OCR Interpretation

Red River prospector. (Red River, Taos County, N.M.) 1900-190?, October 08, 1903, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

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NO 8.
Prescribed as u tle.tlolnr and Maae
Is n Jellf- la tSlshteeatsi
Ivory was formeilv used as a medi
cine, but this 'in dit cunt. iir d about
the end nf the oiffht-eLtttb or the be-
ginrinj o th ui.et en.li century.
It wan cetta ily prescribe I In 1740.
the da.e of e Is t edition of Cnstel
,lo' "M.i.kae Compendium," says
fetray Storks.
In Schroder' o log . 1659, trans
lated into Kngllsli by T. Bateson. It
is thus described under Uie heading
Elei.ha:" "Hli teeth are onUj used in nedi
cine, vulgarly .called ivory. The vir
tues; It eo -In Jiad dry, moderately
binds cuts, strengthens the inward
parts. It is fcoisd lor the jaundice, it
ichnseth away ivormes, it is (food for
Inveterate obstructions; It tait
away the pstiut; .and weakness of the
etomnch; it heals the epllepsie, drives
-.way melancholy, resists rottenness
.and poysons. It is sued in infiitions,
tid the powder lis given in substance.
The dose is half u ditani. Preparation:
i. Kuril t ivory, called Spodiuni. and
to distinguish M frem the mineral
Upoduiin, Spoillum of Ivory, U.
Troches of :6, edrara."
Ivory g.oiiiKl flue, and made iato a
ort of jely. Jinn be:-n used aja a
atrentfeeuing to ,d in more recent
linn.i by metlicu,! advice.
'That Member Is iVvyu.-nllj Far tlore
Uioiiaflm Titan tUe
3 wealth ot meaning iu the
me of the hand, Soj in
a woman's nature and
j be djt.tinf;i!ifhel by the
ioh sh atat.i.ea friend's
iu- ine t i li.i t ,that
c . free ' i feu the
. .i iia any
A of. .ii . but
a and
. . the
j...- f i iate-
.uiii the .... t sion of
One huinan mucii of sym
giasp of the haul can and
ti .
frequently does meas more than a
volume of worda, and to possess this
qeality, particularly isi a woman, is ni
light charm and a thing that lies with
in the reach of every woman. Should
he not have tt naturally she shuld
peedirjr cultivate expression of the
Of course there nrecertaln hall marks
of . -lined hand, beauty and texture
of skin, whiteness of nails all essen
tial, but net hah? so important as ex
jBresaion. Graceful gesture and a touch
of licit ympathy, these never Jose
Jeir charm or power.
Made to HtpiMM Moondar Lsuad
Mate with- Krr ua,u ta
"Wheti In Japan not very long
iiire. 1 saw aa rewserkahle a gnic
pieif u 1 supxise the worlo con
tuins." said Mr. William T. CrvWW, of
NeVsvk, N. J., reporta the Wasbing
ton Tost.
"It Waa in cleaved la a frame about
three feet wide and live feet long, re
presenting u wuonday landscape of
Tare be.;utjr. In the foreground ap
pear pltou ar.d cherry trees and gor-g.-r.u,
plantslv full I4oom; in the rear
I her.- i a sioaiag bill, from whsCM a
Cascade teems t flow, the crystul im
io. itation being ot wonderful li'ieaess.
A thread-like brook me.mders from
this, point; enrlrcling rooks and
islands, and finally dssaipenrn? in a
piece of woodland. In u iniuisiura sky
a g dd-n sun i writing in u silver wire,
an il e the hour on sU er gongs ats it
"Kach hour is marked in the frame
hy a I eep ug tortoise which tnl
the place of a hand. A bird of esqul
aite plumage warbles at the close of
each hour, and as the song ceusea a
mouse sallies forth from u neighbor
ing grotto, sn4 scampering over the
hill to Uie gardau ia soon lost tu
A Pteltted Traveler.
A traveler iu Tartary tells the fol
lowing story of a eorpulent Ureek
servant who aut.'oiuiauied him. "At
the end of the third.- duy the well
seasoned kavass ill attendance, whose
whole life hud beea passed in' the
Saddle, came with a smile to report
that Qurgis was unable to pi... 1
from a Orison, as tha doctors called it.
bath.' A
howls af too flTst plunge, but subsid
ing shortly nfterw -d and eventually,
After half m keu. . tanning coming
jOtlt so elTc tjvtrly ettae-hardened that
he rode n farther thrmsand miles to
ahe Hlncl sen in tba course of the
next week nithuut showing a sj nip
to m of distress."
Kejeel.. 1 gor stasnniaf, "
As stammering is a muse of rejec
tion for htliitaty serBee. ite frequen
cy Is hov0 $ the ettatieflcs of the
examiitntini! of rscmrts in different
nations 'he muLelier rejected ae
stammerer is 7 50' per thousand ex
amined iii Krnsnee. .8.23 In Switzer
land, Z.H7 in l'u'l.m-1. 3.2 in Austria.
.86 in Itnlv mid but . in Ilussle.
Tlx. Hieirr Hcmslni.
Thiring the I m three years 23 mil
lionaires have died in Kngland. Their
average ag rns TS years.
Beer pwi.'ctii.n in Asvlrla declined
Inst jenr hjj U2JU barreie.
The cllirii-.e f Cairo, Kgypt.hnsbeen
ISO clwiiie , ;j cennit, new utreets, and
over wri'i : t.iat invalids ane obliged
to go to J ix'it'!. Thss Nile dam has
also In:'., . . JllK-llce.
Tohncoi is . ;uoi: t pnnaltable monop
oly to tl e F: rssrh I'lnerannent The net
profit.' las., jmw amounted to over $66,-
000. 000. anil il.e ;)ro.fits from the match
.m !- einc -over S4,60O,OO0.
Nosrju'iife n.-.'c & minierousi near
the court ot rf'.omeo Ihn't the utrenms
of that jrCtuvi lire in siummer often un
MvigafbM, 'I he itlMBaw sw a rm in such
dense tov . viflon is obntructcd.
Hwa'- !''i u:irafho first revealed that
disease- w- v s-ctitlijly e fernientn
tioja. JU..' i : vi eoit.due to the pres
Mttstottelniltl iftBHgi now known as bac
teria Hi- . . i run- of dreaded
fdrophoL'j :, iv his .discovery world
wide not.ir.'.'ly. m.
The in ; i iom flat Rritish North
America is i vexed with valuable tim
ber is fl!:.( !i us., lilnck walnut, red ce
dar and wl ill -nk iir not found north
of Toron; i. .i Jine dravMi from the
city of Que: as Q SaaJt Kte Marie will
designate 1 r wwthtrji limit of beech,
elm and fcttrK The north shore of
1. sf Superior vk.lll mark the northern
houndars i f i:jptr hard ineile.
l'ro.JJntl mine, Of Munich, has dem
onstrated.thal isiltpetrrcan be estrac-1-ed
from U:e :-r by meansuf nn eleitric
current i f h:;rh power. His experiments
have ajreadv yielded considerable gnat)
iities of tl'r eommodity. It is eslininted
that f hr ve;u!ii r supply of niter wiH he
exhausted at r.n early date. Oenunny
would tlie-.i nie-itilly coin money from
the air if 1i-f pj-jJisor process should
hold ginW.
Odors ban i:CB found to vary se
cordi'ng tar tie molecular weight of
sub.-u.aces. rid (fis believed w ith good
reaS'on ti nt ruT isduetn garcoua i-t-brationt,
II: r --rgit and hearing. Sub-star.ee-
njtj u molecular weight have
m oiior, tj rrlfaDI)' becaue their par
ticles r.ii t Mrike the olfactory
nerves v. ill; mffeicnt force to le. per
ceived. It J $ iiu ious fact of commoB
expe-rlvi ie t: rr ndnrsdo not combine,
the strong one being perceived alone.
taakt Paper l''onilnar Into OeaeraJ
t'.o.,i AmoBir 1-sSlUStrt
no A Hr 4m.
The hcavf, stia breakingi,i temper
dcatoying t.;Juuie of the past ia
doomed. IU i i Jn yers Vannfit have
failed to i. 'tjtie a marked improve
ment In t o iiiul.L-.ip of the new
books of OatMata nublhJiera their in
treated li. ..mess of weight. Until
recenily '., Kgiish book manufac
turers kstrv f ji far ahead of the
Amciv ii, It, .Ui.i respect, and most
light we i -taper used by publish-
ers bttd
ntpurted from Eag-
land. J..;,
lean poo i
III this tiii
light' wet;- .
initial".. ! e
ti) paper, t
a ' rut i.ll1..
aOrthorr '
This pa ."
lies even .:
scarcity if
p.':.t--l III
era) Anie.-'
me need ev
per. At f
mado. 'I
tho-ieh !g
co'ioalv- aes
work wna
til socket
year or y
weiglit ;
oral ut ii
mil.' . M i ?o
t(i .iv.- years ago A hot
. it beraa the agitation
,.ry for a home mnde
aper. The model to be
il Mre.s the English espar
riu.t from esparto grassi
;r ,ss growing only la
. i and southern Spain.
made iu limited quaati
I'nyland, because of the
is graae. At the re
". ..ion of publishers, sar
' ii manufacturers com
hnetils in the light pa--i
little progress was
Aniei .caa produet,
lacked the necessary
-a fatal defect. Tha
isted in, however, un
rma ochteved, la tha last
.,..1 the American light
Is now coming into gen
ys the Kausaa City Jour
of it tt book weighs be
nd It) per cent. less than
.1 sfce made of the old
Force o( PonderonS lee Fields fcoeme
to Be UlmlnUhlns alverjr
Kuropean engineers have lieefc con
gratulating themselves that, although
the coal mines may full, they Have iu
the Alpine glaciers Inexumi-tfblt
sources of energy, 'i Ite melting i f the
glacier ice gives rise to iuoumuia tor
rents whose full Is being utili. eil n.i.re
and more, especially since the elteiric
trunsinisston uf power has more in nrly
approached perfection. The glafier is
thus a mine of stored ar.zrgy and its ice
has been somewhat poetically termed
"white coal," says Success.
Hut If the reseiy el.es f some ficeni
French and Herman rr'rntfni ire
,lo be reiied on tin rs n -'. us
Mtme day, as w.el) as 1 lie i oil I I . It
pj.ears that the glaciers, no.l til y if
: lie Alps, but also of other ei. in iin n i ill
mountain ranges, are shri: kin;-. is
some eases iinperci'pt lltly . aim b oth
ers, aituost visibly. Of course thljj mnf
lie only ore swing of the (lent liliiSi ;.ni
nontiniied oltservatlun may showithut
.It will be followed In (future yea is lif
t proportionate Increase, so it msy be
well not to indulge ia too liisinu! lot e
ibodings. DUELING P0R FUN.
TH" Frwneh Sow Indole In the Pos
.ttnie of Prnddlna Ro h
U.Ur Lllli Foils.
Dueling, not for honor, hnt for fun.
Is one of the latest pastimes indulged
in by the gayeat of nations, says Col
lier's Weekly. And they call jhis
fencing with buttonless foils, do She
merry (jauls, "la pouJe sanglaute." i.
a., the bloody man. For these en
sanguined poultry contests, the fol
lowing regulations have been laid
down: "Swords with buttonles
blades, faces aneovered, right arm
bared, ordinary kid gloves if desired,
upper part of the body clothed in a
vest fitting tightly te the skin, belts
forbidden, each fencer to be assisted
by two seconds. Tha competrtlltns
will consist of two-minute bouts, and
will stop at the first blodti.
The first public event of this kind
u. jk plaea early in March, at Neuilly.
near I'aris, tha fighting cocks (or
hens) to lead off being M. Latter
desquo end M. d XTtetfe. The latter
received a scratch rm the forearm.
Tlien'tt'e nolvre interreiifrl. ft-r
n ilc-ii ns-trntloTi. Ihc ofHWrs of t
law withdraw, and then th" hV'U" -f
I'r'eU continued nod more ( the
brave tlallis bhvls bled for fun.
Bada-e of Woo That Has Descended
to SerrsusSs .tow Fooilafelir
It is astonishing how htanr pe-rsonwi
both men and women, who ginteiery
oiher indication of 'ciulture snil i'-tim-iiiei.t
are seen in the streets mivv
aduys wearing crape bands on tlitir
cunt sleeves, says the New YW
Times. This form of mourning was
originally a military one. the ll.'ilisk
ollieer's eap, with its ridiculously loir
crown, niit'tidmittiiig of a band.
When he boasted a decoration, tie
snsdnl also wns covered vi;!i crape.
Prom the military the fieert 1 md
deseended to the coacbuiiir ni u foot
maii. and has lUBg Iseen il. i-ii"jr-ni.ed
servants' mourning when ti . re
was u death in the ma-ter Hi-i'ltv.
Than the coatermongeri. ado l it
because it was ehtop. When , , of
'Ary's f.-iends dies the purchase I i
black coat is usst of the questiun aa
be puts the bsad of erape ar I'lnd tha
sleeve of bis old coat and I. I it g-
at that. The well-to-do New Void, r
alio unwittingly adopts this custom
is first cousin to the parvenu who iu.
vests in a coat of ansa snd piclej out
one wtib a bar sinister because ha
thinks it looks Just tka thing.
Uldnno. More Llksrc Than tVltlotvl
to Get staouaa of SIms...'
Statistics gathered by tlie
York board of health sl ow 1
widowers. of all races, eoliirr,
creeds take less Kindly to 14 ..ec
dose of single hlcsetUn -s il
willows.. Of the total UUirdtef ...
sons seekii g tba luaritiil st;ifi iu
standard year the Iter.ein. .1 . 1 ,
In. 1I1 sexe made up pi Jeni!, .
list and lint widower., ontnid
tact.- 1.1
to Uie
Jaae at He ld wHfc All Suki
set BtsatsrtM mt Pssstses
It appears that peraoaa have not
been altogether mistaken in suppos
ing that the shab of Persia possesses
some treasures that csnnot be match
ed on earth. A brief statement as ta
the extant of bis riches is found in
the "Courier dee States Unie." says a
translation made for the .Liiernrj
The English jeweler who off ere'
the shah the modest turn of $4.000,
000 for the Jewels which he wears oa
c rem.ini.il occasions probably knew
wbsi he was aboui. evu.i o.tiid ui
.eat t have stood a rood "har e to gel
it. .in ney Wrick il the off r had lienn
(ici . leu. Urn whin w ml I In ..i any-
... el. e lo with the famous ten . a-4
uinl globe .vltich his majesty pos
sesses ut Teheran?
This g.ooe Is mniie of solid gold
and we.g :s about tetv.nt, pounds.
The buot.ilut'las of count I s, and otlv;
tr murk-, are made of precious
.tone- tpe total number of which is
said to be more than :.0 CO I The
oceans sre reprri enied by t Qitfands
of emeralds, I'er-in ia blue wi Ii many
turquoises, Afr.cs Is sblae with
rubies, France and Kng'.and tparkle
with hundreds of diamonds. How de
lightful it wouki lie to study geog
raphy from a globe like that.
Takes tor a Walter.
The inconvenience of the similarity
between a gentleman's evening dress
and the attire uf a waiter has re
ceived yet another instance. Mr.
hoate. the American ambassador,
as the victim on this occasion. At
.be state banquet to the king at the
luild hall, the American nutbassndor
.wis one of the few men in evening
dress, nearly everyone being in court
or municipal uniform. He was inter
ested in the pulpit urrangements in
"which the carving was doue, and ven
tured to ask one of tba function
aries a question concerning them.
"Never mind about old i-mtniin ".
the reply; "look lively sat
away the soup plateal"
Stevens 1
Shot Rifle,
A new rifle. 20-iBch barrel.
Weight 4 pormd. CL B. caps
and .22 Bhort R. F. Has an
.'nana be disclutrged aerdesst-
Price Paly $l.00
if these rifles are not carried in stock
by your dealer, aend price and we wiH
send It to yon express prepaid.
Send stamp for catalog describing com
plete line and containing valuable in
formation to
The J. Steveis Aims ub Tool Co.
s ) N Es W
Titer national
Now Plates Throughout
25.000 New Words
Phrases and Definitions
Prepared under the direct
supervision of W. T. H ARRI8
Ph.D.. LL,D., Un.ted States
Commissi! net of Education,
aaaisted by a large eorpa of
competent specialists and
Mcs Blndioae. 2364 Pass
S00O llluetraltens
Better Than Ever for Home,
actsool. sad utiles.
W. sis publish
Webster's Colleciate Di.
Official Directory.
I Itofjpy Delegate to Ootigrasa.
! A. 0era . (jovernor.
1 Ky nul4 Sacretary
A U, Morrison losernal Revenue Col.
A U. Llewelljfl Snrvayur 0lJerl.
W. It.ih'ldera U. S. DUtrtrit AtUttm.
0 M. PoraXer . U. S. Marshal
l iLO.ero Register I.aod Office.
iel Vuller lteortvw Land Ofllce.
E l Strtlett S dlcMor (eannris;
1 II. Vaughn Treasure.
I. K. Uiave-s Sup't Public Instruction .
W. (i. 8 irjent Auditor.
John H. McFle District Judge.
E. 0. Abbott District Attorney .
II jlnio Romero )
All . (Itindoaf ( CamtnlsalODerB
Mat iel ( hdcotl )
nuTcn -oiticbez Treaaurrer
rnuisuj M. y Oonzalda Ttnaorder
iionio B. Trujilli Siip't nf School
' ,ru-.n D iralngiiez Probate Judge.
dolf i Stotlstevan Assessor
KawtKin Trujjille SberifT,
Tlie County CoramiagionerR met
in Thob in regular session this
Sir. Thomas Upton has nwt ffiv
i'ii iii the hope of Botne day liftiii"
the American yacht ejp and is now
luokinp nround for a designer for
Shatnrock IV.
Congress will soon be in seeeinn
again and each party will by ora
tory Mid scheming try to prove to
the public that they art) tight and
the other party rong.
1 The strike at Cripple Creek goes
merriiy on. Good mamy of the
mines ltave partly resumed wr!;
and smite vnry erioii8 chur'eH have
beer. fied against tle officers of the
Psattonal guard. i?vernor Pea -
body 6ays le will silt Hie matter to
the bottom and it looks as if (sen.
'loise and ion. Bell will be coart
The Raton Reporter kas ehanged
limn!-, Geo. G . Beringer who es
talilirthed the paper in tlie spring
of I8K0 and has had charge of it
every since, retires in favor of P.
n t- lt .A-r, rt h,,
VlTlwV VVIl-i JD ..til .-jiir.t 11 wi vy
ihepajpers l hat cjty. He' has
the Iteat wwhea of the Prrajeetor .
J My the Reperter ever be fonnd
fihtuig for the interests of North
ern New Mexico.
New Mexico & Pacific Kailroad.
Amonar other things tha Raton
It-owe published last week the fol- j Fe tt value .if owning the eiglry
lowing news about the Pacific A seven miles of track of the New
N' W Mexico railroad; A syndicate Mexico & Pacific is rtppearcnt. On
I St. Louie capitalists has been' til ather bandit powhHion would
formed for the putoei of tr.kinx boa strotig argument in forcing
1 oaetihion of the only remaining ' the Santa Fe to axlmit the Rock
ti o"cnjied mountain pass at the Island to the use of its tracks from
- nihern end of the Rix-ky moun
'atH ranye which is practical for a
mnH-ootitiueilta! mil road. They
ho (Miss in the field making a per
sonal' iiepection of , the mute Bnd
an- due to reauh Raton, N . M., on
OcioU-r 15, after spending thirty
J.sin the montains. The cum -
nany lias been incorporated uader
the ustne of the New Mexican &
V -itic Railroad company, and in
tl - menrpntreted papera the road is
outlined to run from Katun, N. M.,
o a imint on the Paribc coast iu
'Kuty-eren rnilj long from ItuUn
through Cimitron canyon, to E!iz
nbnthtowu, aa4 therebjr secure po
neasion of a ronte wlaieh may ia
i.h ih'hi' fnturn lie much desireii
by otte of the eystems seeking
a ronte to the Pacific.
Tli entire survey for the ei(?hty
s"ven milfs from Raton to Eit.a
Itetbtown hai been comp'ete'l mil
he line located. It wi dpculerl
wait until afteT th i-apitalista
had personally nnwpe-tel the aur
TeyH and th rrncea of the conn
try rxfbro 1 he- contranta wre lut
fir aetnal construction. Captain
Carroll, who accompanies the party ,
ie the head off a biij raflroad con
tracting firm, and 'itn will most
likely get the ontraota for the
The road goes fferonh one of the
6-.iest scenic parts of the Rocky
morrtrtins, irinches fhe heantifrfl
Mfixwell trail, through fheunexcel
led Cimarron canyon anS over Taoa
puas and throngh fhe valley of the
same name . The promorters claim
that, they will ortan some of the
rw'heat tflacer gld miumg claims
in the world.
A ratlroad official wlio haa inside
hi formation on the plene of tha
larrrwr system ia authority for the
sKlement that there-i more behind
this inaitfnifipunt move than has
'men allowed to reah the public,
earn fhe Denver Times. The Rock
Island system recently succeeded
in seeurjng an outlet to tha Atlan
tic cuasi through the -ebenrption of
thi. Beabmrd Air Kne. Tttis w
Tolirrwd by the report that an oiii
l. t lind heen Hfi-nreH to the Pclti
oqpt, fhroHu! al'innco with the
iHnta F.-. Tin- papers were at once
filled witU storieB of th first rail
road system to tonet tide water on
tri'li sides of the continent. These
reports were npset by the official
Rtatftnet of Pmil Morton, second
; vice jreident of the Santa Fe, whn
ihtit no cliRmotop
1 was taken place, hnt, said that U
1 ... .
, was nmotw Hie onasible tlnnirs or
the future.
There ib litt'e doubt that the
Pock Islar.d inteeds to reach the
Piicific Plains with that, object in
viw were being worked out whoa
the Southern Prc:c opened its
lines at El Paso to the Rock Island
and ntaved off the proposed new
road. It is now understood that
the Rock Island ia not satisfied
;h the Southern Pacific deal and'
I b it intends to go to th.- coait in
I snuiher direction. Tliia will un-
don.btfdl.V be over (lie tracks ot the.
! Nnnta Fe or over it own tracks.
It in at thif point that the signifi
cance of the New Mexico & Pacific
nppenra. The Cimarron canyon,
atid Ta t. j afts rou-'e is considered
the only foasible route for a trans
continental road through' the south
ern part of the Rocky mountain
rne tht is not already occupied
by a railroad. It the Rock Island
ifni!" to make a deal with the Santa
Albuquerque to Sn Francisco.
A glance at the Hook Ialand map
shows uititHntly how wel' Ihe New
Mexico A Pacific wunld fit into its
nlatie. The jtook Island, through
the Chnctaw route, haa an almost
lt from '.
j 1 1 xas. The
ti uctinB' ft li
Tucuuicari, N
it conuecla i
which ruus tci
ja fer milea fr
survey ot the
M., only
Springfield, Ma-

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