Newspaper Page Text
AI1UQUERQUE, EVENINU HERALD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1011. 3 SOCIETY Volte mill Iti-mit) ctiliute. Itri'iiihi'K thoie ii inn ti villi "(tnl mi dead" wliii tinea nut unmlni at the xliilne ni licinm " Liven tln if ii Aviilllllll Wlln VMllllll Mill III' I'llHllI llll'll oil Hi- ii 1 1 it i- uf iiiiim'm ili'Milliin mil iii ii Nu ilflui'-- lint n h an luttiitiiniil iliiililrf'H nr linuni) i nun (.Mil i ilindo fii edn intiinln." Tin' tnlPi'iinooplliiu of tp,ii iiHiiuiv inul rteiptoloH. flatiir nr Hie mini el'M ( ' I ulln -e nili'ii mi tln t'X- lllllHltl. (U'l'll uf ri'llllllllll' eyohlllWn, anil 'i lulu f ftcttli nipt men ner tlx lilii'Hii In mllndj'n i Ii ! lire i'ihhIiIl ivi In tin- ili'Viliiiiniiil ur ttii- dun fi'iniiftlt pnpuln r fad nf honut. do. Imiiii t tin t inn niton re til I In bounty ill alii inul xiiiiiHliiii'i In the lutuil death nf bountiful women U'uiilil yon, wui'i't niiilil inul mnllo iiiiiiruii. imiiilii ii lii'iiuiy anil clmiiii Pint in raili'li'KH mill Ih xvnr u u "upi'ii Buxmiii" m all neariM" Then otiltf witi ullliinil tlic all! nr .tpoclullHtM the IlI'M tilth, lll'lll l tlllleS, lllllll lOIlt' ' nt tl)i Iniiniin voiee- tlir poiwiillnu, lu'i!iiailliiK i'oiiollii(,'. ruiiiinlllim Im mortal hemtt) nf tile voire All III" flow em (or wcimIhi tliat uriirt in the minion r tlir IiiiiiI mi' reflected a on a inlii'iir In the inunli rninn uf "tin' Imutie tt live III ' mill ifirrilii-m in i ww Imii' al t ritctl im or ropollinit iifsm lati'K. 'I'lii' nower ii ti' villi to niKlrc invi' mnl i-nnllili'ii. i ,1- HmllUtllll. 11111,1 III t?ilf HlllNH- LIU' In !ll- i iiiiiiI to tin inurm I In- fntMI of oluii-iii-tiir In MiilrK'lv ili'lft ti'il l tin' voli t of uiii' who iihmiiiiw nil tin- am Hint. or inrirMy mnl worth Koii i -- I '! :ni'tlKei or ti ntlHrrx wnl.ti tin luiiii in rr-i' ih. HiUiiiwow of .i Mpenhor In tin' sound rmmintlnK ''(III till' "ot'UHII PIIIH" lit t hi Villi'. A fin Ir-ty editor of h iiinti'iipnlltii'i dull, li'i'i'lilh i-iiliti'0 t It o lllliiio nr.tplt or ii i..i'ii t lit il whom bIih Inul ni'Vnr eii, luiiii alio wlnlioil to ri uinii' tn a ' t m in 1 1 or iii'iuiilr." T'i iml in MiiiHtluii wad uiiorlnllveiv iiiiiiii.rni "I Kiu w it," aaltl tliii oil li i I'im'hw" I Inul talked Willi her .ivi r thi- ii ii'iilmii. mnl her vnloe in i viiimlti'l ' 1 1 irtHliih tin i'lt'limll feminine. III! Iltllllltllili' 'lllllllU of MnlllllllllllK i indi'lll'H flntni'i'l on wnlimn'M tnho. Hml , to ii It tn enlnrnd h tit -iipi .iiiim . Him iir vine" mmllu f ' Inn iM'ti i in iiiMlti(ly Ii rmdNttlde liy I'u ili'i'iii'i Hi-v How of ln iln lln '.uii'il lii'mitl' bootiHie 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 . mnl si i' thi li out Hern lliieollllK nl Iho Hilt MO' of a !-Voiced "IIKl illli'k' linn"" ir )iii luivi' hern lui'kU'PN i Ih. in wlimlnn thy of eon ti'iiijii.iiiiv kulchta. I'ultlvnti' 'the low MW'i't volri- tlmt Im mi i' I'll, ni thiiiK III wiiuimi, ' mnl tin tnurt'lx of xh'toi v in I in- niitn. ir Mrnlem m n m- fui'. tuko him nut iioiitlnu In u omioi. jusi luiiii for two Mitni' niiiuiilluhl' nimil. mill, llhi lOhi'llo. ulu hlx lu-ntt tin. mull IiIh I'm' liy ntor ioIIIiik --t tin t ix. tlif H'liitlon of mioriliiinx, nnt fllis 4 .im! tin- "ti'Minxt xon of "Ailnin will in. nilihl.' tii leu hi tlif I'hnrm nf Inn' .in. I moonllKllt TJi.' London .Simiilnril HUntx tin lin ui un vole.- to nn oifiiui ouiitulnliiK i uil'll. uii'il xtopx ami "xlioit xtoix,'' iimiI on varlutix ootnixliiiiH xnlliil tn ihi'.r nxi'H. Mint nxi'x .tin' "Klyii'rim1 xtoi.' ..i.h till- wrlti'i'. "niton lif l I r vim; to xoll a Imrxi In ilm.hii't want t.i imi with.' Anotlior xtop Is tin- xiirkltiK iluvi'" xtui tiini a uinii turn nn to Kl'ii'l hln wir.., who liax hvi'll nltlilH iii Mil tlir wi'i' wnin' Iio.ii rnr lilx ii'limi. At. ho amUlitx alum; tin iiiixMiui' wmhlliiK ii liyinii hlx (ones no rhi clvo tlio liniiroxxluii ill it I lio hml Jiuit ptirtoil rrotn tin- puniimny nf u haml ol' xoriuilihn. 'riiori im uIho tin- iimil hull xtiip.' tixoil it, tiii ii ulion tlli ItiNt liilllull Ih off, ni the tnoiit illuli'l ilnili' " romlntno utop that i poniliurly ipiiiui .(ni h thi' .Mlimi'liuliii' ni - lit tt k I -mi; uit'i' stop Whin a Inilv pluys I't'ill tllix -tup tho lioarol lit Hliri "ii'iHUii iiiiiixi'll' umlor a rihoii inn- SEVEN YEARS OF MISERY All Relieved by l.yd li. Pink ham's Vcxetablc Compound, slki'Stnti, Mi " Fur wvini ycari I ttulUriMl cvcrytliinj.' I was in lied lor lour or live 1 1 ji vm at a t i nn n vory liiioiitli.aiiil so wi'iik I coiilil hardly walk. 1 1 (T'liniioil ami liud liat'kauliu ami licail. jiii'lii, mid was ho ihtvoiih ami wi'al; tlmt I ilri'aik'il to Mi anyoiii or'liavo anyono inovo in tho room. I ho ilncturii ira vi! inciiH'dlciiiiito luaso nn; at tlion tlmos, ami wtitl that I oiikIiI to liavnan iixiratlon. I would ma liMtuii to tlmt. and wlu'ii n frinitl of my htisliaml told him ali-uit Lyilla F I'inkhaiu'H Vt'f table C'omKiuml ami what it liuil ilono for hln wilt, I wan willliiK to tuku it. Now I look tho iii'turo of health ami tool Ilka it, too, I can ilo my own house work, hot my uardmi, ami milk a cow. I can I'litorlaln i!omniny ami unjoy thi'tii. 1 am visit whi'U I I'lioow, and walk as far a;i any ordinary woman, any day in tho month. I wish 1 could talK toe very Ktirii'i'liu; woman ttmlKit I." Alrn. Ji .ma Urnii'Ni., Slkt'.stou, Mo. Tim nn HiiiTi'ssful roiiit'dy In thin country for t'ui ciiid of all forms of fc ma In comiilaintH Ih Lyilia K. i'ink. liaiu'H VcKctuhlo ()oiiiiouinl. It Ih nioro widely ami hiimSHfiiy'd than any other remedy. It Iiiih cured tluiii.HutulH of women who huvu iM'i'ii troubled with (lislai'eineiitx, in. Ilaiuuml Ion, ulceration, librold tumors, Irregularities. HriiMllo palini.backiu'he, that iN'tirltiKilnwitfeeliui,', Imlluestlon, mid nervous iiroHtrathui, uf terall other lataiu had falletl. Why don't you try Ht np. hy the xiilo of a xpiit Idhiu till, ami If In. ix not iiiioftil In. will hit ilii'ii- all din mnl ii'iKi'i hlx I rn I n. ' MHulii I'iMiui for lhiiini'iiiiiiin. Ill riiiruliiiinUiili uf tin- proplii'vy r Chm lox Wiim-riilil I'mliumi mnl nllior I'lillnolit rcxlili'tlt niilr-U llilii fur ttntixtiiil xnt't'i'xx roe .Mix. t IimiIoh Flunk, hoi unilncitt liiHtiui'inr. N'lrtor Hnnlx. in N'mv Vntk litix o.xpri'xxiil hlntxolf axxiiioil or Ikt hillllmit on H"'i-. mnl hax itlvmi fliiiinrliiii i-in'oiir- tl I" .Mix. Frank who luix hi- Kllll hot Vncitl MttPlll'X lllllli'f tin ilN ti't'tlon nr tin innxt Infliiotitlal ntimlt Pilth in i.w yrk l uiui w,. t"ii m an ai'iiiialniiinoo In thlx illy Vli'tnr Mm t lx ihijm Hint .Mix. Frank Ix niii' nf thi' hoit mnl itn.xi priuiilxliiK pupllx In. him over 'mil Alh'iiiioi iltii'iinx rool nn ilttlo priil,. m tliht aupninux hoKlnnltiK rue .Mm. Friink. wlio Ix iri-pmlniv hoixoir fur miIo partx in oratorio ami xuuiotl . unroll wnrV-- tllf Wo( hoxt Hit 1 1 I'll to )..- MHllftl! lll'. I Villi s'ili. I'uinpllinontnri tn hoi lliuniloii Koiit or lii'tiolt. xlxtor. .Mrx MU'li . .Mix. ii. i ri'iti'i ion ffltlt. otltKi (allied two llflol noollx tho paxt week III chiiritlillK Htio. 'I iionla nfioi noon nn ovon hiKi-n Imllox i-njoyoil tin lufoiniiilllv anil 'lilt o hit l" ur a thlmhlo patt, flnlHlioil l a loolhxoino hiui'licoti. .Moto pnli'iitloiix. lint not I-'x pli'itx niulili , wax tho root ptton Wodnoxday nftoiiiuou In honor ur .Mix Koiit, who respnmloil Kimonxl to tho intillulliy ni tho Invltoo- Tiixioful riunil iloyur allnilx iltlKlllontiMl I lie plotiilllK Intoi lni uf tho I'olllt homo, ami nillKlr uf ox I'l plloiinl miTll wa n iiili'ioil iI.iiIiik tin nftol i ii hy .in. doWoiro-Sllllth mul I'ruf Fiihrnp ver nn ho harp .mil violin A ilollclutiH toni.uFtloii ur hull Julcox -oIIihiwIxo 1'iillinl "puni'h" -wax M'lvoil b .Mrx. J. It Whlto. AxxIxIIhk tlio hnxlos In tho dlnliiK I'linui. whoio a mlltl nr dolloai I. x wax xot'xoil, won- .MoMiliiniox i lull' ami llntikln .Mrx. Kolil loft SalUl'ilav nfl. I li-inll fur hot' Iioiiio in iiiroll, In .inn puny with tii. Tolfir fmollj W'ninnnV Muil CIhm, !i "Wlm; hi llltviexl, mimhoix mill ln.iinilouiil valiio lu tho htuilotitx H tho .'hixs of women that nxxoiuhli'i fvniv Krliln' nftoi noon In thi' pniloix or tho V W. i ' A. im literal xtmly In "'I'he Wnrhrx lloxt 1. 1 lira I. -the lllhli The losinuii next Frhla. after- llooll will ileal Wllh tho hoKlnillllK of tin "Woeiiml I'orlml nr tin (tiilllleaii MllliHtr ul I'htixt.' iiultiilltiK the oliooHlng nl the twelve illn ipl.-x ami Iho Si' i uinii on the .Mniint The im'e ir.lleuo nf loiehlii;; In Mtiurtlon ami help flnm .Mix. Iluilmi. a Ioi iih r no mher ur Donnixun fiu ult mil mi i-turnout Hltillral xeltolar. Ix at trtu'litiK more laillox at oaeh iiieetinK mill llolllllln Willi llllelixo Interest 111" uliiiiim meniliorx nf Hie i laxx. lor whlcii there ix no en 1 1 ti iii-i' to.- or , 'lUltotnolil other than the iloxiro in Miuh Mix. Ijuuklii Kiilci'ialiix, Tlio home uf .Mix. W II l.amkln wax the M'i'ii,. uf a pleaxaiit mid must plollluhle iin etlllK nf tlio laillox of ! the Mixxlunur) xnelotx or the (luldp mul llruiidway church Ttiexdu after noun The xnlijeit of tlio day, "No Ki'oex," wax lut ml 1'1 with '.lie lutein Kent i'ouiirt.'lieiixlon ii.-puiietl hy care ful xtudx nf the problems uf the niiox thin Mrx. A roller repurted nil ' The C'ulldlllon of Nomnox ill Afllca liefnre Helnu HroUrihl tu the fulled Slulex " .Mix Selverl unve a repnll tin Tin I'liarni'tei'lstlcx ur Nokiooh in the itlack Holt" Mrx Ivmniuti told the ".?tul nf 100." mid What II had ne eompllxlii d hy the cKtlihlixhmout nf it ni'Kru xohool in Alabama An initplr nlK talk hy Mix. II. I'. Williams pre.M dent nf the xnelety, wax iiillotl frnin the atltohltmraphv nf Hunker T. Waxll lllHtoll KiVltiK the xlory uf tho tlie ul tlio atithnr. Ill Ihe flltilte the meetlliKX of the Mlxxionary xneletj will oei ur on Tiiurxilay Inxti'iul uf TiiohiIii . Woiiiuirn riuii, "Finvlded a wnniun he wH princi pled xho Iiiih ilnwrj otiuilKh" ix one ul the mottoes In the Wnman x eliiu .llemlar ileillcaled tu tile xexxluti next Fi'htiiv aftorniion, wlioii the pi'itnl- plox nf hllHlltexx pel lllllllllu to .olllllll- txtratlun nt elnh at'faltx will h the ftaluie nf tile llll. I'leeodlliK the Hcni'i-iil iiieotlni; there will he a hiiiuii nt mallllKoI'M' meetlllK. ami after the illxt oxxlnll uf poillllenl huxllO'XX Iin Ihe . lull there will he all lUlJolilll'il xoelal xexilnn fur tii" elljuyuiont ol the III. llllll lH. Ilriiliil ';iupli' ill llonie. After April li Mr. ami Mrx. liny Slllllilll Will he at llnlll.' tn ilielt frlendx III tho p!eturi!Miie hiiiisiiln" . I'j'j North Thirteenth t. that ix to he tin ponnatieni home of the MiilIlK etnipli Mr. mul Mrx StM mill li Ull'Ul . 1 Ilnili tllelr hnlioyniuiill Iniir tho llixt nf thi week and for Ihe plt-x-out are HxiiIiik wltli their pnreiitx. Mr and Mix M I'. Slanun and Mr .1 i HiildtiilK'' I'lireiu'll liallieilnu', The laxi axeinbl.v nf tin YmniK l.u- dlex' SewliiK club prlnr to the ilepmt- llle nf Mlxx Illxle Meyeix for Ht. I.nllis will he hold tnliinrinw aftiriinnn al the home nf Mix. futtiv. iuleke ami will he In the nature nf a fiili'.Well in Mlxx Meii ix iillhoiiuli nnl.v the ('lull nieinherx will ho prexelll and t.he eilx- tninar Induxiry will in piirxiioii. .uxx Meyeix expeitx in leave the flrxt nf the week for HI- l-ntilx tu Wxli frlendx (nr two mniithx Mr. Ilntiiiiel In Knterlnlii. The inenibeiH nf the Klili-r LaiHex' SVwIiik club will In Hie utiexlH Inninr- nw aflellinon f .Mrx. Iiumiliei mm Hie tixtial ncciipntlnn of needlework will enilime the attenllnti nf the ladlox. who are lint "eliler" except when com pared to their youiiK Imllaluix, who alxu 1 1 live ji hcwIiik club. lix. Aoxoil ut Homo. Tile IiiiIIch of (he Mllheran Aid xo- llvl) mul thlx aflulliuoil at the Inline nf Mfx A W Anxoii ' i M,. 1 1 .in-., Hon ur nuxltnx nffiini nf tin ,. Thi' inollllih "fiif !' will hi li-ol . tin hour fnliiio at a ilnlo to lulllli'Oil lilt fT". Wnilii'iV .Mii tlim, It. ami .Mix. Joint .1. Ittinyan ' '' at hunio to tho nfriPytx mnl lea. Ii 'tx of tho lliipllxt Sniiiliiy whool i.. nioriuw I'VonliiR, wlion a wnrkom fnnroifiH o win ho Itnlil riHiltlvo in tho ptnlilomx ami iiioihoilH nf iiplmiliiniK tho Siimho Milioni. Hun) siiinm, .1,.., , M, Tho I'lnl.-tliin Hinloavoiorx uf tin I'toxhvti'ilmi iliuroh woro happily on toilnlnoil Muiiiliii ovoiiIiil' m tin. In. in. uf Hanv StruiiK. ., . rtio ptoM.,1 him. xolf n tnvnl "Jox iniili. i a hit a tiuxinoxx xoxxlon itlirltiK wlik'h affalrx of llnpoilum ,. w, ,H. f'llxxoil tlif l.mloiivorolx hold hlKh rnr nival ni tho hiiiui. ur ' ln-aiu i.i. kk,' In which .Mlxx Cora oiljiuii ,m,. ,,'.. 'Imoii paxt mil i ss in pinfi. . a. i no roninx woro (ili'exoil in die ttw ooi-xcontoil Iniilx nf minimum.' tiiu loin an atmiiHtihci'i of urohunl . u. A llilli'li, palatahlo, ilnllilx und wiuiloxuino. i onrltiilod tin. .Moiiiu filotixnro l.lhiai .Mei llnu'. The xoeuml In tin. xeitiiy of rmiml tithti talk.i on "I'uriDiit Tnplen i'i ui't'lir tnniol'lnW evellliili III the pm luix of tlio VoutiK Woineirx I'hrlwll .i' ii'xocliittnii, wlioii the yoiinp rtoiiiii. will he nilill-exxeil by ,Mlx Nell Wot tor, who will Mpevlnllxe on "rurniiu l.lleratllt o ' ami .Mlxx ll.-lllt Ice Sllutlt, Mllu will Klve a roxiillio nf ctlt'ruitl oventx. Thexo uathefliiRii mo mow - IhK in pnptiliirliy anil nxillJns Inlcli Iniorit in the elreloM of IiihIiii -Klrlx wlm ate privileged tn lliir them. A ren til to nt the inoetlimx Ix tile ill -leoliihli. liitioh xcrvoil liy tt eilfi-li-'-lii xoeri'tar.. . I'l'i-oniil Xeiiliuii, .Mr. anil .Mix. Al ltrmn at theli hnnie nn SiHIth IMItlt xlreol are on (oitiiliiliiR .Mr. Wlltain'x xlntor, .My I'. I.. MlrtK. of Tnpekn, Kim., win arris oil hint iiIkIiI to xpollil a foililKht In t lll ellv Jim S ,1. IMillhilok. tiinther or .MtM Ailn Phllhriek. Inflv lax! week lf iininha, . h . tn xpeiiil the xiin-'iier with ii in .1 Ii . t .Inimhter ami h'ImIIvi-.i nr that ollt .Mrx. IiIh .Maxim, rninremiiliM nf the Iik'hI liho of l.iidlmx of the .Mneeiiiw. iillil Htato doplll, rultll liud I lie (ttfU nf the week frnm a tour nf Invi'lix 10 the . niihi iiKiorn part ul tin- 'titi 'n the Itllir.xlx .if the xtllte lodce Miixii loM-rx In thlx ett are aliini'v (ItltlelritltillR With nIOIIMIII'e tile X'l ' I next mi, nt n or Mlxx Mllkin H'lm -I. tile talHIIteil vui'llllxt, HlXler of Ueol'lie Klwoiul. who will xrnuill her Mmnun tn ii I lull In AlliUiUi'r(Ue. Mi-! Kl wuiiil fornii il) romliioteil n .'.ii'i i fill xuiillo toi the voice III thlx it. Barnen' Mass Meeting Tile iii'lvllesn nl lioiiiliiK olio ol the i'iiiIik'iii uponkeiK of tlie nuthin on the work of tin Yotuii; Wnnuin h ("111 IkiIiiii iiRSiH'Inlion will lie hitoi li ed tu Alliii(lloiiiioiilis April Ml. Alien .Mlxx llmen ItainiM will iiddrexM u uiihn iiu'cilni: In i li Kllix' npei.i liouxe The Hlllijeit lx of llli'.l Intel-' est m even eltlen nx elvie lire In coneoriieil In ItitelllKeiu eNposliioii mnl iOinprelieiislve of "Whitt Hie Y W C A MeaiiH to Alliurpieiiiie" thai will he foielhlj iiiesented hy .Mlxx Hill lies AlthollKll a HlieiilaliHt III l)ie ilcpn i tinelll of rill'lll work .Mlxx 'Tin Conn- Mat lies will not snoak on try .ih mi ueeu enoneoiixi Hiuien but of the oiicHtlntiK In the heatt ol Aibii(iii.'iiue that ma, bo solved h tin Y. W (V A An lile.i of the value of tho Y f A elsewlteri' may be ohtuiiicd limit the llmii'-x of an annual icpon ro celled hy .MUh .Siixn from the Ih Unit usHocliitlon, where xhe wax tor inch educational hccieiaty Tin lie ttoli aHHodatloii Ik sim-vJiik l.Oou noon rueiilx ilally to biiHlnesH yoium woui-n. I'he tlioiirtund tour liuiidied ami iwnu 'idiii' women mnl kIiIk wore .ilnced In In. i at i vt HltiuitlotiH the past year h tlie employment hiiieau Through the lioiirdliu; hoiue illiecloix -tl.rilil) rIiIk enjoyed ihe xoelal and recreative feature of the itxxochitlou Hint hax foi im annual hudei f r.S. Vil Nordlca's Appreciation of Cadmnn In it8ioi)x to a letter ftom Ma ilanie Xordlca iii-kIiir IiIiu to uhsIi her In opei at Ic coticen In OMahoma Cllv next week. Chillies Walielleld Cad. null will Imtve lodnj for Oklubu ma Cli in uieiit Hie reiiowtW'd pi Una donna Man of Hie cholci-Vt xniux lu Xoitllea'd repeiioito me the emu poiltloiiH uf Cadiiian mid lot ilux row KOti. Nile dexlitm Ihe InxplllliK lulni liroiiitloiiK of the compuxiM' in ainlxl in ilinlr iniulllloiix. Woidx of since oxi iippieelailini or hlx mipcrlntive work ate expiexxed In Hie letter of Nonl Ion to the til led composer lu Hit eiiy. Ihiiliiii hlx nhxeiitf ol u month Cadainti will vlxlt the Oxime inxervii' Hon to iraiixcilbc iln native nude dlex uf thu tribe for ihe bomu niilelll ; will lonler with i lie clniolui aiuld wlm Iiiih been a pi'niem uf rft'liiiiiiiinr. Iltiliiek iiiiiiI poxxoKt'il of a won iKrfiil voice, with the ptoliabillly ot liuliicliu; lu-i to Kin); in the Indian opeia "Daoiua' that U Hie tiliinipli ol Cailiiiau'x art D, A. R, Entertained After Hie iiislKillcill. uf Hie I''1' iiiiu y and Mm i ll au oiiims on ih coiiiii uf uf i Im rebuilt and In the fiimily of nun of the leadliiK ineiii. bei'H the iiHHcmhl) of the IbiiiKhu i of Iho American Revolution Hium la iilli'iuoou wax euloycil with till" iihiial xuki by the members Muxilanie. .1 II Wn.ili ami Haviiioiiil Slanun wore tin liivsioKxiM ai Ihe home .ol the tinnier thnl wiih exriiilMltt l lia Kiaut mul iileiinlui; lu the uistelnl decoiatloiiH of fruit hloKhomx The hoxhIoii devoted lo routine business was followed by a do .lejiilnlb liifoiin ul itoclal xeaxon thai hiKted till hiiii xet. The diiochil woil, of Hut local chap ter which Iiiih been noiably hiiccihk fill Ih Hie pioiuotlnti nf patriotic eilti; cation in Hie county throiuth iho mi it 1 1 1 li i of a clrciilntlliK lllniity thai Iiiih been aciiilted hy piucliasn of piililollc bnokii. niul by Ki'iieroiiH ilonatloiiH luiiii thif aiotnherH and their frlendx I'ror. A. II Srroun lends (nectlve co opeiiillnii In thu proper illstillniilon ir the liunltH that art kept or returned to hU ofllco n (hi lieaihiuaiierH ol Iho worl. Ailliuuuh only cnihuirln New Iriwi Ireart Recipe Nrir a44y- l.nllv nuioV i ' Janet. Uch'r i ' ifn; Cfi)JHK v ' Niarh I'vcrvlxxly Ilk. I An 'tool. I'ltt mi" ni'tib' I"1 1 ii inl.lo willi iU.lif1Ji w 'ki-'iiiu illsccilTniKtjl. II' i u ,. "' ipf I'linnot 'ail if tl ' iti.!r llto. lions arc iiifi'fiill. .itt will lit 1cUk1iU-iI. with ti N C Mrawa Hrfxit One ant otip'hittf i ' ,., limit; I t cuf fHttrS'H fHWV Ulit; I CHf ill" t i. i t m'utst ;S let el teasn , A , iix ttntxtcr. Silt tnjjelhur, thrcftiiiif nn.,' - .,t wit ami bakiuk' powtlci Mi .,i , ami Hwect milk mid xtir un., . - Krt-ilh'titrito itiakoa xmtiilt I'.iti. . 1 : into two eiiipiy K C Jilting I , l( I", thoroiie.hly liniiiri.l lr Meiun tim e limit x', Tlni I.. ,. i ,, lit 111. il K ;ood (i serve with - ,, raw t.. stei: also (it ble.tU.i-: , of all kin-is. Kniin nt currant tm l ( i IhiMigli Home prefer tt witliotit ItemlprH of this patter tun i.' i.i CtxiU x Hunt; CiUltfOllilll! tin . irtlut dt h. ions nJTj)e Ire - I.. , , Ihe i-olured vrllllflle p.i. ke.l iii i , 25-init fin f ) (J Itu'kiliK I'.u.l.r I uie j.iuri s ami. Ul . I In, ,,,.. s lot the CiKik'H llixik tiwluj. 30 Hid' coiiiii , ni lt pn -' n luiilen-. roi a xlalo wld ,i i,,i llhiHi' li.i-. hi'.'ii Urtta'.li-tit , l A It and tho worth , , In Kinw Th ' piigl . .,, , ,,i illHplei eohtiiblltt'd n .Inn , fiirillHliiin: of tint Conilti. I, il i , i, Kfemt lull m WftHliTimum i w lileh all t in rthalUorx n, v.,,. . .t cnniiiinuini noiuofluiKi in i. ,n, ol Hie 'hali oiiettu'eil in t,. , ,i - !nh,et ix Ihe linifli 01 Hi. I "i na lei Tlie .mi, i-uilillli l 1'. nn Iihk hiiiio to uviihfiyjiiui ., i i,, Mlinillil 'iieeilnt; af Tlir- li. ii, ii,, tei . HydcMcGlllvary Wtsddtnn liiiiifNlY mul Ill-nut ii nl ..' I, iioiiio weddlllK hint veiiltiK n li .MIhh Auiiii Touutii Medti'tiii .in M Alvln Uiililn llydo Itlikil i ), ,, Itoth ui i lu nrostucf in Uii'ii 1 1,, liven, th. miiTi'il itrsrvii . in ,,'t niiiilioi'il lis Alflliilisiinii U.n;.'ii .il ' Cl lil,,... u1.1l' IT '.I.'. i .Hiiiui imiinn in inr it" i.e I) ,111 mill All II I', rtwt'll Ilnili tin- .Milium i..iiiii ii'toiuH llllt'ull.ll ,W-I "I. I I", ,,. I t t ... . ,'.,V',. , "." .,11- 1 1,. Ull'Ul II 1 1 M i ieied AiltuniieiUi for the iilnie it' nit' union m tin liven Htm luni noon iiitrHeted b lii'iirt Hnntliueiii in no li t't'li ellineH The bride, nr All vim drill. CiiUliilH. i ii Hfplfi of Ml.- II I' Owen mid aniveil lit 1 1 1 i it hix WeeKH iihu for au niiir.ui..itliimtiiiil vUli The iiioni Ih un iim.ii. lt"llt,lrilllllr n ,,,.u,.rfiit l.n.l.,.. , .. llllllltlOII llf llMlltlllil, Conn . W.IICI lie milvtd wl'h IiIh ftuhi'i. Wl.liuiii U'nhlo 1 1 vile, iln ilny luaeeilliiR the MMltlinit Mlllkfd In liuplleily niltl t'lPKIIliI lit ovi'ii tleiull ol iiiointinmit the nerv-ji!,- him i-venlnK oei ill'leil In R M-ttlttK ol In lnh tlniit, dfcnniiloiiH on-jlji-l IlKliltif. tin- IniudMi.iiu. Owen Uuitie Dt'Meiiio lllit'K ,t vulloy iiedonii iintoil in tin- iloinl mini niiii'iu nng uienieii ii uthi'i uiilio Idotoit) im mid loiliiiim of Kieoti HuneRIl! ail tv lllllKltt' boll-H iiiih ,i dollun of whlto liloiKoiiu lioldliiu tlilto nut In 4tnmni r reiieiiinu m ho uoniem of the loom. Hie Inldii, t.;niy Ktood to plight theli vown Tin nidi! wa ohni iiiinif In a "ehlc" tnix.iiiiK snlf and wn ifjvim away in mini tte by Air Owm Aiinr eotiKratuliiiiniis mi elnliomte WI'lhlitlR Klll;,. Wli l!lljliy., Uv ih' oiiiiun. and Mi .nut Aim. HydV leit on ihe 151 I'iiho i ,ti.i for Xhw Orlouuii mid oilit'i Houtlioi oil lo ineliidid in i un- nniuM jiifi(tn i -n-rnry. .Mr. wn Itiint Waldo Mytle. , ni'OTiil n-'iu twr uuy and H.viunoi .! llnvtronl. Conn. Irft iiiiIhi lor lib . w lJuitliiiiil homo "Ten Don" r-etid -i.i.i ndwmd .Mi.i.n WH te coi'.llul bout Ian oiitiiu whoii Hp Ten lioim' 'oam.1. .1 aliwil m- i.d- " , ,U ,r'!'',,,lu',- ' , in., table ,o ri. .1.0 (if a uii,H ' t L v 1,L"V". yH""". Ht.rvoil fMimi h..f., . ,mri..Mili.. ,.. n.ln A'"iel itlllbl are llllllllllim I fill 'II M II 15. Fnx ii uiunil ri'ii.iu ! 'ti Hie t'tilllpHin Utile !I!IH' Oil Mi Clt Oovei nnit'in eiruranud.'' iitnl l vittlniiH ailvuniH.; .mil. tlirnimh il., , Koierument h.i r 1 1 1 1 ileuionioi'i . I'lllOH llf till' I'lIM I 111 llll'Vlllil'lll.ll ownnr4hli iii pn 'i ;iImi l ren I ml mi .on '.Ion of iho hin,' , Wr. rv rp1(, an l-ill Tetiricneiet m nt Blioiilti He Kn 'IftUin Pll'Ni l Hi o apcrile in .111 mmhirilini 'nitii of 'nil buDII Hlte..M' 1 til inlo.i;. mil te no lougoi in "info. .Mutili'ltm! . onlerpriio wn.. - ii ill the in-em-niii tliiti wwi'iicf I imrel'ul though' n'l lllllBiiieiU. The llv.'ll liiHOMMKlf HI ieiniloii i tin urofonalflMl men pi mini . tlio i 1'Hins'H ni' it- in1 nlol esl tn if mil! jiTtifli. Vrsltv Lecture The lilfit ol it iS of icbolai l Itiinro. by Mr sib r to Hm Unlvur--Ii i iimlniiln nn -ii uric sobJiK'tis fli he lieiii'd tnituii'.'u nioiulnj; dartUC tlio aniidiuhly In.' -ti tin mil vtai ally. The iiiih of i n itlilruha ioniorrow will be "Tim iii't iii t'tiiiil ProgroM of ICmop.. fi oiu IT " M&u," anil iho itudeutH are nn puIIiii; a trwii in II - lltlll vor Mr. Rice. Hoten Mis. I,, (i It n tilth tint graeioua I'.oHit'.iH tliU ni. i tit iin at linr home on KiihI Central ii'tn "' tho oeoaMioii lie liiu an Infoi. n,. i luhborhood irnro III honor ol In i i- AIik. J. It I 'mil of S.iiila l-'t , wlm H'liugily iohIiIimI In HiU cllv Tin i, I'. muro Inelilt'iii ui the ninevval m n ' uiuity li lciullilm wiih auineiueil lio tioi'iiiiillun or Ihe ioitiiau hi ' iii( iiooillouiiili and euliuliiiiteil in nn I'loynienl of dnliuy I'elii'hlinii'iiiH Benevolent Socltty Mentu YeHtiiida. uomiiiib In tluj nftlw of Moii. P W elm 1 ' Hio. NoinSt'ottirlan lli'lli'Vllll'IH -" 1 '"'Id Iho I i'.'.iiIii i inoiilh,) hu- t. iti.llon mid In nd The Only Way for a Working flan to Get a Start 22 LOTS SOLD in the Kelly Addition to the Business Center of WILLARD $1 5 to $35 per Lot. $1 Down$l Per Week No Interest. No Taxes. Absolutely Perfectly Title. The working people of Albuquerque have just found out. it is almost impossible to save anything out of their wayes. The surest and best saivngs bank in the world is a few cheap but choice "close in" lots in one of the new and fnst growing- towns in the center of some good agricultural section with railroad advantages. $1 a week invested in a .$20 lot in the KELLY ADDITION to the business cen ter of WILLARD (only a stone throw from the postofficc) will probably amount to $500 in five years. The same amount put in a savings bank in five years would amount to perhaps $30. WHY NOT TRY IT? For plats or further information, see any of the following Real Estate Dealers: HI NtfAKHH .t TIIAJCTON ' M .MOtiltU ItltAIIVV do i iminiAiiAiu-: , l II IMWIIAU I It K n OATHS I II lNDHUWT)0) Midii HWisnmt j jl. - . ' , i1' "' "' !"' U'onili t ..i iivifn. I M llti'd l III. .M'Hllll. Mis II II Iln. This ifiinii itiinwi- lu II jtiii t-M iln wide ittueliltift influunee mul lie novolt'iii iild I'Xiended to tin- dentil in,' :i:id neo4t lu our inlilnt hy ihls nold worl. I'nllowliiK Ih the .suiinnm) of Mm. Unv te.Hiit ol the niielot s worir dtiriiiK Mn roll Ctilla umdr t i'oiiMinK IteliKMl to iloihltiK. food mnl triinii!tiiilon 17 (Im iih'Iiih illirlhutiHl ... Tii ISsiMildlttu'otfi. Kxiiotideil for oonl 2U :r, 72.IWI t.'i un Kxjiend"tl toi i-rovlalon. I Kvi'''letl lot irmiNitoitiiitou 1 T't"I $117.85 I noMtiotwi of clothlUK wine leroiv "1 fr"" Mr- J- A. Skinner. Mrs. W. 15. Wmiiiii ami 11 r MeUiiulroHn No doniiiiinu of eah won- r. i civod dur liitt Hie month St. John'e Guild Mods Thin njtotiuxiii in tho home oi Mi. HiliiHIIflll Ibv .iiiIIhh of Si .luhtiK mill,l hld theli wfekh meellni: m iiriis the details of ihe iKiu-l,on'on tea nip! lleiillij'.vnrU nail hi iho hmiiP nl Mm I a ,i,.in fM. ii... i.ii.. . :;:frj,T' . , 1. Ka,,l "'"'""""H luring l,. ut I'IZV? "' ' 1'Him mii'iiHMi tho innnv mii't -Hifnl .Nat rfiven i, Itdlll M pHllwll Hll' ,11'llOH Of S j . I)eltitnii's Itninro, i i: i'liiiiipii i.n.i UMIlhim, uiu, ,i ,i. i. Hiit,-.. iht- lorn I i-Miiii I.. Hi. . ii 1 1 hA owl tn ,t i in volition of the sVi uiiiuhh nr th. Wttriii hohr m'i'iitb in Mill-ml Well 'IVx. ,av4 H-tuiii-tl ii .! iiiMtlo tlpli ii-imrt nt the mill trm .1 thi W it W in lh. Klh hglht- lim ti Iln I lint mwHcii. Air lhlltln r. ii rii. i ih.- iiiicrMtftig iniiti. r nf an npi r...rmtiiiit . f ITt.tfttit i. iho nu ll.. iro.iNiir- f.-r tlii. I'NtMlillMhiiioiit tf Kuhalii' lum for mMini tom.'rn lut ntll, tl.iii ih..i ineliiilaa n, m Mok- -. T.-u ami Aflmitlg, l'h. hnpe i . Mosleann mat It niitHit ho i .t.ii.iixdi'tl hnr' if ilw, IJiti HHHk. r iilit, li. limn.' tho Htottl UlliJiM'IU nf tho Tiumi. into iii pUdna an Iiiijmu tant nn iiwtltutiitn will itntlniibtodly fuvnr tlu-li iiaii ataif. Th, tHaeinutltin nr th- nffuim nf Vi.iitl inn wae ntuHt In Mitrioa. it, ther, m un miidauc,i of t,ta dfienaii). tiiiin in. , itiiip. of tlio lliii-i- attiN lie lut). ti 1 1 iii.- JuriMdlB thu of the aoiiii...-! T1.. milkliuil uMililhly if tin mipi-ii I, il wifi unnvfii n lloehotei. X. V June II Itt'imii nf )ninli. Al the 1 Olllllll I' himllli ie. . i-L.u iif the .Mlli etllifon ltlleltlM . ill ill ,Mr tdn ,M(tanti' lmi inu,iul,'i ' tin Iir.rI blvo and into iivi'ii ' I rtod on tin aetlviliew nf h. i m i " thniiiiiliiiin thu mini '! in t. . i 'Ulan, InaliiilliiK I), m iik ml cm, ,,ih f'ruoi and Helen, Tm-i hv.. xlillo iriiKI'ilii mum wlm' -i. u.i iium tin. oliK-i n -. m. i l.(ili;i;s A ALBUQUEnQUE, NEW MEXICO. DKXTISIl & Me(l,ri!IIAN ioiiTi:ui'ii:i-i) co V Ih Alo.MII.I.ION l SNYDHIt 1101,1) AVKNM'IC 1 1 15 A I .TV UO. It I, MICKUIW WILLARD, NEW MEXICO. It I.. MITT TO. nmnmro cmavh. SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO. ItKNKIIA.V X DAVIS Siini.i lf Aiirtti.ii, Iteiiln and 8111 .1111 I XftlllO Ill- iiil. n .. mini,.: .p.l Ih. -tnl. tl. ' iMiiiiImiiiIiiko'- ! -v rj typo mill 'ii'" nr .uii'ii tn.,i.i.,i! ,n .,iiiini4 t' tin- t-'iu nr it i iiiiniii I'll till- imii'ki't ,i-in-niiii'iiii, .mil iii tlio isiUI(i, mnl ii it inul rtipi ohi'iiIiiII v-ih ni n un)--i m i, in oxioi ii'iicdil in tlio ' all lomnifiiotururH working lu iIiIm ter "il i rllory liolnr' tlio dub, explaining (In . . I nilviinliiKoH nt their HyMteiim niuTinii- . IiIiioh tn tlio rtlllwMl o.Mnlll. 'I'lio lli-rald will ho iloneil in IIuvIhk koiio Into Hie utiitifn- io iucio IttitilK. "ti' li mi 'IIKUKV- tlioiouulil mul with KtSffrti'lultl dallb ,t in, -III'-, WPiTdlimii. iiiuilm. totm. I'l'Mlltili t-i UCHillo tttOUIMl ViW tit 11 1 4) muatiiil ovfiun. , liu mid ..tlior I lln-r niiilil In. nolllillK elite ItltUiHiil tii'wn nf pt r.snnul Inteion. with , reuurilliij; It the funneix woro In io 4 tin- iinni.'it nf tho. iiiifU'nt, f-.r 1 Hltlim tn pin, i llioir nrtlt'lH Wllh till I ih SiM-loty initio, elihi frnm l- I nwiiiiuie.' Hint tlio an- nnltinT th' iuiiii.'i(iii .it- ( ii ,,ui pl.t.., in S' l.'- Ie.t fm the plirppo tltnt. onn be x.-w Mol, ,. Win. ..nn ..a .in-- j "'aliiod lo iln I'miutn. and tlip tn- oiilo uf tho iMjier ..ii.i K, ni i,"i'iK londitiK . !tliiH of Uiu vnllo immM in fyii, '(!,. itWI shuulil UliifHtl tllelr onlrm with our I in- nnl,rid with tim iihiho mul j !"l"l'li'. tile AlbiuiupiHiui I'oun 4 itthlroiM, of tlto MMidr--ntt fur ""1 Alacliln Wnrkii. who pi tA- pnifil. .ititin, hut im i, mntt- r .if .toiiHUoh liniiilllnpr thu eluini it ,if i.tlili Atldremi K h i:.l- 4 i'.. i ,)., -k,.niiiir ii. t ii. i i inn i ,1 i ,ii.. . iflopii.'ii.' ir.s WILL MAKE MAP OF MUO FOREST 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 - ii iii.. tf t . "iii; 1 unt il illiiniil I. if. i , -.' nali.ii, l I ', in lu i k.i niatiiK it w "I'll iiik j.,, i, ii. V Iiiih ' I II. . lll.tpM ttlll li,. Iho i - Ih. icuiiitu luiutu in tin )., . i'lii '. .mil will Loiitnin mueli v.iiu.iiiio im 'i unit inn. b.idii iMwmlitiitK ' nouiirate rhiokiOf f u.. , , Iter I'Mttlo ur nheep mm ht i" . etl nil tho blftH, V a iouli uf thtw wnrk li i tl that a large amount . land wtli fa (tftMrisaeri aht i h aa In . ,jti liumbei nf Cktl' or b I iii t hft-n nt erii.i k . l i flllot ii WILLARD HAS BOOM ON I1UUGAT10N PLANTS A Kl I 1 I' ., Ii.ih li,.,. Hill. I l.ll. I ri'MHrdiiiK tn ,in.'nti..n ..r in ,.,i,.,,, h) pumpnu .it Will, nil mill -,ii,. l't'lll8lli., li.i- In.l.ilH, , ii, lit the i-llo 'l in,' iiihikii.iI un,., ml "i i ruin ami xnim ho n,i, nun iMioi i Ai'lllll have nil the ulllUldi nt the IMile-UUiik.' fin in. ..i i ti.. t :tii, lovvnid the .h. h.ii, ,,r ,1111111mm Tn hoA thai thi i hnie lint ho' i, llliinintl to Hie leal Ihhiu- I.) t It ix kh laUiiii'f from Hit in. li.. ith n. . mnl lire fully nllvo ti. Hie lint that imt- 4vHJtaiiillllf; i hi niuouui .iiiniuin "f lytUBlttf' w nr.- ha.ina iiraHiit IMDIr iiiia would Ih' eiiili. at liy !t flillitie nf Huali an aurellHhlo miji il)' fi)r won a o-rs 1i ot iM' nt tllllu (IlltlllK Hie Kl.iuih ni Iln i'nut, laoy have UlKwII Hf i"llv ot.Hvo nMHij of avuliliuii nn hu, i i han of i nl. ire b) deeliUiiyr lo nt uiu e Inatnll ti - itltiiil pniiinliu' nhuiik ihiiojuliniit alloy. The Irtinatlnn club of U'lllnnl loot u in inii. tlio iiioMiinn very ihnriiimb- i i. in up iln mH.intiiui mil W. V MUTfAM. A'TLUlSCIIIilt I'lfil.ll'l? (UJUl'I.K i). ic n. SWI.l.KUS K. AluOANNA II. S- IWIOMT 1.. 1). HLLi5TT .iiulpnioiit .mil whu are fiiriiiOunK a'Hioiii with Inlilmnti.,iii, , n "11'rliunai piiiii W A. Iiiinlitvyi, 'i0 liur.' . r ! r Mt'Khwt-i'. Ihii'm pnw. r I ' l. Illli. U' IllTHO pIlA. I Iii 111 Chvyiicy 13 liut'Ni vir Tin re nr. ii iiHiuor of otligr iiHttn i.'lt i! tin II'iHllnli iluh wrru will wIhoo tiit'ir iirJiTu wdililn a fw dtivit i ni tirti.'i' in iio nrfbrotl far tl-' .ll'.'iiKlK wIh.Ii in. v HiiI. I i iiiiiwm pvl' .il ,n llilf I. rrll'.i I Announcement Extraordin ary ' I lilt MM im, o, I MADAME CHULDA I II I -i . I 1 III!. -. . - III ,1 il . . I. . ' - ' .11' i .1 tllUlllot Hi; I II A III iI'MlLI.' MIJ..II, ,'ll, Mill II l . ,,.'.,1,1 "tjye" i'tnvl ' ', ..I.-.- hi, i i, Hi it,, i i. "fi nn i,uim ,.! it nil. 'ii 'tti(i, Alt.-. ' it 'Kl III ,1 t,.,n ' is ,.. tB t in. il. Iln i,.t ho .1: t. , li -emi-i lit- j. Ini... !u, I. ,1 im , ..nn ii the "lo u ii" t.n.'Wti mid ,in i, 'I w n all. stiiiitlK alone in iter mut;i tit twr nr raaillng tlta lis uf ni1 h i. man kind. A tctnl will aaiuiL s has n 'aupoi'lor. UuliaveM tijurt aVjUiiica onrtl'.allj ImiuO. 3tUiflil talloim nt 308 W. Lead Avenue .Ml reudiiiKH mtrrcdly ooiulitantlnl. Mourn In , tn to S I" l in. 'HK'int fnr ihr. o dur.. .'tO. Hall) mid Sun- III! K. i aavaW(."M rjrm aBai a i