Newspaper Page Text
CIMARRON CITIZEN, CIMARRO N, NEW MEXICO. WEDNESDAY, JULY S, 1908. PAGE SIX OCOOQQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. O "Bar A W-o Hir PanAr mil O o o o o CEO. L REMLEY, Editor THE Graarron Citizen . A Weeklv Pacer, nubliehed each q , Wednesday, in tie. interests of O Cimarron, the Cimarron Valley O Colfax County, and the Terri- O " tory of New Mexico. y 0 Price, f2.00 1 per jrear., . uOOOOCXOOCXX)0OOO00OO(X0CXXXKXXXXX900O0O0CXXXXXX0OOOCO0 IÍEDITQRIAL.IIJ caught: in; wringers Maggie Brickctt, " Employe of "Troy Vis laugnt in macninery Laundn and Frightfully Mangled -r,;0in1. Colo. (Special) July 8--. 'stored " tüíi . l:.,;. tii A vtr:irtor ni i ilie ladies the Troy Steam Laundry .where she was employed, Miss Maggie Brick ctt met with a frightful accident about 5:3b o'clock last evening which wilt cause her death, probably before this paper reaches its readers. Miss Brickett' caught her hand in the machinery, which drew her arm in to the "shoulder and whirled her around in the air at a terrible ve locity, pulling the arm from the socket at the shoulder, tearing her left side so' that the lung was ex nosed, split her lips ami 'knocked out scveji teeth, besides terribly lacer-j ating her face, neck and upper part of her body, then hurling her to the floor a bleeding, unconscious mas of mangled humanity that caused a panic among the twelve' or fourteen lady workers who were eye witnesses to the awful tragedy, causing two of them to faint, while others screamed in fright and some were stricken dumb .it the bleeding, mangled girl, who, a few seconds before, was a laughing, happy soul. To add' to the awfulness of the sncctaclc. her hair caught in the ma chinery and she was scalped, only a malí tuft of hair not as large as your hand remaining on her head. Mis pra Punlap was in the front V'iltcc "tielii'g 110 bundles' and as soon as she heard hc agoíiÚín scream of the unfortunate girl she tetepú?!1? for i')r, John R, Espcv í-fí:c s reaily knew what happened, and he rrrived with Dr.' Hill in less than five minutes. After making 1 hurried ex amination Jhe Injured girl was hur ried, to the hospital, where every thing possible is being done,' but the sjriani have no hopes of her rc Vi - covery. Jiov.!il Miss Brickett live slid will be horribly disfigured for life and it would seem at this writing that this is one case -vhere death would be a welcome relief, as her suffering is beyond the power of a human being o realize. Oenrgc O errv. manager of , the laundry, stopped the machinery while the physicians were , being summoned ;-.nd rendered all possible assistance to the'.-:i"lRl: '" the injured girl. The sight W", too much for thus." unfortunate enough to witness H, d it was some time before quiet reigned and the faint employes re- Several it was oroceedins; several photogra phers who had come in with the par ty took snap shots of the couple as they stood at the altar. - ; . 4 Mme. Gould and Prince Helie both answered the usual ouestions in a firm voice, but the bride, turned ner vously to tne sniau congregation when the quietness of the church .was disturbed by the clicking of cameras. ., The, news that the Prince 4 Sagn and Mmc. Gould had been married in the Soho Square church got about quickly and by the time the party was ready to leave the building big crowd naif gathered in' the street in front. After lew introductions td members of the pastor's family, Princei HcbjS dc.Sagan-and hi, wife, followed by tthe..,witnesses, and the prince s secretary, made their way to the carriages." The " ere wd" "outside promptly stood fi?!'!? to 'et -them yass through, p. :,..', -:' VA I 14 J' .,'' n s - ' 'v ' .. '' - ' w BAND OF RELIGIOUS r. FANATICS LURE'';V 5K ,: ... GIRL FROM HOME to consciousness. were só overcome that they became ill and hatl to be sent home in carriages. "' '" ' The extractor' is ' a. ; clothes dryer and wrimrcr. it is 'a' tub-shaped ar rangement With á 'VevolvirTg cylinder inside, which makes about 1,200 rev olutions' per 'minute' It Was in this cylinder"111' ''which Miss Brickett caught her ' hand and ' will give one .in idea of the way iii which she was mangled and whirled around at the mercy of the ' powerful ! machinery. How Vhe escaped instant death is miraculous. 1 ' " , The arm was not jerked clear off the body but was jerked from the shoulder socket, the bones being crushed and the muscles torn. It was when the árm was pulled from the the socket that she Was released from the machinery arid thrown to the floor. Miss Unckett resides with her par ents on West Main street, near the West theater. Her parents" were im mediately notiPed arid 'went to the hospital. When ' they realized the nw-fulriess of the accident they were both prostrated and' fora tinie'it was feared that they ' would not be able to survive the shock.1' Neither of then, are very strong, fliey being af flicted with heart trouble, and were (laloi- taken to tlicir home, where they were still under the care of a nlivsi- ú"i it v li't T.r list nigju. , lt isr''1 . ' '. ' ','.' 1 ' i , up Cleveland, O., July 7. Declaring that his sister Bertha, 20 years old, was being led across the country through the influence of a paity o alleged religious fanatics, Alexander H. Meyer, deputy United States mar shal of New York, has asked the of J Cleveland police to locate the girl. TWcl ptltrcjinen were detailed to fvnd Mi5 Meyer. A woman who is leader of the band, refused to give any information as to the girl s whereabouts or to divulge to the of- r.r own name, although Site did not deny knowledge of the, girl's. whereabouts. S, '', , ON LUMBER CO. LUMBER, SHINGLES rAND BUIL3ING MATERIAL OF EVERY - DESCRIPTION," AND BUILDER'S HARDWARE, SASH, DOORS, .FIXTURES,.' PAINTS, OILS, LIME, CEMENT. A SPECIALTY OF ' JNTF.RIOK FINISH. When Ve JTell You . Jhat We . Are Prepared to Furnish all Kinds 0 Such as Store Fronts, .Office Fixture Exterior and Interior Finish for jtl". kinds of building, we .don't pause an grunt as if to impress you that w doubted our ability:- Jo fill , your orde, for any material in the building line. :í?r4 j "jfe4curCt ytpu . that the, CI MARRON LUMBER CO. has tho best retail lumber plant in,, the Southwest, and our prices are in a line with 1 '1 t... j.(.. . ,-. .;; t..,-;.., : . !J.i; i d While Cimarron is fortunately -Joca1 in the heaithiest part of the world, we are not here for ou; - Dont mistake us. Give us i chance at; your business. "eep 8hy of any concern that advertises to give you sorne thing for Nothing, Our motto is "The' Golden Rule." Come and Let Us' Know Yout Wants CIMARRÓN LUMBER CO. Gimatfoof New Mexico .-.,1 v,.t ili.nt i he shock may prove the stricken f.ital to one or both of parents. , 'Miss Urickcit is about 18 years of age and extremely popular with a large circle of friends. She had a sunny disposition and made friends with everyone with whom she came ju contact. . -r:ft N'ó c no deplores the ; awful acci dent more than Will Mellclulrlo, owner of the laundry,' who neeompa- 11 ífí "l ihc unfortunate girl to the hos pital and is rendering all possible as sistance. it was undoubtedly the most fright ful accident which ever occurred here and the awfulness of it has cast a ghxinl over the entire city. Ai n In te hour last night Miss U-rkctt as still alive, but is ,fi. o 1 . .1 ,ti. ' . . ing internally did nci u-'" able to uCeVif at any minute. . .-physicians are constantly with, y,cf mi doing everything pasible to stay the flow (,f blood. BEAT KILLS TWENTY-ONE New York, July 7. After a breath less, sweltering night, during which many spent sleepless hours on cots, tire escapes and in .the oocn streets, the sun came up this morning with promise of even greater discomfort. As early as 6 o'clock the streets were blistering hot and not a breath of air was moving. At 9 o'clock the weather man re ported 84 degrees, but in the mean time the humidity had fallen from 78 to 7.'!. As always, the greatest suffering was felt in the crowded ten ement districts. ' , There was little sleep for the oc cupants of these places last night All thorugh the night came calls to the hospitals to go to the aid of un fortunates who had found the abnbr- conditions too severe' a strain upon them. TMiviirirma and iliirsfs were Uoing ,ii,i ,!,, evtr.i forces were called 1 in to replace the exhausted .mnrals WHEN IN CIMARRON STOP AT THE toeestotclT mountain route rates $2.75 per day John Livingston, Manager Do You Wish To Buy or Sell PRINCE HELIE WEDS ANNA London, July 7. Madame Anna Oould and Prince Helie dc were "married M a registry office in Henrietta street, off Covcnt gardens, today. A sub'seoucnt cerein.niy was conducted at the French Protestant church on Soho square. There was absolutely no secrecy about the wcd.ling. Prince itelic last ;,.h announced to representatives r.f ihi American and French news- .,r ihnt all difficulties having been overcome and arrangements hn completed, the marriage .-.romonv would occur immediately upon the opening of the registry of Hrnrietta street this morning v..jwndinc this, the prince and i, i,., a a ,-,,!.. n itetermined ef- .Mine, vjuuiu ,M-,v.v . itif rrowd. Thev had a larcc mftor car waiting at the ho . 1 tft tt, fur them tO ici. ' ' ' " u "arrived, however, the couple . .:..i 'l.v (!irM friencís. left .1,. h..t,. liv "a rear entrance and en Pl-w, riclin.irv cabs, drove to the back YntrariYc of the registry office. Thf civil ceremony was ftimjdc, r M ,J Prince Helie. Mme lyiliaiui. - - ' -..i.t ti wiinrtei and the offi '.ilils, Mt was present. A great crowd Consisting' largely ot porters IroM the Covcnt Garden market and cinvdovcs of the publishing houses in the 'vicinity, assembled in the street outside. Prince Helie produced a copy of tl-e notice filed with the reg- trar. establishing his two weeks residence in the district, and the reg istrar granted his license. Mme. Gould and the prince signed the register, describing themselves :fs had been done in the banns published in Taris. Armed wiih the registrar's cerif;- .1,. ilie n:irtv auain leavmK uic buildinc bv the back dorir, drove in cabs to the French 1'rotestant church,, hidden away in a corner of Soho'sMiiare. The, cabmen misunder stood their instructions and stopped in front of St. Patrick's Roman Cath- iic church, which also faces Soho niiir. niwl the rnlire nariv ii.iu lighted bciore the mistake was (lis covered. New directions were then i.ívon fiuil the cabs drove over to the T rench Protestant church. . 1 lie entrnnrc to this church was blocked by trucks and Mn'.e. Gould and the prince had to make their way through a maze of traffic. The ceremony 'was quite in keep ing with the simple character of the church, but it was rather long". While that had been tearing throng the' streets all day yesterdays aml jast night with the hcav; ambulances,1 and double and tl'Vple supplies of ice! ;md milk wcr; ordered to meet ths' . -1 ' . 1... . . unusual (lemana occasioneu uy tne tiif i"i,ie ,i-liii-li i-'imp to thii "l.rtt!- ' When the early mornin" t, 0f vic tims of the heat wave .q, made up today it was founr ti)at twenty-one persons in the 'ater city had died as a direct vih of weather condi tions di-1is t)le pnst tsventy-four ho"r. Reported prostrations num- !nr hundreds and thousands, not to seriously affected, Were treated at their homes by private physicians. Thllade'r-hia. July 7. Four deaths and more than fifty prostrations oc curred in this city from neat nciwccn noon yesterday and 10 o'clock this morning. The intense near wiuci. accompanied by á high percentage of humidity, is causing great discomfort. Thi. LTovecnmetit thermomter on the l0p of the postoffice building at 10 o'clock registered fc-5 degrees ana street thermometers registcerd several degrees higher. The humidity at the samt bou- was recorded officially at Then Call and See Me j GEO., E. REMLEY, REaL eaoSt 1 r I a . "" i y-vr T- 1.. Tí-, An rnmmkcinn. O V T 8 3per cent. t WOODEN LEG SAVES MAN .FROM SINKING TO DEATH , f Massilon. O.. July '7. Clarence McLean and Attorney Koy vmisoii Kindliftg Wood $1.50 Per 'Load of this place saved three men trom drowning in Turkeyfoot lake in the midst of a storm by prompt action with their power-boat. A cripple who was in the overturned boat was kept up by his wooden leg until help ar- rivpfl. Massilon. Their rescuers did not know them, except that oiie was named Kwald and another Heck. They hired it boat ami were some tl'stance from shore when a terrific storm struck the lake. 'The waves were several feet high and the boat was swamped and the occupants t,.r,,.1 into the water. All tnrec could swim h little and struck out for shore. WiUnn and McLean were the only other persons on the water and were , mmrtpr of a mile away when tnej heard the cries of the three men. Two of the swimmers were on the point i,niistion when they were drawn into the alunch. The cripple had made his way half of the distance to the shore ana naa gum.- uuuv.. His body was kept up by the buoy- .... , 1 . . . I. i V. nf ancy of nis wooacn icg, wim.. i-.. vented him from sinking, tie was nulled into the motor-boat and re vived after reaching shore. O O Bigf Measure Prompt Delivery C. H. Coulter Leave orders at livrans Hardware Store or Fost Office. o o o o o o Rocky Mountain Cafe SOUTH OF DEPOT bv Week or Month Bcatá O 4 O O o o o c Social Rates eiven Laboring Men We Cater to Ladies and Gentlemen Only Chase & Sanborn's Famous Coffee Used o o o o c o oo o o here SHORTER HOURS AND : - MORE MEN IS THfc . DECISION OF D. & R. G. t....i.i " 7 Iii an interview today the local ofticials ot tne Denver .& Kio .Grande stated inai i,,ft,.r the shonmen would have a .,:.i,o,.r dav and that it was tne intention of the management ' to in- rr-., the oresent force of men at work by employing as many more Iters, skilled mechanics. WIDOWER'S HEART IS VALUED AT ONE CENT St. Louis, Mo., July 7. Widowers hearts are quoted here at one cent; at least that was the valuation placed on one in Justice Sander's court. Emil Vorhauer, who is past middle ace. figured in the proceedings, as .l.-.i m; 'ia r.ieslcr. who is 18 uii-i -" - years old. Hi says that she proposed to mm, and later turned him down. Besides .cI-Iiki for damages . for . his broken heart, he also sued for the return of various ante-nuptial gifts. tu r.icsler lauched when her al leged engagement to marry Vorhauer was mentioned to her. ine saiu. "I never had any intention of mar- him Tf he wants his dress back, he will have to hunt up the .ir..iin to whom I sold it when it was worn out. The diamond ring has beeri lost. He can have it ifi he can find it. The ostrich plume is in tat He could have had that with out suing for it. NOTICE. All trespasing on the Urraca Ranch property in Colfax County, New Mexico, whether for the purpose of fishing, hunting, gathering wild fruit or cutting fire wood, or for any other purposes whatsoever, without permission from the manager, is strictly prohibited, and all such tres passers will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Signed: GEO. H. WEBSTER, Jr., uuuiui .. . . \n\n pitáis. Manager for urraca Kanch. : AVISO. El trespasar sóbrela propriedad del'. Rancho de la Urraca en el Condado de Colfax, sea va con el fin de cazar -pezcar o recojor fruta silvestre o cor tar lena u otro fin cualesquiera sin permiso del manejador, se prohibe es trictamente. Todos equellos quienes buad' j soptniwsojd 'usj u.s-Kdso.n . extento de la lev. 1 Firmado: GEO. H. WEBSTER. Jr.,' Manejador del Rancho de la Urraca June 17 tf-