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WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1908. PAGE TWO THE CIMARRON CITIZEN, CIMARRON, NEW MEXICO xxoo(xxxxxxxxxxxx(xom . . THE . . Cimarron Citizen TUP - O O o o o GEO. L REMLEY, Editor o OOOOCOOOOOOOOC50CX5000000000CXJOOC5000000000000000000COO 1 1 EDITORIAL I The Colfax County Stockman, of Springer, says: "It seems lhat the opposition to Andrews is losing ground. Many Republicans through out the Territory look upon the can didacy of Spiess and Mann as two huge jokes." Well, if it is a joke, it is apt to be a good one, and who ever is nomi nated, whether it be Andrews, Mann or Spiess, the Democratic nominee is sure to be the butt. If Democratic success in the com ing national campaign is to be meas ured by the length of the noise and the amount of racket the national Democratic convention was able to make in its ovation to the "Peerless One," then the country will hereafter have a change in the policy of its ad ministration. But noise was about all there was to the demonstration. The Republican convention at Chi cago shor.ted forty-six minutes at the mention of the name of Taft, and the Democrats had to go this record one better, but it was an awful strain. The men at the head of affairs plan ned the demonstration with great skill, and the noise makers carried out the plan nobly. It was well done, and will no doubt catch a few doubt ful voters, but the trick is easily seen through. If we could only see ourselves as others see us. The Colfax County Stockman has evidently forgotten the old adage that "People who live in glass houses should undress in the dark." In a recent editorial it says: "The American people are not ap preciating the fact that a retiring President was permitted to name his successor in office. Taft is the man named by Roosevelt; Taft is the man Roosevelt forced on the Republican party; Taft is the man Roosevelt said If you take him you'll have to take me;' Taft is the man Roosevelt says must he elected. Are we bordering on monarchy?" Now, isn't that the limit? Was there ever a greater piece of bossism displayed than the work of the Dem ocratic nominee for President, the "Pcclcss One" from Nebraska, in the Denver convention? Were ever the reins of control in more arbitrary hands than Bryan's during that con vention? His word was not only law from which no appeal was granted, but he saw fit to inforce his decrees in a most high handed manner. Even Tammany bowed down and licked his boots. The Democratic platform is Bryan's, and he suffered no change to take place? It may be that the Stockman is not well informed, or it may he thr.t it has 0 long bluffed without heinr called that it has for gotten the value of the hands it holds But in cither case, its plight is sim ilar to that "f the pot when it called the kettle black. Under the heading "Unity and Loyalty Necessary for Republican Success" published in its columns on July 1 1 tli, the Santa Fc New Mexican voices the feeilngs of most of the Re publicans in the Territory and, as the Citizen understands the situation, of e very candidate fjr nomination as Delegate to Congress on the Repub lican ticket. The article is well writ ten and the logic is clear in as far as the article touches on Unity and Loyalty. No one can gainsay the correctness of the New Mexican's statements in this respect. F.very Republican, knows, or should know, that the Democrats are making ar rangements to do their utmost this fall. Kvery one knows, or should know, that while both the Republican ;.nd Democratic Nation conventions have adopted a statehood plank in their platforms, the adimssion of New Mexico as a state under a Re publican administration and Republi can congress will be more pregnant with good results if a Republican delegate to congress is elected. The only exception to the senti ment expressed in the article alluded to, which the Citizen takes, is that W. H. Andrews is the best man to send to congress, lhat he is a far more able man, a more skilled poli tician than is the Democratic nomi nee; that he would be able to accom plish more good for the Territory and those who make New Mexico their home than would Larriztda are all obvious facts. But the Citizen disagrees with the New Mexican in A Weekly Paper, published each Wednesday, in the interests of Cimarron, the Cimarron Valley Colfax County, and the Terri tory of New Mexico. ; Price, Í2.00 per year. its belief that Andrews is the best man the Republicans can offer. It has heretofore announced that it be Heves Hon. Chas. A. Spiess to be the best qualified man for the high office, and it still continues in this belief. The New Mexican bases its belief on what it, in effect, terms the glorious past achievements of Mr. Andrews It points to the numerous pensions granted, and brings forward long resolutions adopted by members of the G. A. R. praising the present del egate for his efforts in their behalf. It ooints with exaggerated pride to the appropriation Congress made to ward the coming Irrigation Congress at Albuquerque and then says that Andrews did it. It features the fact that Albuquerque has obtained a new Federal building, the result of the ef forts of Andrews, so we are told but there it stops, or practically so. We are to believe that Congress is as wax in the hands of Mr. Andrews to he moulded as he sees fit, a puppet to Janee when he pulls the string. The Citizen is as ready and willing to accord to Mr. Andrews his full share of glory and to give him due credit for what he has done, and we must admit that he has been very hnev n is anv one. But what has been done in the past is not of ne cessity proof that it will be again done in the future, nor is it a conclu sive argument that no other than An drews could accomplish the same re stills, nrovided that other be a Re publican. CO. P. AT PRING! Denver May Be Chosen As National Head quarters For Campaign Colorado Springs, July 20. Unless the unexpected happens, Denver will be selected by Chairman Frank H. Hitchcock and the Western Republi can leaders as Western neauquaricrs for 'the Republican national central committee. i lie Uenvcr boosters and they arc here from all over the Rocky mountain section, as well as from the . Queen City are here in force, and sentiment in iavor of the Colorado capital as a is rapidly developing, an active rival for the Denver already has the headquarters Salt Lake is honor, but lead, and its supporters say it will not be over taken in the race. The conference between Chairman Hitchcock and the Western leaders was caleld to order at the Antlers hotel shortly after 10 o'clock this mori'ing, and will remain in session for two days, after which Mr. Hitch cock will hold conferences with the various state chairmen and repre sentatives from each ftate. The object of the present gather ing is to devise wavs and means to absolutely insure the carrying of ev ery state and territory in the West for Taft and Sherman, and to secure active and effective co-operation among the leaders of the different states in this region. "We want cohesion and co-operation," said Chairman Hitchcock, which will absolutely insure the suc cess of the Republican ticket in ev ery state and territory in the west next fall." Chairman Hitchcock arrived in Colorado Springs last evening and immediately went into conference with various Colorado leaders. When asked what Western states he regards as safely Republican, and what ones he classes as doubtful, Mr. Hitchcock said: "I have determined not to make any predictions at any time. "That will be my policy throughout the campaign. We won't neglect any territory where there is a bare chance of victory, either North,' or South, East or West, but I shall not indulge in forecasts." DAWSON VS. TRINIDAD The Dawson ball team, accompa nied by a train load of loyal Isew Mexico fans and their sixty-piece band invaded Colorado Saturday and Sunday. J. Pluvius spoiled the fun on Saturday when the Dawsonites had made a run in the first inning and it began look bad for the Trini dads. Sunday was a perfect day, however, and two games, the best ever played in the Southern Colora do metropolis, were won by Irinidaa by scores of 2 to I and 5 to I re spectively. There was no disgrace in the defeat, however, and the Dawson fans returned home Sunday night, more loyal and enthusiastic than ev er. It was a great day for Northern New Mexico and bouthern coioraao, and no occasion in recent years has served bttter to bring about a more friendly and neighborly feeling. Over two thousand people were packed into the stands when the first came was called T wg '01 t...h Nat10L. Detter.nnn In the first game, McClelland, the old leaguer, securtd their run in tne c..rh inninir He sineled. was ad- vanced by another and scored when 1UUI Lll !() -- Owens juggled Hoods hot roller. Trinidad scored one in the sixtn when Brierly walked and scored on annr error bv the Dawson second hnseman. The second run came in the eighth n two errors, a steal and a couple of nnsses. Honska, who has signed with the Pnehlo Indians, was induced to stay over to pitch the first game. The second game was more one sided. The visitors scored in the first on an error and McClelland's long drive to right. Trinidad secured two runs m the third on a bunch of singles, steals onH prrors. one in the seventn on two clean hits and two in tne eignui on three hits and an error. Local fans have every reason to feel proud of the showing made by both Honska and Barngrover in the two games. In the face of the heav iest hitters that have appeared here this year, Honska pitched like a vet eran and no combination of condi tions served to rattle him in the least. Barngrover, not content with issuing no passes and allowing but three hits, boosted the scoring alojjg by a couple of clean singles. In spite of the two defeats, there is no reason to believe but that the visitors had the time of their lives. Never was the city visited oy a bettcr-naturcd and more orueny company. The park did a big bus iness as did all the other amuse ment places of the city. Katon.was represented by a big delegation which rooted royally for the New Mexico team, but admitted with good grace at the close that Trinidad's team made the better showing. The special train left at eleven o'clock on Sunday night with a tired but happy bunch of excursionists aboard. The members of the Chamber of Commerce and Manager Byers of Central Park are to be congratulated upon the successful manner in which the Trinidad end of the excursion was kept up. No effort was spared in entertaining the visitors, a fact which was appreciated. More than .mvthinir else, the excursion served to demonstrate that Trinidad affords ih hnct center in this section, for amusements- as well as business. It is hoped that the Sunday program is but one om, many similar ones. Score by innings: First game Dawson . . . .'. . .0 o o I o O o o o 1 Trinidad 00000101 2 lotteries: Barr and Ritchie; Hon-t ska and Brierly. Hits, Dawson 7, Trinidad 4. Errors, Dawson 4; Trin idad 1. Second game Dawson 10000000 o 1 Trinidad o O 2 O O O 1 2 5 Batteries: Lopez and Ritchie; Barngrover and Brierly. Hits: Daw: son 3, Trinidad 7. Errors, Dawson 6; Trinidad 2. Henlri Crist Parker, of the United States survey, can see no anthracite after 2055. Here is the doom of one r7i-iv trust, let the law oust as it j - will. The period of self-control for the candidates is while they must pre tend not to know it until the noti fication committees call. That is a good civil-service report from the Pennsylvania railroad which show s anions the company s active employes 1,350 men who have been at work more than forty years. Evi dently the idea prevails in the generr al offices that it docs not hurt a man in efficiency to mature with the bus iness. . : I Cin ARRON LUMBER CO. j LUMBER, SHINGLES AND BUIL5ING MATERIAL OF DESCRIPTION, AND BUILDER'S HARDWARE, SASH, FIXTURES, PAINTS, OILS, LIME, CEMENT. A INTERIOR FINISH. When We Tell You That MIL Come and Let Us Know Yor Wants CIMARRON LUMBER GO. Cimarron, New Mexico WHEN W THE BEST HOTEL ON THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN ROUTE RATES $2.75 PER DAY Join Livingston, Manager Do You GEO. E.REMLEY, REAL ES All Kinds Of Property Handled on Commission. QUICK RESULTS CHARGES REASONABLE PITCHER AND WAITER IN SCRAP Trinidad, Colo., (Special), July 22. Robert Barngrover, the crack Trinidad pitcher, and Claude Rey nolds, a waiter, yesterday afternoon engaged in a street altercation that resulted in Barngrover getting a black eye and both paying a fine of seven dollars in police court two hours later. After paying his fine, Barngrover, exasperated at the manner in which he had been dragged into the affair, again attacked his enemy and dealt him several blows in the presence of a packed court. The men were sep arated without further injury to eith er. The trouble started near the cor ner of Main and Commercial streets. Words were exchanged and Barn grover slapped Reynolds with the flat of his hand, knocking him into the street, Reynolds turned and ran down Commercial street. A few minutes later he returned and Barn grover, who had been warned that his enemy had a gun, deliberately tunred his back upon him. Reynolds then dealt the pitcher a heavy blow over the right eye, in flicting, a deep cut and felling him to the ground. Both were arrested and tried al most at oncei Bad blood has exist ed between the men for several days. Mike Skiles, a bartender; at the Park Cafe, was fined $25 and costs yesterday on the charge of "beating up" a woman of the red light dis trict. Charles Liggett was also fined $25 and costs for beating his We Are Prepared to L W O R: Such as Store Fronts, Office Fixture Exterior and Interior Finish for all kinds of building, we don't pause an grunt as if to impress you that we doubted our ability to fill your orde for any material in the building line. Did it ever occur to you that the CI.IMARRON LUMBER CO. has the best retail lumber plant in the Southwest, and our prices are in a line with other larc lumber "dealers. While Cimarron is fortunately located in the healthiest part of the world, we are not here for our health. Dont mistake us Give us a chance at your business. Keep shy of any concern that advertises to give you some thing for nothing. Our motto is "The Golden Rule." IN CIMARRON STOP AT;THE A S T I $rmmmmmrMmrmm" Wish TAT To Buy Then Call arid See oo 0 0 0 o Rocky Mountain Cafe SOUTH OF DEPOT Board by Week or Month Special Rates given Laboring Men We Cater to Ladies and Gentlemen Only Chase &, Sanborn's Famous Coffee Used oo oo o ooo o o wife. Being unable to pay his fine, he was set to work on the chain gang. BASE BALL RESULTS Monday Games in the professional leagues: Western League. At Lincoln: Lincoln 6, Denver 5. Other teams traveling. National League. St. Louis-New York game post- poned, rain. At Chicago: . Chicago 5. Boston 2. At Pittsburg; Pittsburg 6, Brook lyn 3. American League At Boston: Boston 8, Chicago 1. At Philadelphia: Philadelphia i; Detroit 4- ' At Washington: Washington 5, Cleveland 3. At New York: New York 3. St. Louis 8. EVERY DOORS, SPECIALTY OF Furnish all Kinds of K A or Sell lev Me 0 0 0 0 04 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o NOTICE. All trespasing on the Urraca Ranch property in Colfax County, New Mexico, whether for the purpose of fishing, hunting, gathering wild fruit or cutting fire wood, or for any other purposes whatsoever, without permission from the manager, is strictly prohibited, and all such tres passers will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Signed: GEO. H. WEBSTER, Jr., Manager for Urraca Ranch. AVISO. El trespasar sobre la propriedad del Rancho de la Urraca en el Condado de Colfax, sea va con el fin de cazar pezcar o recojor fruta silvestre o cor tar léna u otro fin cualesquiera sin permiso del manejador, se prohibe es trictamente. Todos equellos quienes ouaid re sopcnaasojd uüjoí ujsu(Isoj) extento de la lev. Firmado: GEO. H. WEBSTER, Jr., Manejador del Rancho de la Urraca June 17 tf. wr-jamwq