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The Cimarron citizen. (Cimarron, N.M.) 1908-19??, June 03, 1908, Image 2

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Cimarron Citizen
GEO. E. REMLEY, Editor
A Weekly Taper, published each
Wednesday, in the interests of
Cimarron, the Cimarron Valley
Colfax County, ami the Terri
tory of New Mexico.
Triee, $2.00 jer year.
6 Bit OKI ML
It had bi t si the intention- of the
1 --'aril of School Directors of Pre
cinct' X .' 3 here i i Cimarron to at
MC ;,il'.er:- in bids for a new
$10,00000 buiMing. for which bonds
have been voted. Put this matter has
been delayed for a number of rea
sons. In the first place land has not
'eeii i.biiined, 11 ml ill the second
place, bond-; have not been s.dd.
1'inler the law. tin- issue of bonds,
is Mtnicthing that requires lime, be
cause no school district can ro into
debt of any sort over a certain
!H-r cent 'if the assessed Valuation of
the oroncr'.v in that district
amount of the bonds that can !;.
ued. in other words, depends entire
ly on the valuation placed by the as
srssor 011 the property in that schoo
di-triet which issues the bonds
County Siiperiiilenilent C. O. Fisher
tells us that the assessment for this
year is not as yet returned to the
County Trea-n.-er, and fhat there
fore, the amount of indebtedness
wheh t hi.-, dist.ict may assume is still
uncertain. The fact that this
district will have to ' very
near the upper limit of indebted
ness in order to build a school house
such as is contemplated, and such
as is necessary for the (growing need ( s.,u
of the
feels aggrieved because he is restrict
ed in a eff-(aken privilege of forcing
the public and some private individ
ttals to support that cow for him. In
other words he is hurt because char-
it v is not extended to him. There
mie;ht be nr demur on the part of th
property owner to extending th
proper kind 06 chant)' -to the proper
man, but the giver of alms usually
wants the privilcRc of saying what
those alms shall he. In this .case, th
cattle destroy trees, jjrass and t?av
dens. The owners would far rather
have ,-iivn cash in each and every
instance, man to have had the injury
done. Take the case of a tree for in
stance. It is carefully watched and
watered. I here was some expense
to the planum,' of it, but more time
and labor. The owner would not
have the tree destroyed for any
atnomit of money, because he wants
shade and the killing of the tree de
stroy probably the labor fit two or
three years. Money won't pay for
the damage done.
The stock nwnet then advances the
theory that the property , owner
should fence his property. Well, this
is all ".-lit as far as it goes. It is
true that he can fence his property if
he so wishes, and possibly it would
be better. Put here we arrive at the
onchision reached before.
District, makes it imperative .Charity .-it-ain. The property owner
that the letting of bids for the work s forced to make an outlay of no
be postponed until the Directors have sm:,I amount in order to do this, an
some definite information upon which outlay that he would not have to
to base their actions. This is noth- make ft the stock owners were son
mí more or Uss than good common sidcrate of the rights given him under
horse sense, and those composing tlt. l;lw. ' u. ,lw s;iyS tiat no stock
irte school board would be at fault silai be allowed to run at large dur
should they do otherwise than to de-i, the months of March to Xovem
lay the letting of bids until such time.)L.r, inclusive. During these months
.as they may be able to do so with 'is the only time that the property
their eyes open. owner would have anything growing
P.ut Cimarron is !:oing to have a j that the stock would damage. Th
s-hool building that w ill be a great rest of the year, it doe not make
credit to it. and to the district. It is 'much difference to him it" the stock
estimated tiiat the assessttien will dors tiespass on Ins property here it!
slunv such a valuation will allow . Cimarrón. So w hen he has to build
the spending of near $10.000.00, prob-'a fence to protect his trees, etc., he i-,
ably more, but still possibly less. Put forced to an outlay to protect rights
in any case, it will be in the neigh- which the herd law was enacted to
horhood of Sio.ooo.oo, and such a protect. In other words he has to
building as is contemplated will be a 1 contribute- the price of the fence to
great credit. The District has long j ward keeping the stock of 'some one
needed a building of ample size to ac- else. Stock from which he gets no
ommodate the increasing number of benefit. Did you ever see a city or
The first wan Miss Ada Rehan. a
beat' tiltil young vision, wearing á hat
forjy-eight inches in diameter and
high heeled slippers.
"You're a bit frail," said William.
"and 1 want a blonde."
'l aiii't as frail as I look take it
from me. kid," she said, shifting her
gum cud. "And as for the blond
sttiff. don't let that worry you. If I
get the job I won't be a brunette to
Put her demonstration was too
slow, so she will probaldy remain a
It was after six or eight girls had
shown their prowess that the cow
showed signs of weakening.
"We'll have to decide, pretty quick
or. there won't be any more milk to
try these girls with," said Mr. l-'ra:i
cis, and the very next girl won. She
is Miss Ada Paxter, and she came
from I 'avcrstraw", bringing her milk
ing s'.ool .with her. She is'prelty and
blond, wi'lini; to wear overalls, and is
a rapid manipulator.
'Irinidad, Col:),. (Special) June, 3
"Tuck" Pee, an employe of the
Wheat en ;t't mill at Weston, was acci
dentally shot and almost instantly
killed - Saturday night by David
Stumbo, his closest friend. Stumbo,
who is in the county jail pending an
investigation, is -prostrated over the
aifair, which appears to have been
purely accidental.
An investigation yesterday by Cor
oner Guill'ojl revealed the fact that
l.ee made an ante mortem statement
fully exonerating Stumbo. The men
were returning from a dance in,;
large carriage when l.ee. who car
ried the gun, jumped out and began
shooting at a bottle by the roadside-1.
Stumbo, noticing his action, pulled a
revolver from the pocket of the driver
and also leaped out. "You're no shot,"
ho said, cocking the weapon prepar
atory to trying his skill.- 1 he gfm
was discharged, the bullet striking
l.ee in the' abdomen, lie died two
hours later. He was years of ag
and unmarried. Stumbo has a wite
and children, n inquest will prob
ably b-- held today and it is thought
that Stumbo will be released.
pupils that ire now attending schools.
The quarters in the past have been
inconvenient, and over-crowded.1 The
different grades have been separate 1
by too lont; distances, and the build
ing of the new school house, wherev
er it may be located, is something
that is, ar should be, one of the great
est desires of a'l residents of the District.
town, that made any pretense at all.
allowing stock to run around on its
streets? No. I think not. Did yott
ever see a community, when': the
lights of all were not respected, that
prospered? No, again. Did you ever
see a new town that amounted to a
pin.h of snuff, where each was pull
ing one way and the rest other wavs;
where each was going to have his
own way regardless of the rights and
wishes of others? No, again. We
have got to get together and look at
the Citizen advocal- this thing fairly. The itizen firmly
Fire in Mixing Room
Slight Damage
Trinidad, Colo.. (Special) Juné, 3
Pire broke out at 10 o'clock last
fight in the mixing room of the
Prank Dieiner bakery at 355 Univer
sity street, causing a property loss of
iibout ?too. A pile of wood, which
caught fire near the room, made the
"jlaz.c ' appear rather spectacular and
much worse than it really was. Be-
Some time ae
ed the rigid enforcement of the herd believes that the general good to the
laws here in Ciuiarroiuand not mere- public demands that the stock be i"'i on a direct line with Central park
ly because it, wanted to have some- kept up. Of course it will inconven-' a number of pcopie thought that the
thing to say, nor because it wanted ience some, hut the inconvenience will , park buildings were afire and no little
alarm was caused.
The family had retired for the night
is not
to inconvenience or trouble any own- "ot be as great as it might he.
ers of stock that hail been allowing! What called this article forth is the
their animals to run at large, but be- '''ft that the herd law has not been and the origin of the tire
cause it believed, ami still believes, ' forced here for the past month as known. The department made
lhat the keeping of the stock up is it .should
for the In st interests of Cimarron. I 'Ujgs bad
b-.-. Past Thursday, six iuick run and soon had the blaze un
to be chased out of the ier control. The fire wagon met with
One s'.-H-k owner held out the follow- Park that we are al! working so har
ing sor t of ar,:!"r.cut to the writer, j1''1 make a thing of beauty. Three
ami 1 1 r, -. 1 1 y iM ítcvcil tnat lie was a e"s aim a nurse ere .-Uso at l.'trge
tcriat'y aegnived man because he '"i the; newly cultivated and grass
was not allowed to allow his slock to planted park. What do you think of
run al large and trespass 011 the prop-, tli:if í The fence is being huiit now.
e.-ly of others.
I he substance of what he said was
this: "How can a poor man keep a
cow here in Cimarron? I have to
have a cow, bin if 1 have to keep her
penned up and not allow her to run
; -1 -nd on the streets, I can't afford
: ;,iep her. She lias to have exer
cise, and while there is very little
gras:, shr can pick up on the streets,
still 1 help orne. She can't range
anywhere except on the streets, be
cause all the pastures that are for
rent, arc o far out of town that I
i-.;ii't walk out there with lier and aft-
r her every morning and -night. If
the property owners want to ' plant
trees or gardens, then let them build
a fence"
The 'inin is in sympathy with the
p-iur man. the Kditor belongs to 1 fiat '
c'ass. and il is extremely Korry that
but that does not repair the damage
mat was done to the park. Let us
keep our stock up and not he forced
to do so,
New York, June 1. It may true
that the jiirl who asked which cow
gave the buttermilk came from New
York, but a glance at West I'orty-
J'hird street, near Hammerstcin c
paradise roof garden, today would
have disillusioned any one who has
been under the imperssion that all
the young 'women in our fair city arc
in that class.
Nearly 300 girls of varying shapes
and ages, some of them with gigantic
"lids," some in simbonnets. some in
the herd law is an inconvenience to prmi'rss frocks, some in gingham
any one. Put inconvenience and silken gowns, stretched
sympathy are not the question. There 51 '"'tí line from the stage door to
are the rights of other that have to I ''-tí'dh avenue, all eager for the job i suffering with tuberculosis of the
be considered. This man, being too!" milkmaid which William, son of hone, which necessitated the ampttta
poor 11 keep a cow up and feed her, ''"car, advertised yesterday. t:ou oí hi fcot after his arrival here.
a slight accident by colliding vvith a
bunch of cement sidewalk tools, in
cluding a mixing box and other par
aphernalia. Fortunately, none of the
bnys were injured.
The accident would not have oc
curred had signal lights been placed
about the tools, which should have
been done.
Trinidad. Colo,, (Special) June, 3
John Jcager of Cimarron, formerly
ot this rity, visited here Sunday on
his way home irntn New Jersey,
where he was called by the death of
his father. He is connected with the
Continental Tie & Lumber company.
Trinidad. Colo., (Special) June, 3
George Jfaury, brother of Mrs. R.
11. Gore, who came to Trinidad re
cently from Owcnsboro. Ky., and
who was taken ill soon after his ar
rival, w.ti yesterday sent to his old
home. He was unable to be taken
from a stretcher and was placed in
ihc baggage coach until Pueblo was
reached, where he was placed in a
Pullman. He was accompanied as far
as Pueblo by Mr. Gore. Mr. Hnury
When We Tell You That We Are Prepared to Furnish all Kinds
M I L L ; -: - :Q,K,
Such as Sture Fronts, Office Fixture Exterior and Interior Finish for all
kinds of building, we don't pause an grunt as if to impress you that we
doubted our ability to till your orde for any material in the building line.
Did it ever occur to you that the CIdMARRON LUMBER CO. has the
best retail, lumber plant in the Southwest, and our prices are in a line with
other large lumber dealers. '
While Cimarron is fortunately locat d in the healthiest part of the world,
we are not here for our health. Don t mistake us. Give us a chance at
your business. Keep shy of any concern that advertises to give you some
thing for nothing. Our motto is "The Golden Rule.'
Come and Let Us Know Yoor "Wants
Cimarron, New Mexico
Our New Location
m mm -
T kpiss and Tifl DtNv
U A f T T T M P
. r w mm w
. . .
Livery Calls Attended To.
0 0t) 0 0
o Rocky Mountain Cafe
Board ky Week or Month
Special Rates given Laboring Men
We Cater to Ladies and Gentlemen
Only Cta& Seym's Famous Coffaa Use j

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