull de Clovls
han sido comisionados notarios púb
licos por el Gobernador McDonald.
T. R. H. Smith, el banquero de Las
Cruces acusado de operaciones fraud
ulentas en conexión con el Primer
Banco de Estado de I-as Cruces, con'
Bigue un cambio de tribunal de au
pleito en el condado de Socorro.
Se recibió en la oficina de tesoro de
estado una remesa de $1,000 pará el
camino de Mora-Cleveland en el
condado de Mora. La suma procede
de los comisionados del condado de
El cuerpo de un niño reden nacido
fué encontrado en el talud de Río
Grande en Ranchos de A trisco, cerca
de Albuquerque. Se supone que el
cuerpo Flotó hacia abajo en la cor
ias estadísticas compiladas por el
secretarlo de estado Adolph P. HUI
muestran que en las últimas elec
clones hubo 0,4 13 electores "Hlspano-
Amerlcanos" más que electores
El mes de marzo ha sido el más
frió que se conoce en el estado, indi
cando un promedio de 5.3 grados por
día debajo de la normal, y un grado
y medio por día debajo de cualquiera
otro mes registrado.
1.a construcción del nuevo campa
mento de Tjrone, á doce millas de
Silver City en el distrito minero de
los montes del Burro, cuarteles gen
erales de operaciones extensas de la
Phelps-Dodge Compauy, principiará
dentro de poco.
Con la llegada de un verdadero
tiempo de primavera, se están
empezando por todo el estdo de Nuevo
México las operaciones de construc
ción y reparaciones de caminos sobre
una escala esta vez que no tienen
precedente en el pasado.
A. A. Sena, el legislador cowboy del
condado de San Miguel, es secretarlo
de la asociación que se acaba de
formar por los criadores de ganado
de los condados de San Miguel, Mora
y Guadalupe. John lilcks de Santa
Rosa es presidente y D. T. Hosklna
de Las Vegas, tesorero.
James L. Porter, condenado en
Alamogordo por una lista oficial de
personas que pueden servir como
Jurados por el asesinato de Ralph 8
Council, el criador de gallinas de
TularoBa, el verano próximo pasado,
fué llevado ante el juez Ceahy y no
confesó su culpabilidad. Su fianza
fué fijada en $20,000. .
Veintinueve hacendados del dis
trito de Melrose han comprado un to
tal de S.4 40 acres de tierra agrícola
en el distrito tributarlo de Melrose
los próxlmo-pasadoi noventa dfaa.

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