Weber's Bakery Bakers' Goods and Confectioners -É-EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR-Jx Best grade Lump and Egg . SWASTIKA COAL Livery and Feed Stables in Con nection. Draying to all parts of the city. iüj8 Phone 56 Cimarron Transfer Co. J-w sweMingen.Prop. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS ITEMS i A. W. VASEY Fire, Accident, Liability, Torna do, Automobile and Life Insurance. Sixteen Strongest and Beát Com panies Represented. Let The News Estimate On Your Next Job F. W. Brooks went to Bonito, Monday on business.' Fresh borne made taffy and marshmellows and other candies every day at Weber's. The News is working for you and the community every week. What are YOU, not the other fellow, do ing for it I H. G. Frankenburger was at tending to company business at Ring and Bonito, Monday. C. F. Remsberg of Raton is at his Ute Park ranch this week look ing after his interests at that placet Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Sprague departed Tuesday morning for a month's visit with friends and rel atives in southeastern Kansas. 30 pounds Mexican beans for Jti at Rogers, Wbiteman & Co. Stream Inspector Powers of San ta Fe arrived Tuesday evening to guage the streams in this section of the county. Patronize home industry and buy your bakery goods at Weber's Restaurant and Bakery. District Attorney Remley return ed ti. e first of the week after being in attendance of a bnsy session of the district court at Tucumcari. úm loe Mclntyre of E'town passed through Cimarron, Tuesday, en route to Raton and Trinidad where he transacted business for the min ing company. 20 pounds Mexican beans for $i at Rogers, Whiteman & Co. Miss Marion Blackwell spent a few days at the home of her par ents in Raton the last of the week, returning to Cimarron, Sunday. Q The Tale of Two Cities Roswell, New Mexico, is a thriving prosperous city Over six thousand people live and work and thrive there Tbev have their friends, their homes, their families, their stores and their churcbea That's THEIR city There's another city-just as big, just as important, and just as thriviug That's the TELEPHONE CITY Over six thousand men and women are working in the mountain region today to handle your telephone calls. If all the employes of your telephone company could live in one place they would make a BIGGER CITY than Roswell They CAN'T be spared, chough, even to build n city For they are busy every day of the year in 400 cities and towns in seven states making your telephone service The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. "The Corporation Different" Dr. Dennis of Miami was a pro fessional visitor in the Key City the first of the week, going to the mills for veterinary work on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nairn are expected to arrive in Cimarron on or about the 10th of May from their five months trip abroad in France and other European countries. Mrs. W. E. Whiteman and son departed Wednesday lor Rochest er, Minn., where the boy will re ceive treatment at the hands of Drc. Mayo. They will lie absent several weeks. Swastika coal, the most heat for vour money, sold by J. W. Swear-ingen. Mrs. R. L. Elkins and children arrived Monday evening from Dal las, Texas, to make their home in this city. Mr. Elkins preceeded tbem to Cimarron by several weeks. The spring term of the Colfax county district court will open at the court house in Raton on Mon day morning May 4, when the grand jury will be called to order The petit jury meets May 11. High grade dentistry is my pro fession. All work guaranteed. Dr. Locke. LAIL SUPPLY COMPANY WE SELL. All Kinds of Fanning Implements Wagons Buggies Harness and Saddles Lumber and Other Building Material Hardware Give us a chance to quote you on your wants in these lines Aladdin Mantle Lamp Sianda Act Jn c a ncl ti e en t OH jCamjb mf iht Uorid Whitest Light, Brightest Light, No Noise, H No Odor, The Best Oil Light In Existence, S Burns Common Kerosene, Five Times as Good-a-Light as Electric, Uses Less Oil Than Old Style Lamp, Guaranteed J. W. JERLS, Distributor Job Printing at the News at the right prices Mrs. U. F. Matkin returned last week from Chicago and Oregon, III., where at the latter place she attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. S. H. Woodruff, who died in Denver, Colo., the remains being taken to Oregon, III., for burial. A. J. hough ot b town was a business visitor in Cimarron sever al days this week attending to bus iness and renewing old acquaint ance. He has many friends in the Key City who always welcome him on bis brief visits. I c E fnrnrmTffTn We have the facilities to deliver at all times and in any quantity, clear, pure, ice cold, artificial ice. Standing Orders Preferred Cimarron Meat Market Phone 47