Newspaper Page Text
RED RIVER PROSPECTOR. A L ' t RIVER, TAOS COUNTY, NEW MEXICO. THURSDAY, JULY 15)07. IE NEW STORE NMFaLBoN L. R. JENN -SON & PENN btapc and Fancy Crocerles Fresh and Salt Meats Hav and Grain. : l ML ME RCH AN D I SE rg BtttKNuts. Tobacco and Cigars. n iLti AND PB AT gttg POSTOKI T' 'E. id -Gusdorf - McCarthy Company. CARRY EVE lYTHING. - ' li van 't an Intern itional , a sombrero for the "boss r ..-'.er Go's Reaper, a J I. A etl latter, a hay press, a John pjttM pig r, a Bain wagon, a bag. cy,;- itor, i sewing machine, fi rm, m.:, household utensils, n rifie, hardware of any description, a uobbvst'.ii of clothes (up to elate it, style and workmanship,) a suit f-jr the bov or a drew for the anv thW in wash roods and hosiery. Your choice of shoes from five of the leading factories i" the (United States, anything you want i" groceries, vour ahoic of 25 brands of coffee and five grades of flour (minding Pillsbnry's & Colora do.) In a word, anything von want at the Mammoth EmWRJ VM Cffical Directory. NEW MF.XICO. W- H. Andrews Delegate to Congr"E .1. IV. Itatnn'ds Acting (invernor J. W. Naynold Secretary IT. P, Hradshar Internal Revenue Co M O. Llewellyn Surveyor General. M.W. lJriti'hard Attorney (leneral. C. M. Foraker TJ. 8. Marshal M. R. Otero lleglster Land Oltico Fred Muller Receiver Land Office. AY. IT. II. Llewtilyn tS. District tt'y .1. E. Clark Sup't Public Instruction. J. II. Vaughn Treasure W. O. Sargent Auditor Oban V. afford Traveling Auditor V. E. Prlffin (lame and Fish Warden Hubert F.rveln Cnmmissinnerof i'nhllc Lands. Marion Llt'rt-11 Superintendent of I'enttentmry. W. T. Mill Chief Justice Supreme Court. John It. McFle District ,TudRe. EL C. Gartner District Attorney. A. M. ltergere District Clerk. TAOS COUNTY. Aritoni'i ('. Trujillo ) Ponaeiara Quintana Commissioners. Jose A. Lopez Nicolas Anaya Samuel Ksquibel Lee Ihirt Jesus M. Valerio MhcIovku (innalec Dnuaciana (iraham rough riders. Returning he went to the Philippines with the volun teers and was the first American chief of police of Mnuila. Then he was selected as governor of Sai::ar and has been in that position for several years. lie put the Manila police force on a permanent basis before ho gave up the work and it is said to be one of the best disci pline! forces 111 the world." 11 lili'iiiieil From Onr Kxchuis. There are a number of deals on foot m camp. If any one of them goes thurngh it will improve bus, mess to a great extent. 11 Z a s-Jk or 1 m Poplin dreiand at reasonable price. : Mr.;.. .... l at for the lady. ' TRY Til EM. DGUSDORF McCarthy co, Taos. New Mexico. Treasurrer. Recorder Sup't of School Probate Judge Assessor Sheriff I'fae Col umbian Hotel, 1 absertfee U the Pfisoacbr: -AO.S NEW MEXICO. Rates $2.00 Per Day. Pine Sai.iple Rooms and Good A .comidation,. MRS I. & HARTMAN, Pioprietor, ADMIVICU IUYORIi notick. Notice i? hereby given tnat on tiie -id day of June, A.. IX, l'.k)7, 1 WM appoints rd administrator of tue Lo iteof.l.'if.eit L. Uigelow, Uecesjed, lateof t!'e Count y of Taut, Territory of New Mexic , by the Honorable Probate Court of said county and have qualified as such. All -e..ns it Jted to said estate are re quitoa 10 pay such mdtbteduess to me Will. out delay; and all persons having claims .igains'. said estate are uotilit-d to!Tesnt verified st foments thereof to me w 11 bin una year from MM dale or Biicii BlaMe W'V be forever barred. iiim.iii i'. .Stevens, Administrator, June iu, 111)7. It is the Official Oran of the Ited River Minjug District. It is the Oldest Paper iu Taos County. It is the Only Paper Published iu tbe Gold aud Copper Uelt ot Mot tberu Taos Conuty. St. Louis,- L,cad 96.1s Denver, -Lead, Silver, 68Jftc, Copp.11, 21 M. Attorney Ueneral (ieorge y. Prltchard has brcucrbt suit agaliMt the Albunnerque Journal forlibeK Home eomlOK Kuropean tourists are T)fl Nationa, of henceforth to be spared the useless and , Mesj .. n Lft8 y hiainilatiDg necessity of appearing be- ., , j tilln t'n fore a oustom officer prior to leaving Hie Bblp and declaring .under oath the dutiable goods they are bringing Into this country. Tha whole pepormanco was a farce for nine liuniireci ai.d nintv nine out of every thousand suo:e that thev had not bought a souu worth lu Lurope and with fear and shame signed uie.r name, " .per wflB ,newsy aJld l0 ate tbey knew that the cllicerc and all the , ... , , ' but thi .own ;s well Mip'iedwiti rest of the pasaengii. kuew they knew j r' t ... . twocooti nev.-spanerr.m trRt'irt IB I Tlvj Crescaut "Land &. OH Companv has been organized at Gallup, McKinley County, tode vclop Hie oil fields of that section. The Raton C, Izet e has gtia suspended publicati.m. The tn- was not true. Sfcf .ftary Cortelyou reeuoiisible for ihe new plan by wbich passengirs will BOt bava to take an oath but will receive blanks upon wbicb they can till out the lislb of th-ir rnreipa pur chases. These will be ollectd at tb end of the trip by the costoraa ojtr.ce3 and th" baggage examined ashore . . .''his i and Rc-iorter. The forest rangers of the Pcoal River, Jemoz and Taor. I'') rest Reserves have the past weel 1 en having a reunion at Sauta Pe. They weie called to;;.h t by Far opt Supervisor Ros McMiPan. Jt isahuut time some of tbe papcra wi" Uo m,,cu t0 uPttIe 1 " fe""8 of , , , , ... ! the innocent and Kiillty tocrieta who re- of I he territory bo brought to tune 1 . . . J 1 seuted with equal forct thougii from lint the Journal ia not the "ly j diit'etent motives the practise of being new (paper that Deed calling down called upon to swear to a statement and I. I , 1 . . . I . . ! 1,1. r tl, Prnr,..tnr 11, .t u-kIi Hie') '"ve tbe uuveruuient pr'Ko i'.s n rr .1. riio s o- tine A new comet was Siscovefj by Mr. Daniel at Princeton Obc wrvatoryor. 'June id I ...1. . .f I., if I. tw a li' .r,mii uMi, t to be understood ae p.iugmg the. J " nlierwardf. Rt ive eaHSUtill it' tried ia court, j Toe shocking accident on the Uattle 7 Bdjp Georg:u by which u!ne ueu lost The territory has brought suit thur lives and several others leceivid ,u at S.tiith C ervitcry It will soon be visible by the nakt.d e : in the eastern m or. nine sky! Near Salem, Mttel" r?oth, an exenrsiou tri Detroit from Ioni t, int ::n, jtt' bond "or a Lie. ht V aiiV si.vVintv acninftlf. A. BahoinbuTfif and aa. ' eriou wounds has dip'accd all uavl . . . ... Mtbjects ai:d eveu the subject of ibo !.t m r . ,.t if i,v lAiiiflil and 111 KIO ruouviug ot tbe AiUuuj Beet to I aciilc tram ,,, lVns badly wreckei1 md Arriba county V.k I :it three dollars wuter nM bee,i temporarily put aUlt. thirty seven persons were h illed, an acre from the territory. It is It is cettain that thare wtP oe a tburough . f 0oU.s wcre iwrc, ilJlaov' claimed that Mr. Schomhurg by Investigation of tbe cauae of tbe exjiu .,crim,sl m . . . . flloii nut 11 is aimuuui u unytiiM; inoi , t.i in ti 11 1 miaa I'or.tnuiit atunt ifur .1 1 b will be dicoTered tuau the already T 1, ,, v.i !.i;n,iA '"mio-UI (I... I,.,,. I i,u,ii if. f.oiu iraln.i ..... H J K wj .... ...... .... v.. Kiii'wn lacunae a Riod'T.i , .ire .in Passenger Captain George Curry is haok from the Iliilippines and while he was in VA Paso was interviewed by the El Paso Herald on July 22,aQd stated that bo would visit a day or two in Cos well and tlwn go eant to see President Roosevelt which ha Vielievod would take him about ten days and then return to Nw Mex ico and then be inaugurated gov, ernor of New Me.ico. The Herald says, the hew gov. ernor does but pretend that he if a Republican. He reminded the reporter that when lie wan in New Mexico before, he wa? in politic as a democrat and held many offices ThvIWcll PntlrrtinMlnUiUnnJ . , , tf, ll,in 01 ani' inur nn.t i '.nn .. aL , ,,,, itaiiLin ill lliai llrtlLV. lilll aunt ot llisir livlc. ai.CLfatv and hin.ul.uty. r J Mrfn Mn,aKluWTI,ro.,.r?I K.l)Jh!i; . fp n.lf lM. anA mw S'J.ti fher. II. .1, ai-y cu.rr i. rv . . .K ....... -. V) ...r.. .out ...... mr'twlacttliiini, uniiml ,... rent. J 1 m 1 . . . .. 1 . .. . . .1. 1. kl. all FAI 1 . 1 . tt mm. .;,..-,. II ll TIIIIH I .M BUl'i' "I am what yon would call an Independent in politic, I guess 1 am not a Republican, but I agree with the president in all his poli. eios, otherwise J would not have -accepted the appointment as govt TDOr of New Mexico. M Attorney Gen oral has brought suit 1 luliy as dangerous to itself and 1' t., set atide SlOd Bale, It has been i n,BU a u an enemy. Ittak v.ondered by a few what the land board war- doing chile that, trans. action aras r: j: n r on. SlMI k I trrna oM lnllUnlla neatly a full uewtpapcr length to merely mention tt of tbe ships and Hive tab dat accidents on our b itlle ships blwwlngupuf Hie Maine. It year lacklni? or.o week ou ti the Georgia disaster since tin up of the boilers of tbe ISeun Fathet Threatens .to Kills His 1 Sau Diegj.C iliforuia killed v r,. . .,.1 ri.,1,,..r I H,,d wounoed ad many mor ..IllLCCll X WAV .v.... iiccause She Married the Man tif Her Choice. tn Uritish officer, ni a rou 'k (ctn l-'lTP BiUIr At Vnl .l, Hmulwi immlMMW IV l -li ' ... ' 1 a.imn C.itallatV' . i I n.) anil I'rc.i . Cat u Cl.a'.wi . -miuinia rat Iruo. 1 llh HcCAlX CO., Hew link sf. w w mmvy 'V ewe kmlwav warn Schedule Wells FBr.40 Ex prtfi A week ago laavBui da . -Lily 11, l'.' )7, Mr. .Jess.- Youugaud Misa Agusta Mat, of KltZibetiitown, drove over tt lied lliver and wi re married by .)udge.S. M. MaWette of this place. It, was an elope .sent pure and s,mPle by the young aD t . J 1 . ,, .. i..l,l.' II .1.(1. ml til.. I iauy theiuvesugalion. Ullic know full well there ia year bt fore that thirtv-lhr' uieu were killed ou the l lUaOUrl when Captain C In-law o( the President v (Joe year a'o lasc April plosion of a gun ou the one officer and live men ai.d n.ii. otbtr accidei vestigated by tbe dep.i nmrrnge yet sue was or age. i up eoupie after being made one returned to Eli.a bethiown. and the bride went back to lit-r parent's home saying nothing to tlx in about her marriage, i-ihe had de-cid-' to leinain a moulh longer at home DDtill her mother who bus a young babt1, was again tble to (io bar bnnM-hoid wrk, when the V''.!'h counle would go lo Daoona, Washington, to make their future Iwuii . ll se med to a battleship aud the ur be iu WU tbe more dan; to those who LDUst ma. Xiie Departuieut lliat I that i lie accident ou I tbe isult of any care I precaution on th"' r of the vessiL ') that tl If the governor does what heilyunlill Thursday when tbe iiridf'a claims he will he will gi ve urt a ' father. II. rrnan Mi. . , heard of the wed- baaineaa udminitrutioii instead of i) lu BIU 0 53 am la Jo autt 11 Ho am 1 ptD to n ciu I A 18 pm I K SO ptU 7 13 41 47 Co uv. ' r'lM ; m UHB i t r 1 i iu All iN I Lvl ll.v ) 'Aril I . B HK L Trams -N i ;ll.,iiii , IT i5d 2o tiom Tue.,Tbur. D 1 1 1 in ti kTTFiii Train N . a1 H'.n., i ad, tixtlv h".'tv 12 lh cm ! a . t.iu U ft" mi ti 1") l'iu 11 4 1 in 5 id I in ; i o.i hi. 6 ui ftu " U' TO-"" ' l" lilaai ' 6 l"u ' S AM l. Ul 3 .') put B 35 nut 1 pn 1 1 L pm Mi pm 21 .'ding and w.'iit home, got a knife and iii.U to Ins but iheiuotfce- 1 a part l sen one winch is what M, life. Alter the gill's falh jm.iple iu general 'v.ijt. He will got quitted down the ootber got do what iH right legaKlb'w of 1 1 . factional light in the Republican par y in the territtiry. He said: "If in mi administration I can please the dilfereut factions and bring them together 1 will Qagtairu ly b,' glad, but my policy will b., to that is right, wlietlu i-e all h factious." it it H oS am :ii nui Ul 2ft M 11 ' I.etiViS l,l 1Savtj : tiavH I Airlve OA' tU.lN VBAS UK MUI.Ntfti !V Su...bwtarn Hj.tiala lal arriving iu U....i.N..t. lo tu. t. tatty 12 l,lBavinKltwion,K.u.,lou.)poi. niuu u. traiua r P.ealon, N. M. W. A. OORMAK, Oati. Patf, Aut. llAtblt, Nt'W Ut vlco. outbreak of the war with S palo Captain Curry was slit riff. (if Lin. coin ecunty, N. M , and wool to Cuba us a capluiu in the Roosevelt and besides- to o. i ' tfttilf s rd. rer daughter to take her clothes aud gtjfc j out of II. e house. She mil i,o and nwli' Mr. and M rat. Jesse Voui r are speodlf g th.-lr honemoon ut tbe home of tle br:degroiiin s father, B. J. Vouog at Bllsa eat blown. Ihe Prospector iltcs with the raaoy of Mi .o d Mrs. .If use Young boning thai ihe dank el clone bts , , their tiiMuv 111 .!!! lv.aS be I i i secarr aUtatat i ifaa remed bjr a i I l ... i July Stut tbe coaatof 4i)alOl an: tin- bti-aiiur waa sunk. iiwroi e bUUdted liTrawere lost and jtol a vioinun kaaS iiigrf aas saved. 1 i Tr Cur Moutbiy Vut will keep you po6teu work and methods, t'j Free to the ADVERTISING M .. . I n (L or uny responsible 1 n' 'Nssl jI I a4i a l ikav I.