Newspaper Page Text
A ni NOTE The type used in this heading is from the old plant of the Cimarron News and Press and was used for a heading for the paper in the seventies. VOL I CIMARRON, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1907 NO. t I oprop Li J J SERIOUSLY INJURED Mrs. Charles Springer met with a most distressing and dangerous acci dent on last Monday night, -and was seriously injured. Mrs. . Springer spent the evening at the Chase ranch, and at a late hour started home, with her driver, a trusted servant. When about a mile from the Springer home the spirited hoses became frightened and at a bad place in the road turned the buggy over, throwing the driver out. Mrs. Springer was thrown un derneath the vehicle ,,and dragged along on the frozen road and in the snow for some distance, before she was released by another turn of the buggy. The team continued on their run to the home, but no one about the premises heard them, and there was no knowledge of the accident until Mrs. Springer, assisted by the driver, reached home. When she was released from her dangerous position, Mrs. Springer was bewildered by the accident, and the pain from her many bruises, and started in the opposite direction from her home. She had gone consider able distance out of her way before she was found by the driver, who had escaped serious injury. She was as sisted to her home, with much diffi culty, where it was found she had sustained many severe bruises. She was also badly cut about the head and face. One shoulder was badly bruised, and both eyes were bruised. Mrs. Springer has recovered remark ably, considering her injuries, and is now about the house, and it lieved no serious results will the accident. is be- follow THE CIMARRON NEWS AND PRESS The history of Colfax county, when fully published, will contain many a. chapter devoted to the thrill ing vicissitudes of the old Cimarron News and Press. The paper was es tablished in 1870, and told of the )oyJ and sorrows, the fortunes and failf tires, of those, stalwart pioneers of ih early days, who, realizing the massivd fortunes latent in the hills and the wealth of the valleys and mesas of Colfax county, struggled against all the odds of fate, in the days when th land was young. The equipment qt the old-plant was not as complete as the present business needs would de mand, and .often the editor was office boy, compositor, stenographer, book keeper, pressman, local hustler and job man. At other times the paped flourished and boasted of a mechanif cal force, and an able corps of ei'tj tors. The names of well known Cot fax men at the head of the editorial columns of a period of the issues of ibc old paper, and some of the most able editorials we have ever read ap peared in these issues. Some of the old papers tell of stilling events, now forgotten almost, by even the prin-iwas Wood-Preserving Plant For Cimarron Cimarron will soon have a wpod preserving plant. In Hese days of rapidly decreasing timber supply, every effort is being made to , pre serve the forests from wasteful de predations, and to preserve the') tim ber of all classes. Of late years rail roads and large users of timber have striven to find a means of preserving timbers of all kinds, so as to got the longest life of usefulness out of the materials used. Tie-pickling, or timber preserving has been carried on, ex perimentally and practically by the large railroads and timber companies for the past few years, and found to jonomical and practical, especi ally i" the case of railroad ties and timbers. It has . been conclusively demonstrated that the preservation of timber is an economical profess as well as a necessity. The continually diminishing supply of that mst im- j portant commodity has given those in J Some Interesting Facts Concerning the Cimarron Country-Land of Opportunity Many inquiries come to the residents oí the Cimarron Country from friends in the east concerning the resources, climate of the local ity. The story cannot be told in one newspaper, but the News and Press will in each 3sue treat of some special feature of Colfax County The; climate is delightful. The sum mers arJfcool, yet warm enough for the matw'ing, each season, of all crops ciftimon to the temperate zone. With tlft altitude, the atmosphere is such tlif t it is never too hot for com fort. Jpie nights are always cool. In winter, while the sun shines nine days out of every ten, the air is fresh and bracing, and the occasional light snows insure a never-failing water supply for irrigation, to supplement the rains which under the improved systems of dry farming will in any case iisure good crops without the necesiity of irrigation. However, the fact that water for irrigation is abun dant (insures excellent crops. There are, hi course, many advantages for the farmer using the irrigation sys tem, over his neighbor who follows the Jry farming method, but both are suciessful. With irrigation, a greater variety of crops may be raised, and the acreage is a great deal smaller. Thfre is every advantage in the world in flavor of the farmer on the irrigated farns of Colfax county, even over the farmer of the eastern states. The New Mexico farmer need never worry a !)!' the rainfall. , He makes hi ifwri, and adapts the supply to the lieeds of the season and the soil. He teed never fear a drouth, nor a del uge. Rainy seasons do not deter his planting, and crops mature thorough ly, watered at will. The soil in the Cimarron country, and in fact, over the greater portion of Colfax county, is a deep, ricM sandy loam, with a clay subsoil, and comprise some of the most fertile agricultural lands in the great south west. The soil has been constantly enriched by the natural overflow water from the streams, and from ir rigation. In the Taos valley, and the Moreno valley, to the west, only about thirty miles, the same soil con ditions and the same irrigation possi- cipal actors, some of whom are still living in Cimarron and vicinity. On one occasion the Cimarron News and Press was put entirely out of active service by the unkindness of certain citizens of the locality. Many of the older inhabitants of the town remem ber well the incident. Clay Allison a well-known character who was and familiar with the timber business considerable anxiety. The old, ex travagant methods have been rele gated to the past and preserving plants are now the order of the day. The Continental Tie and Timber company, one of the largest com panies operating in the southwest, have decided to put in a plant at Ci marron, for the treatment of ties and timber from its extensive forests in Colfax county. Grounds have been selected for this purpose in East Ci marron, and work on the plant will begin in a short time. We have not been able to learn just what the ca pacity of the new plant will be, but it will require one thoroughly modern to handle their extensive timber in terests. It is a happy coincidence that among the many modern devedop- ments launched and contemplated by the people of Cimarron, this preserv ing plant should be a feature. bilities exist, and in these valleys the Pueblo Indians who have inhabited the region for centuries, have for the past three hundred years raised abundant crops of wheat, every suc cessive year, without the use of phosphates or other fertilizers, than the water used. The lands in the Cimarron country lie at an altitude of some 5,100 to 6,000 feet, and slope gently away from the heavily timbered foothills. Good streams, with never-failing water sup ply cross these lands at intervals of every few miles. The lands are pro tected from the storms and blizzards by mountain chains rising to altitudes of from nine thousand to fourteen thousand feet. The Cimarron coun try is on the sunny, southern slope of the range. Farmers raise good crops of wheat, maize, oats, kaffir corn, alfalfa, blue glass, sorghum, sugar beets, and in fact, all grain and vegetables common to the climate of the temperate zone. Fruits are particularly fine. No local ity in the world can surpass this vi cinity in the growth of apples, I peaches, pears, plums, cherries, and kindred fruits. The country is par ticularly adapted to the culture of sugar beets. Experts have for years pronounced the climate, soil and gen eral conditions ideal for this crop, and analysis by experts covering many localities and many grades, show the percentage of sugar in the Colfax product to be from four to fif teen per cent greater than the product of the Colorado fields, which are at tracting the attention of the world. As long ago as 1894, Colfax county fruits were attracting national atten tion. An exhibit of fruits raised by J. B. Dawson, on the Dawson ranch, received the world's first prize at the Columbian exhibition at Chicago in that year, and their excellence was a source of wondering comment. Other fruit growers all over the district are keeping up the reputation of the country. No other localities can lay such title to the claim as the "Land of the Big Red Appl" as our own Ci marron country. Apples from the different ranches this year were of excellent flavor and enormous in size. Varieties were exhibited in Cimarron weighing more than ounces each. twenty-five connected with a number of exciting events during the seventies the times which tried men's souls, and brought out all the good or all the bad in the character of the individual. In some manner the News and Press incurred the displeasure of this gen tleman, and one night, accompanied by some half a dozen of his friends, Allison paid the town a visit. They stopped a few moments at Lambert's hotel where they put a few marks on the blackboard, and then went across the plaza to the newspaper office. The editor and those connected with the paper at the time were absent, but the door yielded to a few well directed jars from a pole, and the party entered. When they got back to Lambert's again they were cov ered thoroughly with printers' ink. Whether they believed in the efficacy of this medium or not, they were daubed with a goodly quantity of it. Lambert's facetious query as to their having been to the printing office was cut short by the threat that some thing would happen him if he men tioned the occurrence, and the party left. The press of the Cimarron newspaper was found battered to pieces, and every movable thing in the office, including cases, stands and type, were found dumped in the Ci marron river. .Years after, when the youth of Cimarron wanted ammuni tion for their b.ean shooters, they went down to the river and gathered up the silent messengers of thought, ruthlessly scattered among the sands. Even this rude criticism of the paper did not deter the publishers of, the paper, and we find the paper contin ued for some time after with new ma terial and part of the old. Some of MINING. The mining regions of the Cimar ron country have for many years been a source of great income, even though the methods employed were crude and the means of transportation limited and extremely expensive. In the tidier days the placers of the district produced millions in free gold, and some of the older mines, worked even ii the nióst crude manner, turn ed thci tide of wealth toward the old mining and cattle town of Cimar ron. But getting out a few hundred pounds of high grade ore and pack ing it on burros off to the nearest shipping point, or milling it on the property with the laborious arrastra, is not mining, in the modern sense of the word, and it is an absolute fact that the mining resources of the county have never been touched. The territory, aside from a few easily ac cessible points has not even been well prospected, and one of the needs of the country now is a number of ex perienced prospectors. Long before the days of the mod ern dredge the old sjstctn of sluices and rockers was taking out millions in gold from the rich gravel of the Moreno valley, Ute creek, I'onil, and other streams and basins. The gravel of these districts is now richer than the placer grounds of California. Only a few rich pockets in these dis tricts have ever been worked, and the great area of medium and low grade grounds yet remain untouched. Placer mining in the district has always been done in a desultory manner. The old time miner was content to make a modest tortune, sell out and leave the country. No large amounts of cap ital have ever been expended in the county, and no extensive develop ment, such as makes great mines out of low grade, propositions, has ever been done. In placer mining, the Oro Dredge company cleared up a great many thousands of dollars in a short time, but owing to internal dis sensions in the company the property went into the hands of a receiver, and has lain idle for a long time, in the midst of a wealth of rich mineral. There remain in the Ponil, at the head of Ute creek, and in the Moreno, valley, immense deposits of placer gravel, hundreds of feet deep, adja- cent to an unlimited water supply, which can be handled either with the material of the seventies now forms a part of the Raton Range plant, where we understand it is care fully preserved, for the good it has done in years past. The heading of this paper, though rather unique and old-fashioned, was set from the orig inal type in which the heading of the paper of the seventies was set. Some of the letters are somewhat battered, but the head appears very much as it did more than thirty years ago. Old residents of the county will, we hope, recognize the old heading. DAWSON ITEMS. From the Raton Range. Christa Clark, 15-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, died Tuesday morning, Jan. I, of a com plication of measles and spinal .trou ble. The funeral was held Thursday evening -and the remains were taken to Walscnburg, Colo., for interment. T. C. Hill, manager of the S. W. M. Co. store, left Thursday morning on a two weeks business trip to Kansas City and other points. The work on the excavation for the $20,000 opera house has started and the work will be pushed rapidly to completion. 1 L. W. Storm, C. E. and wife, expect to leave soon for Denver, Colo. Joe Serrano has resigned as sales man for the S. W. M. Co. and ex pects to leave about the tenth for El Paso, Texas. D. L. Lucas has returned from Las Vegas and reports a pleasant and profitable session of the teachers' association. Gypsy. Jack 1 dredges or under hydraulics. These placer beds, miles in extent, are prac tically untouched, and excel in rich ness the beds of the famed hydraulic fields of California. They only await the investment of sufficient capital to assure economical production. Low grade dykes of immense width and miles in extent traverse the vari ous mining districts. These dykes are crossed by a myriad of true fis sure veins, forming a net work of dykes and seams, all ore-bearing and all easy of access for mining on the most economical basis. There has been enough prospecting and mining in a small way upon these vein sys tems to define their location, trend and value, but the great resources of the region have scarcely been scratched. Copper is also found in abundance, and in values sufficient to make min ing profitable, even under the condi tions, existing in the past, without transportation facilities either for sup plies, materials or product. Now that supplies and materials may be ship ped by rail into the very heart of the district, and the ores may be loaded onto the cars in many instances from the mines, and in any event, after a short wagon haul, the resources of the Cimarron mining district will be soon opened to the world. The News-Press will, in a special issue to be printed soon, tell specific ally of the mining industry, past and present, and give a history of some of the most famous mines of the Rocky Mountain region. This issue will be announced through these columns, and will be one of the most interest ing of a series of specials which will inform the world of a territory which has lain without development for three centuries while the resources of the entire nation have been devel oped and in many localities ex hausted. COAL. A special issue of the News-Press will be issued in the near future, cov ering the coal resources of the coun ty. Colfax county coal fields are the greatest in the southwest. The foot hills are underlaid for many miles with three seams of the finest coking coal in the world, and the supply is absolutely unlimited. All this coal is Con.inued on last page. The Sullivan Trust company of Goldfield, Nev., is reported to be financially embarrassed, several drafts made on it having been protested. In the stock market there were heavy declines in the shares of the Lou Dillon, the Silver Pick and other companies promoted by the stock company. Railroad Into the Ponil Country Soon Another railroad for Cimarron. This is the latest happy news to the residents of the western part of the county. The Continental railway will be built into Cimarron from the north, tapping the wonderful resour ces of the Ponil, and opening a new territory to commerce. Surveys and estimates are finished and actual work will commence 011 the building as soon as contracts can be let and men and material secured. The unlimited resources of the vast area of the country to the north of Cimarron, especially the Ponil Park oistrict, in the way of timber and agriculture, have long been realized. Lack of transportation facilities alone has delayed the development of this vast storehouse, and the development now will be rapid, indeed. The new railway is to be built through the Ponil Canon, into the Fiinil Park, thence in a northerly and REPORTED PURCHASE Closely following the departure of William H. Bartlett for his home in Chicago has sprung up the report ' that he has sold his handsome home and extensive holdings at Vermejo Park, north of here, to United States Senator William A. Clark of Mon tana, the consideration named being $2,000,000, Although the report, orig inating in Trinidad, gives Raton as the source, nothing confirmatory can be learned here concerning the al leged big deal. The Vermejo ranch contains about 216,000 acres, or near ly ten townships, of land. On it stands one of the largest and finest residences in the United States, the stone for which was cut away up in the timber district, and brought down in gunny sacks and placed in position with the beautiful moss still attaching to it. Including the fine road ex tending to Mercio, Mr. Bartlett's. total investment for improvements must have been something near $1, 000,000, of which $250,000 to $300,000 is in buildings. The fact that insur ance policies on these structures run ning five years were taken out would seem to indicate that no sale had been contemplated, at least until recently. Another negative factor is that Sena tor Clark is a man who would demand a clear title, free from annoying in cumbrances or rights belonging to others that would in any way inter fere with his peace or privacy. It is known that up until a recent date extensive coal and timber concessions were held by other parties, Mr. Bart lett's title being only to the surface. Whether or not these rights have been absorbed by either seller or pur chaser cannot nt this writing be learned. The rumor of the sale i& therefore given for what it is worth it may be a fact, but there is no di rect supporting evidence available, here. NEW PLANING MILL FOR CIMARRON One of the industries which will be established in Cimarron immediately will be a planing mill. The plant will be installed as soon as the building can be finished, as the machinery is on the ground and the building start ed. The mill will be equipped to do all classes of general mill work, building material, sashes, doors, cab inet work, and in fact will fill all the needs of the contractors and builders of the town and vicinity. With the excellent shipping facilities the mill can supply a large territory. One of the greatest needs of the contractors here at present is the class of mill work the new establishment will turn out, and the work of building will be greatly facilitated. The new mill will be built and operated by the Cimar ron Lumber company, one of the progressive business concerns of Ci- westerly direction opening up one of the most promising sections of the county. The ultimate destination of the railroad can only be surmised. Just what capitalists are backing the present project has not been ascer tained, but the present plans would indicate the association of very influ ential interests. The broad, fertile ranges of the Ponil Park and adjacent country will make in ideal farming country. The climate and soil can not be surpassed. The rainfall is suf ficient for all purposes, obviating the necessity for irrigation. Frora t scenic point of view the country has no superior. That Cimarron is to be the center of distribution for so thriving a com munity is of itself no malí encour agement to those who have the wel fare of the future city at heart. Every other development tending to the de velopment of this action are receiv ing their strongest support ' 11 v 'I