Newspaper Page Text
LAS VEOAS DAILY OPTIC, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1912. Social Obligations "Dear," Bald Mrs. Westcott dramat ically to her husband as she took the newspaper out of bis hands to compel him to give his undivided attention to her, "we've got to entertain! That's 11 there Is to it!" "Well, why have we?" demanded Westcott. "Why, I'm simply ashamed to look our friends In the face, and actually the Ruggleses and the Squires will think we are stingy! They've lived here nearly a year and I've never even had a luncheon in all that time! Think of it! And I receive invita tions almost every day! Hut there's one comfort I don't go any more! So I really don't owe a lot of people more than the Invitation .myself." Westcott listened helplessly, trying In vain to catch a glimpse of the headlines In the newspaper that his wife held. "Yes," he said, In a most desultory manner, feeling In duty bound to make some remark in the pause. "Yes. that's it!" went on Mrs. West cott. "Well entertain! We'll do some thing liig, too! Come, help me plan!" t-'he Ih'iimed on him as she threw the newspaper behind her, regardless of i's landing on the floor. "Rut," remonstrated her husband, ikly, "these big affairs are are rather an expense, aren't they?" "Oh, why didn't I think of it be fOPit" Mrs. Westcott asked, ignor ing his remark. "There, they've been jrone only two months and I've owed them something so long! I could tiave had It a week, say after they nailed and " She paused in rapt contemplation. "Why, my dear," interposed West cott, surprised by the peculiar trend of his wife's remarks. "You say you wish you could have given it a week after they sailed! I assume that you mean the Uankins. But why a week after they sailed? Why was that time any better than the present?" "Why, you see," Mrs. Westcott gazed on him In pity for his lack of comi'i lienslon, "you see, I could have Invited them!" Westcott took a deep breath. He looked at his wife earnestly while his brain tried to fathom the mystery. "You wanted to give It early so you could Invite the Ranklns to come to it a week after they sailed! Ah, yes! Ho clear so so shall we call It lucid?" Oh, bother!" Mrs. Westcott impa tiently exclaimed. "Why can't you understand things? I always have to explain everything to you! If I In vited them men tney a owe me an m on. I'd have paid what I owe i m, imt they couldn't come because they'd be sailing for Europe at the time." Westcott eyed his wife in admira tion. "Are you going to to run the whole party on the same principle?" he queried, respectfully. "Well, we'll issue about twice as many invitations as the house can hold," she explained, the fire of vic tory in her eyes. "There are the Browns. They're going to Florida this winter. I heard that they leave !n about a week. That's five, for I'd have to have the girls, too," She looked at her husband exultantly. "Oh, and there are the Warrens and the Smiths. They're going hunting to gether this fall somewhere up north and they'll be gone a month, I know! That's seven with Mr. Warren's sis- $1,050 FOLLY EQUIPPED AT YOUR DOOR T" . i 59jSP lBRaBBBH5iliHKEO Telephone or call and we will have our demonstrator s!iow you. Las Vegas Automobile & Machine Shop Phone Main 344, RETAIL PRICES 4 1st. of Mere, Each Delivery Me ear 1W lbs. a lbs. to ,000 lbs. Each Delivery Ke per 10 Ida 1 lb, te 1,001 Ue Ead. Delivery 10c per 1M Ike. I be. to 200 lbs Each Delivery 4ec per 1M Iba. a Than 60 lbs. Each Delivery BOe per 100 Iba, AGU A PURA COMPANY vesters, Storers and Distributors of Natural Ice, the Purity and Lasting Qualities of Which Have Made Las Vegas Famous Office 701 Douglas Avenue. ters!" Westcott pulled out an u velope and put down the figures." 'Then there are the doctor and his mother. He told me the other day that she wasn't at all well and he thought he'd take a run out west to go with her to his sisters in Cali fornia. I could invite them!" "And there are the minister and his wife and his son and daughter," put In Westcott, with proper pride In his offering. "He's going to accept that church in Rochester. So we can in vite them!" Mrs Westcott glanced at her hus band to detect any fraud in his air of frankness, but he was adding the names to his list enthusiastically. "There are twenty that can't come," he counted, finally. Mrs. Westcott sighed a deep sigh of thanksgiving. "That's all right, then." she said. "Now, we'll just ask I our own immediate friends In to tel I that night and have a good time. That'll be eight or ten altogether ! and, thank goodness, most of my obll i gatlons will be paid!" Then she handed his newspaper to him smilingly. Char.ssd Her Mind. A young couple had been courting j for several years and the young man ' seemed to be in no hurry to marry, j Finally, one day, he said: ; "Sa!, I canna marry thee." "How's that?" asked she. "I've changed my mind, " said he. "Well, I'll tell thee what we'll do," ! said she. "If folks know that it's thee as has given me up I shanna be able to get another chap; but If they thing I've given thee up 1 can get all I want. So we'll have banns pub lished and when the wedding day comes the parson will say to thee, 'Wilt thou have this woman for th-r wedded wife?' and thou must say, 1 i will.' And when he says to me, 'Wilt ! thou this man to be thy wedded j husband?' I shall say, 'I wlnna.'" The day came, and when the minis ter asked the Important question the 1 man answered, "I will." Then the parsoa said to the woman: Wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband?" and she said: "I will." "Why," said the young man furious ly, "you said you would say 'I winna.' " "I know that," said the young woman, "but I've changed my mind since "-National Monthly. POSSIBLE EXPLANATION Miss Screecher He must be very tender-hearted. Why, every time I sing he cries. Collier Downe Maybe he doesn't like to see anything murdered. Eligible. The Girl Xn! I don't fall in love with every rl ,.n. Dick and Harry I meet! The Man That's right. My name's Jack! Puck. Wm.Whalen.Prop IN THE PARLOR jj The Piano Cover How Is your friend the carpet-cleaner? The Rug Don't mention his name He shook me for a woman with money SARCASM Baldy If I didn't know more than you I'd eat my head! Muldoon Well, yez cud do thot with out any danger of finding a hair In your food Hold Yourself In Reserve. Reserve is power. He is wise who lives a good part of his life inside ol himself. Too much speech is weak' ness. It is better to hold much ol ourselves in reserve, to be discerned by degrees, and never to the utter most limit. That Chunk of 'e. "Yes, sir," said the suburbanite, "I found a hailstone as large as a goose egg on my back porch this morning, and " "(let out!" exclaimed his one man audience. "You must have been dream ing." "Something like that," admitted the other. "1 discovered later that the ice man had left it." Estray Advertisement Notice is hereby given to whom it may concern that the following de scribed estray animal was taken up by M. G. Keenan, Springer, N. M., Dec. 1911. To-wit: One bay horse, 7 or 8 years old, 800 lbs., 13 hands. Branded q On left shoulder II Said animal being unknown to this Board, unless claimed by owner on or before Feb. 2, 1912, said date being 10 days after last appearance of this ad vertisement. said estray will be sold by this Board for the benefit of the owner when found. CATTLE SANITARY BOARD, Albuquerque, N. M. 1st pub. Jan. 12, last pub. Jan 23, 1912, Estray Advertisement Notice Is hereby given to whom It may concern that the following de scribed estray animal was taken up by I. N. Shirley, Estancia, N. M., Dec. 27, 1911. To-wit: One bay mare pony, 500 lbs., 13 hands. Branded On right hip H Said animal being unknown to this Board, unless claimed by owner on or before Feb. 2, 1912, said date being 10 days after last appearance of this ad vertisement, said estray will be sold by this Board for the beaeflt of the owner when found. CATTLE SANITARY BOARD, Albuquerque, N. M. 1st pub. Jan. 12, last pub. Jan 23, 1912 Estray Advertisement Notice ia hereby given to whom it may concern that the following de scribed estray animal was taken up by J. H. Honey, Grenville, N. M., Jan. 8, 1912. To-wit: One brown mare, 15 years old, 750 lbs., Branded On right thigh Branded T E On right shoulder Said animal being unknown to this Board, unless claimed by owner on or before Feb. 2, 1912, said date being 10 days after last appearance of this ad vertisement, said estray will be sold by this Board for the benefit of the owner when found. , CATTLE SANITARY BOARD, Albuquerque, N. M Estray Advertisement Notice is hereby given to whom it may concern that the following de scribed estray animal was taken up by J. W. Collier, Esta'neia, N. M., Nov. 22, mi. To-wit: One small red cow, 6 or 7 years old. Branded On left hip L V Said animal being unknown to this Board, unless claimed by owntr on oi before Feb. 2, 1912, said date being 10 days after last appearance of this ad vertisement, said estray will be sold by this Board for the benefit of :in owner when tound. CATTLE SANITARY BOARD. Albuqueniue, N. U 1st pub. .Ian. 12, last pub. Ian 23, 1912. Estray Advertisement Notice Is hereby given to whom it may concern that the following de scribed estray animal was taken up by W. H. Chaney, Hachita, N. M. To-wit: One mare and colt, 10 or 12 years, 600 lbs., 14 hands. Branded IE3 On left hip jftl Said animal being unknown to this Board, unless claimed by owner on or before Feb. 2, 1912, said date being 10 days after last appearance of this art vertisement, said estray will be sold by this Board for the benefit of thf owner when fonnd. CATTLE SANITARY BOARD, Albuquerque, N. M. 1st pub. .Ian. 12, last pub. .Ian 23, 1912. Estray Advertisement Notice Is hereby given to whom It may concern that the following de scribed estray animal was taken up by H. H. Lucero, Guam, X. M Dec. 14, 1911. To-wit: One bay horse, 7 years old, fi50 lbs., 14 hands. Branded On right shoulder Branded ITS On left shoulder jMj Said animal being unknown tc this Board, unless claimed by owner on or before Feb. 2, 1912, said date being 10 days after last appearance of this ad vertisement, said estray will be sold by this Board for the benefit of the owner when found. CATTLE SANITARY BOARD, Albuquerque, N, M. 1st pub. .Ian. 12, last pub. Jan 23, 1912. Charles Durham, Lovlngton, 111., has succeeded in finding a positive cure for bed wetting. "My little boy wet the bed every night clear thro' on the floor. I tried several kinds 01 kidney medicine and I was in the drus store looking for something different to help him when I heard of Foley Kidney Pills. Aftrr he had taken them two days we could see a change and when he had taken two thirds of a bottle he was cured. That is about six weeks ago and he has not wet in bed since." O. G. Schaefer and Red Cross Drug Co. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound "Cures in Every Case" Mr. Jas. McCaffery, Mgr, of the Schlitz Hotel, Omaha, Neb., recom mends Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound, because it cures in every case. "I have used it myself and I have recommended it to many others who have since told me of its great cura tive power in disease of the throat and lungs." For all coughs and colds fer and Red Cross Drug Co. Do no allow your kidney and blad der trouble to develop beyond the reach of medicine. Take Foley Kid ney Pills. They give quick results and stop irregularities with surpris ing promptness. O. G. Schaefer and Red Cross Drug Co. Foley Kidney Pills always give satisfaction because they always do the work. T. J. Shelnut, Bremen, Oa., says: "I have used Foley Kidney Pills with great satis faction and found more relief from their use than from any other kid ney medicine, and I've tried almost all kinds. I can cheerfully recom mend them to all sufferers for kidney and bladder trouble." O- G. Schaefer and Red Cross Drug Co. When given as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands ot mothers use it successfully. For sale by all druggists. Constipation is the cause of many ailments and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets, keep your bevels regular and you will avoid these diseases. For sale by all drug gists. FOR THE CHILDREN ALSO FOR GROWN PER8ONS QUICK - SAFE - RELIABLE NO OPIATES NO NARCOTICS FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR COMPOUND A COMMON COLD neglected may go quickly into CROUP, BRONCHITIS, or PNEUMONIA which often means a sud den fatality. Keep FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND always in the house and give at first sign of a cold. Refuse substitutes. O. G. SCHAEFER Red Cross Drug Co. T5he Optic WANT COLUMN -rtfc FOR CLASSIFIED ADER TI8EMENT8 v. jrt per line each insertion t'tuti ii ordinary word to a n. no o to occupy less ipaca than ;wo lines. Aii advertisements charg 'd IH d booked at space actually ot without regard to number of ord Cash In advance preferred. '-he'' Mem Wanted WANTED Capable salesman to han dle "WINONA MILLS" hosiery and 'underwear in Las Vegas, Santa Fe, Raton and adjoining territory. A permanent business and guaranteed income. Dave V. Fine, Mgr., Ros well Xew Mex. for Rent FOR RENT Furnished rooms, steam heat. The Albert, 617 Douglas. For Rent Three roomed house fur nished. Water In the house. Ado'v 9-i0 Gallinas. FOR RENT Furnished front room. Inquire 322 Grand avenue. FOR RENT Good furnished rooms. Hose in. Applv 725 Sixth street i'uk tthjiM t Bedroom with bath, electric lights and kitchen privil eges. Man and wife or lady prefer red. Inquire 922 Douglas. Ftr Sate ALL YELLOW canary splendid sin ger, ,for sale cheap. Address, Can FOR SALE Furn'ture, for four room house by lot or piece. 406 National avenue. ruK bALfc-Homo canned fruit. 920 Tilden avenue. Miscellaneous HENS LAYING?. Why not? A trial package Con key's Laying Tonic will cost you nothing at J. H. Steam's if you bring this ad. CONKKY'S POULTRY BOOK means dollars to anyone. Free if you bring mis ad to J. H. Stearns. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re waru ior any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh uure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo O We, the undersigned, have known n. j. cneney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in nil business transactions, and financially auie 10 carry out omigatlons made by uia iirm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Toledo, O Mans uatarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Drug gists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti patlon. The Danger of La Grippe Is its fatal tendency to pneumonia. To cure your la grippe coughs take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. R. n. uisuer, wasnmgton, Kan., says: I waB troubled with a severe attack of la grippe that threatened penumo nia A friend avised Foley's Honev and Tar Compound and I got relief after taking the first few doses. I took three bottles and my la grippe was cured." Get the genuine, in the vel low package. O. G. Schaerer and Red Cross Drug Co. mm WL 1 THE LOBBY Ktul AUKANT AND CAFE SHORT ORDER AND REGULAR DINNERS BEST GOODS OBTAINABLE ALWAYS THE SOCIETY AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHAPMAN LODGE NO. 2, A. F. & A. M. Regular com munication first and third Thursday in each month. Visiting broth ers cordially invited. N. O. Herman, W. M.; D. R. Murray, Secretary. LAS VEGAS COMMANDER Y NO. 2, x KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Reg Jfr ular conclave second Tues tew day In each month at Ma sonic Temple at 7:30 p. m. C. D. Boucher, S. C; Chas. Tamme, Re corder. LAS VEGAS CHAPTER No. 3, ROYAL ARCH MASONS Regular convoca tion first Monday iu each month at Masonic Tem ple, at 7:30 p. m. M. R. Williams, H. P.; P. A. Brtnegar, Secretary. RANSFORD CHAPTER NO. 2, O. E. S. Meets first and third Fridays in Masonic Temple. Mrs. T. B. Bowen, Worthy Matron; James O. Rutledge Worthy Patron; Mrs. George Tripp, Secretary. Phone Main 329, 120 Grand avenue. EL DORADO LODGE NO. 1. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Meets every Monday eve ning in Castle Hall. Visiting Knights are cordially Invited. Chas. E. Liebsoh nier, Chancellor Commander. Harry Martin, Keeper of Records and Seal. FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD NO. 102 Meeta every Monday eight at O. R. C. Hall, on Douglas avenue, at 8 o'clock. Visiting members are cordially welcome. E. E. Gehring, president; J. T. Buhler, secretary; C. H. Baily, treasurer. J. E. ROSENWALD LODGE NO. 545, I. O. of B B. Meets every first Tuesday of the month in the vestry rooms of Temple Montefiore at 8 o'clock p. m. Visiting brothers are oordf.-.Uy Invited Isaac Appel, President: Charles Greenclay, Sec retary. RED CLOUD TRIBE NO. 4, Red Men Meet in Fraternal Brotherhood hall. A. M. Adler, Sachem; David Flint, chiof of records and collector of wampum. Visiting brother al wyas welcome. 0. O. F., LAS VEGAS LODGE NO. 1. -Meets every Monday evening at their ha'l on Sixth street All visit ing brethren cordially invited to at etnd. Carl Wertz, N. G.; A. T. Ro gers, V. G.; T. M. Elwood, Secretary W. E. Crites, treasurer; C. V. Hedg cock, cemetery trustee. Crystal Pure PHONE Classified ads. search out thepeople to whom-amon all of those who MIGHT BUY-the particular thine is worth moit. That property you want to sell is WORTH MOST to some one who reads the ads. in this newspaper-and would never hear of your property unless it were advertised here. Others, who read and answer ads. in this newspaper, want (and are anxious to find and pay cash for) books, automobiles used machinery and furniture, articles of usefulness of any sort, and musical instruments. As the classified ads. are read by all possible buyers, of all possible sorts of things, they have come to be the finders of the best markets! HANDLED B. P. 0. ELKS Meets second a4 fourth Tuesday evening of eaefe month at O. R. C. hall. Vial Una brothers are cordially invited. Gee H. Hunker, Exalted Ruler; D. W. Condon, Secretary. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, COUNCIL ..NO. 804. Meets second and fourth Thursday in O. R. C. hall. Pioneer building. Visiting members are cor dially invited. W. R. Tipton, G. K.; E. P. Mackrl, F. S. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Meet In the forest of brotherly love at Woodmen of the World hall, on the second and fourth Fri day of each month at S p. m. C. Clay Consul; G. Laemmle. Clerk. Visit ing neighbors are especially wel come and cordially invited. DKNT1STS. OR. E. L. HAMMOND Dentist Suit 4, Crockett Building. Has phoas at office and residence. ATTOKNEYS HUNKER A HUNKER Geo. H. Hunker Chester A. Hunker Attorneys at Law, Las Vegas, New Mexlee. PHYSICIANS H. W. HOUF, D. O., M. D. Physician and Surgeon I treat all kinds of diseases, but make a specialty of eye, ear, nose and throat, and the fitting of glasses. Phones: Office, Main 46; Residence Vegas 342. Office: 506 Grand Avenue. Residence: 705 Sixth Street LOCAL TIME CARD EA8T BOUND Depart . 9:10 p. m. 9:15 p. m. .11:06 p m 11:10 p. m. . 1:15 a. m 1:25 a. m . 1:45 p. m. 2:10 p. m. Arrive No. 2.. No. 4.. No. 8.. No. 10.. WE8T BOUND No. 1 1:20 p. m 1:45 p. m. No. 3 6:10 a. m 6:15 p. m. No. 7 4:40 p. m 4:50 p. m No. 9 6:35 p. m 7.00 p. m Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is a reliable family medicine. Give it to your children, and take it your self when you feel a cold coming on. It checks and cures coughs and cold and croup and prevents bronchitis and penumonia. O. G. Schaefer and Red Cross Drug Co. Medicines mat aia nature are al ways most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, openB the secretions and aids nat ure In restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. Sold by all druggists. Ice Co Ice MAIN 227 ANT Ads Are Best Market Finders 1st pub. Jan. 12, last pub. Jan 23, 1912. IN 2 '