OCR Interpretation

The Columbus courier. [volume] (Columbus, Luna County, N.M.) 1911-1920, October 20, 1911, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

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Columbus Courier
Vol, i.
Short Sketches of Republican
carries tin Kepuhlleun in, mi
Million for souut.r n-nm n.
ieonth district is u nmn attei the
public's own liking. Hroad
IIUtHKHl, public spirited, of ev
(optional busuipss imiiiij, Miumi
juogemont ami lui sighieduess
Mr. I iUUL'hreii pinup in V..u- M..i-
leoiulMHl nill11, , I
, , ,. ... . . .
Slhor City where he coiistr.a-tefl
uie .Mivur t'lt.v Ix'etlih t.on Works
and built the rtnhvuy t rot . that
pom i to Finos Ados, in wy ju.
movuil in Luna County taking up
Ins resilience ul Doming, the
county seat.
Since guing t Doming .
been one tit tin-tirst ami alwa.vs t.V is forty twi. years or age. He
among the ioreino.st to realize "as been a resident ul New Mex
and promote tlie ureal possibili mo for twelve years. Is a grad-i
ties or the .Mimbres valley. , uate fit the New Mexico School ol
There is mi public enterprise in Mines at Socorro, ami has been
which Mr. Luighren is not inter iuVntilied with various largo min
osted and which docs not tintl his ing interests for the past nine
inilnenee ami linancial aid. Toi.v'is. He owns a ranch live
the personal knowledge of the ( miles oust or Doming and has one
Coi'WHit he is now siH'iifhiij; 1m. , of the best pumping plants in the
tweon l(X)and si'ixi monthly for valley which is rated at a produe-
the solo purpose til community Hon of l.tKio gallons oi water per,
advertising for the benellt tif minute.
Luna county and the Mimbres Since coming to Luna county
valley. Mi-. Case has stiown his huth in
Mr. L'ltighren is essentiully a the Mimbres valley by putting
home man. lie has very large Sl-.tXX) or his money into the do-
property intores.s in Uemingand volnpment of the land he owns
the Mimbres valley. He believes hero He is one ol the directors
anything that helps you helps of the Doming chamber of com
him and what is good lor the cit merce. is a man or high ideals,
neons of the vallov in general is morals, fr sterling charac-
good for ouch in particular. Ho tor. thoroughly alive to the needs
is particularly interested in the or the settlers of this valley ami
securing tif suitable and desir fH.V onpable or represi ntiiig
able highways throughout the them in the tirst legislature ol
county. The state is now spend the new state.
Ing large sums id mo icy imither Mr. Case is a believer in good
counties in road budding no roads and good ohools, ami he
county is enjoying a greater ami knows what it takes toconsiituto
more rapid development than both. Heiiigainininga.nl civil
Luna no county is adding more engineer himself, having hail
material wealth to the NYav State large experience in these lines,
than Luna why should not Luna he is thoroughly acquainted with
county have some or this state the needs of the county in this
money for roadhmlding: True respect. He believes that Luna
she has hitfl two small slices, ob
tnined through personal inllu
once, but she has not yet had
anything near her etpiiUiblo pro
portion. Mr. Liughren. if elect
ed to the oilico or his uumimtiitm
will uso his inlluunce in this di-
rectlon ll is not speculation to
Columhus. Luna County.
KOeryonc a Booster for Luna County and the Mimbres Valley.
Progress and Prosperity the Keynote. Good Roads
Throughout the County and a Square Veal
1 nsured EOery Citizen.
say he will accomplish Ins anihi
Hun. He does those things n is
his sl.vlp to i mm results. That
Is the kind oi legislator vp Want.
II K tin kind up will get ii wo
"I"l't ,,-J Luighren us senator
ol Hip iliii'tppui district Your
vote in his favor menus a vote lor
the I -11101 the Mhl.bres vul
N " VuU' Ul1 v'"
ation ofyoun.wn property, u vote
lor the betterment oi the roads
oi nulla county a vote for
Jit l'lt.v.
II. Cam: candidate for re
presentative of Luna Coun-
county should have Its proper
lion tif the territorial money sot ;
apart for the constructing or do
si ruble highways and shall use
his utmost endeavors in thutdl-j
rectlon. Mr. Case is man "f
i dctlnite eunvielluns, with H conr-i
age and :otivity that is always
New Mexico. October 20. 1911.
Nominees and their Platforms
back ol tin in. His election as
representative means Luimeoun
ty's inteivsts will be promoted
anil looked alter in the very best
possible manner.
2)viuiiT H. Stwhknn! Yes,
everybody in the founty
knows Dwiglit. He stands lor
reelection lis sherill' of Lmiii
t'ount.v. I) wight succeeded Don
.loliiison ami has made the citi
Us of this ctiunt.v the best slier
I IT they over hud. Nfithiug ' 'wild
or wohy" about Dulght. lie is
no "six shooter man." Hut a
perlo I gentleinau in every res
pect, ami he always gets the
"man" he goes alter gets him
ma peaceful manner. 1 1 is a
noUiblo. foot, that the moral condi
tions of the county have been
bettor than ovei before since
Dwiglit has been in olHeo. There
has been less lawbreaking, less
potty thievery, less misdemeanor
of all kinds since Dwiglit came
into his oflico than ever before.
This only demonstrate that it is
not only the duty of the sheriff to
go alter the man who Is a law
breaker, but it is just us much
his duly to keep the man troin
beluga law breaker this Dwiglit
has done.
Nfi man in the county h..s
greater raith in the Mimbres val
ley ami is more enthusiastic re
garding the future tif the valley
than is Mr. Stephens. Ho has a
nice farm about half way between
Doming ami ( 'oluinbus on which
he has a tine well anil a pumping
plum throwing out a thousand
gallons of irrigating juice per
minute. Dwight's interests are
hero ami have been here since
Islll when he first ecauie a clti
.on or the county. He has done
more, perhaps than any other
oflloial of the county to make this
section a good, moral, law-abiding
place in which to live. He
stands lor iv election wholly tin
the merits of his past services
ami without a doubt will bo elect
ed by a large majority.
tiuis. Uaitiux, county treas
urer, who stand for re-election,
has spout, the. larger part uf his
life In that part of Now Mexico
No. 18.
which is nmv fcmnvn as Unit
County, having been here for the
past twenty-live years. Mr.
liaithel has held Ids nlHeo Jmt
fine term mid come-. qi fur a re
turn with the best record of any
treasu or in the state.
According to the territorial
auditor's report ti" per cent of
all the taxes ()f Luna Coumv
have i o. n c ihectetl, a record
which is nut in-passed nor
equalled anywhere in the slate.
Mr U'aithel is one ol the bust
ling young business men of Dem
iug. is closely iflentili.'fl with the
various pillule interests of the
town, is oni- or the standard
bearers of the chamber of com
merce and never h. U t take Ills;
place among the foremost twins
for any measure thai i.s for the
' good of the county.
MeforeMr. liaithel came Into
I oflico it was the custom of out' ol
;the banks to be the sole deposit
ory of the county treasurer.
Since his election an. I during h s
incumbency ho has thought it
the more proper way to split the
county money ami equal amounts
have boon deposited in each bank.
We unhesitatingly state that
there is no one hi the county who
could perforin the duties of thai
oliioe better than Mr. Uaiioel
and his almost unanimous re
election will bo no surprise to his
many friends who behove in re
tabling the man who gives loyai
and sutislaetory service to it i
citizens of the county whom tie
JTfniN Stki.vk.man.n who is run
ning for the oilico of uix as
sossor is a graduate of I e Min
ster. Ohio public schools His
business training was ul t,u. ,Y.
son business college, t 'lUflliiiat .
Obit), alter which he had sp,., itl
work at the Capitol Seho .1 of
Oratory, Columbus, Onio, looking
forward to a profession of law
which ambition had to be given
up fin account of the foilure ur
health, which also caused hj.s
coming to New Mexico fouryuars
ago. Mr. Steineiniinn lias sinao
uoming to this section completing
fnnttmnil un Pajjv Si
i a

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