ALBUQUERQUE EVENING HERALD. FRIDAY. MAR CH 17. 1911 g g-? - mml jmmm, nuimUiinwUfl amuW JIAKALD, JfiVlUA I . JUAK UH 17. 1911 J I ! I Samuare special 1 1 ?Y I vh - II EkmaZSk I ?JE Nurses' Aprons I TOMORROW ONLY l i 1m " ' I Each 1 fir Farh M J ; njii ;i H A n'l.WL.l 1 I f Bk- V 1 I I BBgl BBB1 I 1 I J 'I iJ! 1 ' i II I h , I I II I i U I 3 ' I I . . .V i III V v V t y V f -a. .i I .. ,i 1. 11 1 1 . If I ff i I ('Ke will be pleased lo have you in sped I he new arrivals in Spring Dresses. Your ideal is among them. Good quality, full size Nurses' White Aprons, with or without pocket, worth 35c; Special Tomonow only, I 9c Each n if Spring Suits embracing the latest ideas in style and fabric arc now here for your selection. W e invite you to lool them over. f t y y y y y t V f V t y y y y t y t y y y Y y y y y y y y y y y T y y y y y y Y m tin-. SOCIAL WAR IS ON Tells Them to Keep Control of Elephnnt Butte Witter Power in Their Own Hands As Vast Heritage. 'i. , M . Mm ti i ; K- i rhi...i.iii i .... . 1 1 i im'(I i.e. i i i, v ..itn fu . iiia i.U .llmlll l .. . lin k uiirt u i.. i .ibnut i: nttntitvii. km Immipwiir rrowd nf i.o- ' t'.i Sunlit We ulullon to et- It..... .-t. tto.' iTuwd lll i. -Il.i. hix nt4 profrMNir from i' m . Hi.' n of thin I in. it rumiUi-x wMhtn m ' . I" ni i l.-M of I4U1 I'riH't'N, mt4 Hi. ntlrt- i.iitailnn nf !( vm mrl at Mtliu . I'ltoil 'ntr.mltt(-, Hip uhih aci'oititMiRlM the i 11 mm Intrufluri ft luirorm ) M cr by I V-MtltK of L Oui-m Httl mi Nci-ml nilnuti'K. TT'- i. 'M iillttifClHM UltffBlK h v H. ii ht- Mid: 1- in ucli tntt'rpMMl In iur i."i' ' i mnfl I want ! . i-u-n"i l mi Ui with 1 1 i lt rMfHi't to yir i "ii will Unrlvc ft'(m th . "Iiki-ivm ( lh- KlttUiHl l"ii i, iitidt-r nn.v .'irctim- tin .iitiroi of HiIh imi- it n Hm vM jMi-ntlwIiiifM, i "iip inftifnl i)nh l IH "' Un .orporailoim uin Ki-. i It yuurKt'lsi-H huH .iml you will hm.' u riiiianltuti Hnt ininrt ."ii i-mu aituii.'1'ls tfulDu- i h ft- ni . I.I I I ll. I nt i - . i . ....I I hat hi- waa v r mm V M. .Hd not ! atnl.'liiMiil i -I "imrcaM. "I tMll-r X-' .. viii u.i xlrtti.htMxl y.- i ml I ' 1 t oii i.-li gnl ii miunri' i.. i 1..UI lirrlt.Mv ! ri'i'lulnlv 'I t" MilnilMHlnti linn thi union i"l ii'iniii luis i h. tn ailmliiiil .i limn mil' .ii-" Mo"T, iif iMill'iil nm! 1 ' "i' ' "iirti, for I nm nuifl- if 'it ill. 'i it will mil' ho a manor of v hi.. nil,- until Now .Mexico U :i(l ii"'. il Mini ou imoiIi. ai l voitr ii i.i- Wlii-n ou iH'i'uino ii atnl. by ii ii iii. Iihv vur alnlc tin iiaht i i... 1 1 i I I in. . - l.oilgt' Xo. H. ( . li t- iii iil lia imniial . tln. oli oMim iiclng rlii'tiil I'.iai'. . VII I til t"llf'. Iluuli ' r . -i. . mi , I IimiIIiik kniKhl . Or 'i i - M" ii i -ti'. ini'il tovMl ktilnlit r !J ! . ianininil li'iliniiiK 1 11 11 'sliil lyler. I.. A. tuiiMiin.r; ,in. iciliil. aiT r. iii'T i i: sHimiinu, iniainf f. p 1 "" w IT II. II. Mrllilila, iIhIi.. '; ,u '""I 'J- u, fiUuniiilu, in ii.. i nn! l.iilui. riimU'mtnit. x'1'' iilhwi rpfrihianUi vii. -ii... i in id., aoefal rounia uinl ol ( .llillli I in. . Siiclnl ( rlili'l Wli-lllllSI'HI. TEDDY ADVISES ! 4 WATER USERS i . .i .i i .iii -i i n .I i i . . i S.lU. . ..... '. ; . "I till l.i..l If ill 1 . H '.' ll I "I l.ol.lllllll "I , ' I hun th. w.iti-r nm-rji "i t iiii t thmafl . It la uimI. r I Hint then ar.. iiom In Ml l..o I Mi MiH ulut a iv fHdtwvorlnit to olHulii r na valuable im. of tin iiiiin.if. iiikI n m-ttlnc la m b.- hiUI no i ..ii ,lon4a In that rtttipiion. v i: Andrraoa, rortnorb with tho Inti rtiiitloitnl U'ntwt romrwtnx at Kt I'lim. i in tho oity obtalnina data ami AittiKtti-M on th lanrta, th wbut. ih. i roim. people niHl pioapo'i (.r th miM.. in th- tn:rata of a numr of nMKU'i-n iMpHcttote who ar plan nlna to iimt a mwM4rMhic aunt t inn ht'.'. Th foiiowim tlawdn and other pap or r. col d hue bm fo m lh- ofm-c f thr nralajtti' .rk of i wina ,nu . ount) : lWl? Ifllilil. William Moaller, A. Itailmoar. W. B. 1 Ita and Jolui A. Ujipotn' of Kl Ihim.. to R. rjatrt of Kl I'aao, wnr rantv ilwd to Iota n and tfi in hlotlt IS r th. A Ultra lara audition m Mllla Park. II and oih.M- imiium. miaaldwratlnna. . H. riaum far hlmafir and na trimt.c for the hnlra of W. V. HoHln ann. Uh. jhI, L. H. Smith and U. M. Waplv uf Kl Paao. to M- H. Stall ni of Oina Aim nmntj. mit t-iaim ih't-d to .4 1 !!. ot land smiatfd in tN' HertHllo rolonv urHiit in... ntlt.. aouth.aat of Im fnlon. II and othf aiuaui. oaadflamtloMi. lil'ili Cniinii-, taicli u n rtauatitrr waa horn to Jmaua Marlu ttlvrrn ami wHv at Lata AUivh i a a aau wm bora m nn ata aM wtfr at Ua i'ru i .' w.rkm' a if naw nt wu puutnv w a n.u roar t Aanadot rwrnt oo. ui.-d bs th.- Klo c.ranrtf H.ruh- llaii. U iuitt' ilia .nip ilmairovi'4 durluff th.- rt'oiMti flw which burned Ui ihc oth'i' two i-iMima In th- hiillil Ina. Thi roof of tht anuth room waa lr.tlally rtiliuil moat of th. run. ra havlna wwn .'Uh.T Ituraml off al th.' i-nl ntt ih.- fir,, or flao i-harrd an liiiilb aa to bi uuaaf.-. I'rwniaii Walker huvr inm HlPllceil to lliov I hull aroroKv Minok from tin- .Mnaunir bullilina into the room hi i no mi-at N'atlnnill hank hullillna iirinil vurau-il by .Matiaaai' brotlii'iH 'I'imIiij's CoihI Mun i I tin', lolltl It. I'orlHi'. tiino.iiM v.... '.,i.b Inwyrr, mIilii v. ry voiina wiih iikhIII l tile il.'i'ii. of a inn ii clini' uilih naaanlt In t h.- hithiiiI ian . iii tr ailil 111 rlli'lit iHtlinil for iiiitaulta- tton. I'mtir aliniil) ro4i ipia iiMi In tlli court mum inlmiK iln. iii...n..r "U'liatp'a your oll..nt ,iaL-.,i i... UHI.IUIIlllll tllllai'. "I aniw l.u'u ....... - aa " w in- - at i 1 1 J (Ilia linns" loinnrUnil otiar. iinni" wiihi Ho you innaii?" "Why, wmr Imiior lulil nif In bHt IiIim Hip hifl inlvlot' I i'oiiIiI iinilAr ih in in ra Ami thr mnn told uii In- waa aimiy. ho i iuiviiii iiim ( cm ami run. l.lHo n a nm iiu I .... i- ailvlpo mill thruiwd ilia vviiiiiuiv. iiu-a iiim in a lull, awnv llott." FIGHT FOR SENTIMENT l lltlipr rm.M. I .iiiUii. iii 'lulu lo m'i UH- I'lll.Ullilli!- lot III- llnliv. Xpw York. Miiro.i K armlmn Mil bat tli' for 11 baby n ild) iii'i.ri and billlk.-ni.. Min h ,.ok h r rathr twie a rM n... . otttincnt and invoiV' Hi aim in Ik montha of I1ttauin. haa imriliiliN i on, and four-ynar-old Virtiniti itnii, ii i htinpy In th po anaalon of h. i tMdvd toy obpp more. Th fath. i. Jumaa f. Roaah, a rhipi WMUM-rv mni, .if Olv ITnltad atai a navy, hna f.Pin iaia aWM of mon.y ami ha omh uMkratHta avraat for tn aa' of vcivcriM Utr tiitir which nr.- .1. u to Ma gWM, but wnloh ha v.- mi la, f tm. Intrinsic valur. W ia atm to Ma tdad m pmiiavn riwla out ..I tHa aflaurr of tin ty. aHhuuah ii ari had ord-red that taay i dplivtwaal to him. HwNfh wm iti,irrla4 aamr yaara iigo In a allaa Mi..- Hornla. who up Ut ih. tim.. .1 ihr weddina wn a ahow trl with n.. Wolf tioor. Thar bitlv . noHtn at ftrat The Iwb) ivuk iitautlful and hrlghi and Both wpri' iliotnd to H. Hut about hi month ua". apcordlna to R'"uh. hl wlfi- iii.nli.r, AIa. ftUla Horn!, of x.i am Wfcmr-rnurUi utrwt. nrauadPd In r dajiitr to afrk nn th.-r i-naai iii' ni on th atatf Thi immdintni' tirouani about tiHinfd rt-iiiti.iiiH. Roat'li fimi' hur ryina limi- from a tr wtwtprn t ti n), hot pould not BotmuHti nu !' tivt up th- plan, and thr outdo Npuaralcd. Knar h lmmpdlatly hoajan hah.-n corima proi'i fdtna to avi mmmcki-. .n of hU fhlld, and a writ laau.-d i JudRp llpndrii'k aa. him th. . u I' d) of IHtlr Virginia 'i ml ..I . il tin- ili'lhri-j to him of h.r t"- uinl lh arion trlnk'ta which ii.-in tflvrn hi t TIh- muthiT and crandmothPi- uim.i. an obji i thrtta to Irttlng him take the child, hut ih t iling, for aonn rn ana, to i hi playthlnga. noaih hud in.anuhlla rtturiHii n Ma iv Inland, whsrp hn a atatlon..d at th. tluip. but Ua nbutiinl n tninipi' to the Brooklyn nivy nr1, and on PYhrran us, A"tnttii' -i niv .Manhal Mp.'RI. hr wif . lad hum.- uf hln mothai -In-law and de mandPd tlvp irtnkfta. A wording to Roach. Mre. Unrnlg r..fu!'d to glvp Uiom up and -iff "rf nr-oiml laanniincv. In th turmoil that unaupd n llv..r mug fM rum a ahelf. Iti'iicii aay. an atiiu a !). Ilortilg. lie ibtalmd Iho toya nnd Irft. Mm. Ilornlg wnt to Dip pou." nnd. 'iiid II iiu'li iirriHrt'd oh charifi'i o! I"'lt laicauy and falniilotia aaaault Whi-n Hoa.h wua aaan at h- upnrt. im nu In th,. HotPl Alargarpl, In- aaiui that hi' had no bittarni-aa whalam var naaliiai hla wlft. and fwlt that aha would iPtuin In him a.vcapt for tha it.riuancp of hr mothar. 'Phi butoy U In Newport wtUl ltwaoh'a alaU-ra. Mhi la alat5tl!llt' lu norant of the lugul atrufKlu of wlilelf alio la tna luaoroiit auar, nuil Is Mlaa fully hanpv In tlip ptuaaaMdaj) of her ncowrfd tiddy bvara uinl lillllki'ita QUARANTINE MODIFIED liniliii Hhltliil i. .. ml ii.kii.- Minlc Hm l'n-i cnr Wii-Iiinaton, i jUiin h K.-rilra. Wick' mhm. wlf.. Mf ih.. Httorncv gpriPiiii. hs u inpniiil t.iak uefon' tor of auatalnlng ami innmtittailna the mppondcrant influrnc of Va Tor aocltfty m th.. pltal agalnat thrap formiiliiiilc oi.punpniH from Chicagjo, who nr.- Nirhing to win thi attprpnv in ; lor ih. lati.r cntr,. ilwd the bataniv ,-.t the urnmnt ntnl tht com I nit a'U"ii. T.i,. mw i.ii mt c-rtiUnl kitaajra that thr.. 1'lni.t women ilk.- Mra, met inwm, wife i.i ih HtHi.-iai) f wr; Mr. Wallaoi' Fluhi r. tin. wtfa f the tte arerrv ..f th, .tit'itBT, gtl Mra. WacVcagh. wlf- m t)i afteratatv of th. traaaary. win do rtaat to yivf (hicag4i th nrm .i.t.-. kj tna auc ia i "unclla of ih. oupeUkl. Mr. Wlt'ttraham tuk a ajM ntore dtfltcttlt tmHU" It' NgjM Will irombl to-1) pernio with ih 1SaMrn coterie, but Mn.. Von M. vr and Mrf. Kmix arc xpfctad t.. -laptt 'With ilra. Wtck. rxh-irn for th,. ci Km mpUall. tin . i,l He lniiil. laatr to tltfcr In fmi.r of tit. ui kgf Hli wlMucr.K hh.i, numii.-ix i aot ni Wiiy .mint In a battl. of .sltg. or nm Hoi'icf m .aMajanwtr wiiitfna i" ni" l Mra Kt" wife h. ii. -.cretary ot bmrioi I'm -i. iiii: nm join In i 1 Hgg.i in Waiiiiiu'..,n for Mini, tin f ,' ''' '' r.imiiN c , iphiran and .nm 'i n.iii.'iiiHt. u . i.iK, iiiatr flu- ' i ii"n . in., mo . .i.c aaaher I .riullitilliiit l iillle Tli-U. are In ci.II.-k... h"k uinl ,i uif ,., N. h.i'.l" Till Ii I i. I , fin ii ;i .,i , . 1 "Il'-tti .i. . . tit 1 1 prlv .it. I I'm .,,, kIi-iI ill nt ,1 -. , . , .iii.l i'p other puratory i. Hm It. n ! ! n ii lura" . int.'i m:ltti ia. DENVER cv RIO GRANDE ENGINEERS MAY STRIKE Waahlnatmi. I). C, March IT. Nearly ll.nini ure mil. of addi tional territory hua been rolMced from the ft dp if 1 quarantine for Teaaa fi i-or or ttak of entile by an "rdi r ol thv .'i'retar of nan vilture inking flft March K. Thi- neton la taken o u ifHult ot K""l iroga made during tin hii y.a i iii tha egterml notion of cattle ti. k- which apread the dlaeaap. T i. toi.r ;.r"u releaaetl from quurantii. Mu, , Hi . rudteatlon of the tleka a -i. in. .i. mils nnder taken In the aumm-r ..i moa iy co oii t'Otion boiwe. n led. nil. atate, nnd loeul authorltleK now it mount to nearly HH.imiii mjuitr.' inlle, mi.1 In uludea territory in th inte of vit gHtiH. North I'H'r.illtiM. Mmitii I'.uoiinu. Ti nnetatei . Kmtii. k), Georgia. Ml laaaipii!. Arnaiiaa. ikiwli..m.i. T.t.m and Culifornlu Th.. releaaod territory xitwaia in oalent the ."imotmri ..rea of iauitt)i I'lii-ollnn. tlenrgla and Ala ngaaa. The temtot'. r.-leaaod by the recent'i Ih aw follow: In Virgin a. the eounlle of pin i.itniu .ind t'heatertti'ld. iti .ow t urollnit. the eounile of iiiilc). Montgomary, KaMdolph. Ohat hum. Wak", nnd rraafclin. In Tenn.a... the county of Over am; p..ri,otta of the .ountlt of Kintr.n H.,g. Uncoln, Ijtwren.o, i" iiK'ii. unit uadtaos. In Mlialipp. poftlona of th, coun- tie of .Mumlnill ggMl INnton. In i ikl.iii.tmji, toe uoutity or Kiowa rtinj i , or i mil v "t the eotintU ol Ureer, Jneitron, '.,iiHon, (HtaMo, Cleveland. I'ottaM.ii.oi, i.imotn aad pawnee In Tex.-. niintj' of Cottle and p. it hm ..I ih, . iintlen of nardemun. M-.iiril .li.l .Mm hell 'i'1 hi ii.. rearltna ragulu- i.oiit. r. i in, i iitii.i'v r.'inulnlmr In "ii iriiniiii. . he n ineln.l. the eHUro file of Mllll.llltil. Kl'.llllll. Hill) ioh- -mn.i, an. I ii.tiir ... Viraiiii,,. ..rlli i'm. .in. I J.i.iU: i ii..lii)i Ti nil. ne, 'i."l4i (lf .le- ,.i tk.llr,l .) ' 'h.'iiin T. .i- tin I i '.i it. ii ni i EXAMINE CHICKENS Itclicl i:rc til Thnl llliiiiliiuliiiin I ni I llitlcn hi Mini llou Mail Ciililc-. CATARRH A SYSTEMIC IL00D DISEASE Cntnrrh is not merely an affection of tin- mucous iiiL'itil)ran-s ; it is ;t iluep'KentL'il lilood disease in which the entire circulation and greater part of the svstent are involved. It is more foiniuotily nianii.sted in the head, nose and throat, because of the sensi tive nutate of these membranes, anil also because thev are mote easily leached by irritating inlluetices from lite outside. The symptoms of Ca tarrh, such as a tight feeling in tho head, nose stopped tip. throat clogged and tit y. hacking cough, etc., show that the ttnv blood vessels of the mu cous membranes are badly congcstwl Itein. r C'.i M.,i, hi. atrlk VOt. Ih In hi k t.iken .iiii..n. the en gine! r on the nnvi i i: CTrand aratim. The tutUota h. hegji Oltl unit if Mw MteAlhH II. .t Itllal I .. i j ... .,.7?., I Mn-I Aiincnr In Cnini i.. Tell v!,,,i THAW WILL BE WITNESS MoDignuier.v. Mm. h 17 The -till. iHateur depart inent. tor the firi tun, i allici the eatiilillMliment of Hie ihnIi lue In thlH et. hua cxiiinliieit the brain of u thicken auppoacd to hm.. been rabid. The head of the fowl waa went from Hlrmlnghnm and th i nouncement la made that unntlier clilcken'a head haa been aent to tin ilepartmeut rrom that cltj. The ftrat head waa mint to the in atltnte h lr A, I li'reni h veterl iiarian of Hlrminaham. tin a. count of the decomnoaed .'oHilltioii or the brain of the chicken no poaitive t.t couW he made, the phyati'laiu of the danaitltlent helnv nnuhl,. n it.. lei mine whether or not the fowl h,i and iitllamcd from the impurities in Qu mmd Aoeonllng lo Ur. I'rench a atory tw ehloHaua were bitten b u mad ilmi "boa I tun ilnya ugo. one of the i..wl beegma alch within n few da, in erratic holiavlor leudliiK to the m. liiiMtioa lawt It wuh in hlil. Tin chicken dlail and a few .ih Ihi. it head waa aatit to the l. partm. m ..' MootKomery for T'i. had. howev.-r, rna budl dei.,mi and the teat waa tmi pnaltiv. Juat aft.-r the ftrat uai ha.l i . , made the Paat. ur dapartmeii: w .j- . farmed m" the long diatom ..i....... .,. , .... h.".i' ilia. in.. in. urn mill ',,. ten waa . linu .tii. .il" anil ii . aunoutn e.i that u ...i.tih n,.,,' The pin Klei. in- .,: Hi. il. part'iii nl ar, .iwnitiiiK tle I.. ion. ni.. .xpi.'tiuK lo hii'iif (h, r..l . In .nl al am mn nielit. lnn an , x nn ii,iti..n h.i iaiiN lll he III. till LOVER TAKES POISON Miinnii'li I miip u ..oil wiih llllcel mill He Mn. i n,n. ( inn i Cliaeac. t .in a I ' It... e.rt.otfil i,.i 'I,. ,.,,,.,,,. 1. ... 1 iii.itu iitU tiie blood ittttst be put ified ami the Hvstem cleansed of all un healthy nutter, Nothing equals S S S f ir this purpose It attackis the disease at us head, goes down to the bottom of the trouble anil makes a complete and lasting cute by PUR IKY INC. the blood. Then the i n il a m e d uteinbr.iiii'H btjein toht-.i', tin lu -id n cleared. bttttlhTng liemtui't natural and easy, the thtoat is no longer Jogged, and every un pleasant symptom of the disease dis appears. S. S. S is the greatest of all blood puriiieis, and for this leniou is the most certain cure for Catarth. j Hook on Catairh and medical advice free to nil who write. THE SWJl'T SrtCU'lC CO,, Atlanta, 04. I' ' turna a III oe repaired h ih or the en Itinera organ ummrt In a few riaya. The man hat iigftt im able to reach an ngn im-n Donrer Rio Orande ah ita)g con cernlng the adtuatmi nt i g uew wage angle. The avn are aaking fm m rrjrato in waaaa and a numh. i kfittlloa n wio'khtg rutea. Ah WD ani- ployaa are In- .ilv.d The arafje aaale on th Unygar , Hlo (iranoV waa not invito.) If, (( (. cam aalttamant .efreett a n iTMnagu Uatwien the engineer m i emialala of l weatern 'Hi,, fjiuvi'r S' Klo (IrataJi' dom nm i. '..iig'Jg the aiMH'al managem eoin'mtiee uh adluateH the trouble a mi ffcy&ifnra iream wuit Ita man nilen ndgj ine Hner raaaa. of fallow tda Kfaad to Hie rk-xuil Wtcya. S90 Houth K. . i -Hall lie linim, n Den ill ni Miillcwmi. CouRltlvPt pi Mareh 17- It ntta h an pigriU'a.iy ilecldad thai Hurry K. 'lltaw will apiioar lu cnttrt nt a wttMoaa at the next hearing of nunhil Uily. the Man. n wan attendaut, who I aiiargvd with the death or .Inliu J nB'in. n iiuiinin niciiiit Attor tiey .Mark had a long liileiie' with Thaw and lie anya the next imaiiiu will prolMthly bo hold uii Tucadm I weiit to Mntleawon to ma I,, mi nnaxiMM'tit vUJt," agld in disin.' atlontev lOlllghl. " IjtltNltloiled m 'ral imllonta, gad witi cull nue two of tlx m al i be uam hoarlng. I agw Thaw, and ha voliiut.-erad to at) lo coun aiuj 0ya uitigtavar luformii Ihbi Ih- haa. Ijmji, 0f , 11 liutl raoily mi tho mm, ami will bo inn tarlal when tha imo aowtea to ua. it Mil." New York. .March 17 - .;ie I11, hla aw. ei hum 1 liH, wearied of Iiim. rraid. .S111I1I1, snnta old. irraiih imUon ni the a,iHrllliai where he II veil wltli (lfor4 Dunhaui. at Xo. Ian Iflaai Sovniiiy-.igiii airo-i Smith liud heen paUitg utteminn to Mlaa Mllll,. vagiiei for some tluio. She Hvoa on I'lrat avenue, umi a very mh looking Still. h locently tOlll Mlaa niii'laii,, 'Ciiliu, a Iflcnd of tliu ihat In- would sill hliii'olf If Ma i-e, tlionrt gltvo him tin. Mi Wnuiior. Mlaa uhu ami Smith !'" " ,r""'- u ''' ' . By ttka win having aiimu-r win, iii" 1 nm. ! I'm' "he had been thawed out and wIipii Smith nroae from tiu:i:u risinvi; noi'. v. V'.rk. Mar. hi; ttalilug '" 'i llkt ihi.m- whi h th, HiiHMlaii ...i-lilp in., I upon .,11 tin. Dogger in lit al an. 1.. 1 in . A y,.iw Umr ..r a aurpiiMlug Mgm i the out -u 1 in along the w.iti t ironi. tffc la the ateao) trawlei 1 omiet of iVkar tliNNi, Btiotlaiid. brought acroaa HteA UlUtle aa the reault of a aaHaa Of i'ldeni While ot) her regular atatinn ag' waa caught in 11. northaaat atarm Wita 1 temperature :u drgreea below ha :n la.nli.v l no tanitt mi,) walked linn miother room Mls.4 Zolin wont aftr him. anil In ihKciI foi Home Ink. A bottle una round, ami Hm uiihiiniiy youlh mil ilown to welt,, a 1,-tinr. Shortl)' aflarward his aciomu were hagrd. mni ho was roiitni lyiur on the rioor with 11 Inrttln h his side Tito Intiei lin hnii wi ll ton waa ad Ir iaud (o )ils hintliin. AlfrtNl, at No. :i":s Wast y-jveuty-ililrii stiwsl. lu it he ahl: "I'm ilhtgtiateil with life, uinl I'm nn good anyway.'' Ur Uittlii wtu eallgil from tgu lf ugbytoi Inn hosnltnl, ami timjllod n gtoinu. li muni). Smith wtiu rttam to m.iMil 10 iiclleviiti lioapho'i a prtttia 1. ihiu-' 1 with iHtompieii aulclde got uHiler cool ml ahe waa go far ot. or her couiw tliat I'aptaln frail 4f cltlad to hal for .S'ea York, m Uf tin ftrat of bar kind vr aaau ha t-a and her high bow, lofty ptkK Hgg umiilahlpa and long aagflia hoggn OxM 1 coittlnual crowd of loia)1iaaaa1 and aeam. ti to hi dock. Mt bat ,1 hg cat oh on braiiHl. 1'rexhyterian Wderelae. 101- " "'' be naue o tnay itew-lgirhMl 'ii. in.'ui in nvn vaip Ltiatenat l tlaift ktaVk1 Hur vtli can be attra. mbrumr wtbA mm. -tin tried it. tk wMoarT9glanBglaa) wad rlae up an' gang out in a bod-r. 1.1. 11 11 m .ii.. un nine 4$. 1