OCR Interpretation

Red River prospector. (Red River, Taos County, N.M.) 1900-190?, September 08, 1904, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070553/1904-09-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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NO 4.
Official Directory.
B. S. k '
l- Oi
3. W. I
A. L. Mo
M. O. LA
W. 11. Oh
C. M. Poi
It. R. OU
Fred Mi
JB. L. 1 .
J. H. :
J. F. Ctm
W. G I
Jebn H.
JB. 0. A l)l
Washington Letter.
-y Ih-iew' M CouRtes
i w! 1 9;cr'arv i
i Mtll Internal Reveuue Col.
et.yn " : f korvvor 'IsaMJi.
(Mora U. 3. District Attouev.
aatir U. 6. Marshal,
rq Register ..md Offfoa.
7 Heealvvr Land 0:3f!i.
S iiu-ii i.i (ieueral.
i rt Treasure.
i SujAFublio instruction.
' Audi) tor.
h i f District ,Tu1f.
ii U Dietrlot Altortety.
Allex. ( i u - in 1 1
tl.S.'lTl. ! I
Bfamoa Sjih i
TiaiM M v i ianlei
Antonio B. : V.iJIIIj
Lucm ii'M i:m
Adelto S .'nvan
YauitUi Ti ij lo
Comrc! loners.
Sup't of Banotl.
rreenle .lodge.
Sheriff, i
Tbo Pennsylvania Roilroad cor
poration announces that it will do
nothing to oppose the election of
Thoodore RooeevtIt for President.
Whichever way the election goes
thev consider their interests saf,
Mr. Casset, the President of the
road, gives it as bis opinion that
the Democrats are not strong
enough to prerent the election of
Mr. Rooeevelt. Nobody eTer
ibouirht they were In Pennsylvania.
'' ho meat paeLere in Chicago ap
pear to have won oat as against the
strikers, and now word comes that
20,000 men are looking for a job
anil a meal, Mr. Fose, member of
Coogreaa .rom Illiouia, thinks the
Mtrike will have no intluencs on the
coming election. It is difficult to
see what will have any lnfluoiuv
Already this city has do less
Great joy was brought to the
Hilton home last week by the ap
pearance of a fine large girl- Mo
ther and baby are doing nicely.
Price Wtight made a very
pleasant visit to Twining one day
last week in the interest of his
cattle which are ranging near here.
Jas. Hill and Oliver Helpen
stine nre developing the Rocking
ham group of mining claims
which are located on the head of
Red River.
The Republicans of Twining
met on Saturday and elected two
delegates to attend the Republi
can County Convention to be held
at Taos on .Sept' 8th. Those
elected to go were John Young
and Joe Southers.
T. j. Bryan, Democratic dele
gate from this precinct, attended
than twenty-font statues, a large j the Democratic convention held
number of them men on horseback. ! at Taos an Aug. 29th for the pur
Very soon there is to be added to 1 pose of affecting a compromise
r President Roosevelt.
The!trti domocrata of this die
district 111 ihey dr not favor
fueion with the SOtc-heada frOBa
the ReptiUlioan ranks.
The h'!'i(iiiirter8 of the Araori
can Mining Congress will he at
Denver a such was the decision at
their last una tiii hold at Portland,
Oregan .
The totjaJ number of long ton of
Iran .on Srt'iiu-ud iu the United
States duri.ig-the yeai 1003 was
35,bl0,;lo8 at a total vain of
60,0.411 00.
the number a SSUOOO statue of
McClellan; a $240,0M0 statue of
Grant; a very fine statue of 3heri.
dan; to be followed by Pulaski,
Stenben, Jefferson and Kosciusko.
It has been suggested thrtt the
of Jackson, which now stands in
the middle of Lafayette Square,
opposite the 'White House, be re
moved te the Hall of the Ancients,
siuoj it Is regarded as a curio, and
that in its place a towering and
magnificent statue of Washington
be erected.
Considerable satisfaction is felt
at the Bureau cf Insular affairs
am the fact that for nine months
ending hat March our commerce
with the Philippines has increased
1,000,000. There haa been a
seven per cent increase in imports,
and but a two percent decrease in
exports. This condition it is
thoaght will improve when the
between the dissatisfied Republi
cans and the Democrats.
Messrs Hilton and Harvey are
busv developing the Contribution
mining claim located on Fraser
Mountain and belonging to the
American Consolidated Mining
Company. This claim is show
ing up some very fine looking
copper ore which it is hoped will
develope into a larger body in the
depth they expect to gain this
The Messrs V. L. Twining of
Oberlin, Ohio, and S. D. Mason
of Andover, Ohio, were visitors
in camp the past week. Thev
are members of the American
Consolidated Mining Company
which is doing considerable min
ing in this district. Both gentle
man expressed their entire satis-
Filipiuoaget behind the tariff wall. faction with the mineral resources
Already tln.y ae sending to this
country considerable Sugar and tobacco.
The Democratic program to be
little Premii-nt Roosevelt and his
work will not defeat him for elect
Jon. Trie American people are too
inteliger.t to he led away from the
real issue by nth sophistry.
The Fsrinliigtott Fair will be
held Sept.. 13, 14, 18 and 10th'.
The people of San Juan county
pride thernsulver on having one of
the finest ,o utv fiiirs in tne West
and toll) till 'reports they eautiot
be discount 1. Sao Juan county
is bletbi 'i 'i h hue sod, pluty of
water and above ull, an eutt.rpris
iog set ' ''''
Cuuaril 5 i.
.As Amei);.,! iud Pacsed by the
Couui .!, Vuich 7th., 1003.
See. 10. AtV passage of
this act it oh ill hi unlawful to kill
wound or u aOy way dwtroy any
deer withiu 'in lemtory of New
Mexico, exi-. 1 t that such deer, the
animal being villi Imrijs, may be
killed with n kjuii duriug the months
of Novo!!!1 i- iud D "ember iu
achyeai': it. )v;ih;d, Tbatnopor
on shall ll 'f hnvo: a his po t
essiou nii' inatt 00dfr duriitjj
Mid month" ut Nui'i inbBr anu De
oeisber in u.tcli year.
A gentleman recently from Lon
don sayu the commercial clerks in
that city are alarmed because a
machine has been invented which
will automatically record messages
and take down lettera from dicta
tion . If this proves to be true,
and the machines ever reach this
city, ihsre will be weeping and
wailing in all the departments,
v. bat in the nee of learning short
hand if a machine can be found to
do the work? It begius to look as
if human kind will have to take to
the woods, or the fields, in order
to earn a living.
and were delighted with the cli
mate and beautiful mountain
scenery and also made known
their intentions of returning to
spend the summer next year.
It is reported that George B.
Paxton, having made a failure of
the several enterpiises that he has
undertaken appertainiag to his
so calkd profession, has decided
to enter the political ring and of
fer his manly malignant services
to the Demo party under a pro
viso that he, Mr. Paxton, be hon
ored with the nomination for
County Surveyor. We under
stand tnat he confers the idea to
his fellow politicians that he is a
man of .influence and great ability
which would surely bring success
to his party.
C we are to judge a man by his
social standing in his home com
munity, it would be advisable for
Mr. Jas. Southers who has been ,his Part to bewftre' "s he could
: i- 1 i . - ..n. 1
speudiiur the past six weeks at the , t,,w LU"uul duuul lw"
Bert Smart, a Taos valley farm
er, visited our camp one day iast
week on business.
Ojo Calieuia springs returned to
camp Tuesday. He claims that
the rheumatism from which he
his home town and would no more
bring success as in his past under
Fearful Odds Agaiusf Hi m.
Bedridden, alone and destitute.
, I Such, iu brief wua the condition of
It is not an unusual thing to an old soldier by oamo ol J. J.
has bsen suffering has greatly re
leased its grip.
have a frevuent visit from a bruno
of late around Twining. Several
have been killed but still they
appear to be very numerous
around prospectors camps while
they are absent, upsetting and de
stroying whatever comes undt-r
his notice. A big hunt is bitig
anticipated by the watchmen, ell
that i lacking is the nerve of
some ot our politicians..
Havens, Veyiailles, O. kor yeaaa
!.! troubled with Kidaey di
sease and neither doctors nor med
icines uave him relief. At length
he tried Electric Bitters. It put
him on his feet in short order and
now he testifies. "I'm on rhe road
to complete recovery." Best on
i-erth for Liver and Kidney troub
I es and all forms ot Stowaoh and
Bowel complaints. Only 50c.
-Uuarauteed by F. C. Stevens.
We Invite You
To Come to Taos for San Geronimo The Greatest Indian Feast on Earth Have a Good
Time and Buy Your Supplies from the
Taos Trading Company
We Offer You the following Low Prices Good from Sept.
24th to October 4th inclusive.
Si. 00
1. 00
1. 00
Sugar 15 pounds for
Roasted Coffee-loose-Good Quality 8 pounds
Prunes 20 pounds
Rice 18 pounds
Tar Building Paper 100 pounds
IMen's Suits for 83.50, for $!3.oo, for $6.oo, for $800 and 10.00
Men's Laundred Shirts-Excellent quality 50 cents each.
Neckwear from 15 cents up.
( hir stock of underwear of all kinds, shoes, men's hats, dry
gooik and hardware is complete and at attractive prices.
Sewing machines of good quality tor $17.50
Better ones for $25.00 and $32.00.
We carry a good line Keen (Cutter axes, hatches, ham
mers, crcsscut saws, hand saws and other tools- The
motto of the manufacturers of this celebrated line of oods
is "The Recollection of Quality Remains Long After the
Price is Forgotton."
Don't forget to look over onr liDe of "Wilson Heaters" whieh will
be displayed at the Post Omce building. Note the Ventilator il
makes it impossible for ashes and fire to fall on the floor, thus doing
away with the constaat sweeping up of ashes and dangsr from falling
coale setting the house on fire, 'the Wilson Heater gives more heat;
uses less fuel; lasts longer; is more easily regulated; and gives more
comfort for the amount of money invested than any other heater on
the market. It bdldsffire for 21 hours.
It readily bums chips, shavings, bark, roots or cord-wood and is aft
near perfect as man can devise.
Premiums! Premiums! Premiums!
WitlPilte Exception of Four Items; viz. Sugar, Coffee, Flour
and Products; We Give You With Each Cash Purchase a Ch Reg
ister 'Ticket.
5.oo in the-, ticket, entitle, bearer to 2o U. free in mdse.
Ol II i I'
$2o oo " . " " v
A Premium AVorth Looking After.
About the 15th. to the h. of the coining October, w. will move
our sio-k of goods to the Po.t Office building.
We elicit your patronage. Give u. a trial.
Taos Trading Co.
Taos, New Mexico.

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