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ALBUQUERQUE EVENING HERALD Tliliu ni; m.l;. vol,, an. xo. r,, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, MARCH 10. 1911 IIKItXI.Ii I'l IIM.MIINU CO. XO I NO II R OOSEVELTGR EETEO COLOR LENT TO l BLAZE BLACK HAIDERS III SHEEHMH TO QUIT FIXTURES LEFT III JNSUAflECTOS GET JAPANESE SCARE SWEEPS TEN CITV VERY UGLY MOOD RACE FOR SENATE BANK, THAT'S ALL: PAST GUARD AND I 01 PEOPLE OF BLOCKS; T IN FAVO R OF American Vice Consul Reports Spit in Face of Phologiaphei iu Court While Trial of Camorra Goes On; Many Dramatic Incidents. Cashier Disappears and De-' ' velopments Show That Bankj That Japs Are Trying; to Oct E THREATENED Coalinir Station Alone the IN JUAREZ Was Looted Bet ore Doors of Institution Closed. Mexican Coast. PENSCOLA ENTHUSIASTICALLY OWN BLOW BARRACKS ILBUUEI1 C 0 HAL AN Citizens of This City and New Mexico Join in Giving the Colonel Real Strenuous, Old Time Reception1 DEFEAT OF STATEHOOD IS OPEN BREACH OF FAITH Ex-President Declares That People of Territory Have Complied With Demands and Should Be Admitted. To i . u.miI that tilled thf I'lkt. up. r.i Imuae until ttiihdlng loom -.tad U'-lii itllll hlltll) welt ttitvud ti remain in I In- -I I t, fotencl Thiiaiorr Howe It l.ihl night made uHr ol hi Itu I - iitttiHti apei-chea. which round in- MtM III reapotla imiitll lll HUlIlonce .iinl mid rivuiielitl. i lii'i red. Ml II.MiM'Vi ll pokr opi My and tmficdit on nil tiueationa In tirvtrftlit up .mil hi re ma r uihiii th dulBKt i Ntnti humi were typical f thr urnn. Oi-t'lmitiK thiu thf (Hilar or the tiMtioitM I guverunirnt t admit Ni Ml Mo, til ttW UUHJII Wild h ur-euoh of imiiii. Mi HotMwvfit iiMHrttd that iIuihik hia adiiiiiilairaiiiin he hud boon it nliKlatrtlt It-lend ill New Mexico mill iIihi thr' wna ni- icaaott for K i i iiir New Mvli'n rrmn admtuslnit i hie Iiiiir 'Tin national gtmrn- in,. III.'' In- mi 111. "Iihk been guilt) of Minn wrong Vow aid Xv MuMi" i '(hikk'w hthl fhiwn certain cniiillttoitn pud wiiil Unit wh n thc wen lompllod lth hi would hi- admitted to thi iinimi Vuu have rullltlad thuac oiin ililii.iii Tin- promim-a n-mnlti nnlal tilled I wi'l k fu. liter lit lid lull 'Hi to make ii Mtutc I h- itntlnrail tstui ram-til him Un-li HUlll) f n in , .i.h ,i rnith. " While It wna x-ii-i't,-il I hit I thf mvettns to tin 'A iriiiiini in thlH i' Hi Mould bp ,n-iliui-iMMiii-. thr reulla i(-"Mlnl i-vn Ilir iiii illi llulin ul Dip ooanilrtttrc tMlt liiK the arrangement III rhai'gtt. wiu-ii Mr. ittMiii'vit wtlitAtiun irmi in, tifiln. ini tm mi m mn tnnHuni is mi. iii the largtwt until that m-r "'I ml a vtattor to thr t-4t) The Hi s. ..ul in uniform wi t- ilrrntn up in mp- mid to thmn thr ml- ii.-..i ,i few bllcf rrUiarlla (iimi the i,ii. i ,.f th- Alvnrado Th crowd in nil Hit i x.-fereaUtonl '" - ion luil.ii lit. -.perch. Hut It thi- lk ,ci.iiti. . I hl i'H) mill i,i Mr n la l'i' iirMtnt' thi- taaXlaom. fine which nr. th, pi opart) nt thf "rgantgntlnna, .in , xrettmi dhowlng. Mr iti.,Nf f it. iwdtwr dfffi inim in ih, lli 'iil tin. vt-nif in. hi ii-miuNd to thi' lto Udt . fnln ,.f pHrili iilittl ainn,.irtim nnil . mn-irt At Uiv MMiHujMun i'f Inn Mlk. In wen to thi- Hporini-nt-. i,t-rvd tur liltn. whi'iw h mil All ltoet'Mlt h mt MtM IEthl ItoonttViilt A thart Um i mti r hi- m Uikn to thi- IIIHn' hfHtrr whi ro on oi th- tn?it mjiII fiiii-d i-Mi MMiimoifd in thin iniiiil tHII. clltl.-il him It, lh- plHtrnrttl Thr itiit- mm luMtdMotiit'lv ilf iimii-,1 tlif imituiikl cotutu iiipuonilnatlna, on th nUlioi-m Hh ihf inUil wutHiker iwr- riovojtini' IIHUt. .Mor Igldfr. uiiUiln (.-orf r- . Uj liohfit xntnt-t. i'i'l M 1.. rfi,rn. i'i.i M. M. Indni it i A J, mil U Mviw. ilf.iritv V Annijn. 'i'iwhk W flawy. .Iudti lw m.Iji-ii (tolitmoi i.uiih. a K. Wnlk- I Min nud AMi'i. Ut unitft lil. a. iiuiiitwi. a. u. jjpturr.y. is. it. uii. kin II I. HwrdafcHi. ful v. Ih-rt-mi'. .1 K M!l. V tl Mi'hWHUkor, lma itMttti. i nnuilii Film .lnll.r, Mkitt lluiun-vult ArinUo. ,Mnlrr Ji fumirmi Itlmk nud llttl- MIhm .My llHtilliniri, flurk l '-ilnlli I RotMMiVflt until "Oi. iiw.r Mill, an Major nd vuu. to. fnllm rlUMiid, my friu.w liif lk-Hnn. tHH Hlld wiuilfll of i- M hi it to iMtiirnlly to mv h v,-i- rt-iil iilnmutK to ! h,-ri. In N't M In. wn Ul thi tlTtlory that I iH imiir ttntn hull ,n th,- metntmrx of tin riigtiiitfMt. ntuiwll a of m ii to whom I iVel i um nil o tie tut flodt m tltcwi whicn t-oittd l otn htiii' un mrH loyothi-i And If 11 htiil not li-n lor ihf iciilmtftil 1 would Ht llHVf bM lit'PMlilPllt. mi iiu fi Xv M.'Nii.' hil hiiI dHl to antni'i fiM Xo. I want t conn- tn ou to nhThi. not only to iu n (i-h wonU of irifiliiu. ii'U mii tn ..)iriw tht, plfinniiH i fe at hrtiiK hfti. mid my iitun iH ltiHon of thi r- i-tlim N'nw .ti--li'n h glvt-n n if, nut iihvi to Mtfiik a llitf iiIhiui 'Hr H'lM'i'iiiiioiiiiil iiinU IfHld iiimI of irhni V, Mfin ouu in ilm-ll t tit, wlu'ii It In-niiii-d ii snif At ihf (iutmt I h Ihi to wit iitnl I Wl o put Hd Mtt'ollirl II" I ItllllM litnv. Hint ru-l iIihi Hi. iiutloiuil riiv- riiDifin lnm ttuiin fcuilt "f ni c M'tiuiK lo N'. w .Mexli'o i 'niiBrf m laid down n i lain i oiiillilniid ami uli1 thai liiii ihi wfrr coin itiifii Klin i,. uinilil lii it, ti),. iiniiiii Von liaf fnirillnl tlm,.. roiniuioiid 'I'lio nioiniiifd tiMiifiin iiiifiiiniuii i ut in- h iu fun, ii I., inn Ic gAMiu a Hiaif ihf iiniliuiiil ,.;iiM in', n Klit ,,r i, hroni'li of rnith ' "I llulil iiInu l n Inn Hint It hid, ih,, .luti of Ih. mivi.i um,. ni to ailiiilt Arlaonn Ad ! Arlmiun. f Hiiun id n noKitlhtllo . i tlilni; 11 In a mluhiv nIIih oomiII.iiim hill a poUilllty uf tnakiuu a i(.iWf. mind Min, I do nut (lilnfc thoro In unv I..M.1HII ior vniiiig auiiliidi I In. a, Inils. I ' -Mi)r.ona. xtiii i fun H,. a onlor- o'lm aiHinnnni ihul uu hu tint ite .ih iiHtiih Muri-h 10 -ful, n to llli i Imiti that ihf mobilisation 'if lioi.p I 1 1 u i In- In.: ih r had Im pint "1 i' ohjfi l Hie pi si-lllloii ol mi .11 Ii.iiii, iji-umii'm Mfxtrg and .lupiiii l I. nl i, thf fotluMini; rfimtt n-ci'l'i'cl 0 th,. tttalf in-partimnt ir-nn ''n' fuiitul K M. madden, dtmiuiied ai M.i um nlllo, Alex.. ' .Ni'MOtiHtlolt at,' III plu)i'H! lie iwi'iii th- Toyo rCldfli Kiiidliu, th, Jawiiw tratti-Piniili dt,-nm -Ii 1 1' liiw, and thf Sutmn.ii II. iiltMivn of MfXtuu, luuKltlH t'l i.. fUtbHahllitlit ol ii ...iiliiis -i.iii.iti lit i?kinpo, about iHn .mil ..iii- half nillin Iroin MniiaaiHIIo. mi i lliif of Ihf NutNtnal ruilMHMt -liUr of iit 'l'oo Khtan Kahrtiii loui h at Matiaanlllo on the run fiom Vuk'i li. niH to porta on thi t i oaat or fouth America, t-nrtlns at ValMiraiao. fhllf. and tiiuirn. If ih,. .nalliiB l tloti If i'tablllil, lltfdf ahlaai will t-unl hotin ward bound at Manaanilio. and an Mini! will lit- mud,- to ll i-uil Blm, in t)u Nuvltra llnr or lfiitfrd, nhk-lt ply in thi .M-lfiin i-omIwIp trailf i'nill r'fi'Utly i hi Tvyo Klat-n ICaldhii found llttl,- iiirfit Tor lt ahlntt mtthound rrmn VoMnltruna to foUtli Amrrlcu. and it tva plitniicd ! li- tht-df dht i-itrry coal to thi- firopoa il itattnn at Manastitllla. Xm, how vYff. lh Tnyo KIfoii Kkhihu i wt-ur- ln full argo4- of rlct- and i-n,-rnf tm-rihanrlld,' for I'ortivtnn port, and it t planned that, In thf v-nt of tha tobllahwi'iii .if tin- noa Hiir matlon, Ih.- .mil Mill Ih- hrottahl nut from .Ih ..ui in nifMini rd of thf firm or Mltani .v ..inpany. who arf to rurnlah the (-nl .Mltul .v rniinmiiy r- nuid tf In- in I-immunlcatlon with th- Ann i liun I'ontraftor fw .hf imrl worka ut Manaanilio. who nlan Untiir a i imn alon from tht Mr-Mcnn pivvt'itmi-ni ror a alltii atftllon at lht port. Im rdani to tin-Mr vttrlou HM?,itiH iioiim, minora hm artarn that foal fli hi. . lat itlnita thf arat I'onat of .Mfiti'.i i nil- or I ho nior, pyrdldii'in of t ii'df ruinom l to 1 1 1 . ttct tuat tit,- iiiihrii I'aitrflr rnllurajr Im found c.i,l alanr tli liui of t I'Jft iwtMfd rAit.nianin "to Tonic." ML ... ttgaliiat it. Mir tn tMnr fluM nr .TiV .Mi-xit'o thf in ai nut uiif parilclf of luailfii-MiInn and I am cltnMMnid niiU rtlaapimiiiiiHl that I do not uwina ninonit vou loiilalit Ui hall ou ax ottl fiid or a tat ii "Itnm-MM. Ihnt nlll .in, vii hhhi vou u a mitt, M-iv soon and tln-n. in frifiula. It nttt. uith (u to innki thW uii or thf sta ic in r ivhlt h Hih tvhulo union (-an in- tuoinl I i-niiifil iioui- that oii "in ink,' wur dull.-. tw fttlaona vi-r . , i f, rl oiifh and I Mailt lo Hp, .ik .. on that iKiliit tnnlRht Ii v .iiid i. fa and lHl.Hint for nif In do tu.lti Iiim lull h how vvhII I think ot m n that would not only bp . hut inn - ht.'.iudf I liavt- ii pet Hilar liflito. fur Mm or ihla trrltr. th,- imiiIi r thf an-Hi plalHa nnd th,- i:i-i mountains. I km in th,- row )iuHiin iHM4,H ror a good hina itmt- I II vi-il w,'t of ihf Mlacdaalppl. Vh,-n I vhm olm-lf.l pr(dint I fell that I .i. th. llrdt prldttt who hnd wi n IIHllh ut hoHM' In thH dholt uruNN I'outttr). and ao I au abt' to t,, . ! lain I hi licit. "I'or liM'ttiii'o, atnrti Up- natlnn al Irrinutiun policy at tin. xim-ui iiK'iil. jum lifoana. I km w the ihii'iIh of I lie u ii I know hou iiiicoaaui t It wiih in put watar un tln IiiiiiI mi llio nun. mid I Alan knuw how niiirli Un- land would llil If tin. vtrr "'h put on I huil to pursiiiiil.' doth 4tiiiii)ninia In th IIihi pliu- tlf till) hill iiiiUitralanil Innv iiocoaanrt it una mi ki ihi- waiiM on tip. ..iinl. itliil n tlif ti, 'M plan- Un- fun ol ilium wui liml dffii i lu (Miiiiiirv did noi ihih wh.-r. on foulil mow ail lIlllIK Wlll'll! Mill lll lllld MIRI In 11111 'I'boy illil nut know Hint all that was imonaaniy wna to pin Uio wntor on "Ho llio ihliiit thai uonlil Ih- pli'aa ftii,". at to ,im Mould Im ltii'icn to l ! ho- I ailtnti e yon. how 1 ho llcviKl In i ho il(itifor and how I waul io talk of your ilntlntt to ui iUo ami in tin- union wht-n thu lerritoi'i liticoniPs u mutt- Ol ('(iiiisc. I want to uo it a pro Rieaalv, alatn Not only ii.ii I n pro griiuitvo, hut I da not sin- how nny u ai (nu t. liidtcd I do nut mm liuw illl.t I vi 1 1 Alimrlt'iill onn h- nil) tlilni; otto. If vou do not niiiko iiiontoaa nu ai-' ioltit to all, i hark. ou tan POt HUlllll .Jtlli Ulllll'l' ,on will o roi'NMitil or Mill lull hack, oim or Hip mliur. ami ih'cokIIiik to an u-llt-i. II Is Inipnsidlilf fur a ki'ih iIciikic riioy in 'iti d 1)(.iik ini!trialvi anil to not also maa. lmliif; ultlmt nmi or iltMiincrntlc I want win lo ho pro grcashf. Inn 1 do not hollow In In' Inn proKioarilvi- with i In hrlillo nIT. I want vou in miitio koimI iiidiohH; hut I luiv.' noi m mien any i Into In a in niovoiuciit wlnnii lliuio urn, not aluiiiHl iik niiicli need of Inoccli Inn work an of i mfo work Von luivo iinl in In' nhli io liutil a uiijmi forward luil vou Imvo aUo got in ho nlllf 10 pllll ll llill'lf. (.Hp(Mlillly Ull.'l) you mo uoInK down hill alo uunt ynn to ipaii'iiihui thai llio nnro df lalld ui loriui'i ovi'i iiniVnt mo iiiich doiillal conipaicil in Hn- vllal ihhuii HiiIh of Innii'sty mid oriirhMifA "If juii Mill lull-rate tilillliifdH in Viiitr public M'lwiiu-. It dtifd noi miilii uny dtlTuruliisi- wind wuj- you may .i Iioiumi Hiam, a ih i.iimill dldcii'dll- nhlc to yuu. n unlit puhllf mh (foiitiuucd on I'iiko foluiuu 1 ) Late Report This Afternoon Said Fire Was Practically Under Control: Heavy Gale Fanned the Flames. FIRES IN FRISCO AND LOS ANGELES Fifty Thousand Blaze in Lat ter City and .$100,000 in Former: Dormitory Fire Chases Inmates Into Cold. ( Anmoc lHt d I'l tf I Mohlauim t Ala. Match Hi. T,-f-phonc ifportd Ihdl'.ii. that a flrn dturtlna ai oiioik in la inonilnv thrmti-nptl to tlt-diro I'mittiu-ola. lln. Thi- riti KHlmd u ii.ii. Iwa) In tun clt hlmkd Thr Hhiii.- fif tiiiiiiHii by a alttt iiotthwfdi .Mini. Tm huildinaa nt ctifht (lltfoivut bliicka liitvt- titf ti tifattoyod. I'lll- I'lllllf fouirol. Mohlli', Man ti 10. A I I o'clock n lone tttataut'f t. i,-phom moainii' frnin I'enancotn icpoitfil tin1 fire priicili-al- l undi-r ronitoi in, uiidlim-. incluillng th, South ern hit-i, Mir, httrui'd. The lodd id J ."ill. on H .ViiMHio i.os Iii I ,ii Aiim-li-, Ui nfi. s. ful.. .March to. 1'in finiv t,Nta in the I). It. Uittf tlr Koodd hullduiR III the biiatimaa dtd-trtt-t thifin, iifd a bliR-l; ut large ) tall dtrt-d It wild HiHitly conriiled to thu blillilliic wIiiti- thi- fire oHplnuli'il. Tin- low wna )an,u. MIIII.IIOII in I'l I, CI. San Kniiu laco. March lfi. An ex- plodli.n ,,f mi I oil thld moriiliiR alurt- t'd a 111, t i.H dudtro.ted five nutomo- -iillf Ntored In Vatiins"!- umjiiUc mIIIi theh wtockd. The hot. MHr ?lli',uim. Horiiiltnry IIio'ik, "amitrhliip. Mnaa.. Mnroh 10. -Itnu- Uolph Hull one ol the moM ,-.clualve of th,- Hut Mini dot iiiltiitir on Mount Aiibiun atreet. ar partl daalruyatl h fin- enrl todaj . Ml,- t nl, tit Man I'edfU.'d ulli nu ll 'lit- ,iti. I in.iii nth, ih im t . iiMaken I ii.itfi n tunc in !ni apt the fn tin LIIIANTOUR LEAVES TO MIKE PEACE Bears With Him Conditions of Surrender of Insurrectos and Concessions From the Diaz Government Vddo. iHl. i I 'I'l H I . ..rk. March Hi The dmldeh departur. from Ni-m V.,rk of -nor l.linantoiir. M.vlaau iiilutatar of fi nance, after a a ecu ,r l ollfo I f IU I'd and m-BollKlliill. Id llnM . plulneil hv thf 'iniLidlamllllK thu l In hua duc- -ftlrd In t-rrectttiM a I'lltallVf pl,.n liv whlfh diilialaililul refortnd are iv- peetiHl to ImsIu Im HO (Hull It Tin' Mill In- put into i-ffffi lit the ,l. i in Kovrrnmi nt ami ih.' l.-adiiiK iiit-.iti-.- tloiildta an itallafli-d and .u. to in ri-atorlnii paf Mfimr l.linanioin inin- tiih lnm th,- lull evprraalou or lln deniandi. the Indtiri'i-f tlonldiK, Mhph, It i- hopul, Will be .li'i'f plllhl- to thf Mi hua aovei iimrni and b, mailt tin hMi( nt tignif The preaam-c hoiv ai tin Huti-I Adtor of rfvnui Milder. .. luthrr t.r the piovWoiial proaldf nt. toarthti Mlth hia Ihrt-t-atuiw (brother of Ho- provialonnl nrwililriii , and th,- iin l that l.hntiutuui hua been ihromh thitf giiirrHttona th,- . onrid. nihil ad Mdft or the Muilrro faillll. mid the tact (hut l.luiantotir mid ihr dfiiior MltdrTO lliive hct'ii In ( nnli'l flH'( . wltllr linpoiiaut MH NdHBi ii have been exHirfUKed tlelMccu th, tlllulH'f mill Inter und Mexico i'll. addetl dlgnltl- cance to the dlliiatioii. i no mij.n Aititiivnjii i on u.uroHn i'oihjkiiv The .iri.ilantii.lit ..f It W UfXcIf ami A H i "i uiiiplini. .irrotcl In Hie rllMii poll,-, tor tin .illfRi-d u. of a foi a, il tiiiitMij pitnd. will likely ha III ile lom, rt iw iiet-tli MiiJoi XX' . VN'hiiinir. I'mietl stuiHd fomuilattloitttr III HIM AlUUrtlltirniC1 De Nrlf Wild III. rented In I Mm Vagaa. II In aald he mil, lin t in i mi n rraudiilant pah im n or ttoltl to him by A. S friinui- top. fotmn-ly ehlrf clerk mr K I?. siiniunr. xupei int. ndrut ut 4uu Mnii'lal llf aaaertd ha M-aa IgnorNiii of the eoiidlHond uudat which i.'ia IMitta waa laauud t'tlllilBlon wn nr. ti.jitad hen- b .Vluhi ("htaf Ifatrlcfe ti'fSi.idj Thu men H ru lieltl iu the t midiv .lull. MEXICO i Aaof tatcil I'l-!-" i ii, rho. ImI. Mulch k. 'I io ml.' 'I'litilhal proiiillii t In Iliil- nnik." 1 i-odii,ii. rii'iU,Mil drtiRtali. un nl, til- iihi ii.- arr net inahin m t,.Un. iintiiiiK in tht trtlil at 'Hi oi' tiii' ! f in. ( nmorfO tar iQurder. Th ilflk I'WItllllllll the Ifillltlld ..' th. loiiK indlctmuilt fit Iht- pridon- r. tin- tnonoton araltlk Jtrukni in :i. iiont intf 1 1 uptiolia itn thf i.n..t. I.-' cim oi ihi tJiTSailaioin Wnm tin- i If rk ri rtd a JUiHSiBe r-t r t itiu I'rt.-dt Pro VlUtBHl, lit hkhI pitdohfi raided hln ,',.n and yittraint "il I ot ffi mv wirii rtn ftp iMl-. oui iu pinaatoiy. ICrrltonf ih.- uMajglft bruinx oi tha famorra. ,... noi tut kindh t the itewepavpff annua. (Jjftt diiapi'td hia picture thld uioriIU4fc hl' w" HMT ihrn Into ourt. ygm the bandit chirr mm toiu ih . gra iili wna for a Ber htmtH fjl th.- Cnoitirttt hi ajtll in th.- (air of H thot'truph or mid In a nt aMTiJt hi uld kick the mnii "Int.. iht Mdxt world ' Km. ,,li. - "' ,i kled pi.Miit.d tin e. m i . i , . threat T FUTURE IS ASSURED TO NEW MEXICO B. F. Panky. Ranch Owner, Capitalist and Progressive Citizen Visits Albuquer que and Meets. Ex-President s,w It. I. I'aiikv Mho oMiid a larSf i mull in i- liin. N M.. ami who la aleo a law land owner In lCanaaa and other alatv bi-dhloa balng a man oi i iindidrrabte maaiia and Influaiieo. m.,m itnioiiK thoae who flailed Albtt-'iu-i,iif yaatarday to ineel Mr. U", -.eit uttd 4Mkft in UM riUun. Mi 1'itiiky hua brn IflataUfliKl wllh t.fM prugraMtvr niovviueiii In Mir !'!'.iot. dlnvc comlilK t New Met- .iiid la a ttrm o. tievpt in the iu t . .i the nw tui. H nave tawrerly larkn r.ilu. ni .idri'ta," mxM Mr. faffk'. "I doiiiii i.ti-rt- la any tti. in tin- uumu 'Min ih, natural rfdi'UtHi.i. that huh ' i. itoi) haa and Mlth ilja futun that tin new attltf id fai'lpp. Tin- d -m h.piiirnl of .Vi m Mf.vtao Ik a r..i.-kon,- com-lualoti. XXV fliin diipnnrt mailt timed our pi edaiii f mil ami .nir mining, aar ''Ulitiral. innii- r ami other n doureid iHU'r aai'f n hfi-u touched a ye " Mr rank uHaa n hattrty hum.--' in .iiiyt.tlne totiklua llli- ili-v.-i".-nn lit ol the tli-w atatf hlpl u a h ad t t III anytllllkl for Ho (latterm. nl ot thf people and thr iiiiprovc-min' ( the k nda of thld ''ini!ltUllt llf i "iif oi ii typr or peopir wbo are . hi rying on the work nt ditvelopein-nt mIi). Ii Mill undi.tiM lly .. nt ii, 1 1 m.ik. i. i'l -nil' .. in,- ii u.. GD TO SANTA FE IF YOU E Colonel D. K. B. Sellers Au thority for Statement That He is Not a Philanthropist Except in Some Things, Th. Mltl'l.t i It ., I rhitl that nil lu-M Sundiiv in. i. ii.ii. ''ill. I' K t Sclleid ami I K t would luk, -411 I In wr Mho dt'ditiii 1 ao lh- m-M acriilc hlgliMiiv io -hiiUi I'd in their iiutott la dionenhat -ti'UUUfbN deiuud b ('ol. Krlltld Tin nUljlOl'a propo atlion ia that h ami Mr. io will act ua iillnlt) nud gonli- to ii auloldid who uint to mak" Hn trip. Tile colonel miiv - Im- IllllUllllle la not tttlllHl lo ueconinni.laUUtf lijl the pan pin who hnve .ippii'd tu kii ami -uliled that, undollm money Tin- atari will i" 'liCUja tenlurtlat niiiiiilDg and thi- 1. 1 in "iiujilin niorn iltt. the lilghl i" nm til Mania Ca. All) nutolal-i Mho 'LSI'" to make Hie trip ahotlld n..tii. 'liMm! Mallera al nncr In otdi-i huTtf! f.ooi)li)ino duilnna m Santa i mu.fui una aged and n bo Hint m nu lip pre pa led ni in rnallllo. N V AN A TO Another Man Placed to the Front By Tammany to Take the Place of Unsuccessful Billy Sheehan. j ANNOUNCEMENT IS i TO BE MADE THIS WEEK Various Other Candidates Have Been Eliminated and it Novv Rests With Cohalan to Capture the Caucus. N. .. X oik. Mai. Ii lt Alt' I ln month ht-rore ih. leaialnture a lit candid. it. or lit purt ror thr yneuHt I'nlted rftalea aenwtorahlp. William r' Mhcfhtiti ilnalty haa drt-ltlett that then- la tn, i iian f hteaklna tin ranka of the indutfeni forced. mIio. under the Ifittli'raMp or Kriiatot I'laltklln D, have Mtoud aolMly atmliifi him dim . thr Uemocratlc caut ua, ttud will itlthdrnw aumr ttmr thld wrek Th. xaH inainier in which Mr. slit-,. lnm Mill leave the i-ontral ha not ii .1. . i.l. d iipoit b Hia tiirnild. but hid mi wit hf marked b ihr n-aii-tian.. . i mill. 1 If. inhalan flinrloa I' Minnli i. IniHoni Irhiul mill po iitinil ,(iliin. a a ciilidldatr. That 1 nhalan mil In- na lilt I a.-.f plnhle to On- iiimiih.iii roup, cautint or no auetid. ltd Shralllin haa Ijuttti. a rtalnt.N N'everthelfdd. Murphy frt willing to tiv him on Iht- inilepi'inh-iiid ami fohiiliin nut only la UitllllK, but easel In make the race. It !! Mlth tlx- lull knowledge th.H Un- f.ihalan f.vprrlnirnt wttuld i llli-d on l hem that the luauraentd lint l fffut-ftl Sli.'t-han'a pi'opodltloti 1 tla DKi, Hint a rrrh .-tin, lid he t iillfd ami nil flinif iiiw ,(r the purl nii.-r n unit in- bound hy the rrdiili s,-na loi itooa, vt-It rlgtuly ri"od thia nm Krmn ad a aehamo U mk- itnai ti. ri.r si., han mid. r ihtrt faltwl. t. dllp ( nhalan in ua thr eholcr or all of tin lirniocmllc Icglalatord nadein bltti in iiiiicua Aa a preliminary tn the ithdriiMni of Sheehan and thr introduction r fuhahin. a I'ureiul proRiam or ellnt Inatlou haa bel li -join- on ror the pant wrrk. Xo on, haa known i.ettrt than .Murph and I'olinlan what a acwiuibi, then Mould h, i.r the amnatnrBhlp the inonirni Hhe.-han oflfclally pulled out or the rn.e In fact, it tea bren Well kin.Mti ,. , ,,f Hiiifc, m float totifh Mlth Hi. situation thai a num her f . - 'un, lifi n K"i'oi,mini; Hit-iiiix im - i. i t ii. . ..Hindi M i Sin . I. .Hi - i .. , i ll,, in. Icttel "t Mittnll.iMi H -,. i tirrnioiit Id lo a. , -i ,. , I , det.illH hine .if, 1 1 1 . I . i i, DIXON LOOMS BIG New Man Pops Up and Gets! Seven Votes and Hope is Ex- pressed That He Will Break the Deadlock. i Xdn, n,t. , I'l. -.-i. . ' M.n .h IH I n,li- nil. in- of ni ih. Hiiiatoruii deadlock i i mint when fount,. J iltte Olxon Ol I Jell mi rftelved ' - The report la current i Ho ue! tMo m- Hin ti if. .rin ' HemiM mid and .- M.I. - -Mil ho Uitlli-d mi Inn ill ,. ii evpr. aaed Dial t t -i. - Mill be - unci I- "I, ii, .i, "i . i . ,.i . .1 II ! . . tl I. It .IU-1 BLIZZARD IN GOTHAM fold xpcll of l nii-iial -.otfiiu I Id- Time oi x nm x l-lt-.Net X'oil.. lor Xi X'ork. Mai, l, Hi A 'old diiup Of lllllixliil dl'MIIU rm ihla ttm -tf year in. hi prucllca II v ihr iiiultv eai arn p., in. ni oi in- f.'iinirj tight' gripp-i' I 'd". Th. i . ic ).. i ii ni , hei. diopptid tn-in II. l, i-, I,. I I. all. n. duriltp III" nuhi .in. i t'.. ni..,. . ,id ni i oinp.iiiii ii h ,i a.ii. .it.i.,1,. '. niHfd HII hour m hn ii -M.pi ti.. s. . I iiHiaud "unit SHUTD0 WN THR EAT EN ED .N'isoiliiHmi- lor l cement Willi foal opnraior. fail. In Hill-i-li l iiliiinhla. X'ancoiivfi , H f. Mat. h I ( x dhui down of ail the . oai mined m iiu fi d Veat dldttl. t ..I llrlllah '"" In in In . i MikiluilHg 3.1M111 men. id ev pe , lt-,1 dittMI. .Vrgoiiftitauji for iraawal of ihr which elided the atriki two teltl- .. Il.tve llffll MltlM'll l"llll COLORADO l it l ' Ullv ,, i ,,. IVo Sin" . III. ll coetl ll" i Mahiet .1 - Adall Id gon. I'd.... gtVfilgalim-' tin iank a nrrair- hut, aan unani, In lo. at" mm It-M-lopmriltd slum in, hank t-.d itHiied i ,' fore thr d..,. nl thr inatl HkloN ! I'lfMNMl and lnt Ho ootin aaatdlant twaW"l. Mif Htlna I'ayttr. .tlm .ftrn Wild led ti . iiarK'- r Ih,- . , . . rn wtMn mi.iii mum iimuv on tici'i'tit bdMnrna t i-i j -h.di ih.- aavingd r nfofiine d m.-ii ad Hi ode of hei inothfJI. Which had been llivratetl III Ihr ItMtll'Utioli The hunk i- mined, aald orlaini.. "iittih. one t He ii.-i.ivt3t alockhold era, ida. nml miv nnniber r tut aaaiM'taied arc inan)tu)l. Thr tuon't be able lo beam lo nli'Ot th" doable llabtlltt bank m i Adalt, It Id mild. 60flOafl $'." . or thr bttnk'd (niida null atm'khnldera dn lat, otln r . nllatailil held h the bunk and thought tn he rthleaa waa obtained tor the hnnk through him. Ilkrh trei.llng the original aitm thoUKlit Iimi The of thu nitsaltig chler' numt-rotid hiidina,-- Vinttnira. accord tll lo thi dio.'kliolllotf . "fltld to br that in- to, i no fin or i-a Hi iiiiythliiR he undi-rtook Adair I' rt Htrpli'Mlapori the tilghi berolf the bank trtl ttlnaed. Ilia wife went wiili him. Tlipy want to llnwea-villi-. K' llifti to Oaettaboro, ICy . when .til truer wrid lnt The n iiidlnit ifiPhlor oprned the pttairf. dtr, nt llnwnvHlc. which r," crntlt I'liaied. Thf llBl HolluM' Tohai... loHipiiny or Hint . ity Id an othvi ..r hia vaiilur.d .Stock In Ihla com n .um rwcioiitly waa IllciniS'i'il liiM'dtlaiilot-d Mill hae a cmnplote lep.'ii ot tin d. 'I'm. t hunk's MntiiM rend t ii inn th. vti ' k SEVEN MEN DROWN AND I ARE 1 CHEAT PERIL Gales on Ocean and Lakes Wreak Havoc Today: Tug Goes Down on Lake Erie With Seven Men on Board. I s... ,i. .1 'ie i XX .i-.i.'ial.'ti 1 1 i ' h lil- I'lll' i .ii. u peiil imhiv .tbo.ttd thf -li.iinl.'il Hrltidh dteaiu, r ,Hn- Inn 'a, on the Virginia ctmsl, in m i. d douth of fgpe Henry. Th. little laland tife-aavlug alatlou h.. i. polled to the I'nltrd mult-a liro Hating t-ertlce hire that a furloUl n. iihMfM atorm la raving and tlio M'dd, I ii. in danger or going to 9iacat. T ii- l'--ditxern .ire tin the beach Inliiu i verj thing poaalbl to aavr the . I . M The Mttwi .-ni aaboir during a gal i Hi.- itlntit i March Tth iftpht t ii. 1,-w wrm it-dcuad t that Hmu " I- ' ilia Si'ttataat dlUlnultlM. ami ni. M pi- Mure Viriitc mad,. t Unhtmi mi -.ue twrt mmi when the in -dm hi i-anir rt 1 1. pras- Hum- fhaoi-o Im- Idtc. v,ihiigion. March tjJ. Ldmr re i"tt. dhow thni thr ant.. g abating and th,. m.n will probably Ha aated. limit) little on I .a I.e. Kin. 'n Match 19. ktria luga are mlaaing following a icrrlfto gal, which d "tit laike Krle int Ulght mill U id hell.Vetl tr- were l"dl tlith then ereWd M'M'll Ml'll Hlottll, fl, VA.Innd. ii. Match 1 - I. it'll lhl''c n 'hl tllgF M.fe en fo,, bin Hn Pllvrr Cpra. Min tu-r .um ot dft.ii id klloMit t. inn v na d'.tt n ,t tth nil on boat d CARRIE NATION WORSE .Militant Ti'iiipeiam-f XXorker I- Vim In m i Inn. finiillthm In lln-plliil ( Xkm iitt- d I'l'caa. i I. cat "Iim ,,rlh Mar. h tl Mia. ('iii'ii. . id. .ti th, mlhtniit Kan--.! ti-lllpe lance MoiHi-i. win. had lieeii in n hoapllul lieu im ooiue time dill t.inia r i out ,t iiMtoud hteakdoan ia u ... 1 1 it 1 1 groMiiie M.ak'-r and hrr . ..million id no t I' H.trd ,1 .id dciloiid. TO LEGALIZE FIGHTS llllniil- l.ti llii" in Hie Hmiil XXauou Willi oilier -inn'. XX 1 1 1 1 I'm. pn.cil Hill. i AdNoelat, ,1 I'n n i sprlimilfld III. Mulch Hi M. nnim i' wnri thld morning intt.Mlmi-.l n mil in lag tlic prlar ilghi in llllnoit, 'I h hilt provhlaa for aU-roiind. no dt idion Imnu. aMKfiM alx-ounn' gi'...v md a rigid phyaltal cnnuim- I ..I, i.l .ill i oulcMitllld. -u ih, n-i'.'i . I-. I Hi ' il It . .11 . I'M hank ol llilx pi ' dni'tv lierr Tin-d.ii Two Prisoners and Wounded Reported Taken, But Fed eral Commander Denies That Any Were Captured, MADER0 WITH 1,000 MEN NEAR AT HANI) Orozco Has 800 More and Trouble is Looked for in Border Town Shortly; Maneuvers Begin Today. I Xddoclati-d I'rrca ) i:i I'.id,,. Match 10 luureg prnl n tlaeplrdd night In ft iilglit. with tlir dtrtetd patrolled li a dutible ferae of nunrdd .md prneticall) the anttro ITitr riaoii under anna iu rroiit uf the Iiiir rnckd mid ti-Hiliitii t'tiT?. it la not known how ninny tjuiii pi'ded the party of lniiriactu. xvlru eluilad thr itunrtid t.tfl ulkht, Kid In to tlif town nud par I hi lly dudtrojiod tip. frdftHl iHirructtd with nlliuly- rrlne. Thr) catned out the pin lid Mlth tin lodt, ot hut luu men who Mete wound. d and captured. Ii la not Hiuiiglit incut ronton tiro mar the dt) In an) ureal uinuLmni. Mndei.i with n lliou-iinil men Id huuni .lldiaticc Month Malting to nlfoet a Juiicluic Mltli orozco'd furor of SOU heiore niartliliiK on .lum-cit. .i.t- I ll Xo Omita.!. Id 1'iido, Tex. March I fl. ".'olonul Tuuiliorel. ciiiniii.indci of .Inn I'd', dinted thld nifittiltiK that the bomb i in nw n into (he military harnigka laBi it i H It t did no dnuiiiK" nud that no Ii.kIv tt iid captured. The xhold of tha h-nit led in- diihl. did not hit miy- l.o.lV .) A MclimilcU, eilKlliet't' on Ilia Mexican Xortiiwcaturn railroad, arrtv. d lodu) and reported the road gilt lo di8d (nun JuixniR ti)) tlio ,niinlli. rn teriuititid at !'(iiitun. Mill XXalllii.-. tinlvoaion. Tex.. March It!. Tit" it in iv imiiieiivrr. are nwnltlMR Iim nr rital uf S.niKi eoiiHl aillllery troop" Cmill lli.lllplnn roudd. ileuirai Ml I id hopii. to Have H ni. Hie iirigade iii camp hy the anil (if thld week Thr trmidpiiitd will prnhnbly nr1? imnorroM l'lr-1 Xrin.t Xlnnciitcr-. San Antonio. Tow, Mllrch 15. TIl tirat maueiiters. of the tiohjia Iu oaiiip .re on ih" prosriini todky. It Wgd plilpiided In HMIll out 11 ofnt patiy ,,r In fnn tit ror m-viirnl Itltlsci tsrek 10V11 und tor ihr iit)roi4uiiHg to look lor them 1111-11111- lo lljll.. I'lttaburR, l'.i.. March h;. Saavr I.niMiuiour. MoMcuii ntlnidter oi ft- nance, paaard thmimli I'ltUdjlirg atwh' thla liiornltig rn rniilr l Mw.xieo. Ua will reach St (.mild Hi Id canluu, 1 1 lit 11, -, ,'- fiimpalKii lrall, 1'itilghiH Win Mnrclt HI O.'ttriol IJIancod i-amiNilKii ii(jpiMt Aijuy I'rielu ai-enia tu have altllu'l III a ilig uifll failure from the rnhnl agurdjiutiit. following the otleitdlve niovointiiil of thr M evli nil federal lart IlifCht 111 tha dire, lion of ih,. rebal eiilttp up sign mm to h,- di'i-n at diiyltetii Iu4ny of the trbela. indicailoiid art that lllailco'! fore uplll Into factlona, aonir of which d-dt-rted i the American aide. The main bodt or lit Iroopa are m Iregttiig douthward. Atnailcaiia hafe bt-lleVM thr libel .uiid,- im a diigjl nHl brvond 1. pnli aluilg llr HH ptMNta Arlaomi In UlHitco'a bmtiltA f in te-piioili-iils on doh, San Xntoulo. tnvtig, Mai ah 18. When Urn Scot 1 raltavad Tnylnr In auprrme command of thi xmertoaii liiyadtng farced in Mrvicn. ha wV-i act ami pa it led for the rirat nme ao fnr ad authni linn, ., mrtort m inr ca sued. h 'uni 1 otredpondrnt. from Hi. tlrpartmaoial H aUa at XX'aalilnRton Hiri,- nnie u great hue and rt that the plana ot tha leadrr Would hr ft'tidlrntrd mat thu ent'MU would learn or even inovnnant ia ihr Xinei camp tmni he retMHta aiHIt back home be the oitrrtnHMikdaaUti. liui in,- wni nt rrapuadauta im' to the armt and thrv ontar-Ml the tl-y i .Mevito with fccoii Hciat4nua forcfg. Tltnea have changed -Mut-e tkiMh When AnietlcMii ir6ga buaiiii euu taigtns on San Anioalo. tu ife sraat di war gam of mmlern Untoa. Utr mobiiiiy .,r ihr army wa ia b.i ti- .1 Ttie war 1 iirri'-punilaHiis" iiraaail en inttir inohiir pernnf Ulo) tin! ei with I aa imnllmoai. Thi- lira! deUti-hmcHt at ik "UPtOd"" an ivad Tkutiwlay ittetit. 'la (Ivgi delachkieill of the Will' eornafciMMldanUJ tteh-outrd them Th Bt'Wg1lMM' UtUU ware fit at on the -can. Nntt llliMti-.xeU Tried Out, han Anttutan. m&, SaMwtl rack- Minna new hurapaairk la Italiij: slvru Ita tirat 0lllci.1i lost luplnr rjgl t t mi j'ag,. 1. foitimn ;i) 1